Fed Up (4 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fed Up
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“Your choice.”  She climbed off the bed.  Facing him, she drew the bra straps off her shoulders and down her arms a bit.  Then she pulled down both of the demi cups, exposing her nipples.

She dipped two fingers inside her mouth. When they were moist, she drew the dampness across her nipples. 

“Please,” he said.  His eyes were wide.  He licked his upper lip. 

She knew he could still taste her pussy juices in his mouth.

She smiled. 

“Please, I want to suck on your nipples.”

She was powerless to deny him. 

Beth moved back over him, on all fours so that her breasts hung beneath her, gently swaying.  “Whatever you do, don’t let me come.  You’ll have to be punished if I have an orgasm.”

“That’s not in my control,” he said.  Anger, frustration, confusion, and probably a whole lot of horniness made his voice strained and rough.

“Make it in your control,” she snapped.  “Watch my reactions intently.  Believe me, you do not want me to climax.”

He was still hard.  Part of her thought she should relieve him.  That kind, considerate idea lasted about five seconds.  She’d been waiting for days.  He could endure a stiffy a bit longer.

She cupped one of her breasts and fed it to him.  Greedily, he accepted.  He nipped and nibbled and caressed with his mouth.  Her breasts felt heavy with need.  She grew wet between the legs again.  “Oh.”

“Let me out of these goddamn handcuffs so I can touch you.”



He was learning his manners.  Quick study, her man.

“No,” she repeated.

Using his tongue, he pressed her nipple against his teeth, gently abrading. 

She should have tied him up and forced him to service her months ago.  If she’d only known…

Her hips began to buck, and the clever man that he was, he backed off.  He used barely any pressure against her swollen nipple.  “Damn you.”

She looked down at his smiling, smug face.  “Can’t have you coming,” he said.  “I wouldn’t want to be punished.”

“You can be punished for insolence,” she said. 

“Whatever you say.” 

He bit her.  Intentionally and hard.  She climaxed in that instant. 

His grin was remorseless.

“Oh, no,” Beth said.  “Now what do we do?  Guess you’ll have to be punished.”

She moved to fetch the item she’d stashed near his hip.  “Lift your head a bit,” she said.  “I’m going to blindfold you.”  The blindfold wouldn’t fit terribly tight.  He might be able to see shadows and he’d certainly know it was light, but that didn’t matter. 

“How does that feel?”

“I’m not sure I like this.”

“You’re not nervous, are you?  Wondering just what I intend to do to you next?”

“Well, yes, actually.”

“Good.  After all, I did climax and I am intent on punishing you for it.”  She adjusted the blindfold one last time.  He wouldn’t be able to see everything she was doing and that would heighten the eroticism.  And that was all that really mattered.  “Down the road,” she said, “I might even buy you your very own hood.”

“Ah.  Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too far?”

“Not at all.  Do you?”

He swallowed convulsively.  And that was the only answer she needed. 

She took her sweet time returning to the dresser drawer filled with her toys.  “Lift your head again.  Now open your mouth.”

While he was off-guard, she shoved a ball gag in his mouth.  He turned his head to one side, trying to escape her.  “Oh, no, you don’t.  You used your mouth to make me come, now you’ll have a chance to think about it.” 

He struggled and strained.

“Stop your reprehensible behaviour this instant.”  She pushed the gag in a little deeper, then slid the leather strap through the metal buckle and tightened it securely.  “Now that’s a beautiful sight.  If you had any idea what you look like, Jon…  God, I’m so turned on.”

To shock him, she sucked on his cock. 

He writhed.  She doubted he’d ever been harder in his life.   He had no idea where she was, what she was going to do next. 

“I have another punishment in store for you,” she said. 

He tossed his head from side to side. 

“Your balls are so big, Jon.  Swollen.  One might think you might need to come.” 

He nodded.  The sound he made might have been a single word,

“Sorry, my love.  Can’t quite make out what you’re trying to say.”

She revelled in the headiness of the power of driving him to the edge of endurance and keeping him there.  “Do you know what a cock ring is?”

For a moment, it appeared as if he’d forgotten to breathe.

“It can be made from any number of different things.  Rubber.  Steel.  Chrome.  Gold.  Leather.  Leather is particularly pleasing because it can be studded with metal spikes.”  She walked around the room.  Because he was blindfolded and gagged and his hands were cuffed, his sense of sound would be heightened.  He’d be trying to track her movements based on the sound of her heels on the hardwood floor.  “You’ve worn one before?”

He shook his head.

“You’ve wanted to?”

There was a hesitation, and then he shook his head. 

“But you’re curious?  You wonder what it would feel like to have that kind of pressure on your privates?  You’ve wondered what your cock might look like, how hot it might be, when it’s forced to be even more erect?  You’ve wondered if sex is even better with an enhanced erection?”

Again, there was a slight hesitation.

“Well, you’re going to wear one, if for no other reason than I say so.  I want to see you in a cock ring.  And maybe I’ll have you in one everyday.  That will depend on my mood.”

He was making all sorts of noise behind his gag.  She couldn’t tell whether they were sounds of pleasure or annoyance.  Maybe a bit of panic thrown in for good measure.  And, well, frankly, it didn’t much matter to her one way or another.

“They can be a variety of shapes as well,” she continued.  “Gates of hell somewhat resemble a tower.  The store even had a few that were more of a cock and ball separator, a little lift and spread as it were.  I rather fancy the gates of hell myself.”

Interesting that he hadn’t lost one bit of his erection.  And he did look totally appealing with that pillow tucked under his hips. 

“Since you’re new to this, I decided to go with one shaped like a figure eight.”  To tell the truth, she’d selected the figure eight one as much for her sake as for his.  When she had more courage, she’d try for something more intense.  Since she had been unsure how she’d fare in her new-found role as a domme, she’d opted for a ring with a quick release connector. 

“I mentioned how big your balls are, how swollen.”  She cupped them for good measure. 

He seemed to dig his shoulder blades into the mattress.

She put some pressure on that sensitive area between his sac and his anus. 

Jonathan groaned.

“And I can’t wait to see your testicles squeezed by rubber.”


Chapter Four

She returned a final time to the drawer to fetch the figure eight.  “This has two rings,” she told him.  Please God let her fingers not be so nerveless that she couldn’t do this.

She’d always been concerned about a man’s testicles, not wanting to cause him pain.  But this was different.  She’d gotten very explicit instructions on what to do at the sex shoppe and she’d bought the device with two purposes in mind.

She was going to intentionally inflict miniscule amounts of pain, first to establish herself as his domme and second to give him the most powerful orgasm of his life.

Still, directions were one thing.  It was another thing entirely for her to manipulate Jonathan’s cock and balls for their mutual pleasure.

If she stalled, he’d know she was nervous.  And she wanted him to believe she was totally in control.  “The larger ring goes around your balls.  The smaller one goes around your cock.”

She took his balls in one hand and squeezed them. 


Lifting, she began to encircle his testicles with the ring.  “Looks like it will be a tight fit.”

His head thrashed back and forth.

She squeezed the rubber until it locked into place.  “Beautiful,” she said.  And it was.  His balls were forced into a tight circle and they protruded gorgeously over the ring.  “Firm and tight.”  She licked him. 

Beth reached over to their shared nightstand and grabbed some lube.  “Cold,” she warned.  She squeezed the bottle, dropping some of the gel right above his anus.  With small, whorling motions, she slipped the tip of her finger in his anus.

He jerked, lifting his hips, unconsciously granting her deeper and deeper access.  She fucked him with her finger, watching as his cock got bigger and his balls got more and more firm.

Heeding the warning from the sex shoppe, she kept the lube away from the cock ring.  Not that it would harm it, but it might make the device more susceptible to opening unexpectedly.  She definitely didn’t want that.

Pulling her finger out, she snapped the second ring closed.  “Oh.  Oh, my,” she said, looking at him.  He was erect, and so unbelievably sexy looking.  She could barely stand it.  “Can you feel that?”

He nodded vigorously. 

“Do you like it?”

Jon nodded again.

“So do I.  See what happens when you misbehave?”  Lightly, oh-so-lightly, she flicked his balls.  “You get punished.”  She did it again and again.

He squirmed and moaned and thrust his hips, seeking release for his hard-on. 

“I only thought your balls were swollen earlier.  They’re so red now, bursting over your rubber ring.”  She stroked his testicles, making them fuller.  “They look as though they might explode.”

   She went back to the flicks, a little harder now, more intense.  “Shall I fuck you again?”  This time, she didn’t wait for a response.  With his cock and his balls both enslaved, she moved between his spread thighs and inserted her forefinger into his ass. 

She fucked him hard.  He was all but whimpering with denied need when she removed her finger.

She climbed on top of him and guided his penis into her cunt.  She slid down and he let out an audible groan.  “Your turn,” she said.  “Fuck me.”  She waited, all the while knowing she was asking the impossible. 

He was over the top emotionally and physically.  His legs were spread and his thigh muscles had to be fatigued.  His wrists were cuffed and he could barely move.  And now, the pressure on his restrained sexual organs had to be deliciously excruciating.  Combine that with her internal muscles squeezing him…  “I told you to fuck me.”

He bucked his hips.

“You can do better.”

He tried.  Moving, gyrating, he tried to pleasure her.

“Come on, Jon.  A bit more.  Work it.  Please me.”  She rose up and slid back down him, then did it again and again, working with him to find a rhythm to satisfy them both.

Abruptly she stopped.  She manoeuvred, lifting herself up just a bit so that she could release his figure eight cock ring.  Then she sheathed him again.  “Come,” she ordered him.

In less than twenty seconds, he moaned behind his gag and shot his biggest load ever deep in her cunt.

She smiled.

Being his wife was cool.

Being loved by him was exquisite.

Being his domme rocked her little world.

* * * *

Beth glanced at the grandfather clock.  It was seven minutes past six o’clock.  And after last night, she knew he wouldn’t dare be a minute late.  There wouldn’t be a last minute telephone call to her cellular, no excuses as to why he wouldn’t be home until nine.

Tonight, he’d be as anxious to be home as she was to have him.  In fact, he’d rung earlier to today to tell her exactly that.

She’d better get a move on, if she was going to be ready for him.

Heading towards the oak front door, she latched the safety chain.  She had a point to make.  Every night, he’d have her permission to walk into the house.

When he crossed the threshold, there’d be no doubt who was in charge.  In less than twenty seconds, he’d go from being a respected and revered attorney to being her submissive.

He might not know what to expect this evening.  He might think that last night was a one-off, or, at the most, her domination would be an occasional happening to spice their sex life.

He’d be wrong in thinking that.

But she suspected, he wouldn’t mind.

Last night, she’d released his ankles first.  He’d moved slowly, drawing his legs together.  Then she’d uncuffed one wrist.  He couldn’t have grabbed her or touched her even if he wanted.  She knew it would take a few seconds for his circulation to get restored and for the first pangs of pain to recede.  She’d kept him in bondage quite a while.  And she intended to do it regularly.  Practice would make him much, much better. 

Next, she’d taken off his blindfold.  He’d blinked at the brightness of the room. 

The first thing he had done when she removed his gag was to kiss her.  “Good man,” she’d said approvingly.

After she released his last bond, the cuff on his right wrist, he’d drawn her into his arms.  “My woman,” he’d said sleepily.  Kissing the top of her head, he’d added, “I love you.”

She’d taken mercy on him and let him doze.  In future, that would be a privilege he’d earn.

But his words had been enough to help her sleep well, all night long.

Today, she’d been nearly crawling out of her skin.

Beth went upstairs and prepared herself for his arrival.

This time, she’d traded in her shoes for sexy thigh-high diva boots.  She shimmied into a pair of silky stockings and put on a black shelf bra.  This bra covered only the bottoms of her breasts.  Her nipples, including aureoles, were completely bare.  She skipped knickers entirely.  She wanted Jonathan to see her newly shaved cunt in all its glory.   

She finger-combed her hair and let the dark strands fall over her shoulders in a riotous mass.

Then she crossed to the wardrobe for the last accoutrement.  In the English tradition, she’d also bought a fine wooden cane to lay a half dozen stripes across her husband’s lawyerly bottom…just in case he still had any doubts whatsoever about who was in charge. 

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