Fearless (8 page)

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Authors: Eve Carter

BOOK: Fearless
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I held her gaze and coasted my fingertips across the sensitive skin of her thighs. I trailed higher, between her legs, stroking and teasing her most tender areas. Her body jerked in response to the first touch and she cried out desperately. It made me smile. I liked to see the pleasure I gave her in her eyes. I leaned my body over hers and pinned her down with another kiss. I felt her give in and submit to the pleasure even more. I could feel it in her muscles, she was riding the wave of an orgasm already, panting and twisting under me. And I had done nothing but touch her little sweet spot.

“You like that, baby?” My voice came out raspy, my vocal chords heavily laden with testosterone.

“Yes…” she whimpered and her body bucked in reaction to the intense strokes of my fingertips. I slipped and slid my fingers in her wetness, but I had to finish her off tasting that wetness. Then after I was done fucking her with my tongue, I could fuck her soft and slow with my cock.

I kissed her softly; each slow kiss enhanced the bolts of pleasure that flooded my already raw nerves. She moaned against my mouth and I caressed her tongue, coaxing her into another kiss. My body moved with hers as my fingers did their work. I swear I could feel her heartbeat, pounding against my chest. It was a turn on, giving her pleasure, watching her move. It aroused me and would later push my orgasm to greater heights. She was wound up tight as a spring right now so I dipped down, to taste her, to use my tongue to take her over the edge. A deep pleasurable moan erupted from her lips and I knew she had crested and come.

She had curled her body up and grabbed my hair when she climaxed. I was breathing heavily when I lifted my head and I had to take a second to adore the sight. Her body was so beautiful and her eyes were burning with desire. With our gaze locked, she lay back down against the bed and I entered her slowly, controlling myself to be gentle and easy this time. Her wetness made my penetration glide in readily, stretching her, filling her, satisfying her need to feel me inside of her.

“Jesse…” she whispered my name. My body jerked and my hips jutted against hers like a race horse wanting to jump the line. But I calmed myself.

I breathed out then inhaled, a long steady breath, through my nose, buried in her hair against the pillow. Our bodies moved slowly, rhythmically. She responded to each of my thrusts, the two of us moving together in synchronicity, her matching my pace. I knew the rhythm that would please her, the rhythm that would show her a different side of me. To show her with my body what I couldn’t put into words, what I couldn’t say out loud. The room filled with soft gasps and murmurs of pleasure, each other’s names cried out in the heat of passion, all music to the soul.

Each breath was like another note, warm and soft, resonating inside of me all the way to my toes. I grasped her hips firmly and angled her so that I could stroke deeply inside of her. My rapid thrusts were matched by her cries of pleasure and I rocked my hips until I exploded and came inside of her. I kissed her panting lips one more time and rolled off of her, both of us spent, and collapsed onto the bed beside her.

Niki stared at me now, caressing me with her green eyes. Eyes like none I had ever seen before. Sexy and yet full of, full of…something very special that works its way inside of me every time she looks at me like this, all cuddled up in my arms, her skin pressed to mine, looking up with a little satisfied smile. It’s like she can look right inside of me. And when she gives me that look, it does unexplainable things to me; marvelous and magical contortions twirl around inside my body.

No other girl had ever had this effect on me and it seemed to have arrived completely unexpected the night I first saw her.
Fuck me.
I was caught totally off guard. The air seemed to whoosh right out of me and it felt like I’d been hit with a two by four…but in a good way.

I was surprised at how I was changing. Niki made me want to be a better person.
My behavior pattern in the past was pretty much ‘let the hormones do the talking and my body to the walking.’ It was easier to drown my sorrows and be a man-whore than deal with life’s problems.
Oh, fuck me twice.
I was pussy-whipped. That’s okay, all I knew was…Niki was so fucking beautiful; she was everything I was not and it blew my mind that she hadn’t told me to go pound sand.

I smiled down at her. She seemed as drawn to me as I was to her. Or at least I hoped she was if, I was reading all these googly-eyed moments right. I wanted to do every fucking thing with this woman, and
this woman. It had been a long time since I’d put myself out there…there was no turning back now. I just hoped that she wouldn’t stomp on my heart and leave me crying like a whiny little bitch.

Niki’s petite hand had gone limp as it rested on my chest. She was asleep. I tucked her body up, close to mine, and let my eyelids drag shut with a huge mother fucking smile on my face.

Chapter 8


The clink of silverware on plates rattled me out of my sleep the next morning. The breakfast sounds of Kat poking around in the kitchen were loud enough to wake the dead as they passed through the walls of our apartment, right into my bedroom, right into my ear, which was pressed against the bare skin of Jesse’s shoulder. I glanced at my alarm clock. It was only eight in the morning. Why the heck would Kat be up this early on a Sunday?

I wiggled out from underneath the muscles of his firm body and slipped out of bed. He was sleeping heavily, tired from last night’s performance, no doubt, and what a performance it had been! Remembering the details brought a crooked smile to my face. He was so handsome, lying there naked, with the sheet covering only the left half of his magnificent body. I leaned down and lightly traced a finger across his tattoo, tempted to sneak back into bed and wake up my man for a repeat of last night. But my curiosity about what was going on in the kitchen got the better of me. And I figured he deserved to rest, after the ill treatment he’d had to put up with at my dad’s house.

I picked up my robe and hurried out of the bedroom to see what the fuss was all about. As I tiptoed into the kitchen, Kat stood, in a tank top and pajama shorts, looking out the window.


Kat nearly dropped her coffee mug. “Niki,” she gasped. She checked the kitchen clock. No doubt she was wondering why I was up at this hour on a Sunday too. Kat was my best friend and if something was wrong I wanted to help.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” I said, as I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured some coffee. “What are you doing up so early?”

“I feel like shit. Just spent the last fifteen minutes puking up last night’s dinner.” She pulled her feet up onto the seat of the chair and wrapped her arms around her knees, still holding the mug.

I choked on my coffee. “Shit! You are not pregnant are you?” I wrinkled my nose. I had forgotten to add cream and sugar, I was so engrossed in Kat’s situation.

“You’re shitting me, right? Me, pregnant? You’re the only one in this household getting any action lately. And judging from that smile plastered on your face, I guess all that screaming last night was genuine,” she chuckled.

I lightly slapped her shoulder. “Shut up, girl! But yeah. I’m not gonna lie. It was pretty fantastic. So why were you puking?”

“I don’t know. Guess it was something I ate…or drank…or both. I feel a little better, now that most of last night’s dinner has gone down the toilet.” She let one leg down and sat with the other still bent up on the chair. Kat took a sip of her coffee. “So how did it go at your dad’s?”

“Oh, you don’t wanna know.” I added creamer and sweetener.

“Oh, but I
. You promised me all the juicy details.”

I slowly swirled the spoon in the light brown liquid. “I don’t know. Nothing much happened.” I pulled the spoon out, licked it and held it like a popsicle with one arm folded across my body. “Let’s see, besides my evil stepmom eye-fucking my boyfriend, and listening to my dad’s spiteful remarks about how much of a loser Jesse is and how he could never compare to Jason…not much excitement.”

Kat nodded. “Why am I not surprised? Sounds like what I imagined would happen. He’s the parent. It’s his job to make you feel like you’re wrong. The only reason he likes Jason is because he is his pick, he’s in control that way, but in reality, nobody’s good enough for his little girl. But go on.”

“Oh yeah, the highlight of the night was when Jesse threatened to break Jason’s nose if he continues stalking me. It sent Jason running for the hills.” I snorted a laugh. “But besides that, nothing much else. Except that I am probably going to be penniless after the things I said to my dad. I even sort of hit him.”

“You did what! Did you punch him?”

“No, no, I just shoved him, like this.” I put my palms up and pushed at the air. “…on his chest.”

“That is so kickass…”

“I was so angry. He knows exactly how to get me upset, knows just the right words to send me into a rage. I was pissed; no, I was more than pissed.”

“Like, what did he say?”

“He insulted my mom, and you know how defensive I am about her.”

“Fuck, Niki. That’s low. But I’m happy for you that you’re finally standing up for yourself with your dad. I bet it’s been a long time since he last saw such fearless fighter spirit in you.”

“I guess not since I was a kid.”

“I know you’ve mentioned your mom a little but, you’ve never told me what really happened, back when she died. In fact, you’ve never told me much about her at all.” Kat seemed to be picking her words carefully. She didn’t want to pry and open old wounds.

She was right. I never liked to talk about it. Partly because I always blamed myself for what happened. It was a dark time and something I just wanted to put aside. Opening up to Kat, or anyone else for that matter, and Jesse especially, wasn’t easy for me. But harboring secrets was emotionally exhausting and I was getting really tired of it.

“I know. I only remember a few things from before she got sick, but I protect those memories with all I have. It’s like they are delicate and brittle and, if I don’t guard them, they might disappear someday, crumble and turn to dust. I know that’s why I overreact whenever my dad says anything negative about her.” I rubbed at a brown coffee stain on the white tile countertop with my thumb. “After she died, I went through a very emotional time. There aren’t many good memories from that part of my life. I wish those memories would go away, but they don’t. They get all mixed up with my relationship with my dad, you know? So I like to leave it at that. If I don’t talk about the bad memories, maybe they’ll finally go away.”

Kat nodded. She got it. She was good at knowing when to let a subject rest and when to lighten the mood. “Well, enough of that. So what’s on your calendar for today, Miss Erotic Goddess? More bedroom fitness with Casanova boy?”

I shot her a devilish glance and wiggled my eyebrows. “Maybe I should go wake him.”

“Yeah right. Let me get out of the house first. All the moaning and groaning makes a girl horny. I’ll end up joining you guys.”

“Oh yeah?” I chuckled. “Sorry, hun. Not into threesomes today, although I’m sure Jesse would enjoy that.” I laughed and tiptoed back into the bedroom before Kat got any more ideas about sharing.

Jesse was still asleep. I crawled under the sheet, scooting as close to him as I could get. My hands traveled down his tight stomach, all the way down. He was naked, his cock half erect. I wrapped my hand around it and started slowly stroking up and down. It stiffened. He woke slightly and repositioned himself to allow me easier access. Although his eyes were closed, a sexy smile curved up his lips, betraying his conscious state. As he moved, the sheet slipped away and I nearly gasped at the sight of his nakedness. He rolled toward me, slipped his hand around my neck, kissed my lips lightly and then my cheek, murmuring a pleasurable sound. “Mmmm, good morning, beautiful.”

Beautiful was hardly the word for my messed up morning hair and I’d forgotten to check the mirror to see if I had mascara smudges under my eyes. Before a single protest could make it to my lips, Jesse smothered them with his own and my body naturally curved toward his. I sighed with contentment as his hand trailed down along the slope of my neck and across my collarbone. The warmth of his palm brushed my nipple, as his hand cupped each breast and teased it, while he deepened our kiss. I throbbed with need by the time he pulled away from me and he opened his smoldering blue eyes. He brushed my hair back from my face and lowered himself to take one of my breasts into his mouth. I shivered at the sudden wetness, and threw my head back with pleasure. I ran my hand over the strong rise of his shoulders, down along his shoulder blades. His hands pushed my knees apart and he slid down farther, switching his attention to my other breast. I savored each subtle touch of his lips and tongue and swirled my fingers through his hair. His fingertips slid between my folds and roamed along my sensitive nub.

“Jesse,” I gasped out, as my body reacted to his touch.

“Yes?” he murmured, as he kissed from my breast up to the base of my neck.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked and squirmed at his insistent touch.

“Oh yes,” he replied and pressed his lips to mine. When he broke the kiss he eyed me mischievously.

“Is it working?” He arched a brow.

“You really need to ask?” I replied opening my legs further in a submissive gesture. He continued to tease me with his fingers as his lips roamed from breast to breast, and back to my lips again. His lips wandered down over the slope of my stomach. As he moved down, millions of pleasure tingles jetted up. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath in anticipation and was rewarded with the warmth of his tongue, languidly caressing my hot spot.

A rush of blood ripped through my body, so intense that I fisted my hands into the sheets as if that could steady the passion that rocked me. The sudden tension jerked my body, as a signal for him to continue, and a deep moan escaped my lips. He eased my legs up, over each of his shoulders, and continued to flick and swirl his tongue as I squirmed and bucked on the bed.

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