Fill Me [Dungeon Masters 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (6 page)

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Authors: Cara Adams

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Fill Me [Dungeon Masters 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
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When he was balls deep inside him, she balanced on her knees, her ass just resting on his pelvis. Now he was so close to her he had to notice her round belly and thick thighs. Fortunately he pulled her face down and kissed her. She closed her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t look at her ugly body.

Behind her Asher parted her ass cheeks and pressed his cock at her back door. He wiggled, rocked, and pushed his way in, and she was overcome with amazement at how her body made the space for him. Elijah seemed huge inside her. She was so full. Yet behind her Asher was joining them and her body accepted him, welcomed him. Hell, she wanted him and wanted them both to start fucking her. Their bodies around her like this were driving her wild with need.

It was crazy since this was a one-night stand, but right now she felt more loved than she’d felt since the early days of her marriage. These men cuddled and held her so lovingly, it was almost enough to make her cry with happiness. Of course, that really would be the end of their conference romance if she cried. No man would put up with her blotchy cheeks and red nose. But still, she was overwhelmed with their gentle care of her right now. Except she really wanted them to move.

Well, they hadn’t complained when she spoke before. “I’m ready,” she said again, watching Elijah to see that he wasn’t angry with her for speaking.

“You feel wonderful,” he replied, gripping the back of her head with one hand as he kissed her.

She lifted her mouth off Elijah’s in horror, when Asher pulled her legs off the bed and pinned her flat on top of Elijah with his bodyweight. She pushed her head down against his shoulder wondering if she could support herself with her hands, perhaps, but already the men were starting to pull their cocks out of her. Was it all over already? She knew she was far too heavy to be on top of Elijah. Her weight would break his ribs or puncture his lungs in a few minutes.

But instead of letting her up, Asher kept her pressed between their two bodies and the men began driving their cocks back inside her again. With her nose pressed against Elijah, Ryia was driven crazy by his heady, earthy man-scent. But soon she couldn’t think at all. The relentless driving power of the men and their cocks, jackhammering in and out of her with metronomic regularity was even more potent than their sweet gentleness and their enticing scents. Elijah’s occasional comment in his deep, sexy voice just added to her sensation of being overwhelmed with erotic carnality.

Asher teased the sides of her breasts and licked and sucked at the skin on the back of her neck. Elijah kissed her face and lips, nibbled on her ears and gripped her hips tightly, preventing her from raising her body up off him. Still, he seemed fine. He wasn’t out of breath, or pushing her away from him. Just the opposite, he held her tightly pressed to him from neck to groin as did Asher.

The world’s biggest orgasm was building steadily inside Ryia’s belly. She was alive and excited in so many different ways. The men were touching and tasting her all over her body and everywhere they touched her, a flame of need flared up, high and powerful. The steady pumping of the men in and out of her cunt and ass was driving her insane. She wanted to come. She wanted them to come. But she never wanted them to stop. She’d never felt so alive, so desired, so powerful before, and she knew she never would again. But she still craved her climax.

She lifted her head and kissed Elijah full on the lips.

“You like that, huh?” he asked, slamming into her harder than ever.

Her eyes snapped shut as the orgasm raced through her body, sending a tsunami of sensations raging through every inch of her. It was all she could do to keep breathing as her entire body shook and heat exploded in her cunt and her ass simultaneously.

Now that was an orgasm!


* * * *


Asher had thought right from the very beginning that Ryia was a deep person, a person of many layers. She’d been so silent, speaking only when spoken to right from the moment they’d met her. Even here, with the three of them alone in the bedroom, she’d only initiated a comment twice, both times to let them know she was ready. She was a fascinating, complicated woman, and he wanted to know all about her.

Elijah had said he thought someone had teased her for being overweight, and he agreed with that. Not just because of her refusing food, but also because of a few of her actions in bed. She’d kept her weight off them unless actually encouraged to lie against them. That told him so much. Why wouldn’t a lover want her delicious, sweet-smelling, silky soft skin pressed to theirs? He couldn’t imagine rejecting her. And yet he was certain someone had.

Well, no more. She was theirs now and hopefully she’d soon agree to remain with them both forever.

But this was still the first day. They had a couple more days yet to get her to agree to be with them. They both needed to use everything they could think of to demonstrate to her how well they’d look after her if only she would let them. Yes, it was fast, but Asher already knew categorically that no woman would ever be better for them than this one. Their Ryia, even with her hang-ups. That just made her more interesting. A present to be opened and explored inch by inch, layer by layer.

He and Elijah rolled the three of them onto their sides and they cuddled for a while before he disposed of the condom and then Elijah did as well. As soon as Elijah returned, Ryia sat up. “Is it okay if I have a shower, please?” she asked.

He saw worry in her gaze and stared at her.

“Why wouldn’t it be okay to take a shower?”

“It’s not my shower,” she whispered.

He really didn’t understand, but she seemed concerned so he simply said, “I’ve turned the water on to fill the Jacuzzi. I thought we might sit in it and talk and relax some. But certainly have a shower first. Likely we should all get clean before we get in the hot tub.”

He saw the frown between her eyes, but she silently slid off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

“I expect it’ll take half an hour to fill that Jacuzzi so we’ve all got time to shower first.”

Elijah jumped out of bed. “I’m feeling like a snack and she didn’t eat at all at the meet and greet. Why don’t I order something from room service while you and Ryia shower? It should be here before the Jacuzzi is ready.”

“Good plan.”

Ryia wasn’t gone long, but she was wrapped from armpits to ankles in a thick towel when she returned. Asher was disappointed. He’d wanted to stroke her skin, maybe suck her breasts some more, but he could do that later in the Jacuzzi. When the food arrived he saw the hunger in Ryia’s gaze, but he also noted the determined way she turned her back on the tray and pretended not to smell the heady aroma of burgers and fries.

Since she’d chosen to wear a towel, he and Elijah had also wrapped towels around their waists. “Come, eat,” he said.

“I mustn’t.”

“Why not?”

“Fat people like me are just pigs with their snouts always in the trough that other people have worked hard to provide,” she said softly.

He saw the pain in her face as she spoke and the desperate way she breathed deeply and straightened her spine.

“Who told you that bullshit?” asked Elijah. “You aren’t stealing our food. We want to eat and we offered to share with you. We’ve just used a million calories up in bed and now we’re hungry. You should be twice as hungry as us because you didn’t eat supper.”

“I had two slices of orange and—”

“That doesn’t count. Come and have some salad at the very least. There’s basically no calories in salad if you don’t add dressing,” urged Asher.

Asher was really starting to get angry at whoever had done a number of Ryia about her weight. She wasn’t skinny, that was true. But she wasn’t obese or wobbling with fat all over her body. She was a little chubby certainly, but mostly she was soft and lush in an extremely enticing way. Runway models might look awesome on the catwalk, but he suspected they’d be hell to cuddle, all sharp angles and protruding bones. Ryia had been a delight to hold in his arms and he couldn’t wait to do it again.

He tugged her onto his knee, tipped her chin up, and waited until she was looking into his gaze. “I don’t know who told you you’re fat, but you have to stop letting it fill your mind. Size zero is a job description. Real women have curves and I plan to explore your curves over and over again.”

“I do, too. But I’d like to know why you worry about your weight. And who fed you that bullshit about stealing our food?”

“My ex…”

“Just as well he is your ex or I might have had to ex him myself,” said Elijah.

Ryia gave a tiny giggle.

“You were going to say more. The ex-husband you mentioned earlier?”

Ryia’s gaze clouded over. “It’s complicated. But he’s out of my life now.”

“He’s still in your head, though, isn’t he? We need to exorcize him from there. The Jacuzzi will be ready. Elijah, bring all that stuff and let’s move the party to the Jacuzzi and we can talk and rest simultaneously.”

“Oh, I like that idea.”

Chapter Four


Fortunately the food was still on the room service trays, so Elijah carried them into the bathroom and sat the trays on the wide ledge beside the Jacuzzi. He hurried back to the bedroom and riffled through his luggage, pulling out lube and condoms. Not that he thought they’d be fucking again quite this soon. It was pretty awesome they’d been permitted to fuck her already and talk was what needed to happen now. He wanted to get to know her properly as the complicated and deep person she so clearly was. But still, it never hurt to be prepared just in case.

Ryia was sitting as she’d sat at the meet and greet, with her back to the wall. Only now she’d drawn her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs so she was a tiny bundle tucked in the hot tub and taking up almost no space. Was she really more comfortable like that, or was she embarrassed about her body not wanting them to see her?

Asher moved a little to one side and Elijah dropped his towel on the floor and climbed into the Jacuzzi, sitting beside Asher and facing Ryia. The bubble jets were making the water froth and gradually hiding Ryia’s knees. Maybe she’d relax some once the bubbles hid her skin. But he still wanted to know all about her. However, he was damn hungry and the food would be getting cold.

“Choose something to eat, Ryia. I’m starving and you should be, too.” He deliberately used his Dom voice, wanting her to know he was serious, but trying not to sound harsh.

She slid to the side of the tub and picked up a plate of salad, and a fork. She eyed the bowl of French fries and carefully added four to her salad, before retreating to the back of the Jacuzzi.

He wasn’t sure whether or not to shake his head at her or to smile over the four French fries. At least she’d taken a few, and now he knew what she liked to eat. He handed a burger and fries to Asher, and took one himself, then passed Asher a plate of salad. His friend heaped half of it on top of his fries and handed the rest back to Elijah who dumped the remaining salad on his plate. It would have been funny if it wasn’t serious, he supposed. Here were he and Asher, their plates piled high with food, and Ryia with her little salad and four—count them, four—fries.

“Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself, Ryia?” he asked her.

She grinned, showing her lovely cheeky smile, and said, “After you. Tell me about yourselves, first.”

Elijah looked at Asher, but he was biting a huge mouthful of burger. “Hmm. Okay. I’m a trained security guard. I grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Richmond, and wasn’t interested in getting the kind of job where I’d be sitting at a desk all day. But I wasn’t really all that keen on farming either. I like the physical aspect of farming, but I also like being inside. The job at The Dom’s Dungeon suits me perfectly. Walking around, talking to people, a bit of paperwork and time at a desk, but mostly I’m on my feet.”

“When did you meet Asher?”

Elijah looked to Asher, who nodded, so Elijah filled his mouth with delicious meat and salad. Yum.

“We met at the dungeon. I’m the head chef there and as you can see, our boy Elijah likes to eat.”

Elijah frowned at Asher. If Ryia had hang-ups about food, she didn’t need to hear this stuff. But Asher had already moved on in his answer.

“I suppose you would say we just got on really well together. We became best friends, if that term can be used for adult men. We enjoy the same things, we think alike. But most of all we decided we wanted to share a woman.”

“Are you both Doms?”

Ryia’s voice was soft but those amazing violet eyes were sparkling and wide open as she looked at him and Asher.

“Yes.” His voice was a bit muffled as he was still chewing, but she’d know what he meant.

“Now you. Tell us about the ex who is still bullying you,” said Asher.

“Oh, no, he doesn’t bully me. He’s long gone. We di—I’ve been on my own for four years now.”

still controlling you, Ryia. Every time you refuse to eat because some asshole told you not to, every time you prattle off shit about being fat or being a pig, that’s your ex still controlling your mind, your thoughts, and your actions. Tell us all about him. You have to exorcise him from your mind and your heart so you can be yourself.”

“But you don’t understand. I know he was a bully and I’ve freed myself from his financial control. I’ve bought my store and I’m running it all by myself. Paddle My Ass is only a year old, but it’s doing okay. The other stuff, about me being fat, well, he was right about that. People do hate fat pigs like me.”

Elijah dumped his plate on the side of the Jacuzzi and dragged Ryia over until he could hold her between his legs and tilt her chin up so she had to gaze into his eyes.

“Listen to me dammit. You are

She opened her mouth to complain but he laid a finger across her lips. “I know. I know you aren’t a size zero, but real women aren’t. Only catwalk models or the severely malnourished can achieve that. Tall and skinny is a body type and one that fashion designers like because it makes their shitty yet expensive clothing look great. Real women have curves. Real women have breasts, which are made of fatty tissue, not silicon.”

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