Fighting For Their Mate (10 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Menage (MFM)

BOOK: Fighting For Their Mate
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“You okay back there?” he asked.

“Yes.” Not really, but why worry him?

“Everything will work out just fine.”

She wasn’t banking on it. Nothing had gone right since she saw that wolf in her camera. Why should things go smoothly now?

The car slowed then rolled to a stop. “I see Ford,” he said.

Bailey almost sat up until she remembered she couldn’t. The passenger side door opened, and cold air rushed in. Ford ducked in and closed the door.

“Here’s her camera case. The locker was empty except for this. I’m guessing they trashed everything else.”


“I’m surprised they kept the camera,” Tyson said.

“Me, too. How’s she doing?” Ford’s voice was tinged with genuine worry.

He was acting like she wasn’t even there. Bailey wanted to answer for herself. “I’m fine.”

“Glad to hear it.” His cell dinged. “Fuck. I just got a page from Statler. He wants to see me. Wish me luck.”

At the thought of possibly not seeing him again, a rush of anxiety and fear swamped her. Bailey wanted to jump out of the car and give him a hug, but that would be stupid.

Ford slammed the door shut, and Tyson drove off. “I have a spot where you can shoot from. Stay down until I tell you it’s safe.”

She had no intention of disobeying. By taking the photos, she was putting both of them in danger, but she hoped it would be worth it in the end.

He drove for about two minutes then cut the engine. “Here’s your bag. Go ahead and sit up, but be ready at a moment’s notice to duck back down.”

“If you don’t think I should be doing this, just tell me.”

“No. Your idea has merit.”

Merit wouldn’t necessarily keep them safe. Her hands were so shaky she had a hard time putting her spare disk in her camera. “Those jerks took my flash drive, you know.”

“They probably checked the photos, saw Tom and Brad, or whatever their real names are, and trashed it.”

Asshats. When she sat up, she was disappointed at the angle. She could see the side of the furniture store, but that was all. “Where do most of the workers enter the lab?”

“See that white door about sixty feet from the front?”


“That’s where the nurses go in. The rest of the men live in the lab. Some, I think, rarely go out.”

That was a bummer. She put on her doubler, then her zoom lens and rolled down the window to use as a makeshift tripod. To make sure the faces weren’t in shadows, she opened the aperture two stops. And then she waited. And waited. Only one woman exited.

“Can we get closer? I’m not really seeing much.”

“Ah, babe, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Don’t you want good pictures?” Damn. She should listen to him, but she wanted to help.

He twisted around. “Fine, but I won’t stay long and chance anything happening to you. How about getting under your covers again? I’ll park at the edge of the lot in front of the furniture store. If I don’t sense anyone, you can take a few shots, but then we have to go.”

That worked for her. “Thank you.”

As soon as he left the safety of their hidden spot, her breathing became labored. She curled up in a tight ball, praying this wasn’t going to be her undoing, but she had Tyson, and that comforted her. He was a weapon’s expert, but even if he had a gun with him, she doubted he’d start shooting.

Questions bombarded her. Against a human, a gun could kill, but against another wolf, didn’t he say those bullets had to have poison inside?

“We’re here,” Tyson said. “Stay down while I scope it out.” From his slow delivery, he was as concerned as she was. “Okay. Sit up slowly and get your bearings. I suggest you don’t roll down the window. It might draw attention.”

The moment she sat up, her pulse immediately went into overdrive. She inhaled a few times to calm her racing heart, but it didn’t do much good. From this vantage point, someone could be hiding behind a car, watching her. A woman and two children entered the furniture store, which helped Bailey focus on the task at hand. “I’m guessing we’re not interested in the store customers.”

“I’m thinking you’re right.”

Bailey turned on her camera and set the mode to aperture priority, needing as big a depth of field as possible. Wouldn’t it be terrible if the background was clear and the face blurry?

It was hard to keep looking toward the sides of the building to find people when she believed at any moment, someone would spot her and drag her from the SUV.

“Clare at two o’clock,” Tyson said, excitement in his voice.

For moment, she was confused where to look. Then she spotted the nurse. Bailey lifted the camera and took what she thought were some pretty good shots. “Got her. What is she doing out in the middle of the afternoon?”

“Beats me. Oh, there’s a shifter in the parking lot to the west.”

Like she knew a shifter from a human? “Which one?”

“Blue uniform.”

Her hands shook. “Holy fuck. That’s Brad.”

No one had to tell her this was bad. Instead of snapping a photo, she dove to the floor.

“He’s coming towards us.” The engine shot to life. “I hope he didn’t see you. You covered?”

She hoped so. “Yes.”

With slow precision, Tyson eased out of his slot and drove away. “I think he saw us. Shit.”

“What can he do? He’s on foot.”

“He can get in his car and follow us.”

Contents from her stomach tinged her mouth. Her chin trembled and blood pounded in her ears. She nearly peed in her pants. This was bad. What if he recognized her? “Can’t you lose him?”

“Don’t worry.” Something dinged. She guessed it was his phone. “This came in a bit late, but it’s from Ford. He said Tony Khan was assigned to monitor the exterior of the building. Normally, that would be my job.”

She didn’t know who Tony Khan was, nor did she care. “Is he following us, too?” The motion of the car, the grating of the engine, and the fucking fear made her nauseated.

“Not that I can tell. I’m going to do a little evasive maneuver to be sure.”

She didn’t care as long as she wasn’t caught. As much as she wanted to ask Tyson what was going on, he didn’t need her constantly asking for updates. Tyson took more turns than she thought possible. Good thing she wasn’t a real hostage because she’d never be able to say where they were.

He slowed then drew to a stop. “You can sit up now.”

She wasn’t sure she had the strength. “Where are we?”

“At the motel.”

“Thank God.”

The back door opened. “Come on. You’ll be safe once you’re inside.”

When she stood, her legs buckled. Immediately, Tyson wrapped his arm around her for support. “Thank you.”

Once in the room, he led her over to the bed, pulled down the spread, and had her sit. “You did great back there.”

He wouldn’t have said that if he’d been in her body, but just hearing his support released a torrent of pent up anxiety. Tears streaked across her cheeks. “I was so scared that he’d get me.”

Tyson sat next to her on the bed and pulled her close. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you.”

She wanted to believe him. She really did. His hug tightened. God, but his arms felt so fucking good. She sniffled and leaned back. Holy shit. His eyes were gold.



“I want you.”

Oh. My. God.

Chapter Ten

ailey’s body trembled. Conflicting thoughts bombarded her as Tyson’s lips claimed hers. While she’d slept with a few guys in her life, none had been older than twenty-four. This twenty-eight year old was experienced, a war hero, a real man—or rather a lot more than a real man. Who was she kidding? The guy could fucking shift into a wolf. When she got home, none of her friends were going to believe her.

Growling, he clenched her hair with one hand and cupped her cheek with the other. As he nibbled his way across her mouth, her senses overloaded. Then there were his eyes. My God. He seemed to see right through her, and that was her undoing—along with his unerring confidence that was full of sexual power. To think he wanted
, and actually knew how to wake up every emotional cell in her body.

“You taste so good, baby.”

You taste good, too
. Saying what was on her mind was hard for her, but if he kept this up, she might blurt out everything. The man was amazing. He knew just where to touch her to ignite every pleasure center, and he hadn’t done much more than play with her hair and kiss her.

This was no fumbling college man that was for sure. He moaned, and the sound reverberated deep within his chest. His eyelids drooped and his beard darkened. He must want her badly. She shouldn’t be so turned on, but she was. She told herself it was the adrenaline rush from being spotted, as well as Tyson telling her she was his mate, and not because he was kind, considerate, and a take charge guy.

Be truthful.

He excites me

Hell. If Brad ever found her and she ended up back at the clinic, she wanted to experience life to the fullest before she died. Bailey tossed away every reason why this was wrong and opened her mouth to invite him in. The first taste sent her reeling.

Instead of jamming his tongue in her mouth like so many of the boys she knew, Tyson was gentle, exploring every nook and cranny. It was almost as if he were savoring the newness as much as she was. Her stomach fluttered at the intensity swirling inside her. She wanted to grab his face and devour him, but right now, she wanted to enjoy every second of this joyous moment.

Tyson ran his palms down her shoulders, caught her hands, and then broke the kiss. Ever so slowly, he brought her fingertips to his lips.

“I want to make love with you. Slow. Easy. Fully. You drive me crazy with need, Bailey.”

No man had ever said anything so romantic before. She was nervous, but who wouldn’t be? He was asking her to make love with a werewolf—or rather a man who had an inner animal bursting to get loose. She nearly swooned.

Closing his eyes, he sucked on each finger, each lick heating her from fingers to toes. Dear Lord what that little tongue swirl was doing to her body. What would happen when he impaled her? Would she explode into pieces? Or truly melt from the inside out?

She wanted to see him naked but didn’t know of a good way to ask. “Don’t you think it’s hot in here?”

He opened his eyes and smiled. “Patience, baby. I can’t tell you how happy you make me. I want you to feel my desire, my passion.” He slid her onto his lap and cradled her.

Oh, yeah. She could feel his passion all right. She was sitting on top of a big, hard ridge. Suddenly, a rush of insecurity shot through her. Would he find her lacking when he finally made love with her? She couldn’t think clearly anymore. He was doing something to her mind, dulling her senses, and filling her with lust. So much lust. It was as if she were under a spell. Is that what it should feel like being someone’s mate?

When he let go of her hand and then lifted a lock of her hair and drew it to his nose.

“I love the way you smell.”

She was about to say she’d just used the hotel soap in North Carolina but then realized he wasn’t asking for an explanation. “Thank you.”

When he inhaled, the hair on the back of his hand grew. He slid her off his lap and clasped her shoulders. “What’s wrong, baby? You stiffened.” He glanced at his hand. “Oh, fuck. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She had to get used to him being part wolf.

“No, it’s not. I just can’t control myself around you. I’m told that with time it gets better.” He slipped his hands behind his back as if that would help calm him.

. That was kind of sweet. “Maybe I should close my eyes and not think about it.”

He grinned. “You are amazing. Perhaps I should thank Statler for bringing you to me.”

As much as she liked the sentiment, that name brought her down a notch. “Can we just kiss again? And maybe touch a little? I don’t want to think about anything but the present.”

He cupped her face. “You are remarkable, you know that?”

“No.” Bailey wasn’t trying to be coy.

The men she’d slept with couldn’t wait to tear off her clothes and enter her. Tyson acted like she was special. He seemed to understand that it must be hard for her to wrap her mind around the whole concept of werewolves and her being a mate.

“Well, you are.” He nodded to her feet. “I’m going to take off those ill-fitting sneakers, and then I want you to stand.”

She hadn’t expected that, but she had no problem doing it. Hell, he could have asked her to howl like a wolf and she would have done it. “Okay.”

Once he slipped off her shoes and socks, he dashed into the bathroom and returned with a clean towel. “Stand on this and close your eyes.”


He smiled. “Because I asked you to?”

“What are you going to do?” Her previous confidence seemed to have crumpled.

“Because I want to strip off your clothes one piece at a time. If your eyes are closed, you can concentrate on what I’m doing to your body. I need you to take note of how you feel, as I want our time together to be amazing.”

She saw through his ploy. “You just don’t want me to see your nails grow or that nasty hair on your arms and hands sprout.”

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