Final Score (2 page)

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Authors: Michelle Betham

BOOK: Final Score
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She was about to run out of the door when Ryan stopped her. ‘Amber?’

She turned around. ‘Yeah?’

‘Come here. Please.’

She walked back over to him, watching as he lay Rico back down in his cot. ‘What do you want, Ryan?’

He moved closer to her, resting his hand lightly against her cheek. ‘I want
, Amber. And you know that.’

‘Ryan…’ His mouth was on hers before she had a chance to say anything else, and she gave in to his kiss, she couldn’t help it. Despite everything they’d been through in the past; despite the kind of man he’d used to be, he was giving her a sense of calm she really needed right now.

She pulled him closer by his t-shirt, slipping a hand around the back of his neck, and for a few, beautiful seconds she lost herself in that kiss; lost herself in something she could have, if she wanted it. A wonderful life with a man who’d finally grown up, and he loved her. Ryan Fisher truly did love her. So she could have this, all of it. If she wanted it.

He pulled away slightly, running his thumb lightly over her parted lips. ‘Things are crazy right now, Amber, I know that, but…’

She backed away, grabbing her bag and jacket as she headed for the door. ‘I’m gonna be late. Call me if you need me, okay?’

‘Jesus… Amber!’

She turned around again, but she had no intention of going back this time. ‘I’ve really got to go.’

He looked at her, his hands in his pockets, his eyes locked onto hers. ‘Me and you… what’s really happening here?’

She stared back at him, not really knowing what to say. ‘You know what’s happening, Ryan.’

She knew as well as he did that that was no kind of answer. But it was the only one she had.


‘Well, if it isn’t Superwoman herself.’

‘Don’t you start,’ Amber sighed, throwing her bag down onto the couch in the Players’ Lounge before going over to quickly kiss Ronnie’s cheek.

‘Trouble in paradise?’ Ronnie grinned, leaning back against the wall and folding his arms.

Amber threw him a look out of the corner of her eye but said nothing in reply.

‘Everything’s okay, though, isn’t it?’ Ronnie asked, dropping the flippancy.

‘Everything’s fine, thank you. I’m just really busy.’

‘Yeah, I’m aware of that, Amber. I work with you.’

She sat down, pushing her hands through her long, tousled hair. ‘It’s been good, you know? Having him around. And since we found out I was having Rico he’s changed, he really has.’

‘I take it we’re talking about Ryan?’

She nodded, fiddling with the bracelet hanging on her left wrist.

‘Am I waiting for a “but” here?’ Ronnie asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Amber sat back, letting out a small sigh. ‘No. Things just feel a bit weird, that’s all.’

‘Weird?’ Ronnie frowned.

‘I’m still getting used to being a mum, Ronnie. Something I never thought I’d be. I’m a mum. And every day I worry about whether I’m doing it right and if Rico’s okay and… it’s hard, sometimes. Especially when Ryan’s going on at me constantly.’

‘About what?’



She looked up at him. ‘It’s not that I don’t want it, Ronnie… Are you uncomfortable talking about this?’

He shook his head. ‘Too tired, huh?’

‘You could say that.’

‘You sure that’s not just an excuse?’

It was her turn to narrow her eyes as she looked at her best friend. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

Ronnie looked down at the ground, his hands in his pockets. ‘I don’t know, Amber. It’s just that, sometimes, I wonder whether you going back to Ryan… I wonder whether it was the right thing to do.’

‘He’s Rico’s dad, Ronnie.’

‘That doesn’t mean you actually have to be
him. Not if you don’t want to be.’

‘Who said I don’t want to be with him?’

‘Well, that’s the impression you’re giving off here, kiddo.’

‘Is it?’


Amber sat forward, pushing her hands through her hair again. ‘I never said we were love’s young dream or anything.’

‘No. I know you didn’t.’

‘But, I needed him, you know? I was pregnant, going through a divorce,’ She trailed off, absent-mindedly looking at her naked left hand. She still couldn’t get used to not wearing her rings. Even though they’d only really been there for the shortest of times.

‘And now Rico’s here?’

‘Hmm? Sorry?’ She looked back at Ronnie.

‘Now that Rico’s here, do you still need him? Ryan, I mean.’

‘Of course I do.’

‘You paused for a second there.’

‘I didn’t.’

‘You did.’

‘Jesus. I’d forgotten how irritating you could be.’

‘He’s here, you know.’

She sighed again, throwing herself back against the couch. ‘Who?’ As if she didn’t know.

‘Manager of the Month, two months running.’

She eyed Ronnie with a look of something verging on suspicion. ‘Shouldn’t we be doing something other than sitting here?’

‘Probably. But I quite like watching you squirm.’

‘You’re such a bastard.’

He smiled, walking over to her and holding out his hand, pulling her up off the couch. ‘You need to sort out what you really want, Amber.’

‘I just want to get on with my life, Ronnie. As simple as that.’

‘There’s nothing simple when it comes to you getting on with your life, kiddo.’

‘Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. What about you, anyway? Any sign of a new romance on the cards?’

‘You’ve got to be kidding me! No time for any of that.’

She couldn’t help smiling as she looked at him, cocking her head slightly. ‘Surely you’ve got women falling at your feet, Ronnie White. Good-looking bloke like you. You’ve still got it, even at your age.’

‘Yeah, okay, enough with the smart remarks. Come on. We’ve got work to do.’

Work. The only thing that was keeping Amber’s mind off the one thing she couldn’t stop thinking about.


Jim Allen sat back in his chair, his eyes scanning the computer screen, but he was taking nothing in. His mind was on way too many other things, and for a man who was usually so focused and in control it was a feeling that didn’t sit well with him. But these past few months had been nothing short of crazy. Unpredictable. Painful.

A knock on his office door broke into his thoughts and he looked up from his laptop. ‘Come in.’

‘Hey, Dad!’

Jim smiled at the sight of his son. Brandon Palmer. Twenty-one years old, tall and handsome, and a player with the region’s rival top-flight team, Wearside Spartans.

‘Hey back. What you doing here? Spartans sent you over enemy lines to spy on what we’re up to before the big game?’

‘Well, if I’d wanted to do that I could have sneaked over to the training ground this morning, couldn’t I? No, I just came over to see how you’re doing.’

Jim eyed Brandon warily, smiling slightly as his son perched himself on the edge of his desk. ‘I’m doing just fine. Why wouldn’t I be?’

Brandon shrugged. ‘Dunno. You just seem to have been throwing yourself into your work a lot lately, that’s all.’

‘I’m the manager of a top-flight football club, Brandon. It isn’t exactly a nine-to-five kinda thing.’

‘You don’t take any time off.’

‘I don’t want to take any time off. Manager of the Month awards aren’t given out to just anybody, you know. You’ve got to put the work in.’

‘Is that all that matters to you?’

Jim narrowed his eyes as he looked at his son. ‘Have you come here for any particular reason, Brandon? Apart from to give me a headache I don’t need.’

‘I worry about you.’


‘I mean, Ellen and me, we asked you over for dinner the other night and you refused to come. You won’t even take a night off to spend a bit of quality time with your own son.’

‘I’m fine, okay? I’ve just got a lot on.’

‘Yeah. You seem to have had a lot on for a while now.’

Jim fixed Brandon with a hard stare, which Brandon returned.

‘Ever since Amber became pregnant. Ever since she took up with Ryan Fisher. Again.’

‘She hasn’t “taken up” with Ryan Fisher, as you put it.’ Jim got up and walked over to the sideboard, pouring himself a small measure of whiskey.

‘So, you’re not bothered, then?’

‘About what?’

‘About Amber and Ryan.’

no Amber and Ryan.’

‘Oh, really?’

Jim turned around, leaning back against the sideboard, his eyes once more locking with Brandon’s. ‘Really.’

Brandon gave another shrug, sliding down from the desk and heading back towards the door, his hands in his pockets. ‘Okay. Whatever. Anyway, I just thought I’d drop by and say hi, see how you were. But you still look like the same old Jim Allen to me.’

Jim said nothing to that, he just took a sip of his drink and remained silent.

‘Look, Dad…’ Brandon turned around and faced his father. ‘Have you thought about getting out more? Maybe meeting someone else, you know, to take your mind off…’

‘I’ll see you later, Brandon.’

Brandon held up his hands as he turned to go. ‘I’m outta here.’

Jim waited until he’d closed the door behind him before he took the letter from his inside jacket pocket, opening it up and reading it through. One more piece of proof. Another piece of a jigsaw he’d been trying to put together. But he had all he needed now. The ball was very much in his court. And it was up to him whether he chose to hit out or not.

Chapter Two

‘She’s left you in charge?’ Max asked, looking at Ryan with an element of surprise as he stood there in the doorway with Rico in one arm and a towel slung over his shoulder.

‘Y’know, anyone would think I was incapable of looking after my own child. And I thought you were in London. What you doing up here?’

‘It’s derby weekend.’

‘I’m really glad people keep reminding me of that because I’d almost forgotten.’

‘Fatherhood hasn’t dulled your wit, then. You going to let me in? It’s freezing out here.’

Ryan stood aside to let Max through, kicking the door shut behind him. ‘You need to see me about something?’ Ryan asked, following him into the kitchen.

Max leaned back against the counter, digging his hands deep into the pockets of his expensive dark-grey suit. As one of football’s most respected, not to mention most famous agents, he had a reputation to keep up, and, as far as Max Mandell was concerned, image was everything.

‘Not really. I just thought I’d come up north and visit some of my favourite clients.’

Ryan looked at him out the corner of his eye as he rocked Rico gently in his arms. ‘And that’s it?’

‘That’s it. You have a really suspicious mind at times, Ryan Fisher. Anyway, let me have a look at my little future client here.’ He walked over to Ryan, smiling down at Rico, whose eyes had begun to slowly close. ‘Let’s hope he’s inherited some of his father’s talent, huh? The on-the-pitch stuff, that is.’

Ryan held his son close, lowering his head to gently kiss his cheek.

‘You know, I really think he’s changed you,’ Max said, switching the kettle on.

‘It’s hard not to let something like this change you.’ Ryan smiled, stroking Rico’s hair as he slept in his arms. ‘I don’t want to let him down. Or Amber. I’ve let her down enough.’

‘So, how
things between you and my prettiest client?’

Ryan’s eyes stayed focused on his baby boy. ‘I wish I knew.’

‘Oh, Jesus, we’re not heading towards another relationship meltdown, are we?’ Max sighed, rolling his eyes.

Ryan looked up. ‘I’m not twelve.’

‘Yeah, okay. I guess I should give you the benefit of the doubt. It certainly seems as though the little fella over there has given you a good kick up the backside.’

Ryan looked back down at his sleeping son’s face. ‘He’s everything I needed, Max. He’s my reason for getting up in the morning. My reason for doing everything now.’

‘Christ, am I talking to the real Ryan Fisher here? Or has he been cloned and replaced with a grown-up version?’

Ryan couldn’t help smiling as he looked up at his agent. ‘The world is full of frigging comedians today. Is it so hard to believe that I might really have changed this time?’

‘Well,’ Max sighed, turning around to make himself a cup of tea. ‘It’s about time, that’s all I can say. And you certainly look as though you’ve settled into fatherhood.’

‘Things would be a hell of a lot better if Amber just realised how much more sensible it would be if we actually lived under the same roof.’

‘She not keen, then?’

‘She doesn’t even want to talk about it.’

‘But you really want to move things forward, I take it?’

‘Of course I do.’

‘You got any idea why Amber’s reluctant to make things more permanent?’

Ryan just threw Max a look, sending out a message Max received loud and clear. A look that said of course he knew why she was reluctant to make things more permanent. Jim Allen. What other reason was there?

‘Well, I’m not sure what I can do about that one, kiddo. Short of some miracle, you’re just going to have to learn to deal with it.’

Ryan continued to gently rock Rico. ‘I really thought this little guy would change things between me and Amber. I thought he’d bring us closer, make her need me more. Guess that just shows how naïve I still am.’

‘You don’t know she’s still hankering after Jim. You’re only assuming.’

Ryan’s eyes met Max’s. ‘She doesn’t want to have sex, she barely even comes near me now. What does that tell you, huh?’

‘She’s just had a baby, Ryan.’

‘Three months ago.’

‘Oh, so you think, what? A couple of weeks and she should have been dragging you back off to bed?’

‘I didn’t say that.’

‘You’re being paranoid.’

Ryan ignored that comment. ‘And couldn’t you try and get her to take more time off work?’

‘Have you tried getting Amber Sullivan to do anything she doesn’t want to?’

‘Frequently,’ Ryan sighed, absent-mindedly stroking Rico’s dark hair as he slept. ‘I just wish she’d take a step back sometimes. Look at the bigger picture.’

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