Feline Fatale

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Authors: Linda O. Johnston

BOOK: Feline Fatale
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Table of Contents
“[A] fabulous series.”
—The Best Reviews
Praise for the
Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter Mysteries
Howl Deadly
“Mystery readers and animal lovers alike will find much to enjoy in this mystery series. The mystery is tightly plotted and a bit of a departure this time around, making the story feel fresh while we follow Kendra, who always has the animals’ best interests at heart.”
—CA Reviews
“Fans will enjoy Kendra’s latest who-done-it as her energy, élan, and love of animals (as well as Dante) make for an appealing investigative story.”
—The Mystery Gazette
Never Say Sty
“Ms. Johnston continues to make Kendra Ballantyne a likeable character with a sense of humor . . . Perfect in today’s world . . .
Never Say Sty
is well thought out and an enjoyable read.”

My Shelf
“The pacing is solid, the dialogue crisp . . . Animal lovers will adore this series for the mystery as well as the animals.”
—CA Reviews
Double Dog Dare
“An incredible writer who creates believable, intelligent characters.
Double Dog Dare
has a fun-filled, suspenseful story line that contains intrigue, mystery, murder, lots and lots of animals, and humor. Ms. Johnston’s wit, pacing, and dialogue make this cozy entry into the Pet-Sitter series a surefire winner.”
—Fresh Fiction
“[A] fast and fun read.”
—New Mystery Reader
The Fright of the Iguana
“Wonderful . . . I always enjoy the pet-sitting antics in this series. The author has done a great job of making the reader care about the animals. Plus their personalities really shine through. The Southern California [setting] is enjoyable as well.”
—Mystery Lovers Corner
Meow Is for Murder
“A humorous, cleverly constructed murder mystery . . . Intelligent . . . with an eccentric cast that infuses the plot with a sense of jocularity and pets that readers would love to adopt.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Kendra is such a fun . . . likeable character. [There’s] plenty of humor along with a well-plotted cozy mystery.”
—Mystery Lovers Corner
Fine-Feathered Death
“A wonderful new addition to the ranks of amateur detectives . . . The well-timed humor . . . sets it above the current crowded crop of cozy mystery series. Johnston’s ability to blend pet love, mystery, and romance into one well-wrapped package makes this a summer treat for mystery and pet lovers alike.”
—Front Street Reviews
“Exciting . . . Johnston is a creative storyteller who not only writes a fascinating mystery but also creates a deep character study.”
—Books ’n’ Bytes
“A fast-paced who-done-it . . . Kendra is a fun character, and her supporting friends and assorted critters make an enjoyable read.”
—Fresh Fiction
“You’ll laugh out loud! Don’t read it when you have to be quiet!”
—Mystery Lovers Corner
Nothing to Fear but Ferrets
“Linda O. Johnston has a definite talent for infusing humor in just the right places . . . Pet lovers and amateur-sleuth fans will find this series deserving of an award as well as a place on the bestseller lists.”
—Midwest Book Review
Sit, Stay, Slay
“Very funny and exciting . . . Worthy of an award nomination . . . The romance in this novel adds spice to a very clever crime thriller.”
—The Best Reviews
“A brilliantly entertaining new puppy caper, a doggie-filled who-done-it . . . Johnston’s novel is a real pedigree!”
—Dorothy Cannell
“Pet-sitter sleuth Kendra Ballantyne is up to her snake-draped neck in peril in Linda O. Johnston’s hilarious debut mystery
Sit, Stay, Slay
. Witty, wry, and highly entertaining.”
—Carolyn Hart
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Linda O. Johnston
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A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / July 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Linda O. Johnston.
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Many thanks to Donna Hollingsworth of Holly Sams, a delightful breeder of champion Samoyeds and a petsitter—and, especially, a dog show aficionado and expert who gave unstinting information about how breeders view the showing of the show-quality pups from their litters. If Linda nevertheless misstated anything, please chalk it up to poetic license; it’s her bad, not Donna’s.
Thanks, too, to Linda’s delightful editor, Michelle Vega, for all she has done to help keep Kendra’s series moving smoothly, and to her agent, Paige Wheeler, for all the excellent help she has given to her career. Linda would also like to particularly thank both of them, and all the appropriate folks at Berkley Prime Crime, for the opportunity to write the upcoming spin-off series about Lauren Vancouver, pet rescuer! Kendra reserves judgment about the new series, but she likes Lauren enough to wish her the best—especially if she, too, becomes a murder magnet.
And to Lexie and Mystie, Linda’s current Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Mystie’s penchant for elusiveness helped Linda describe the proclivities of Lady Cuddles, the escape-artist kitty in
Feline Fatale
. And, of course, kudos also to Kendra’s Lexie.
And, as always, to Linda’s husband, Fred.
Kendra Ballantyne/Linda O. Johnston
Chapter One
The woman who demanded my identity blocked my path up the narrow stairway. Her print pull-on pants seemed snug for her curvaceous figure, although her shocking pink knit shirt was loose enough to allow her to cross her arms as she glared down at me through black-rimmed glasses.
She’d appeared quite suddenly through the door to the third floor, exactly where I was heading. She startled me enough to cause me to grab the stair rail with one hand and my heart with the other as my large bag banged against my hip.
“Er . . . I’m Kendra Ballantyne,” I said. “I’m a pet-sitter.” Among other things. “One of your residents who does a lot of animal care around here asked me to take over while she’s away for the weekend. Wanda Villareal. Do you know her?”
It was nine in the morning. We were in the rearmost of several residential structures at the Brigadoon condominium complex, in Burbank, California. Wanda was a friend and fellow member of the Pet Sitters Club of SoCal. Even more, she was the girlfriend of my dearest friend in the world, Darryl Nestler—owner of the Doggy Indulgence Day Resort in Studio City.
They were off for a romantic long weekend, so of course I’d agreed to step in and help Wanda out.
“Yes, I know her.” The woman’s chilly voice and sneering smile made it clear she wasn’t one of Wanda’s closest acquaintances. “Are you saying you’re here to take care of some residents’ pets today?”
I nodded. “That’s right. Wanda’s caring for pets in four of the condos here. She got the okay from the owners for me to help out this weekend, and gave me the keys. And a letter of introduction.” And why I was telling this nasty piece of work anything, without her giving any indication she had authority to ask me questions, I didn’t know.
Okay, yes, I did. It could save me a lot of time and aggravation if she simply let me go on my way, instead of keeping me standing there in the stairway.
But I didn’t hold out much hope for her sudden cooperation.
“Let me see that letter,” she ordered.
“Sure.” I ignored an urge to ram it between her large, too-white teeth. “But let’s go upstairs into the hallway, where there’ll be more light.”

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