Fifteen Minutes: A Novel (28 page)

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

BOOK: Fifteen Minutes: A Novel
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“I’ll pray, Zack. I will.” A spark of hope sounded in his grandpa’s voice.

Zack turned his back to the city street. More people passed by, shouting about
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rehearsing there and talking to the bodyguards. Zack struggled to hear his own voice. “Some days . . . nothing makes sense.”

They talked another few minutes, all of it a struggle with the noise from the city. Zack would’ve stepped back inside but the cell reception was terrible. Besides, he wanted a moment away from the other contestants. His grandpa told him that AJ was still sick, still spending most of her time in her bedroom. “She
has something wrong with her kidneys. They’re trying to get a diagnosis.”

Zack drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Should I come home?”

“Well . . .” His grandpa was quiet. “The situation with AJ isn’t an emergency.” He hesitated. “Whatever God tells you . . . just do that, son.”

Tension tightened its grip on Zack’s soul. “I’m trying. He keeps moving me on to the next round.”

“Sometimes God’s voice is hard to hear over the world.”

“Yes.” The city was louder now. Zack had to yell to be heard. The noise drove home his grandpa’s point. “Thank you. For reminding me.”

The call ended and the bodyguard returned with Zack’s hot tea. He thanked the guy, and the others, too. Then he slipped his phone in his pocket and hurried back inside. The next dance rehearsal was about to begin.

Grandpa Dan’s words spoke to him.
Sometimes God’s voice is hard to hear over the world.
He let the reminder play again in his mind. Once he reached the open rehearsal space, Zoey spotted him before anyone else. She walked to him, her eyes never leaving his.

Zack searched his motives as he waited by the doorway. He wasn’t falling for her, right? She needed him, that was all. Or maybe they needed each other. She was still the only one who understood this crazy ride. As she reached him, he stuck his hands in his pockets. “Called home.”

“Mmmm . . . me, too. There’s cell reception in the restroom.” She came a step closer. “How’s your family?”

“They miss me.” He smiled, searching her eyes. What was it about her? She seemed different somehow, bolder, the way she’d
been when they first met. He dismissed the possibility. “My sister’s still sick. She needs prayer.”

“I’m sorry.” She ran her hand over her arm. “I really do need to learn how to pray.”

“I told you.” His voice grew softer. He didn’t need a lecture from William Gaines before rehearsal. But he wanted Zoey to understand. “You just talk to God. That’s all.”

“Show me?” She tilted her head. “Later? Please, Zack.”

“I’m not sure when we’ll be done here.” He looked to the stage. The other contestants were already in place. “Come on.” He started to lead her toward the stage.

“Zack.” She hesitated.

He looked back at her. “Zoey, we have to go.”

“Did you call her? Did you call Reese?”

For a long beat he didn’t say anything. He could feel his shoulders fall a bit as defeat slithered alongside him again. “There wasn’t time.”

The slightest smile tugged at her lips. “Just wondering.” She fell in easily beside him as they walked to the stage. “I’m sure she’ll understand. We’re so busy.”

As they walked Zack suddenly realized he was still holding Zoey’s hand. Not only that, but the camera in the corner of the room was trained straight on them. He let go in a hurry and shoved his hands once more in his pockets. She hesitated. “Everything okay?”

“Perfect.” He jogged the last few steps and shouted to Demetrius. “Here. Sorry.”

The guy ignored Zack. He checked his watch, then looked at the group. “Places.”

And like that Zack began doing the one thing he needed to do for the next hour. Dancing with Zoey. Reese would understand.
But whenever the two of them did talk later that night, Zack would be lying if he said he wasn’t having fun. God kept letting him stay on the show, so there must be a reason. It was okay to enjoy the process, right?

Zoey was a very good dancer. In Zack’s arms and at his side he couldn’t help but notice, couldn’t help but feel something. The electricity of her skin against his or the smell of her faded perfume. The sound of her laugh. One hour became two, and that became a night of dancing and breaks and instruction that took them way past midnight. One of his and Zoey’s best nights as a team. When he finally crawled exhausted into his bed, he couldn’t stop thinking about the dance and the music and the girl who had been beside him. It was too late to call Reese. Which was probably a good thing. Because he didn’t fall asleep thinking about God or his family or even Reese. Instead he was consumed by one thing.

The way Zoey Davis had felt in his arms.


ust after midnight, when the rehearsal was finally over, Kelly gathered her things and headed out the front entrance. She was the first to leave and as she opened the door, she was struck by the scene. They’d been found out. A crowd had gathered on either side of the sidewalk, smothering the doorway and spilling into the street. The bodyguards had set up ropes and stanchions, and they had positioned themselves along the boundaries to keep stray fans from blocking the path from the door to the waiting cars. Kelly paused and took a deep breath. Two guards were immediately at her side.

“Kelly! Look, it’s Kelly Morgan!” one of the women screamed, and the others in the crowd followed suit. Cell phones appeared from every angle, snapping pictures and casting a series of flashes in her direction. For a brief moment she felt good about the scene. Michael Manning gone from the picture and still she drew this kind of attention.

But just as quickly another scene flashed in her mind, even as her bodyguards escorted her between the ropes to the waiting Escalade. The image of her father running alongside her as she learned to ride her bike. “You can do it, baby. I’m right here.” His tanned face full of life, his pride for her shining in his eyes. “I’ll always be right here.”

But he wouldn’t always be here. Not anymore.

The crowd was shouting louder, screaming as the bodyguards helped her into the SUV. She blinked twice and the image of her father cleared. Two days had passed since she’d heard from either of her parents. She needed to call them in the morning before reporting for rehearsal.

The bodyguards followed her home and didn’t leave until she’d been safely inside for an hour. The staff would take over safety duties from that point until the morning, when the bodyguards would escort her to the SUV once again. William Gaines called to say another six guards had been hired.

Once inside her apartment she grabbed her laptop and settled into the sofa. The silence was heavenly. For a long time she stared at the dark screen, not ready to check e-mail or Yahoo! or do anything but sit and think. The Romeo and Juliet piece had shaken her. It was wrong what Samuel was doing to those kids.

But Chandra had talked to her before they left that night and the two of them had a suspicion. What if Zoey were in on the whole ruse? Kelly thought about Zack’s sincerity, the way his eyes shone with the faith he barely talked about anymore. He had no idea how obsessed his fans would be once he finished the run of
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She thought about the look in Zack’s eyes when the production assistant forced him to dance with Zoey. Chemistry, yes. They definitely had chemistry. But what contestants didn’t, after
this insane experience? Their lives were upside down and on display. Nothing was the way they’d known it before their auditions.

Once the piece on Zack and Zoey aired, there would likely be no girlfriend to go home to and no way to undo the damage. The two
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singers would be linked forever, whether there was any truth to the segment or not. The coming storm would probably send them running into each other’s arms. Then the producers would have what they wanted.

Her heart kept time with the antique clock on her mantel. She had never questioned fame, never imagined it to be anything other than a dream come true. Something everyone wanted and only a few people found.

Now she began to wonder.

Certainly Chandra had paid the ultimate price, losing her parents to a psycho fan. She’d said something tonight that stayed with Kelly. They were talking about the changes in the contestants and how there was no going back to the life they once lived. Kelly commented that the world would be shocked to know how Chandra Olson really felt about being a celebrity. “You’re so self-possessed, everywhere we go. Every interview. Complete control.”

“It’s my secret. It’s how I keep my prison cell bigger.” A slight, sad smile graced her face. “Look at me, Kelly. The only guy I ever loved moved on years ago. I have no real friends. I’m constantly on tour. If I flip out and start drinking, doing drugs . . . hiding from the press and throwing things at the paparazzi, then the cell gets smaller. The walls close in. I’m getting through it the only way that makes sense.” Her smile fell off. “But if all my money could buy me back the day before my
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audition, I would do it now. Right now.”

Kelly brought her computer screen to life. So sad. Living like
that, hating the fame and being reminded of it every waking hour. She mindlessly began typing in names of former
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winners. A country singer whose good looks had gotten him a fair amount of attention a few years ago. The guy was married with a two-year-old when he appeared on the show. In one of the final rounds, he sang so well people still talked about his performance. When the applause and screaming died down, Cullen had chuckled the way Cullen often did. “Too bad you’re married,” he muttered into the microphone. “I can only imagine how big a star you’d be if you were single.”

Kelly remembered the guy’s response. He laughed along with Cullen, but he held up his wedding ring. “This guy’s proud of his wife.” He received another standing ovation for the comment.

For the most part the public seemed shocked by Cullen’s callous remark, even if the judge was right. The situation had bugged Kelly back then. Marriage was tough enough without Cullen Caldwell making it more difficult.

Now in the quiet of her apartment, Kelly typed the guy’s name into the Google search bar. His songs were played on the radio, and he toured with the biggest country acts. But what about his family?

The singer’s Wikipedia page came up at the top of the search. Kelly clicked it. Sure enough he was selling records like crazy, reaching gold on a few singles. She scanned down to the section about his personal life. Her heart sank as she read the news. A year ago the singer’s divorce was final. He was dating one of country music’s up-and-coming new artists.

She remembered another entertainer, a beautiful dark-skinned actress and singer who had starred on a show that took over after Kelly’s show finished its run. The girl had been full of light and innocence. Over the show’s five-year run, the public
had a front-row seat to watching the actress change. Her clothing became more risqué, her makeup more severe. She was photographed in the arms of a number of leading men, partying at various A-list nightclubs. Her sitcom ended and she tried to make her mark in movies. But no one took her seriously. Kelly almost didn’t want to run a check on the girl, but she did.

A sick feeling started in the pit of her stomach. The actress had been dropped by her label and cut off from her studio deal. Today she was in rehab, hoping to find her life again. Reports said she was addicted to painkillers and heroin.

What about the celebs at the top of today’s pop music? One young pop artist had started off talking about purity and faith, but after a few years she was singing songs that shocked the world at the time—songs that seemed to change teen culture overnight. At the last Grammy Awards the singer wore a dress that caused Ryan Seacrest to blush. People in Kelly’s circle liked to joke that the young artist might single-handedly be responsible for loosening the morals of a generation.

But was that funny? Really?

Sure, Kelly no longer believed in her father’s faith. But she felt deeply uneasy at the examples most singers set for their fans.

What about the young boy bands and teen heartthrobs? Most of them started out genuine and down-to-earth. Not much older than kids. Documentaries had been done about a number of them, their love for music and how the sudden fame changed them.

In one documentary, a few of the singers from a boy band could be seen praying with their crew, being patient with fans and almost oblivious to the celebrity status closing in around them. Wide-eyed and innocent. Then for each of them something began to change, or at least it seemed that way. The paparazzi
would become relentless; dangerously so. At one point a photographer attempting to catch a photo of one of the teen singers ran across a busy street intent on a picture. He never made it. A car hit him as he closed in for the picture. He died at the scene.

All for the possibility of a photograph.

Kelly squirmed. A few clicks and her computer screen filled with recent stories about a couple of young heartthrobs. Some were into drugs, others had been caught drunk in public. None of them seemed unscathed.

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