Fierce Dawn (34 page)

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Authors: Amber Scott

BOOK: Fierce Dawn
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Some freaking skills would certainly come in handy at this point. Feeding, transporting, something. What could she do? Flap her invisible-to-everyone-else wings, hope her sister saw them and decided she wasn’t insane? How did Sadie get to Elijah? Would he be at the safe house anymore?

Look. You’ve been under a lot of stress,” Heather said. “You’re overreacting. Dr. Fox will be here any minute. His message sai—.”

I am not paranoid! This isn’t mental illness talking, Heather.” She spotted Heather’s purse. “You know what, screw it. Don’t believe me.”

Sadie lunged for the purse but Heather snagged it first.

Give me your keys or I will scream bloody murder and tell them you tried to hurt me.”

Please. You don’t think someone is listening to us right now, Sadie? They have cameras all over this place. The nursing staff knows why I’m here, Sadie. I gave them a copy of the Power of Attorney.”

Sadie scanned the room. “You know what, it doesn’t matter.” She couldn’t be sure what her wings gave her but she was willing to find out, even if it meant the hard way. Lunging, she snatched the purse from Heather’s hands. Heather shrieked. Sadie dumped the bag, prepared for large male nurses to barrel in.

Don’t do this, Sadie. Please, you can’t do this. Why can’t you see you need help?”

No keys. “Where are they?” Sadie
chest slammed. “Now, Heather!”

Heather shook. “I can’t let you do this to yourself.”

The nurses were coming. They’d be here. The windows were double paned
the only door led to the nurse’s station. There was no time.

A flash stung her vision. Sadie shielded her eyes. Two black wings on a very tall, strangely familiar man. She heard the low, sickening hum emanating off of him before he fully materialized. Sadie leapt for Heather, ignoring the defensive arms trying to block her. She hugged her tight, wrapping her small wings around them. She saw him coming for her. Sadie closed her eyes and snapped the image of Elijah’s bedroom into her mind. Again and again and again, the seconds beating down on her. She felt him reach for her. Then he was gone.

Her body seemed to dissolve, energy pushed like an ocean wave through her.

Her breath squeezed out of her. Time spun past, a cold airy sensation coated her
then it all vanished. She hit something hard and fell over, realizing too late that Heather was still in her arms and toppled her as well.

Stop this, Sadie,” Heather screamed. “Please!”

Sadie opened her eyes, immediately aware of the familiar surroundings. “Holy shit.” She almost laughed, so struck with relief. “Heather, are you okay?”

Of course I’m not okay. One minute you’re telling me ‘all the tests are fine, Heather. I’m suddenly completely sane, Heather.’” Her pitch scaled higher and higher. “And the next, you totally lose it! This is exactly why I got Power of Attorney, Sadie. I knew this would happen. Stop laughing at me, damn it.”

Sadie sobered. “You aren’t woozy from the transport?” She hardly believed she did it. First try and everything. If not for Monica explaining how she conjured things, she might never have thought of how to go about it.

Heather shrieked. “What happened to you?”

What do you mean?”

Your hair!”

Despite the urge to find Elijah fast, Sadie went to the bathroom mirror. Her reflection revealed a large bald patch as well as a portion of her sleeve missing and part of her pants gone. So, her first time wasn’t perfect. So long as she’d gotten here, right? Vanity forgotten, she returned to Heather. “I’m okay. It’s just hair. Look, why don’t you wait here, in case? Sit. I’m going to look for Elijah. I’ll be right back.”

Heather had clearly notice
her new surrounding and was rendered speechless. Sadie needed to make quick order of this place. Please let someone still be here. Please let that seeker not follow them.

But then, if he could, wouldn’t he have by now?

Sold on the possibility, she left and ran through the large house, calling out, looking for signs of life. “Hello? Elijah? Lyric?”

Nothing. Not good.

What if she was wrong to come here? Where else could she go?


She turned to the voice. “Holly? Oh, thank goodness.” She swallowed. “Is Elijah here?”

No. They’ve all gone. Lyric found new information on Crusoe.”

Holly’s fingertips and hair glowed molten orange. Sadie’s gut tightened, telling her to tread carefully. “Oh? Astrid, too?”

Holly’s eyes narrowed and she nodded. “Yes. Crusoe might be hurt.”

Well, I need to talk to him.” He was the only one she could trust. She prayed Heather would stay stunned and not leave Elijah’s room. “Can you contact him?”

I will, of course, but I’m curious. How in the world did you get here?” Holly twirled a flaming tendril in her pulsing fingertips.

Should she lie? “I transported.”

Really? Astrid was wrong about you then. She thought you were a mix. Half seeker, half messenger
unable to do either fully. Are you all seeker?”

Sadie ground her teeth, angry that the words struck a sense of pride and hope. Half messenger? “I need to talk to Elijah.”

Nice hair, by the way. A new look?” Holly strolled closer.

Sort of.” Sadie recognized the jealousy seething in Holly’s eyes. If she’d loved Elijah for centuries, what lengths would she go to win his heart? What would Holly imagine those journals and paintings were worth? Her fear grew. If only her skills weren’t so new. One thing she knew, Holly loved Elijah, not like a
and she became the likeliest candidate for taking Sadie’s things. “Maybe I could use your phone and call him?”

Holly smirked. “No, I don’t think you should call.”

What was the new information?”

Holly frowned for a moment. “Oh, for finding Crusoe? It seems we had a road map leading to him all along.”

Where are my journals, Holly?”

Holly’s pupils sparked. “In good hands.” She moved in closer. “I should thank you, Sadie.”

Sadie fought to hold her ground. Getting Heather and her here had sapped her energy. How would she fight Holly’s fire? “Oh? For what, exactly?”

Thanks to those journals, Elijah will finally have closure. He’ll find Crusoe and move on.”

How? What could I possibly have written that would help? Or my mother for that matter?”

You have no idea, do you? Still so human.” Holly laughed, her eyes glowed hotly. “Your mother was a prophet. And now that we have the prophecies and the daughter, everyone will find what we’ve been looking for.”

Sadie?” Heather called from down the long corridor, her voice tremulous.

Oh no. “I’ll be right there, Heather.”

Holly’s gaze swung from the hall back to Sadie. Her flames lengthened. “Your sister? Your transported you both?”

She’s harmless. She doesn’t know anything.”

Oh, I don’t doubt it. Extra work, but nothing I can’t handle.” With a flourish, Holly spun a circle of low flames around them, caging them in. Sadie prayed Heather remained in Elijah’s room but didn’t dare look.

If you hurt us, Elijah will find out, Holly. And he won’t forgive you. If he hasn’t loved you by now, how will he then?”

Holly sprayed her with stinging sparks. Sadie brushed at them, feeling her blood heat in her veins. “Elijah will never know,” Holly scolded. “You won’t be around to tell him.”

You’re going to kill me?”

No. I won’t need to. I’ll tell him how desperately I tried to save you both but that transporting here destroyed your sister and you, too. He’ll find Crusoe alive, he’ll have closure, and mourning you, he’ll need me. I’ll be there for him. I’m always here for him. And he will see he loves me.”

Sadie,” Heather said, coming down the corridor. “Something is happening.” She stopped at the edge of the circle of flames, her eyes wild. “Sadie?”

Heather, go back to the room. Now! I can’t explain!” Holly appeared amused and Sadie was sure, at any moment, the circle would include her sister.

Heather stammered something unintelligible, pointing
but she didn’t move.

The room grew hotter. Or was it her? “Heather, this is just a very bizarre dream, okay? Please, go back to the room now.”

Mom was right?” Heather added in a small voice.

Holly’s gaze fixed on Sadie. Her eyes widened and Sadie detected the faintest change in her vibration as her gaze roved to Heather.

I’m calling the police,” Heather yelled, retreating. Sadie knew Heather would only find her phone melted, unusable.

Don’t, Heather.” Sadie kept her tone level, her eyes on Holly’s every movement. “It won’t do any good. I need you to please trust me and go back to the room.”

I can’t believe it will all finally be over.” Holly’s hum beat a staccato. “I didn’t know.”

Something in her faltered? Sadie latched onto hope. “What didn’t you know, Holly?”

That it would get so complicated. I’ve loved Elijah all my life. He’s all I have ever wanted. I’ll die without him. Seeing him with you, I couldn’t stand it any longer. Crusoe promised me. Once he and Elijah speak, it will all be okay. I know in my heart, Elijah loves me.”

Crusoe?” Sadie asked, grateful to see Heather backing away and the circle flaming lower. “Promised you? What? How?”

He never really left. It all went wrong. Once Elijah finally sees me as more than his friend

I tried to make him jealous. First with Lyric, but Lyric saw through me. Then I made Crusoe love me. He declared his feelings for me but it only ruined
his friendship with Elijah
. But Crusoe has what he wants now. He’ll let me go and make peace with Elijah.”

He wants the journals?”

Holly slowly nodded. “The journals.” The circle flamed higher. An eerie coldness entered her eyes. “And you.”




~ ~ ~



Chapter Twenty-four


The room wasn’t hotter. Sadie was. Holly’s lips curled downward. Tiny flames tongued from her hair
embers kindling to life.

So they believe
her mother had been a prophet. What did they think Sadie was
then? Another prophet? Yeah, right. But until her energy returned enough
or transport, she had to buy some time.

Why the paintings?”

Holly’s eyebrows flashed. “Because they were of him. Of you with him.”

They weren’t real, though, Holly.”

And now they never will be. Oh, don’t think I don’t know. You and him, devouring each other, you doing all I ever dreamed of with him. But that was the magnetism. Not real. Not real love.”

Sadie almost preferred being hit. A black eye would fade. A broken bone. “He doesn’t love me.”

And he never will. Crusoe will make certain you never see Elijah again.”

Holly must need her in one piece. The deal had already been made. But, Heather…. “I’ll go without a fight on one condition. Heather won’t say anything. She’ll happily chalk this up to a weird dream. Let her go.”

Holly nodded vigorously. “Fine. Yes. She isn’t even your full sister. Why would I want her? Crusoe already has insurance for a trade.”

Bounding from the corridor, Heather strode into the circle, hands fisted. “If you think a little thing like different fathers can cut our bond, you’re wrong, bitch.”

Whoa! How did Heather sneak over here so fast? What happened to the stuttering Heather from moments ago? Sadie instinctively shielded her sister, pushing Heather back. “Where’s my cousin, Holly?”

With Crusoe. Sister here is nothing but dumb human. The other one might have some vision in her, though. Crusoe needs the verses translated one way or another and two is better than one.”

What is this psycho talking about?” Heather hissed.

She had to keep Holly talking and she had to somehow locate Elijah. Crusoe clearly still held power over Holly. With every passing moment Sadie’s wings’ felt lighter, less tired. “I’m the one he wants. I’m transformed. I’ll translate whatever he needs. But I won’t help either of you if you harm Heather or Jen.”

I’d like to see you try, bitch.” Heather stepped into a kickboxing stance. Heather had no idea what Holly was, what she could do. But the gesture was altogether poignant, too, and Sadie could have laughed. Or cried.

Holly’s gaze flew to Heather. “Shut her up, Sadie.”

Heather, you have to leave.” She shook her head repeatedly. “Jen can’t help you, Holly. And neither can Heather. Neither will see what I can. If you let them go, I’ll come willingly.”

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