FEMDOM FIRSTS: How Dominant Women And Their Submissives Got Into The BDSM Lifestyle - Volume 1 of the WellHeeledDominatrix.com Collection (6 page)

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It excites me to play the cuckold as Angela well knows, even if, technically, we agreed to fuck only one another. She will play dom to other men, even a guy well below our financial station in life, because she knows it humiliates me to know she does. And, she likes "lots of cock and ass" around her when she can manage.

"Time to turn over, baby," Angela cooed and I managed to do so only after she opened her thighs.

I stood, turned, and then lay back over her lap, draped cock-up. I knew what I was in for. I took in the high ceilinged room around us as I spread my legs.

"Open, open," the chubby cheeked beauty sitting under me coaxed, tapping the fingers of her right hand into my suffering purpling sack.

That Angela is missing a finger on her right hand is a fact that excites me more than I care to admit. In the world I run with, as well as the one she is from, there are no freaks of malformity. We enjoy all manner of augmentation and surgeries. Angela's breasts are so shelf-like high people often assume her 36D's have been lifted. But, through the blinding white teeth, hair plugs, Botox and skin peels I meet on a daily basis (and that's just from the men), to have a woman who sports a 'flaw' like this (the result of a fishing accident when she was 16), which she does well to exploit every chance she gets, makes her a mystery to me on another level entirely.

"Ah, honey, honeee!" I wailed as my girlfriend continued her consistent and increased heavy tapping of the area between the bottom of my balls and just where my taint begins.

"You know, I love to get you nice and sore just about everywhere," she giggled as I squirmed, and ached to let her do just that.

I could never have planned for this startling beauty as much as I have come to crave her. I had no idea just how much and precisely the kind of domination I wanted until Angela and I started dating. And, I do not have any idea where any of this is going to lead though I will do everything in my considerable power to keep us together.

All I do know is that I am loving every second of this life.

Exciting Retirement

by Jodie


My name is Jodie and my husband Phil and I are journalists. We have spent many years now in building up our business and, due to our damn hard work, we now employ a staff of 50, and can afford to take things a little easier these days. The only problem with that is we are both workaholics who are used to being busy. You would think we would enjoy the break, wouldn't you? But, I am accustomed to running around at a high rate of speed, and yelling at people all day.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a nasty boss. It's just that, when you are printing a newspaper, you are working on a tight schedule and you need people to move fast. When I say '
do something
', I don't expect it to be done in ten minutes time; I expect it to be done as soon as the words are out of my mouth! Anyway, I digress, I wanted to tell you about some of the things Phil and I have been up to since we decided to slow down a bit.

About a month ago now, I promoted my old friend and co-worker, Linda, to editor-in-chief, with the plan being that Phil and I could go off, and do whatever we wanted to do. The first couple of weeks were great. We had a long weekend break in Colorado skiing, we swam with dolphins in Key Largo, and we spent some quality time together. All sounds great, doesn't it? But I'm BORED! I'm so used to being in charge, and having the kick of adrenaline when an exciting story comes in and I have only an hour to get it to press.

So, I quickly found myself looking for the next adrenaline rush, and wondering where I could get that '
kick up the butt, heart-fluttering, yes, THIS IS IT
!' feeling from again. About a week ago, Phil and I were lounging on the couch and, as usual, I was feeling restless as I couldn't get used to sitting around doing nothing. Although Phil is as used to having a busy lifestyle as I am, he is more laid back about down-time. His favorite phrase is, "
Don't sweat it."

While that may seem like a nice attitude, I cannot be like that. So, I started wandering around the downstairs, looking out the window, and generally wondering what to do when Phil came up with the idea of watching some porn. Now, I don't mind a bit of porn, I have to say, but I was surprised by his choice of genre. He slipped a DVD into the player and the first thing that appeared on screen was a woman in a leather mask (and little else!), holding a whip. There was a guy on his knees at her feet and she was smacking his ass with this long cat-o'-nine-tails thing.

That piqued my interest for sure. I sat down to watch and Phil snuggled himself in next to me. He slipped his arm around my shoulders and, as the movie went on, I was aware of a change in his breathing. I knew he was getting excited. When you have known someone as long as I've known Phil, you just
when they are getting turned on. I have to say that this was not something I thought would have appealed to Phil, as he has always seemed such a 'manly' man. And, I wouldn't have been able to imagine him getting off on receiving pain from a woman.

"So, what do you think?" he asked as he pressed the stop button.

"About what?" I asked, unsure as to what he meant.

"About us trying something like that out."

I sat, and thought for a moment. Sure, I like telling people what to do, but it had never occurred to me that I could be telling my husband what to do. "What would you get out of it?" I asked.

"Honey, try to understand that just
I would love to be able to hand over control, and not be in charge. I've spent so long being the one saying 'do this, do that' that I would love for you to be telling me what to do for a change."

As I said before, I know I'm something of an adrenaline junkie, and the more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me.

"So, when were you thinking of?" I asked.

"What's wrong with right now?" he asked, standing up, and making a move toward the bedroom.

I followed him, and it became obvious that this was something he must have been thinking about for awhile because, there on the bed was a mask, some handcuffs, and a small paddle.

"Please, honey?" There was a question in his voice, and I thought,
why not

"Strip," I told him, quickly getting into my 'she who must be obeyed' mode.

He did, and got onto his knees on the floor by the bed. "Hands behind your back," I ordered, and slipped the handcuffs onto him.

"Lean your front part onto the bed," I said, wanting his ass to be sticking up in the air. I placed the blindfold on him, and then was slightly unsure where to start.

"Tell me I've been a bad boy," he begged.

Well if that's what you want, that's what you are going to get
, I thought. I picked up the paddle, and said, "You are a dirty little bastard, aren't you? How dare you bring filth into my home?!" I brought the paddle down onto his butt, unsure how hard to do it.

Phil moaned and I looked to his naked middle, and wasn't entirely surprised to see that he had a rock-hard erection. I brought the paddle down again, a bit harder that time. Bright red marks appeared on Phil's ass cheeks and I have to say that I felt wonderful! I felt alive and glowing, and realized that I could really get into this. It appealed to my authoritative nature.

"More, harder," Phil begged but I thought I would make him wait a little while. I took my own clothes off, and realized how wet I was. I stood right beside Phil's head, and started frigging my clit. "Listen to how wet I am," I urged as I fingered myself. "If you are a good boy, I might let you eat me in awhile but, first, I have to punish you for not asking permission before you bought those DVD's." (I was really into it by then.)

I continued to smack Phil with one hand while making myself cum with the other. As I moaned through my climax, Phil joined in, and shot his load all over the polished wooden floor.
! I thought.
Now I'm gonna have to clean that up
! And then I realized something.

"Lick that floor clean!" I commanded.

Yes, I'm going to enjoy 'taking it easy' now!


by Jo


Do you ever imagine what your life would be like if you hadn't taken a certain course of action, and what you would now be doing instead? I know that I do. My name is Jo (Joanna, but only my mother ever called me that!) and my husband Clint and I are great advocates of the BDSM lifestyle. But, it wasn't always that way.

I suppose I have long been the more adventurous one of the two of us and I never thought that I would be able to get Clint interested in this kind of thing. And yet, here we are now, both 'at it' every week! So, how did we get started?

Just over a year ago, Clint and I went through what can only be termed as a rough patch. We were arguing all the while and I, for one, felt completely dissatisfied with our life. It had become boring and mundane and I was craving excitement, but didn't know where to get that from. I was snapping at Clint for the slightest thing and, while I knew that what I was doing wasn't justified in the circumstances, I also didn't know how to bring up the real thing that was bothering me.

Our sex life had become extremely boring. I know that, when you have been together a while, these things can happen but I didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him that flat out. I was restless, and wanted us to try new things; I just didn't know
new things. I finally found what it was I was looking for when I went on a business trip with Becky, a work colleague of mine.

I had known Becky for almost five years by then and I knew there was something 'different' about her. I just didn't know what it was until that weekend. We finished our conference on Friday evening by eight o'clock, and had the rest of the evening to ourselves. Becky knew the town we were staying in far better than I did so, when she suggested we go clubbing, I was happy to follow her lead.

Well, was I ever surprised when she took me to a fetish club! I had wondered if she was into something like that when I saw her outfit for the evening. She wore a skin-tight, black pencil skirt, sky-scraper heels, and a tight, see-through black lace shirt. She looked something like a Burlesque dancer when she topped the outfit off with long gloves and scarlet lipstick. Did I feel out of place when we got there and I was in my usual jeans and t-shirt!

Anyway, we went in, ordered drinks, and sat down for a while. I looked around and I know I must have looked like an idiot because my mouth was open with shock at some of the things I saw. It seemed that most of the men who attended were of the submissive sort as I saw many on their naked knees, wearing collars, and being led around the place by their dom, which in most cases was a female.

"Do you do stuff like this?" I asked Becky.

"All the time," she smiled. "I thought you would have guessed already. Is it something you think you could be into?"

"I think I need to learn more about it first," I replied.

"Okay, let's go to one of the scene rooms and you can see the kinda things people do in there."

She led the way to a room and, for a moment, I was shocked at what was going on. But, the more I watched, the more turned on I became. There were loads of strong women there, all telling their subs what to do, and deciding when they would be allowed to cum, etc. But the men, far from looking as if they were in pain, all seemed to be enjoying it. A seed was planted in my mind and I wondered of something like this would take away the boredom I was feeling with Clint.

Most of the time we had been together, he had been an extremely laid-back kind of guy who was always happy for me to make the decisions. I think it was because he was so 'nice' that I struggled to tell him our lovemaking was flat and boring. But, I began to realize that one of us needed to do something to make things change...and that someone was going to have to be me. I watched for a while longer, and actually became so turned on by the proceedings that I had to pay a visit to the bathroom to relieve my frustration. A quick fingering of my clit and I was a happy girl! I vowed that, when I got home, I would tell Clint what I wanted.

I decided that there was no point in prevaricating so I came straight to the point, and told him where I had been that weekend. He went to get us a bottle of wine to share and we sat down for a chat. I told him how turned on I had been by everything and he looked at first shocked, then bemused, and finally seemed to realize that I was being serious.

"Are you saying you want us to try that?"

"Yes, I do. I did find out that it's not all about pain, though. A lot of it is about control. Don't you think it would be really exciting to be hugely turned on, and yet stopped from cumming until I decided that you could? Just imagine how massive that orgasm would be when it finally happened." He did look far more interested when I said that.

"Okay, I'm game if you are," he said. "Let's give it a go."

So, last night, we did. Because I wasn't too sure whether Clint would take to it, I didn't want to spend money unnecessarily on 'toys' so I looked around the house for what I could use. I found a couple of dressing gown ties, a feather duster, a leather belt, a table tennis paddle, and some scarves that could be used for blindfolds.

I called Clint when I had everything sorted out. He came into the bedroom, looking around in surprise at the 'goodies' I had gathered.

"Get naked," I commanded. He quickly stripped and I was glad to see that he was already semi-erect.
He can't be thinking it's gonna be that bad
! I thought.

"Lie on your back on the bed." He did so and I tied his wrists and ankles to the bed, and then wound a scarf around his eyes for a blindfold.
Now, let the games begin
, I thought. I leaned over, and took his cock into my mouth to give a little suck to get him fully hard and he moaned when I quickly stopped. I didn't want to get him too far, too soon.

I picked up the feather duster, and drew it across his torso and he began giggling helplessly.
Hmm, maybe that's not the effect I was after
. I began running my long nails up the inside of his thighs, gently at first, and then with more force until he had long, red lines criss-crossing his skin. When I got to his ball sac, I did the same there and he said, "Ow!" with surprise. I pulled my vibrator from the bedside cabinet, and switched it on.

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