Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus (10 page)

Read Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus Online

Authors: Leigh Foxlee Roxxy Meyer

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Fairy Tales Omnibus
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Lower your ass,” he commanded.

I obeyed, and he descended on my cock with a sensual fury. First he took my full length in his mouth, sucking my penis hard and swallowing when it brushed the back of his throat. The sheathe of snug wetness was enough to undo me, but I couldn’t cum yet thanks to the ring. Now the ball plug up my ass added more delicious torment. It rubbed my prostrate with its supple, rounded girth, making my cock twitch and feel as if it would split from the sheer amount of blood flow zipping straight to it. I was so engorged and ready to burst.

He brought his mouth up, sucking harder still as he did so. My shoulders bunched, relaxed, bunched as I squirmed. I couldn’t hold back a low moan that sounded like a growl, but he didn’t stop this time, which I was thankful for, because the pleasure / pain stimuli was becoming a high I didn’t want to lose.

You can cum now, or ask another question,” he said, his deep baritone cutting through the sensation haze fogging my thoughts. “Which do you choose?”

Cum,” I said raggedly. “Dear god… let me cum.”

He gave a throaty chuckle and deftly removed the cock ring, while still keeping the ball plug up my ass. Then he worked my erection with expert hands and mouth once again. It didn’t take long for me to explode, and when he sensed I was close he pulled his lips away.

He pumped me fast with one hand as he demanded, “Cum all over me. I want to taste and feel you.”

His thumb went to my sensitive spot, just beneath the ridge, and stroked circles there. Then he traced his fingers beneath the cum-and-spit slick glans and I finally lost it completely. My orgasm ripped through me and pearly spunk shot from my swollen glans, hitting him in the face and chest. Glistening whiteness trickled down his cheek and spattered his small, perfect nipples. It snaked down the flat plane of his stomach and he scooped some up with his fingers. With eyes that glimmered from hot desire, he watched me as he licked his hand clean.

Round one is over,” he said, getting to his feet. “Now, I’m going to let you sit there and squirm while I go make us some dinner.”

He kissed me soundly before he left me. I shouted after him and shook my chains.


After he unchained me, Hans brought me up from the dungeon and showed me to the upstairs bathroom. I took a hot shower while he took dinner out to the front porch. After I dressed, I joined him out there for a light meal of lemon pepper fish with steamed broccoli and rice. We watched the sun set. It sent slivers of golden light through the silhouettes of maples, ancient oaks, and firs.

How’d you and Rebecca meet?” The reporter in me was back. I could never let my journalist instinct rest for long.

His fork paused midway to the plate. He looked at me, put it down, and folded one hand over the other. Then he rested his chin atop his fingers as he gave me that impassive stare of his. “She was the high priestess of my coven, but things went bad in our group so she and I went solitary. We became lovers as well as friends. She taught me everything she knew.”

I sensed he was talking about more than just witchcraft. His face tensed, eyes went distant, and I felt compassion for him. Obviously, Hans still missed his lover very much.

Those gingerbread people in there.” I pointed toward the kitchen window. “Did you two do that together? Was it your business or something?”

He smiled wistfully. “Yes, you could say that. And they’re gingerbread poppets.” He moved back in his chair, stared out at the patch of flat land and the tiny garden just in front of his house. “You see, in magick, a poppet is a representation of a specific person. A symbolic body someone can use to either help or hurt the person represented. Our poppets were more of a novelty. We started making them for some local bakeries, a few grocery stores. Some were baked to bring the person love. Others were baked to bring fortune, good health, children. And we’d include a small spell with each poppet, with instructions to speak the spell before you ate your cookie.”

I nodded, intrigued by this small business enterprise story. It was quirky, and definitely not a niche I’d heard of before. “So did you take it beyond local clientele?”

We did.” He looked proud at this. “We had shops in Toronto ordering our gingerbread poppets. We were so close to expanding, but then…” He placed two fingers against his lips and his gaze drifted away.

Then what?”

Then Sergeant Fields tried to seduce Rebecca.”

With that, he swept the dishes up off the round deck table and walked into the house, leaving me with a cliffhanger and a head full of questions.

I followed him inside and found him running water in the stainless steel sink. He slipped dishes in the rising soap bubbles and pretended like he didn’t see me.

The sergeant seduced Rebecca,” I said. “Did he kill her, too?”

His head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes. I thought he’d throw angry curses at me, but instead that slow, vulpine smile spread across his face. “You want more answers? We’ll have to play another round then.”

You fed me that info outside on purpose.” I grinned, but felt unsettled by this mysterious man’s manipulation.

But I was enjoying these games, whether I was walking a dangerous line or not. And for some reason I innately trusted Hans. As if I’d already known him for years instead of hours. It was weird, and maybe I was just convincing myself because his blatant beauty made me horny. His air of mystery also turned me on, and his penchant for sexual experimentation intrigued the hell out of me.

Maybe I did feed you that info on purpose,” he said, bringing my wandering thoughts back to reality. “Now, are you ready for a new game?” He smirked as he put down the dish cloth he’d been washing our cups with.

I rose up to my full medium height, puffed out my chest, and grinned. “Bring it on.”

Hans gave me another one of his bold up and down perusals. “Meet me in the upstairs bathroom in ten minutes. Arrive naked.”

He left me before I could reply, and ten minutes later I left my clothes in a pile on the antique horsehair sofa before I headed up to join him. Cool air came in through the open windows. The fine lace curtains billowed as I passed by, and the river breeze made me shiver. I inhaled deeply, taking in the earthy and sweet forest smells as I climbed the stairs.

A new wave of scents greeted me when I entered the bathroom. A musky fragrance entangled with a spicy perfume. On the back of the white toilet, crème and royal blue candles burned. Steam rose high in the air and misted the mirror. The old fashioned clawfoot tub was half filled with water and a chair waited close by, as did a shaving kit set out on a silver tray. A straight razor gleamed as light from the ceiling lamp bounced off its blade.

Hans sat on the lid of the toilet. He was clad in nothing but leather pants and a sideways smile full of wicked promises.

Sit.” He pointed to the chair near the bathtub.

I swallowed and stared at the straight razor. His games intrigued me, but the blade made me nervous. After all, I barely knew this guy, and he was once suspected of murder, though he claimed innocence.

Greg,” he said when I continued to hesitate, “I’ve let you into my home, shoved a ball plug up your ass and a ring around your cock, and I’m letting you stay the weekend. I think you can trust me.”

I blurted laughter at that. “You could be luring me into a false sense of safety.”

He stood and moved closer. Our noses and lips hovered inches apart. “If I wanted you dead.” He paused to sweep a brief, sensuous kiss across my mouth. “You’d already be gone.”

My heart sped up a notch or two. “You’re not exactly building my trust in you here.”

He placed his fingers in the center of my chest and pushed until I sat back in the chair. “Take another chance. Play another round. I promise I won’t hurt you … unless you want me to.” He picked up the glass mug, dipped the shaving brush in the water, and then swirled it in the soap cake until a froth of bubbles spilled over the rim of the cup.

Then you level with me,” I said, as the wiry bristles of the shaving brush tickled my chin. “You tell me who killed Rebecca, if it wasn’t you.”

He nodded, continued to lather up my face. “We’ll get to that.”

He went to his knees and moved close between my legs as he soaped up my two days beard growth. I’m a fairly hairy guy, so by day four I’ve got a full on beard happening. I told him to leave the goatee alone, though.

While he swirled the brush over my skin, his smooth leather pants stroked my balls. The belt he wore grazed the bottom of my hardening cock, creating a sublime friction that made me groan low in my throat. The fine hairs at the base of his flat stomach teased my glans.

Let me tell you a story.” He put the soap mug down and pressed his body, his heat, even closer. “Once upon a time, Rebecca and I liked to experiment. Sexually. She and I loved each other very much, and we weren’t possessive over each other’s bodies. We knew who our hearts belonged to.”

He brought the straight razor up and touched it to my cheek. His other hand coiled around my stiffened cock. I held my breath a moment and closed my eyes, trying not to squirm as he began to pump his hand up and down my erection while he swiped whiskers from my cheek.

Don’t move an inch,” he whispered. “I’ve got a steady hand, but I’d hate to damage such a handsome face.”

I could’ve gotten up, could’ve shoved him away, but something made me stay still, accept his challenge. Like I wanted to please him as much as I wanted to be pleased, which made no sense, since I barely knew this guy. But a story was on the line, too, and I’d never been one to wimp out when it concerned juicy information for an article.

Sergeant Fields--Hank--found out Rebecca and I often played with other people, and Hank had a thing for my Rebecca. He wanted into our dungeon, but Rebecca said no. You see, Hank was married, but he wouldn’t tell his wife, Hannah, about some of the things he was into. Rebecca believed in complete honesty between life partners, so she refused to play with anyone who kept their desires secret from their significant other.”

He swiped the blade down my cheek again while he swirled his finger under the ridge of my glans. I struggled not to lift my ass off the seat when he dipped his head and licked a bead of pre-cum from the tip.

Hank grew obsessed?” I asked, my voice strained from my efforts to remain statute-still.

Hans nodded. “Rebecca…” His hand paused on the razor and on my dick. I felt the tip of the blade resting against my chin and I breathed steady. “You had to see her to believe her,” he continued. “She was beyond beautiful. Hair the color of a sunset. Eyes so green they looked like emerald. It was easy to get lost in her.”

How did he kill her?”

He finished shaving one cheek, all the while fondling my scrotum until I had to tighten my stomach painfully hard to keep from bucking my hips. Still, my question went unanswered.

Then, as the blade made a whisper soft stroke over my top lip, he spoke. “He waited until she was alone, doing a ritual for Summer Solstice. I caught him …”

The blade fluttered away from my cheek, and when I looked at Hans I found his head bent so I couldn’t see his eyes. His shoulders shook with grief.

I laid a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

He sniffed, but still didn’t look at me. “She was already dead when I got there. He strangled her, but the sonofabitch wasn’t fast enough to get away from me.” He raised his head then, and the sheen in his eyes was a mixture of pure misery and rage. “I made sure Hank would never hurt anyone again.”

I took the razor from his shaking hand and quickly finished shaving myself. I managed to only cut myself once. A small nick on the chin. He watched me, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears and his mouth pulled down. He seemed disappointed in himself for breaking in front of a stranger, so once I finished I grasped both his arms and made him meet my gaze.

Round two is over,” I said, sweeping a golden lock from his forehead. “Let’s switch up the pace.”

I stood and held my hand out to him, which he took as he rose from his knees. Then I washed the traces of soap from my face and drained the tub before filling it with fresh, steaming water. I stepped into the hot, soothing bath and held a hand out to him. He removed his pants and joined me.

Looks like you could use a friend tonight,” I said. “Not just a playmate.”

He smiled a vulnerable, sincere smile that made him look like one of those angels in old paintings.

I was rock hard and ready from his cock torment. So I pulled him down on top of me in the water, sending up a wave that spilled over the lip of the tub, and I kissed him until we both panted for breath.

I turned him so we spooned, then I licked and kissed the beads of sweat and water from his temple, his cheek. One hand wrapped around his upper chest, hugging him tight to me, while the other slid down his water slickened torso, seeking out the stiff, thick cock that jutted up from the nest of golden hair between his legs.

I worked him with a tight grip, varying up the pressure of my hold. He writhed against me, and his wet skin slithered back and forth over my own aching erection. It felt so good, so hot. I explored his pecs, the muscles lining his ribs and stomach. All the while, I kept milking his cock, and his pre-cum spurt more and more. I knew he would soon cum, and I had to have him first.

He wriggled in my arms and turned to face me. His gaze was molten with desire. “Pour hot wax on my nipples,” he begged in a hoarse voice before he kissed me. “Pour it all over my chest.”

I pulled back from him a bit, stared into those stunning eyes. “Are you sure?”

He wore that sexy smile again as he touched my face, trailing fingers down my cheek. “You have so much to learn about the benefits of pleasurable pain.” And then he winked before he leaned forward and scooped a blue candle off the back of the toilet.

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