Finding Gracie's Rainbow (39 page)

Read Finding Gracie's Rainbow Online

Authors: Deborah A. Price

Tags: #christianity romance

BOOK: Finding Gracie's Rainbow
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You're so funny. Ha, ha.”
Annie watched the back door. “Why are you not upset? You just found
out that you were never married.”

It doesn’t change what I
went through, does it? We're talking about a piece of paper.”
Gracie started to frown. “I can't live in the past anymore. Life is
now, and that is what I'm going to concentrate on.” She waved her
hands around the house.

Jackson plans on being
there when this comes to court.” Annie mentioned under her breathe
as she watched Gracie’s face.

I don’t want him there.”
Gracie was serious as she sat down on the couch.

Why don’t you want his
support?” Annie was curious.

I don't want him to hear
what is going to be said. What if he decides that I'm not worth
it?” Gracie was looking at her hands.

Jackson has always been
around for you, Gracie. If he was going to think that he would've
been gone a long time ago.” Annie was starting to relax. “He has
known you since you were what- Three years old?”

Something like that,”
Gracie smirked. “But I've never told anybody anything until you
forced me to.”

You might want to talk to
Bea about her grandparents from Pennsylvania.” Annie stood up.
“That’s why Christian came over to my office at five o'

Why do I need to talk to
her about the Camerons?” Gracie was puzzled.

They're coming in next
week for the trial. They're going to be witnesses for you.” She
paused. “And Mark’s sister is bringing your journal.”

I'm not decoding that.”
Gracie stood up agitated as she started pacing the

Then Christian intends on
letting your mother do it.” Annie looked over as Gracie stopped
walking. “You were the one that told him that your mother knew your

Gracie sat down and closed
her eyes. “There’s no need to do that. I'll decode it for

Why do you want to put
yourself through that?” Annie asked her seriously.

Why would I want to put
my mother through that?” Gracie fired back at her as she stood and
turned off her phone. “I'm going to bed. Tell Bea to come on when
she's ready.”

Has she slept with you
every night?” Annie asked as she watched Gracie nod her head while
she continued to walk away.


Annie walked into the
building and marched right into her director’s office, throwing the
file down on his desk. “Ms. Roberts?” He looked up at her

I can't work on this case
anymore.” She looked directly into his eyes still feeling her anger
from the day before.

And this is because?” Mr.
Greene picked the file up.

I live in the same house
with the people involved.” Annie didn't sit down as talked to

I know that.” He studied
her. “That isn't the only reason though- Is it?”

I don't like working with
Detective LaVern.” Annie answered him as she finally sat

I hate to hear that. He
requested my best, and that is who I gave him.” Mr. Green stood
handing her the file back. “You can either work with him on this
case, or you can clean out your desk. I really don’t care if you
are my best worker.”

Annie looked down at the
file that he handed her and then back at him, “Yes, sir.” She stood
and walked out of the office as her phone rang. She snapped into it
after she saw who was calling. “Detective.”

Ouch.” Christian looked
at the phone as he took it away from his ear. He lifted it back up
and said. “Good morning, Ms. Roberts.”

Just get to your point. I
have things that I need to do.” Annie sat down at her

The first thing you need
to do is to meet with me. I found out you who signed the wedding

You do realize that I'm
just a social worker.” Annie was wondering why he kept involving

I keep forgetting that
but thanks for the reminder.” Christian frowned as he looked across
his office to look at the skyscraper across from him. “Then meet me
for lunch, so I can apologize for yesterday.”

Just apologize,
Detective. I'm very busy.” Annie looked over towards the director’s
office and noticed that she was being watched. “Before I get fired,

Fired?” Christian was
puzzled. “I’m sorry, and I would definitely like to make it up to

Do you? Gracie doesn't
want her mother to decode her journal; she's volunteered to put
herself through more torture for you.” Annie started to calm down.
“And there’s one more thing.”

That being?” Christian
looked over his notes as they talked.

She doesn't want Jackson
there.” Annie didn't agree with Gracie on that point.

I have nothing to do with
that.” Christian started to frown. “Gracie is going to have to deal
with that issue herself.”

Agreed,” Annie stood and
walked over to her file cabinet. “You don’t plan on ruining her day
again- do you?”

No, I get the pleasure of
interrogating the judge.” Christian grinned. “Looking forward to
that. I’ll talk to you later.”

Annie hung up as her
director walked over to her. “Is he not taking you away from your
job today?”

No sir,” Annie looked at
the pile of folders next to her.

I'm glad to hear that.
See how much you can catch up before he takes you away again.” Mr.
Green smiled as he walked away from her to his own

Annie found herself driving
over to Gracie’s office at lunchtime and was standing at Addison’s
desk before she realized it.

Annie? Earth calling
Annie.” Addison looked up at her after she called her name for the
third time. She smiled as Annie turned towards her. “Go on in
Gracie’s office. I'm bringing in lunch.”

Annie nodded as she walked
into the office and Gracie looked up at her amused. “This is a
first, Annie. Why do you look so lost?”

I'm not having a good
day.” Annie sat down as Gracie put aside the manuscript she had
still not finished.

Gracie just looked at her.
“Why not?” She listened as Annie told her the beginning of her

And the day is only half
over.” Annie moaned when Addison brought in the lunch

Gracie smiled as she looked
over at Addison. “Christian called to apologize to her.” She heard
Addison laugh. “What is so funny about that?”

Christian never calls to
apologize to anybody. It’s not his style.” Addison sat down and
studied Annie. “You must have gotten under his skin."

Sure, I did. I tried to
get out of working with him on this case.” Annie opened her

And?” Gracie urged her to
go on.

I was told I can either
work with him or clean out my desk.” She picked up her sandwich. “I
wonder if he has something on my director.”

I doubt it.” Addison
looked over at Gracie, who was smiling as she answered Annie’s

Feel better now?” Gracie
asked after Addison had picked up the trays and walked out of the

I’m sorry, Gracie.” Annie
looked at her guiltily. “I didn't mean to dump on you like that but
Jackson's been busy.”

I know.” Gracie had
thought about Jackson before she fell asleep. “He is off of call
duty tomorrow night so maybe we'll see him on Thursday.”

I do feel better. Thanks
for listening.” Annie stood.

What are friends for?”
Gracie walked her to the door.

Do you mean that?” Annie
looked over at her.

We had better be friends.
We share the same house.” Gracie smiled at her.

Yeah, we could even be
related one day.” Annie watched as the smile disappeared from
Gracie’s face. “I've got to learn when I have had said

It is alright, Annie. Go
back to work.” Gracie walked back into her office as Addison
strolled in with a smile on her face.

Christian likes her.”
Addison said as she sat down across from Gracie.

My thoughts exactly, and
I think she likes him, too.” Gracie frowned.

But she has said
something to upset you.” Addison was studying her.

Everything is fine,
Addie.” She picked up the next page from the manuscript, and
Addison left to go to her own desk.


I heard that we're going
to have company next week.” Gracie hugged her mother before they
entered the church.

Word does get around. How
do you feel about the Camerons coming down to testify?” Janet was
studying Gracie after Chandler took Bea into the church.

I'm trying not to feel
anything. I wasn't aware that the case had turned into my
direction.” Gracie sat down on a step as Steven and Paige walked
up. She raised her eyes before Janet motioned for them to go on in.
“Detective LaVern asked you to decode my journal.” Janet nodded as
Gracie spoke. “You don’t have to. I'll do it.”

I can do it though.”
Janet looked at her daughter.

No, I'm not going to put
you through that.” Gracie stood and hugged her again.

Where’s Jackson?” Janet
walked into the church hugging her waist.

Still on call,” Gracie
answered as Kim stole her away. “What now, Kim?”

Piano.” Kim sat down next
to her. “Don’t worry. Peggy will be back on Sunday.”

Seriously glad to hear
that.” Gracie looked down at the keys. “Do you know how much I
detest playing in front of people?"

Tell me after you make
everybody happy by playing.” Kim smiled as Gracie glared at her
while starting to play.

Kim looked at her sister
after the sermon and saw the hint of mischief in her eyes. “Don’t
do it.”

You asked me to make
everybody happy.” She looked over at her parents and wiggled her
fingers as Kim watched her. Janet and Chandler both broke into
laughter as Gracie started to play ‘The Entertainer’. Paige looked
up from talking with Bea and Garrison. Steven had been standing up
but sat down as he listened. He peered over at his parents who were
both still smiling. Gracie looked over at Kim and noticed that she
was patting her feet. At the end of the song, she stood and walked
over to her sister, hugging her. “You should really be careful as
to what you ask me to do.”

No, I shouldn’t.” Kim was
smiling at her. “But maybe I should wait until after you're out of
the church to ask you to do something.” She watched as Bea ran to
Gracie. “So what brought that on?”

I'm trying to make Annie
smile.” Gracie looked over at her roommate. “Seems to have

You can only get away
with that once, Amanda Grace.” Kim pretended to scold her as they
stood next to their parents.

We loved it.” Janet spoke
for the both of them. “What happened to your piano,

I had to sell it.” She
answered her mother honestly as she hugged Bea closer to her. “Are
you mad?”

No.” Chandler spoke up.
“You did what you needed to.” Janet nodded her agreement. “Good
night.” He walked out with his wife. “I know what you're thinking,
and if she wants another piano she can well afford to buy

I keep forgetting about
that.” Janet smiled. “She doesn't act like she has

That’s because Jackson is
carrying my check in his wallet.” Gracie had caught up with them
and heard most of the conversation.

Jackson has your check?”
Steven asked after everybody had caught up to them. Her parents had
both turned around as Steven spoke.

Yep, he took it away when
I wanted to cash it to pay Bea’s ran. . .” Gracie looked down at
her daughter. “I just haven’t asked for it back, and he hasn't
thought about it.”

Annie took both children to
the car as Gracie was still talking with her family. She was
smiling as Gracie opened the door and sat down in the passenger

I think we should go
before I get into more trouble.” She buckled up as Annie laughed at

They pulled into the court
and Annie noticed that Jackson’s car was in the driveway. “Jackson
is here.” She smiled as they pulled into the driveway.

Gracie looked at her house.
“Yep, and I see more trouble on the way.”

Why would you say that?”
Annie watched her as she stared at Jackson’s car.

He doesn’t know about my
hair yet.” Gracie got out of the car.

He'll love it.” Annie
reassured her as the children ran into the house. “Besides those
two are probably telling him about what you pulled at the end of
the church service.”

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