Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus (26 page)

Read Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus Online

Authors: Leigh Foxlee Roxxy Meyer

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus
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I glance up at the whip holder’s cock and find it glistens with precum. Licking my lips, I long to suck on the fat, slick head, but it’s just out of reach. The blond man sees me looking and he gives a grin then pushes my head back down and whispers, “Behave,” before another hard rap from the paddle jiggles my ass.

I whimper and sigh all at once. While the burning radiating through both my ass cheeks cools, the blond moves to my side and pinches the nipple clamps hard, once, twice, three times on each side. I try not to moan too loudly in response, biting down on my lip instead and clenching my teeth.

The torture grows worse when my dark haired lover reaches between my legs and begins to stroke my wet slit. My labia fill with slippery heat and I tilt my ass more, trying to bring his fingers closer to my clit. But he denies me. Punishment for my boldness. His fingers slip away and another slap kisses my firm butt.

I’m so horny I almost scream, “Fuck me now!” but I bite down hard on my lip once more, tasting blood. A scream that loud would earn punishment, and punishment means them taking me almost to orgasm again and again but denying me a good fucking. I don’t want to risk that.

The dark haired one gets to the floor and positions his head between my bound legs so he can lave my clit with his hot, wet tongue. I close my eyes and hiss air between my teeth as pleasure melts down my legs, sends liquid heat through my pussy.

He dips his fingers inside me, but only gives shallow thrusts as he takes long licks at my clit. I whimper and rock my hips backward. The slippery friction gets hotter and hotter and every nerve in my clit pulses hard. I’m on the brink of coming, but then he stops.

I let out a disappointed moan and move my head to glare at him.

He wears a devious smile. “What do you want, Mistress? Do you want us to make you come? Do you want to come hard?”

I give an emphatic nod.

He kneels down beside me and grips my chin. “That’s not good enough. You need to tell us what you want. You need to tell us how to make you come.”

I swallow and try to focus through the sexual frustration. My lovers are firm masters and it’s part of the ritual. I won’t get what I want unless I do exactly as they say.

Lick my pussy,” I rasp out the words. “And I want him to fuck and spank me while you do.”

He smiles a lecherous smile. “Very good, Mistress. You have permission to come now, again and again.”

His tongue darts out and grinds into that extra sensitive bud of flesh between my legs. The blond struts behind me and begins to caress my ass with the tethers of the seaweed whip and one of his hands. He traces a finger over the dimples in my lower back, just above my butt. His palms molds to the contours at the side of each cheek, where my ass meets my hips, while he brushes the whip across my shoulders and back.

I cry out, “Please, fuck me already,” now that they’ve given me permission to speak my desires.

He chuckles low in his throat and gives my ass a sharp quick slap. My butt burns and I gasp, then he nudges his plump glans into my seeping pussy and teases me, not entering any farther until I beg again. I give myself over to him and let my pussy stretch wide to take the fucking. We can abandon ourselves completely since we know where each other has been, and I’ve learned that merpeople have magics and sciences that have created many forms of disease and birth control. No matter how carnal our play gets, we always value each other’s safety as well as pleasure.

He takes long, deep strokes that rub and thump my g-spot perfectly. Between this and the man sucking on my clit, my pelvis and stomach tighten and I come hard, letting out a lengthy cry of bliss.

He pulls out after some harder, faster thrusts and shoots his pearly seed all over my ass. Some floats off in the watery room and some dribbles down my back. Then he steps around front of me and the mouth pleasuring my clit stops as my dark haired lover joins him. I’m disappointed and anxious all at once, because I wonder what they have planned next.

The blond tells me soon enough, stroking the slopes of muscles that line the dark haired man’s body as he does so. “Before I let him fuck you, I’m going to suck his cock and make you watch. Would you like that, Mistress?”

Oh, yes,” I moan. “So much.”

He kneels before the other man and looks up at him. “Don’t come until you’re deep inside her pussy.”

The other simply nods as he begins to work his cock with a strong, veiny hand. He plucks at the man’s balls with his sharp, white teeth, making him growl out a groan. Then he laps at the beads of pre-cum oozing from the fat glans before he swirls his tongue beneath the thick ridge. The man he blows lets his eyes flutter closed and he thrusts against his lover’s lips, begging him to suck him deep. But the blond simply slaps his ass hard and then pulls his mouth away from my other lover’s penis. The dark haired man groans in obvious disappointment, and the blond makes him wait a while longer before he wraps his hand around his shaft again and starts to pump up and down. He sucks his scrotum and I feel my pussy growing wetter and wetter. I’m almost driven crazy by the need to be fucked.

Finally he gobbles the standing man’s cock and deep throats him, shaking his head back and forth as he holds the cock against his throat. I see his Adam’s apple work as he swallows, and the man he sucks off now raises up on his toes and rocks his hips back and forth. He fucks his lover’s face slow at first but his thrust soon grow faster and faster. The blond fondles his heavy sac while he bobs his head in time with the man’s cock.

Fuck me now,” I blurt out. “I can’t stand it any longer. Please, I need you deep inside me.”

Still he denies me, smiling as best he can around the cock in his mouth as he slides his lips up and down, up and down. He takes the meaty erection from his mouth and watches me with slitted eyes as he laves his tongue up and down the shaft, beneath the ridge, and then pokes it in the pre-cum spurting hole. Our shared lover receiving the blow job moans so loudly I know he won’t be able to hold off cumming much longer.

Please!” I shout. “Fuck me now.”

The blond laughs and slowly stands. He slaps the dark haired man on the ass and says, “Go give our mistress what she wants.”

With a vulpine smile, my dark haired lover walks behind me and caresses my ass. He dips his head to lick my dimpled lower back. He runs his fingers up and down my damp slit. Then he draws back and slaps my ass hard with the pearly, shell paddle before he drives his cock deep into my pussy.

He isn’t gentle, but I welcome the rough fucking. He holds my hips steady with a firm grip as his cock pounds in and out of my throbbing pussy. I scream loudly this time when I orgasm and I feel like I need to pee as the intense release bursts deep inside my pelvis. It rockets through me and makes my eyes flutter closed. I can feel myself squirting juices and I hear the squishing of his cock as he finishes fucking my pussy. I’m so wet my arousal drips down my thighs.

When he is about to cum, he pulls his cock out and jets spunk all over my ass. We gasp and pant together in the after-fog of intense, wild sex, and to complete our ritual we fully morph into our merperson form, flicking shimmering tails and swimming around one another before we head to bed for much needed rest. Tomorrow we face the beginning of a war.


With our forces, we make a sneak attack on the southern territories Vanessa holds. Since her soldiers don’t expect us, we’re able to fight our way to her castle drawbridge with stealth and arrows sailing. Soon myself, Markus, Jamie and a small band of our troops enter her fortress. It, too, reminds me of a pinkish sand castle.

We swim through halls that glow with phosphorescent kelp. On our way to the throne room, we pass through an atrium thick with shadows. Here, we are attacked by a lingering group of Vanessa’s soldiers. Arrows fly and zip through the air. I catch one soldier in the tail and she crumbles to the sand before more arrows assail her.

A shout of pain sounds to my left and I turn in time to see Jamie go down. He’s taken an arrow in the stomach, just above where his tail begins. I can’t see how far in its gone from my vantage point, but I only hope its missed his intestines and kidney. He could bleed out and die before we can get him to the battalion’s medic. I’m terrified, but in order to help save him I must fight on.

I load another arrow just as I see Markus and a few other men go to Jamie. But I can’t keep watching or I’ll take a hit myself. So I focus forward and let another bolt fly. We fight hard and fierce and soon we’ve taken out the small group of soldiers.

Once the way is clear, I run over to where a band of our fighters are clustered around Jamie. Markus is with them, and he turns sad sea foam eyes on me as I break through the group.

How is he?” I whisper.

He’s lost a lot of blood, but he only took the one arrow. It went very deep. We have to get him back to the battalion medic now.”

Don’t worry about me,” Jamie spits out. “Get into the throne room and seize Vanessa while there’s still time.”

You are important to us,” I tell him, kneeling down beside my fallen lover. “No one is disposable, remember?”

He nods as I say the oath of our royal house. A weak smile tugs at his lips. “Fine, George and Timmin can take me back to the medic. The rest of you get in that throne room.”

Markus and I nod as we stand. I know we’d both like to go with him, but we understand our duty and what we must do. It’s not about our wants right now. We watch Jamie stumble out of the hallway, one arm around George’s shoulders as Timmin keeps the watch for any straggling enemy soldiers.

The throne room is a massive purple room that seethes with blue, pulsing kelp. The throne itself is made from gold salvaged from sunken ships, and a petrified octopus graces the top. Its eyeless body leers down at us, but Queen Vanessa is nowhere to be seen. We fight off another dozen of her soldiers and then stand in the ruins of the empty, cavernous space.

My ears ring from the weight of the silence and I listen to my heartbeat. Then an eerie white-blue glow fills the space to the left of the throne and a small waif floats into the room. She looks no more than twenty-two years old, but Markus and Jamie have told me her magics conceal her ancient age. The queen is rumored to be well over two hundred years old. But it’s also said she’s almost exhausted her magics by overextending her youth and lifespan. Rumor has it her very lifeforce teeters on the cusp of collapse. I can only hope, for the sake of all of us, the rumors are right.

Her glowing blue eyes pin me and she flicks her pearly pinkish white tail before she swims closer. The men train arrows on her and let them fly, but they bounce off a glowing barrier she has cast about herself. She sails through the water, headed directly for me.

You are his granddaughter,” she says in a velvety voice as she circles me.

I betray no emotion as I reply, “Who?”

The one who opposes me. Denies me what I want. The one who took my son from me.”

Her face hovers inches from mine as I issue the command, “Drain her.”

She reels back, frowning in surprise as I and my troops focus our combined magic on her and lower our arrows. To fight one as old and powerful as she we must use more than physical weapons. We focus on a spell that we decided would be a part of our attack plan. A spell designed to drain the last of Queen Vanessa’s energy and leave her without magic.

Our combined magic rises with our chant and forms into a gleaming blue-white ball. This ball shoots out and chases after the fleeing Vanessa. She turns and hisses at it, preparing for attack, but it is too fast and she is too weakened. It hits her dead center in the chest, knocking her to the floor. The ball worms its way inside her body and she jitters where she falls. She goes into a deep sleep and lays still.

I command other soldiers to shackle our prisoner and take her to the main battalion camp. We will treat her well and negotiate with her, as planned. War is hard enough, and it is a merperson’s way to shed as little blood as possible. We’ve already shed enough blood today.

We celebrate our victory with solemn silence, all of us concerned for our wounded leader, Jamie, also waiting back at camp for us.


Three months later

I returned to the surface long enough to sell my boat, tell my mother Grandpa was well, and that I was leaving. It took a while to explain everything to her and for her to process the strange tale, but with teary eyes, and after a tight hug goodbye, she wished me well in my new life.

Jamie, Markus, and I are to be married in one week. After a lengthy time spent healing, Jamie is back to living palace life again. Sadly, since it’s an under the sea wedding, Mom can’t make it, but all of my merfamily will be there to celebrate the union of their future kings and queen.

Tonight we present a pre-wedding performance for our closest friends. In the ritual room of our palace, we’ll put on a sexual display to honor each other with pleasure and pain. I’m nervous and rainbow streaks pulse through my tail, signaling my anxiety as I morph into a form somewhere between human and merperson before entering the ritual space with my two husbands-to-be.

My heartbeat speeds up as I enter the chamber, finding people have already begun to arrive early and they swim into place inside plush seats situated in giant clamshells. The whole place shimmers and the open area ahead where we will perform has had extra glowing kelp added to the walls. Streamers made from sea snail and clam shells, as well as starfish, hang from the fronds of seaweed.

I walk to the performance area where my naked lovers wait. Once more the three of us have shifted to this between state for our sexual display. We are the only ones who wear legs in this room.

One of my lovers binds me to a spanking bench made from iridescent abalone and clam shells that have been polished and melded together using merperson technology. My wrists are ensnared in cuffs carved from this same material, as are my ankles. My ass hangs over the end of the bench and my legs are spread wide apart. One side of my face presses into the cool surface of the bench. I keep my breathing even and try to relax as we start, but there are so many merpeople watching it’s hard not to panic. This is only the second time I’ve been on display like this, and while it’s exhilarating it’s also terrifying. I suppose that’s part of the thrill, too.

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