Fierce Dawn (17 page)

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Authors: Amber Scott

BOOK: Fierce Dawn
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The world dissolved. Her hips found his and pressed, searching for the hardness her body craved. His lips and tongue twirled her mind into a pleasure spin.

Then he pinched her arm, hard. “Ouch,” she said, jerking back. But Elijah hadn’t pinched her.

Heather had.

Can I please speak with you alone?” Heather said, her eyes on Elijah.

Don’t mind me,” he said as Heather and Sadie exited. “I’ll get dressed while you two talk

Leaving those arms proved no easy feat, especially seeing hints of alarm in Elijah’s expression. The sound of the main garage door opening bolstered Sadie when
she and Heather
reached the living room. Jen was home, for real this time.

Heather yanked on her arm.

Don’t grab me like that, Heather,” she said, pulling her arm away. “What is your problem?”

My problem is you are keeping secrets from me, lying about your medication. You have probably gone off your meds, have now hooked up with some random guy who could end up at the very least breaking your heart and at the worst, physically harming you. Sadie, what are you thinking?”

The back door opened and the noise of Jen coming in filled the bitter silence.

Heather, I love you. But this is none of your business.”

Oh, okay. None of my business. So you expect me to sit back and watch you deteriorate like mom did. Well, I won’t. If you don’t call Dr. Fox, I will. And mark my words. That guy will walk all over you
then break your heart.”

Jen popped her head around the corner. “Hey, guys. Feeling better, Sadie?” She waltzed into the room as though no one had been yelling in it.

What if I break his heart, Heather? Ever consider that one? I’m not a child and not some weak invalid, no matter how much you want me to be.”

Heather’s eyes welled with angry tears. “I don’t want you to be sick,” she grit out.

Jen put an arm around Heather’s shoulders. “Hey, girl. Did you get my message? I called you this morning. Is Elijah still here?”

Sadie buried her surprise, almost forgetting Jen knew Elijah from her three day blackout. “He’s getting dressed.”

Ooh la la,” Jen said. “Heather, hey, it’s alright. You forget I’m here for Sadie, too.”

Heather nodded, swiping at angry tears. “Yeah. I forget she has you.” Resentment laced her words. “And now that you’re here, and I’m once again the bad guy, I have to go.”

Heather,” Jen said. “Come on. Don’t leave mad.”

Sadie let them go, Heather stalking off and Jen following, shaking her head.

She walked back to her bedroom, half thrilled, half scared about what she would find in it. Elijah stood leaning against a wall, contemplation creasing his brow.

Thanks for disappearing,” Sadie said, wishing he was still wrapped in a towel. Or less. “I owe you one. But did you have to come back like that?”

Seemed the quickest way to get back to you. An immortal is nearby and they have far from friendly intentions toward you.”

Who? Like what? What have I done to piss anyone off?”

Elijah shook his head. “You mentioned dreams. When did they begin?”

Unease rippled through her. “I did?” She gulped.

In every single painting of me in there, I have wings. You’ve either seen them longer than you admitted to, which I doubt. You’re a terrible liar. Or you’ve been dreaming.” He approached her. She fidgeted. “Of me. Sadie, I need to know.”

A flock of butterflies seemed to awake
in her stomach. He’d seen her paintings. Did he realize she’d been obsessing over him all this time? “I’m not sure when the dreams began exactly.” Liar. “Three or four months ago, maybe?” Six months, four days.

He reached out, cupping her cheek and forcing her to look in his eyes. “The truth, Sadie.”

Sadie’s first shift at the library flitted through her memory. His chocolate silk gaze holding steadily to hers. “They started the first day I saw you on campus.” The butterflies quieted. “Six months ago.” She didn’t want to ask, but had to know. “Why?”




~ ~ ~



Chapter Twelve


Fuck. “Six months?” Elijah said, careful to mask his frustration. He’d been in the presence of a messenger changeling six long months? Why hadn’t Holly picked up on Sadie’s transformation sooner? All that wasted time, hunting, waiting, even going through mortal texts looking
signs of the Book of Sorrows in their history.

Sadie hesitated. “Is that bad?”

I won’t lie. If I’d known you were transforming six months ago, so much more could have been done.” They’d have kept her status a secret, for one. The changeling following her wouldn’t be. “But it doesn’t matter now, does it?” He couldn’t waste another minute. He had to get her to safety and guide her transformation in whatever way possible. “How quickly can you get dressed?”

Sadie looked down at her pajama
clad body. The wet spots he’d left were drying, her dusky nipples no longer peaking through. “That depends,” she said. “Tell me why I’m in danger.”

He stepped closer, so close he could see thin gold flecks in her sky blue eyes. “Do you remember the night something chased you past the park?”

Her eyes widened. She perceptibly swallowed. “A werewolf?”

No,” Elijah said, not wanting to correct the mortal term and create even more confusion. “I thought she was a shapeshifter
but she claimed to be a changeling. And that you are, too.”

It doesn’t sound like you’re sure I am.”

I wasn’t. Until now. The changeling has been following you. I can’t get a strong enough trace to hunt her again.”

She wants me dead?”

I don’t think so, but she wants something. She’s waiting, watching.”

Her hand went to her throat but her gaze hardened. “That’s why you want me to come with you?”

Yes,” Elijah said. “There are immortals who would kill you just to keep the realms pure. Half
breeds aren’t tolerated in the immortal realm. They’re seen as inferior, tainted perfection by many. A changeling would be far worse. Right or wrong, your existence threatens both realms
. T
he fact that I’m not the only one who knows you are transforming puts you in higher danger.”

She threw her hands up and started yanking drawers open, tossing clothes aside. Impatient but not angry.

He took in her every move, listened to the even keel of her vibration. She sounded resolved. Elijah’s worries subsided. She was far sturdier than he’d first assumed.

She paused but didn’t face him. “And?”

And there is a faction—The Illeautians—who consider humankind parasitic. They want the human realm destroyed. If humans start evolving….”

She pulled off her tee. The smooth bare skin on her back, two crescent shaped scars at her shoulders, filled his vision. Elijah couldn’t look away as she strapped a bra around her slender ribcage and put her arms through the straps. His gaze caressed the slope of her back. Two hollows above her ass peaked out from her bottoms. His imagination filled in what he could not see.

His body tightened against his will. He had no business wanting a mortal.

Even a changeling one. Because a part of her might always be human.

Humans died. Immortals lived.

If you’re right and I’m not going to be human anymore, why would anyone care what I am?” She brought a snug blue shirt over her head then glanced meaningfully over her shoulder.

He should turn around, give her privacy. “Because
what are realm lines for if humans are evolving
Mortals live, they die, they do not become immortal. In human terms, it could be seen as the first stages of Armageddon. Only this wouldn’t be a war between Heaven and Hell.”

She dropped her pants to the floor and stepped out of them. The bottoms of her cheeks showed beneath the blouse. Elijah reacted, stiffening in the wrong place.

Even if she successfully evolved, she was off limits. Too much depended on his actions. On hers.

Instead of angels and demons, immortals and humans?” Another drawer shut, the sound of clothing moving above the sound of her body’s sweet hum.

Two worlds becoming one. Myth aside, separation of realms, most immortals have never lived long enough to know any different. The idea that we once shared a realm is considered folklore now.” Elijah rubbed his neck, unable to look away as she dug each leg into tight jeans.

She faced him. Impossibly, seeing her dressed only made his reaction worse. “Live long enough. That makes it sound like immortals aren’t immortal at all.”

She’d taken all this in serious stride. Part of him worried over the fact. “There is no such thing as forever. We simply live far longer, have powers, skills not found in human DNA. Or, perhaps it is simply buried, waiting for the right triggers. I’m on uncertain footing with this, too.”

She considered him for a moment. “If they know I’m here and they want me bad enough, how can anyone protect me?”

With everything I have,” he said, meaningfully. But what he’d vowed begged the question, why. He didn’t want her to ask. “We don’t have much time. How does your head feel?”

She rubbed her temples. “Like elves are tap dancing on my brain.”

Is that normal?”

She furrowed her eyebrows but grinned. “A little. Feels like a hangover, I guess.”

You should eat.” A soft rumble from her belly confirmed it and sent a pretty flush into her cheeks. The changeling’s distant vibration shifted, getting closer. “Grab whatever else you need now. We have to go.”

Our location has been compromised? Is that how it goes?”

She was teasing him? He found the fact at once amusing and unnerving. “Something like that,” he said, leveling his gaze on hers. “You’re handling all of this better than I thought you would.”

She maintained her cool façade but shadows flashed over her eyes. “Trust me. I’ve been through far scarier.”

Elijah bit back the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss away whatever pain she’d ever known. The urge itself sent his heart racing. What was she doing to him? He had to get her to the safe house. Before his libido proved as big a threat to her transformation as the changeling following her.

She stepped into his arms, a strange look in her eyes that sparked a thousand questions in him. He refused to ask even one.

Within seconds, he plunged them skyward.

Sadie tangled around him. He rushed through the cloudless sky, avoiding traces of energy so as to remain cloaked. The safe house wasn’t far by flight. For all her bravado, Sadie wouldn’t be immune to the stress of her world gradually flipping inside out.

She didn’t speak when they landed on
front stoop of the remote stucco mansion.

Or when he took her inside the opulent foyer.

Or when he led her to his bedroom.

When he told her he’d return with food, she merely nodded. Something was at work behind those placid eyes. He could feel it, he could
it. He blamed the chaos of the day.

Any minute, Lyric would project his and Holly’s location. Elijah told himself Sadie would be safe. Astrid would leave her be but report any issues. Still, he hated leaving. Lyric and Holly would be waiting, though. He had to find that changeling.

Elijah handed Sadie her cell phone, his number programmed in. “If you need anything, promise me you’ll call?”

Taking another bite of the Alfredo pasta, Sadie nodded. “So, it’s a cell phone? It just didn’t look like a phone. Gold. Really skinny.”

He nodded, nowhere near ready to explain the ins and outs of realm technolog
. “Promise me? Good. Try to rest.”

Promise me you’ll wake me up the second you get back? If I fall asleep?” Her vibration revealed her inner tension. “You owe me a billion more answers, Elijah.”

Dark shadows showed under her eyes. A new image, one of parishioners gathering, the sermon beginning filled his mind. Lyric’s projection. Elijah had to go. “I promise. I’ll answer every one.”

Sadie set her food aside and lay back in the bed

his bed. With a deep breath and a silent prayer, Elijah transported, leaving her behind.


The three rusted, boxy crosses pointing at the sky would make any cult proud. Elijah teleported at the rear of the barn converted into a church, cloaked in shadow. He drew in his wings and energy, surveyed the area
then joined Holly and Lyric inside.

Among all the various immortal vibrations, he detected no sign of the changeling. He couldn’t decide if that was a good or bad thing, though.

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