Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)
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He gives me a smile and turns to Toby. “Make sure she makes it home safe, will ya? And call me if you have any problems.” Yeah, they must know each other pretty well for Lyle to let me go off with him. That’s good to know because I trust Lyle, so if he’s okay with Toby, then I am too. I’m still not one hundred percent sure I should leave with him, but that’s more because I want to jump his bones, not because I think he’ll hurt me.

“Will do, brother. I’ll catch you later.” Toby says, then does some sort of fist bump with Lyle before taking my hand and leading me away from the club.

“Lyle is your brother?” I ask. They don’t look alike, but I suppose that doesn’t mean anything.

Toby lets out a deep laugh and shakes his head. “Not by blood, but yeah, he’s my brother in all the ways that count.” I just nod my head, not wanting to ask too many questions. If he wants to share more, he will.

I stop short when I notice he’s leading me towards a motorcycle. I’ve never been on one before. “Oh, I think I’d rather take my car.”

“You aren’t driving by yourself right now. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you and I’ll even bring you back in the morning to pick your car up.” Damn, he looks sexy sitting there on his bike, but not wanting him to think I’m easy, I stand my ground.

“That’s a fair point, but you could drive my car and I could drop
off in the morning to pick up
bike.” I try but fail to hide the smirk that appears on my face.

That earns me a laugh as he gets off his bike and stalks towards me. “Nice try, Doll.” He stops in front of me and literally picks me up and places me on the back of his bike before he gets back on. Handing me the helmet, he starts the bike and waits until I have it on, then grabs my hands and places them around his waist. “Hold on tight.” He says before he revs the engine and takes off out of the parking lot. The forward movement has me gripping the bottom of his shirt for dear life. I think I almost fell off back there.

He places a hand over top of mine, giving them a squeeze before reaching back and placing it on my thigh. It’s almost natural the way he does it, like we’ve been riding together for years. It’s comforting in a way and causes me to loosen my hold on him and relax. It’s not so bad once you get over the initial shock.

After being on the road for a couple of minutes, I realize I never told him where I lived. Not like I really want to tell him that I’m currently residing in a hotel, but at this point I have no choice. It’s not till then that I notice we’ve been going the opposite way of my hotel. I tap him on the shoulder and yell over the engine, “You’re going the wrong way!” He briefly glances over his shoulder at me and shakes his head, then turns back around. Not wanting to be ignored and pissed that he’s not taking me home, I hit his shoulder again, but this time harder. “You need to turn around!” He doesn’t say anything, but a minute later, he turns down a residential street. I think he’s going to listen and head back the other way, but instead he pulls into a driveway and shuts the engine off.

I don’t move as he gets off, waiting for him to tell me what we’re doing here. “You gonna sit there all night or come in?” I don’t answer and level him with a hard glare. If he thinks I’m getting off this bike, he has another thing coming.

He wastes no time as he takes a few steps back and lifts me off the bike, carrying me toward the front door. “Put me down!” I yell, and when that doesn’t work, I start banging my fists into his back. Do I look like I need to be manhandled by two men tonight? Once we’re through the door, he walks into a kitchen and deposits me onto the countertop. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Take me home right now.” I try to jump down, but he steps in between my legs, stopping me.

“Look, I just thought that you’d be better off here for the night than alone.” He’s looking me in the eyes and I can see that he’s not trying to hurt me, but I still don’t think this is a good idea. He’s hot as fuck and it’s been so long since I’ve been with a man I’m attracted to and wholeheartedly want to sleep with willingly.

“How do you know I’d be home alone? What if I’m married and my husband is waiting up for me?”

He just shakes his head, obviously calling my bluff. “Well, if you did have someone waiting for you at home, I don’t think you’d be looking at me the way you are right now.” Fuck. Surely I can keep my hands to myself for one night, right?

Sighing, I relent. He’s right anyway; I’d rather not be alone right now, and I don’t have anyone waiting for me.



I had some business with the manager of Club Sin, Burke, to discuss. He’s been managing the place for almost a year for my MC, but the books just haven’t been adding up since he took the position. We’ve been keeping an eye on him for the past couple months to see if we can catch him red-handed, but the asshole is sneaky with how he’s doing it, so I’m here to ask some questions.

Once I walk through the door, I take a quick look around and what I see has my head spinning. I spot her right away, walking towards the bar in a tight ass tank top and a leather mini skirt that leaves little to the imagination. Even though I’m pissed that she’s in a place like this, I’m also happy as fuck I’ve found her. Now I can finally talk to her, see what she’s been up to and why she hasn’t come by the gym.

I try to figure out why she’s in a place like this, but I come up empty, that is until I see the tray she’s carrying around. She fucking works here? That’s about to change real fast.

I see Lyle over by the side door so I head his way to have words. I don’t know why I wasn’t informed of her working here. I get papers on every new employee at the club but I haven’t received anything in a while.

Before I make it to Lyle, I hear someone yell and I can tell right away it’s her. I turn around and instantly see red. Some asshole has his hand around
woman’s throat. That motherfucker just signed his fucking death certificate.

Charging through the crowd, not caring about who I’m knocking over, I just keep my eye on Sara. My only thought is getting to my girl; killing the fucker is second. I don’t waste a minute once I reach them, grabbing Sara and placing her protectively behind my back before I glare at the piece of shit in front of me. “We got a problem here?” I snarl at him.

He looks a little nervous, but he hides it well. I have no doubt that he does this type of shit often. “Nah, man. This pretty little thing just offered to give me a lap dance, so I was taking her in the back to collect.” I want to stomp that slimy smile off his face.

Sara starts yelling at the fucker from behind me, so I put my hand out to keep her where she is. I don’t want this guy to look at her anymore. I don’t hear what she says, only that he dragged her when she said no. That’s all I need to hear. “You hear that, shit-for-brains? The lady
didn’t offer you jack shit and sure as fuck didn’t go with you willingly. So I’ll say this one time, and one time only. If I catch you even looking in her direction, you’re a dead man. You got me?” I make sure that my voice is even and hard so he knows I’m not fucking around. Too bad he’s too fucking stupid to heed the warning.

“The fuck you say to me, asshole?” I don’t even let him make a full step toward me before I’m swinging. He drops to the floor hard and I don’t even have to look to know he’s out. I almost wish I didn’t hit him so hard so I could hit him again, but I feel Sara back up from me, and my thoughts are instantly on her.

Turning around, I give her a reassuring smile. “You okay, Doll?” I ask quietly. She looks scared, and that’s the last thing I want. I just want to reach out and pull her to me, but I know I shouldn’t.

“I-I’m fine, thanks,” she stutters quietly. Fuck, she’s scared out of her mind. I need to fix this!

Before I have a chance to say anything else, Lyle comes over. “Hey, Lyle, sorry about the mess, but this son-of-a-bitch was dragging her down the hall by her throat.” My blood starts to heat again just thinking about the way he was dragging her towards the back. I look down, hoping he’ll wake up so I can put him down again.

“No worries, man. I’ll take it from here,” Lyle says. That’s not good enough for me and he knows it the moment he looks me in the eyes.

“Why the fuck weren’t you watching her better,
?” I know I shouldn’t take this out on him, but it’s part of his job to make sure the girls are safe, and I’m still pissed that I wasn’t informed that she was working here. “Sorry, Toby. There was a scuffle at the door and I missed it.” I can see that he’s upset with himself, so I don’t push it.

“No man, I’m sorry. It wasn’t your fault. I’m just glad I got to her before he was able to drag her into a back room.” The thought makes me shudder. I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened had I not been here to get her away from that sick fuck.

I start to ask why I hadn’t received any new hire paperwork when I notice that Sara’s no longer behind me. I catch a glimpse of her through the crowd, heading towards the bar. “Go grab her stuff and meet me outside,” I tell Lyle before going after her.

She’s almost to the bar when I reach her. I lightly grab her arm, not wanting to scare her more, but wanting to stop her before she goes any further. When she turns around and sees me, she gets a look on her face like she just can’t place me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” She doesn’t remember me? If it were any other situation, I would’ve been a little pissed, but she’s obviously in some sort of shock from tonight’s events, so I’ll make this easy on her.

“It’s Toby. You don’t remember me?” I want her to remember me because I haven’t been able to think of anything else but her since the moment she walked into the gym.

I can tell she’s racking her brain, trying to come up with who I am. “You attended a self-defense class that I was teaching a couple of weeks ago.” She instantly puts it together and I see her blush. Yeah baby, you remember me now, don’t you. I smile at the look of embarrassment on her face. She looks guilty and I know why―she’s been thinking of me too, it seems. It feels good to know that it wasn’t all one-sided.

“Oh my God, I remember you now. I’m so sorry. It’s been a long night.” She tries to play it off, but I saw the look on her face. She takes a step back, “Well, I better get back to work,” she says quietly, but she doesn’t move to leave. She’s frozen in place just like me, not wanting to be apart. I laugh it off, trying to pull off that I’m not affected, but I am. This woman does things to me that no other woman has ever even come close to doing.

“Come on, I’m taking you home.”

Getting her to my place was easier than expected and I’m glad for that. Just thinking about what happened tonight has me feeling that rage, and that arousal again. I snap out of my thoughts and look at Sara, still sitting on my counter where I placed her. She’s giving me a look I can’t quite comprehend; it’s almost wistful. I turn towards the cupboard where I keep my bourbon and pour two fingers full into two glasses, handing one over to her.

She takes it hesitantly and just looks at me. I down my shot then wait for her to follow, but she just looks confused.

Filling my glass once more, I nod at her still full one. “I figured you could use something after what happened at the club.” She visibly winces and I want to kick myself. Looking down at her drink, she slowly brings it to her lips before taking a small sip. As soon as she swallows it, she goes into a coughing fit and I have to hide my smile. “It’s better if you take it all at once, Doll.” She looks at me with her eyes watering, but there’s also a spark there. Sweet Jesus, this woman is going to be the death of me; one sassy look from her and I feel like I’m going to burst.

Keeping her eyes locked on mine, she downs the rest of her drink. She doesn’t cough or even flinch from the burn. My eyes drop to her throat as I watch her swallow the bourbon. I feel my cock harden even more.

Clearing her throat, she looks around my kitchen before her eyes finally land on mine. “So, uh…is this your house?” she asks nervously. I just nod, afraid that if I speak, I may say something that will give away just how bad I want her, and I don’t want to scare her away.

I turn around to clear my head of thoughts of her naked and in my bed. She’s been through enough tonight and doesn’t need me hitting on her. “Let me show you where you can sleep.” I hear her jump down off the counter and then feel her behind me. It takes everything in me not to turn around and shove her against the wall and take her mouth with my own.

When we reach my room, I turn to the side and motion to the open door. “Here ya go.” She walks in and sits down on the bed. Fuck, the sight of her on my bed has me lightheaded with want.

“Where are you going to sleep?”

“I don’t sleep much, but I’ll be in the living room if you need anything.”

Not giving her a chance to respond, I turn around and walk down the hallway before I storm in there and strip off her clothes and make her mine, but stop when I hear her say, “Thank you.”

I don’t turn around. “You’re welcome.”

I must have fallen asleep on the couch after my fourth glass of bourbon when I’m jolted awake by the floorboards creaking. Someone is in my house.

Before I have time to even make a grab for my knife under my pillow, I feel someone touch my arm. Without hesitating, I grab them around the wrist, ready to twist it hard when a female screams, making me stop. Sara.

Sitting up, without letting go of her arm but loosening my grip, I pull her down onto my lap. “Shit, I’m sorry. You caught me off guard.” I hold her close and rub my hands up and down her arms to try to calm her. “I’m sorry, babe. I’m sorry,” I whisper in her ear.

After a few minutes, I feel her rigid body relax into my arms as she lets out a long sigh. We don’t say anything as I hold her, letting her rest against my chest and that’s when I feel a sense of peace settle over me. I’ve never truly felt peace until this moment. I’ve always been on guard, always fighting, so this is a welcome feeling. How is it possible that a stranger, whom I’ve only met once, have this effect on me? I don’t understand it, but I’m not willing to let it go. I want to feel this.

I don’t know how long we sit here, or even why she came to me, but I hear her breathing even out and I know she’s asleep. It warms my cold heart to know that she’s comfortable enough with me to fall asleep in my arms, being a stranger to her too. It’s the best fucking feeling ever.

Closing my eyes, I fall back asleep, holding her with a smile on my face.

I’ve never slept so well for as long as I can remember. I barely ever sleep for more than a couple hours each night, and that’s on and off, but with Sara in my arms, I slept like a baby.

We’re still on the couch, me lying on my back and Sara lying on top of me, her face pressed against my bare chest. Lying like this, it’s like she was made for me.

I barely have time to bask in the feeling when she starts wiggling around. Fuck, if she keeps that up, she’ll be in for a surprise. “If you keep moving around like that, you’re going to wind up on your back with me between your legs.” I growl when her leg brushes against my hard cock.

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