Fifth Ave 01 - Fifth Avenue (4 page)

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Authors: Christopher Smith

BOOK: Fifth Ave 01 - Fifth Avenue
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“No,” she said.
“I don’t know them at all.”








High above Fifth Avenue, Louis Ryan sat in his corner office, his back to a wall of windows and the new Redman International Building that towered in the near distance.

He was at his desk and gazed at the frosted letters carved into the glass that covered it: Manhattan Enterprises.  The company he founded thirty-one years ago was now one of the world's leading conglomerates. 

Only Redman International surpassed it.

Earlier that day, Louis' private war against George Redman had begun--Leana Redman was harassed, the spotlights exploded as planned.
And now, the gala opening of The Redman International Building was about to begin.

Louis looked up Fifth Avenue, toward the activity surrounding Redman International's red-carpeted entrance.
Judging by the crowd of reporters and the string of limousines that snaked down the avenue, one would think that every influential man and woman in the world had come to show their support for George Redman.
The fact that Louis did business with many of these men and women made him turn away in disgust.

He looked across the desk at the black-and-white photograph of his wife.

In its heavy silver frame, the photo had faded over the years since Anne's death, but her beauty shined through.

Louis studied her face and thought back to the few years they had shared together.
She had been his first love, his champion and best friend.
She had given him his best memories.
She also had given him a son and, although he and Michael had their differences, whenever Louis saw him, he was reminded, through Michael's features alone, of his beloved Anne.

The wife George Redman robbed him of.

Louis thought about all that was coming Redman’s way.
The time was now.
At last, George Redman was vulnerable.
When Anne died, Louis promised that both he and Michael would make Redman pay for what he had done to her.
He promised to destroy George Redman, his family, the Redman empire.
He would make them all feel the pain he had felt for years.

He glanced down at the front page of the Wall Street Journal. The banner headline read:








Well, that’s too bad
, Louis thought.

He opened a desk drawer and reached for the latest issue of People magazine.
On the cover was his son, Michael Archer, the movie star and bestselling novelist.
Even as he aged, it was clear Michael inherited his looks from his mother, from the dark hair to the cobalt-blue eyes.
There wasn't the slightest resemblance of himself in Michael.

As he studied his son's face, Louis wondered how Michael would react when he learned that George Redman murdered his mother.
He had been only three when it happened.
To save his son the pain and anger he had to endure, Louis raised Michael thinking his mother's death was an accident.
But despite the tragedy that should have brought them closer together, it had driven them apart because Louis needed to devote his time to Manhattan Enterprises in an effort to secure their futures.

They never had been close.
In fact, until last week, Louis hadn't seen or heard from Michael in sixteen years.

And all because of George Redman
, he thought.

He put the magazine down and turned to watch the limousines inch their way down the avenue.
He wondered which one his son was in.
Last week, when Michael came unannounced to his office, Louis was surprised by the change in him.
Michael seemed older to him in person than on film.
His eyes had hardened over the years, erasing his former look of innocence.
Perhaps struggling in Hollywood had been good for him.
Maybe he finally had grown up.

But, of course, he hadn't.

When Michael explained the predicament he was in, that his life was in danger, Louis listened, feeling the same sense of shame and anger he felt when Michael left home for Hollywood at the age of eighteen.
Even now, Louis could hear Michael asking him for help.
Even now, he could see the look of surprise on Michael's face when told he would only get the help he needed if he went to the opening of Redman International and met Leana Redman.






In his father's ash-gray Lincoln limousine, Michael Archer looked through the tinted window at the glittering New York skyline and thought he’d rather be anywhere else than here.

He wasn’t happy to be back.
He hated what he saw.
He left this place once and hadn’t looked back until a few weeks ago, when he had no choice.

All around him was his father, from Louis' towering office and condominium complexes on Fifth to the lavish hotels he’d passed earlier on Park and Madison.
Even if no one knew he was Louis’ son, the idea that his father’s ego had spread like a disease over this city embarrassed him.

It was ironic, he thought, that now he was being thrust back into a life he had once run from.
More ironic, still, that his father was the only person who could help him.

On the seat beside him was the manila envelope Louis gave him that evening.
Michael reached for it, turned on the light above his head and removed several photographs of Leana Redman.

Most were pictures of her reading in Washington Square, but some had been taken of her standing in line at a newspaper stand.
Others were of her running to catch a cab.

Michael studied her face and wondered what his father was getting him into.
Why was it so important that he meet Leana Redman?
And why had Louis refused to give him the money he needed if he didn't meet her?

The limousine caught a string of green lights and sailed down Fifth.
Ahead, Michael could see the bright, resilient spotlights fanning across The Redman International Building, illuminating the red ribbon in sharp, brilliant sweeps.

He put the photographs away.
For now, he would do as his father wished.

After the recent threat against his life, he hardly had a choice.








Excitement in the lobby was building.

From his position beside the glimmering waterfall, Vincent Spocatti watched the flurry of activity surrounding him.

Under Elizabeth Redman’s direction, uniformed maids were checking place settings, polishing the lobby’s gleaming accents, making last-minute touches to the enormous flower arrangements that adorned each of the two hundred tables for eight.
Barmen in black dinner jackets were stocking glasses, stocking bottles, stocking ice.
Behind him, members of the thirty-four piece band were settling into their seats, preparing for the busy evening ahead.

Considering the bombs that exploded earlier, Spocatti was impressed by how seamlessly everything was coming together.
If it weren’t for Elizabeth Redman and her daughter, Celina, he knew things wouldn’t be going as smoothly.

Elizabeth was moving across the lobby to the bar.
Vincent watched her.
Like her daughter Celina, Elizabeth Redman was tall and slender, her blonde hair coming just to her shoulders, framing an oval face that suggested intelligence and a sense of humor. The diamonds at her neck, wrists and ears were competitive, but not aggressive.
She knew the crowd she’d invited.
She knew how to work them.
It was obvious.

As she stepped past him, Spocatti turned and caught a glimpse of himself in the huge mirrored pillar to his right.
Where the gun pressed against the breast pocket of his black dinner jacket, there was a slight bulge--but Spocatti paid little attention to it.
He was a member of security and had been hired this evening to protect George Redman, his family and their guests from a possible intruder.

The irony almost made him laugh.

He took in his surroundings.
Although security appeared tight, it was sadly loose.
After today’s bombing, George Redman had hired twenty-five men to stand guard over tonight’s gala--and, as far as Spocatti was concerned, every one of them was an amateur, which was just fine with him.

Now, he should have no problem slipping into one of the elevators and getting the information Louis Ryan needed on the takeover of WestTex Incorporated.






Elizabeth Redman was moving again--this time in his direction.
Although she seemed unaffected by it, Spocatti sensed by the confident way she held herself that she was very much aware of the power she wielded in this city.

She approached with a smile and an extended hand.

“I’m Elizabeth Redman,” she said. Her grip was firm.

“Antonio Benedetti.”

“I’ve always loved Italy,” she said.

Well, that's rich.
“What can I do for you, Mrs. Redman?”

“Nothing much,” she said. “Just see to it that no bombs explode here this evening and I’ll be grateful.
Can you handle that?”

“Of course.”

Elizabeth lifted her head.
Her eyes hardened as she studied him.
“Maybe,” she said.
She motioned to the other members of security.
“As for these other men, I’m not so sure.”

“Neither am I.”

“You don’t think they’re capable of protecting us?”

“To put it plainly, no.”

“They’re all experienced,” she said.

“Perhaps so, but who taught them?
I’ve been watching them make mistakes for the past few hours.
They aren’t professionals.”

“And you are?”

“I am.”

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