Feather’s Blossom (4 page)

Read Feather’s Blossom Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction Opera, #Paranormal

BOOK: Feather’s Blossom
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They flew down the main drive and landed in front of the house. She showed Seldrin where he could put the packs, and he followed her into the house, ducking to clear the doorway.

Her parents were inside, and their expression of relief was so welcome that Ty felt tears prick her eyes. “Mom, Dad, this is Duke Seldrin Avedos of the Haldoth. Seldrin, this is Niira and Orwait Roper. My parents.”

Seldrin bowed low. “You have raised an exceptional daughter.”

Niira smiled. “We know.”

The smells of breakfast were filling the room.

Orwait raised his brows, “Your grace, will you join us for breakfast?”

“Please. I have had nothing but rations for days. Whatever is being prepared smells wonderful.”

Tyhana smiled. “If you will allow me, I will see you properly seated.”

He nodded, and she led him into the dining room, showing him the one seat that was designed for someone with wings. “Where will you sit?”

She snickered, grabbed the chair next to his and turned it around so that the back came up to her ribcage. “It is emergency seating for me. It took a while to figure out that a chair at the end of the table was my best bet for not getting gravy on my wings.”

Footfalls began in the house above them.

Tyhana chuckled. “Brace yourself. The littles are awake, and they have never seen another person with wings.”

“Will they touch?” He seemed nervous.

“Not without asking. They may ask for a feather though. My sisters keep journals and scrap books.” Tyhana was used to her sisters making her bed for her. If they found a shed feather, they could keep it as long as they made her bed.

The little feet came pounding down the stairs, raced down the hall and screeched to a halt in the dining room. The bright brown eyes widened, and they came in to introduce themselves to the stranger in their midst.

Tyhana watched the interplay between the alien and her family. It was surprisingly fun to watch him run his fingers through his feathers to see if any were loose. There was one flight feather that came loose, and Tyhana snatched it away. “You know the rules. The most chores done for Mom in a day wins the feather.”

Seldrin blinked. “It is a prize?”

“Oh yes. My feathers are pens, bookmarks, were the mobiles over their cribs. A black feather is worth a lot more in chores, and they are all old enough to learn to earn what they want.” She grinned. “If you shed another during your nap, it will be up for grabs tomorrow.”

“I am still not convinced that I am going to take a nap.”

She laughed. “You have not had a meal prepared by my mother. You will not have a choice.”

He looked wary, but there was anticipation as her younger siblings trooped in with plates of every possible breakfast food, pitchers of fruited water and fried cake stacks two feet high.

Seldrin didn’t talk, didn’t complain, he just ate everything she put on his plate and complimented every bit of food that he had consumed. His expression was genuine; he really was enjoying himself.

When her youngest sister asked him about his wing colour and asked if it was a boy thing, he didn’t bat an eye. “It is a family colour. Both of my parents have black wings, just like your parents have dark eyes and all of you have dark eyes.”

Leonara looked between them. “That isn’t true. Tyhana has light eyes and light hair. She doesn’t look like Mom and Dad.”

Tyhana looked to Seldrin and her parents chuckled.

Niira let him off the hook. “She knows. She is just having fun with a new person.”

Leonara scrunched her shoulders and giggled.

Seldrin’s relief was almost palpable. “That was the scariest thing that has happened all week, and I have crashed a ship, dislocated my wings and faced a pack of predators.”

The little ones perked up. Leonara said, “We know how to fix your wings!”

He raised his hands in surrender. “Tyhana did a very good job. I am able to fly now.”

The younger siblings looked disappointed.

Ty leaned toward him. “They like playing medics. Many a winter night has been spent with me mummified next to the fire with them practicing wrapping.”


He was going to speak again, but there was a squawk from the com unit that Orwait was wearing on his belt. He got to his feet and left the room.

When he returned, he smiled, “Well, it looks like a nap is not an option. The capital is sending a skimmer over the mountain range for you. They are going to be here within the hour.”

Tyhana’s mood crashed.

Seldrin looked at her and picked up her hand, raising it to his lips. “I will return for a visit as soon as I am able. I need to set up the embassy and make preparations for my support staff.”

Ty’s sisters swooned at the handsome, winged man kissing their sister’s hand. Ty’s heart pounded, but she was so depressed by the loss that she had refused to anticipate that she barely registered it.

“Mr. Roper, may I take a walk with your daughter? I believe we could use a little bit of privacy.”

Ty nodded numb lips. And got to her feet before her father even replied.

Once she was outside, she took flight and perched on top of the barn. Even the most enthusiastic of her siblings couldn’t manage the climb in under ten minutes.

Seldrin landed next to her, and he took her hands. “Tyhana. I did not come to Orion’s Rest looking for a wife, but after I met you, there is no other role in my life that I want you to fulfill. Once I have set up our home, will you marry me?”

She blinked and leaned back, nearly stepping off the roof. “What?”

“Will you marry me? I am not sure if I am to ask your father first, but I am guessing that checking with you is probably my best chance for winning your hand. You are smart, strong, graceful and are eager to experience the world. In my eyes, you are the perfect woman.”

She blinked. “I…no one…the wings…are you sure?”

It was the one point of her life where she didn’t have complete confidence in herself. Being the only one of her kind had made it obvious to her that she would never wed. Now, she had to rewrite her own preconceptions.

She took a deep breath and smiled. “If you come back in less than six months and still want to marry me, my answer is yes. I will come with you and be your wife, though I have no idea what an ambassador’s wife does.”

“Neither do I. We will have to move forward together, and I am willing to learn right beside you.”

She was going to reply, but he kissed her, his lips moving along hers until she shook off her shock and responded. She put her hand behind his head and held his lips to hers until the moment that the skimmer landed in the farmyard. With a final soft kiss, she let him go. “I give you six months.”

He grinned and flew to the skimmer, settling in while the pilot spoke to Orwait and her father handed over the packs and the beacon.

She sighed and sat on the roof of the barn, wondering how slow six months would actually be.


Twelve days later, Ty was sitting in the woods and petting one of the local birds who seemed to call her kin. She heard the distinct noise of a skimmer and lifted her companion into flight before she did the same.

She moved her wings lazily toward the farm and looked toward the skimmer for a set of dark wings. When they emerged, she dove toward Seldrin, pulling up and landing decorously at the last moment.

He grinned and walked up to her, lifting her up to kiss her. She draped her arms around his neck and kicked her feet as he spun her around.

He kissed her frantically, and she replied with enthusiasm until they both calmed. “I didn’t think you would be back so soon.”

“I had the help of another ambassador who had a vested interest in accompanying me here today.”

Ty peeked over his shoulder and saw a woman with white wings and gold hair, with a man with golden hair and dark green eyes.

“This is Ambassador Freerosha of the Swiit and her bodyguard and consort, Enhart.”

Ty held onto Seldrin. “Pleased to meet you.”

Freerosha smiled, and Enhart put his hand on her shoulder. “I am pleased to meet you, Tyhana Roper.”

Orwait and Niira were waiting next to the Swiit ambassador.

Niira grinned. “You might want to get on your own two feet, Ty, and meet the woman who birthed you and the man who sired you.”

Freerosha wove her fingers together. “I am not surprised you don’t remember. You were very small.”

Niira inclined her head. “She was very small when I found her. I am guessing she flew away?”

“No one knew she could do the Swiit shift. With Enhart being her father, we expected her to remain at the size of a normal infant.” Freerosha swallowed. “I would like to get to know you if I am able to.”

“Of course.” Tyhana stepped forward and took both of Freerosha’s hands in her own. “I enjoy learning, and joining my family and yours is going to make for some interesting holidays.”

“And mine.” Seldrin stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “I have no objection to a complete blending of families. Is this acceptable for you?”

Enhart squeezed Freerosha’s shoulders when she didn’t speak. “The ambassador agrees and is delighted to welcome the Ropers as the family of her daughter. She offers to host the wedding of Ambassador Avedos and our daughter. By our daughter, she means the daughter of her body and the Roper family.”

Tyhana smiled when Niira came forward and took Freerosha’s hand while the ambassador struggled to get her composure together.

Tyhana’s brothers and sisters tumbled in from the corners of the yard. Ty smiled, “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Aunt Freerosha and Uncle Enhart.”

The Swiit ambassador had no chance. She and her bodyguard were surrounded by wingless children and hugged in greeting.

Tyhana joined her clan and whispered in her mother’s ear, “I am glad to finally meet you.”

She nodded to her father, and he beamed.

When she stepped back, Seldrin wrapped his arms around her waist. “I got you some knew clothing, Ty. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Is it clothing designed for wings, because if it is, I am all for it.” She smiled brightly and turned her head to grin at him.

“It is. A little fancier than you are used to.”

“Will I have to chase sheep around?”


“Then, the clothing will be fine. Do you think Ambassador Freerosha will adapt to being the member of a wingless family?”

“I am sure she will adapt.”

“How did you find her?”

“It wasn’t hard. I just looked for a Swiit who had been here twenty-five years ago. She was the only one. Her daughter disappeared, and it was thought that it was a kidnapping attempt, but there was never a request for payment, so they eventually gave up on finding you. They could not mention your change of size, because the Swiits do not believe that a half-breed like Freerosha could carry the gene.”

“I guess we proved them wrong.” She smiled.

“You certainly did that.” He hugged her tightly. “So, how long until we can manage a wedding?”

“Well, here on Orion’s Rest, we don’t go too fancy with it. We have the agreement in front of witnesses and a party up to a year later.”

He slowly smiled, “So, we could be married today?”

“If my parents are agreeable. This is one moment where they have to give consent.”

He let her go so fast, she felt cold.

He spoke quietly with Orwait, and Orwait called over Niira, who grabbed Freerosha and Enhart.

When Seldrin finished his impassioned requests, they all nodded. He smiled and turned back to Tyhana. “Come along, I have brought your trousseau with me.”

“Aren’t I supposed to have that?”

“Well, it was from Freerosha, so she had a right to donate it.” He shrugged and headed into the skimmer with her in tow.

Half an hour later, Ty emerged wearing an elegant silk gown, laced up with a jeweled cincher, jeweled slippers and her hair up in a charming twist.

Seldrin held her hand as she stood in front of her assembled family.

Leonara brought her a bouquet of flowers from Niira’s garden. Flowers from the same bush where Tyhana had been found so long ago.

Seldrin kept his hold on her free hand, and she held her flowers as she vowed to be Seldrin’s wife and he vowed to be her husband.

Tomas recorded it on the vid recorder.

The witnesses all made statements that the agreement between the two was legitimate and not coerced.

They had dinner together outside, and when the light began to redden, her siblings loaded all of her possessions on the skimmer for her trip to the capital.

It was a sweet leave taking, because Tyhana knew what other brides did not. She could simply fly home whenever the mood took her, and if Seldrin complained, then he would have to come along.

It was a six-hour flight from the capital to home, and with the plethora of family around her now, she would never lack for company.

It wasn’t a bad way to start a new life with a man she loved, liked and lusted after.


Author’s Note



Thumbelina was the basis for
Feather’s Blossom
. The small size was always a problem for me, so I made her able to shift, even though she only does it once. Being naked in the woods is only good if you are a born pixie.

Guarding Forever
will be the next fairy tale, the first Devine Destinies book of 2014.

Watching out for the souls of warriors and escorting them in is a duty that she has been carrying out as long as she can remember. When one man comes and goes from the pathway, she seeks him out in the physical world and changes his fate.




About the Author



Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

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