Fighter (Outsider Series) (12 page)

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Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

BOOK: Fighter (Outsider Series)
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The waiter came back with drinks for me and the girls and appetizers.

I hadn’t realized I was hungry until the food was in front of me. I grabbed a potato skin and dipped it in sour cream.

I took a bite and swallowed. Delish.

To Chris, I said sarcastically, “This is a very lady-like place to have a bachelorette party.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Sophie, you aren’t exactly the tea and crumpets kind of girl. Besides, do you really think these losers would have come to some girl party.”

“Definitely not,” Evan said around a mouthful of nacho. “This is much more manly.”

I giggled. “Thank you for a
bachelorette party.”

“You’re welcome,”
Chris lifted a potato skin in the air as if she was toasting me. “And just so you know, I expect the same spread, but with strippers.”

“I’m already dreading your wedding and you aren’t even engaged yet.”

“Be afraid, very afraid.”

After devouring a cheeseburger the size of my head
, it was time for presents. Ick.

“Mine first!” Chris screamed and grabbed up a box wrapped in pale pink paper. She tossed it to me and I twisted the box around. It was pretty light.

Biting my lip, I slowly and methodically removed the paper, stalling for time. I recognized the name on the pink box and paled. I lifted the lid and found the box full of different colored lacy bras and underwear.

Swallowing, I covered the box, and glanced at Chris. “Thank you for the lovely gift.”

Shaking her head, “Geez, Sophie. It’s just some sexy lingerie. Stop looking at me like I murdered a kitten.”

I didn’t know I was. I tried to school my expression into some resemblance of normal.

“And I fully expect you to wear them, especially tomorrow,” she continued, taking the box from me. She removed the lid and pulled out a lacy cream colored strapless bra and matching panties. “I specifically got these for the special occasion,” she waggled her eyebrows.

“Yay,” I
feigned a smile.

She poked my side. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re really a girl.”

“I assure you, I am,” I batted her hand away before she could poke me again.

Smoothing my hands down the purple flowery skirt of my dress
, I waited for Chris to hand me another present.

“That one is
from me,” Charlotte said. “I hope you like it.”

It was heavy, flat, and rectangular. Not afraid of what Charlotte would get me
, I ripped the paper away and stared in amazement at the piece of art before me. It was white with red lettering, my favorite color.






July 6

A love like no other


With tears in my eyes
, I leaned over and wrapped my arms around Charlotte. “Thank you so much, this is… wonderful.”

“I’m glad you like it,” she smiled and her green eyes lit up.

“I more than like it
it. I know the perfect place for it too, on the table in the foyer.”

“That’s right,” Chris said. “Ya’ll have already gotten a house. When do we get to see it?”

I shrugged. “Soon, I guess. We’re not allowed to move in until after the wedding.”

“I bet it’s gorgeous.”

“It is. Caeden picked the perfect house. I love it. Even though I am still a little mad that he didn’t let me help in the whole home searching business.”

“If Bentley did that to me he’d never hear the end of it. Caeden should count his lucky stars that you’re not like me. Anyway-” she said with a flick of her hand and proceeded to pick up at a large box and deposit it in front of me.

“That’s from all of us,” Evan announced with a smirk on his face.

I really hoped it wasn’t something bad.

Slowly, like I had with Chris’ present, I unwrapped the gift.

“Oh,” I said with a smile. “This is great.”

The seven had gotten me two soccer nets.

Brody s
miled. “We figured we could plan a day where we can all play together sometime.”

Oh no, the tears were going to start up again. “I’d love that.”

“And don’t forget this,” Riley pulled a soccer ball out from under the table and tossed it at me. I caught it and tucked it under my arm.

s you guys, all of you,” I looked at the girls.

“You’re welcome,” they all chimed.

* * *

We ate dessert and talked for another hour before we finally got up to leave.

I hugged each of the guys and said, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, right?”

“We wouldn’t miss our she-wolf’s wedding! Are you crazy?” Evan grinned and pushed his orange-red hair out of his eyes.

“Good, I’m glad ya’ll are coming,” I said as we left the building. Two of the guys, Shane and Kyle, were loading my gifts into the limo.

“You better be happy we’re going to be there,” Tyler smiled. “We’ve got to wear suits and ties.”

I shook my head.

“I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow,” I waved as they headed down the street to their cars.

“Come on Sophie,” Chris called from inside the limo. I ducked inside and pulled out my phone, remembering I heard it chime.

It was a text from Caeden.

Hope ur party is better than mine
We just hung out at my mom’s house. (no strippers, I promise) ;) Wanna see what Bryce got us?

I text back.

A second later
, my phone beeped.

It was a picture of a welcome mat that said: Nice Underwear. Only Bryce would be able to find something like that.

Burn that.
I said.

Really? I thought it would make us the coolest neighbors on the block.

We don’t have any neighbors for miles.

Exactly. ;)

Chris snatched the phone from my hands. “No texting lover boy.”

“The party’s over,” I scrambled to get my phone back.

“I don’t care,” she said and stuck my phone in her bra. Ew.

“Chriiiiiiiis, that’s gross,” I pouted. “Geez, you could’ve at least stuck
it in your purse.”

“Ah, but then you might
have risked sneaking it out. This-” she patted her top, “is a place you’ll never venture.”

“You’ve got that right,” I grumbled and settled in for two hours of girl talk.

* * *

I pulled into Gram’s driveway, exhausted from the day. Even though my parents had moved back here
, it had seemed silly to move my stuff to their place and then to Caeden’s and my house.

I slid out of the car and grabbed my purse. I had almost made it to the door when the roar of a motorcycle made me turn around.

The black monstrosity came to a stop and he pulled the helmet off of his head. He ran his long, tan, fingers through his wavy dark brown hair, before turning and giving me a dazzling smile. How did I get so lucky?

climbed off the bike and bounced up the walkway to me.

“Hey beautiful,” he cupped my cheek. “I missed you today.”

I leaned into his warm touch and a soft sigh escaped my throat. “I missed you too.”

He smiled and licked his lips. “You know, I hear about people enjoying being away from their girlfriend, or in my case soon-to-be-wife, but I don’t feel that way. When you’re gone
, it’s like I can’t breathe. It’s as if all of the oxygen has been sucked from the room and you’re my air supply.”

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him like I hadn’t seen him in years. Like I was starved for him, and in a way I was. I agreed with everything he just said and that’s why I didn’t need words to tell him, I just needed to show him.

Pulling away, I ran my fingers over his scruffy cheeks.

, don’t shave for tomorrow,” I begged.

He chuckled and the warm sound of it filled the evening air. “You really love my scruff don’t you?”

“You have no idea,” I pressed my lips against his cheek.

“I love you,” he nuzzled my neck.


Before I could answer the door behind me swung open. I turned to find Gram and my mom.

“Shoo,” Gram waved her hand at Caeden. “No more seeing the bride.”

I blushed and turned back to Caeden. “I guess that’s my cue to leave,” he pecked me on the lips.

“It is, boy,” Gram said and placed her arms on my shoulders. “The next time you see Sophie, she’s going to be walking down the aisle.”

Caeden’s smile lit up his eyes. “I can’t wait.” Turning to me one last time, “This time tomorrow you’ll be my wife.”

Butterflies descended on my tummy, as Gram and my mom ushered me inside.

For the first time it really hit me.

I was getting married.




“Soph… Wake up… You have to wake up… it’s time to start getting ready,” someone shook my shoulder.

I rolled over to find my mom leaning over me. Smiling, she said, “It’s the big day.”

I sat straight up in bed and shoved my hair back. “I can’t believe it’s here already,” I turned to her. Suddenly, feeling like a little girl, I wrapped my arms around her. “Mommy, I’m scared.”

“Sweetie,” she gently ran her fingers through my tangled hair
, just like she used to do when I was little and had a nightmare. “It’s okay to be scared.”

“What if I fall? Or throw up? Or forget what I’m supposed to say?” Caeden and I were performing the traditional vows for the main wedding
, but then for the binding ceremony, we’d created our own vows.

“Soph, you’ll be fine,” she held me close. “Daddy will be there to walk you down the aisle and Caeden will take you from there,” she pulled away with tears in her eyes. “I always knew this day would come but I never imagined it would happen so soon. Maybe when you were thirty,” she pulled away with a laugh. “But everything happens for a reason, Soph. You and Caeden-” she shook her head. “It reminds me of your father and me when we were younger and I’m just blessed that my little girl has found a love like I found with her
father. A love that will last forever and endure any obstacle.”

I smiled, already feeling better.

“Go hop in the shower so we can start on your hair and makeup.”

I scurried out of the room
, trying not to trip over the moving boxes I had packed last night, and went into the shower. I let the warm water glide down my body as I scrubbed every inch of myself. Yesterday, at the spa, I had been waxed so my legs were smooth and flawless. I rubbed my cookie scented body wash into my skin to enhance my natural scent that Caeden loved so much.

I dried off and pulled on some baggy
sweatpants and tank top.

I opened the door. “Alright, I’m clean. Subject me to your torture.”

“Chair. Now.” Chris said from the hallway as she pointed to one of the kitchen chairs. She held her large purple case of makeup in her hand. I sat down and she dropped her case onto the table. She popped the locks and began rummaging through it.

“Can I at least eat something first? I’m starving.”

“I’ve got that covered,” she pulled an egg McMuffin from McDonalds out of her purse. “It’s still warm.”

I bit into the sandwich as she pulled out different vials and containers of concealer, foundation, blush, eye shadow, and mascara.

She turned to my mom and asked, “What are you planning to do with her hair?”

“Something simple. Probably a braid with a side bun.”

“That’ll be gorgeous! Especially with her dress,” Chris gushed and turned back her makeup. “I’m thinking cream colors with just a touch of pink and shimmer.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said around my last bite of sandwich.

She grabbed a bottle of foundation and poured a little on her hand before tapping her finger in it and dabbing my face. She grabbed up a round looking brush and swirled it over my face, blending the liquid in. Next, she picked up some kind of white looking stick and swirled it under my eyes. “To brighten,” she said to answer my horrified look. I relaxed a bit. She swirled a pale pink blush over my cheekbones and then moved to my eyes. “Close them,” she commanded and I reluctantly shut my eyes. “You have nothing to worry about,” Chris assured me.

When she finished my makeup
, I stood to go look in the mirror but she pushed me back down. “Nuh-huh. Hair and dress first. You need to get the full affect.”

I glared at her. Wait until it was

Mom brushed my hair and then
she used a huge roller to curl it into loose waves. She parted my hair so that there was more on the left side and then proceeded to braid it back and pulled the remaining hair into a side bun. She came around to my front and pulled a few strategic pieces loose to frame my face. “Beautiful,” she said with tears in her eyes. “Dress time,” she took my hand and led me to my bedroom.

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