Fearless (17 page)

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Authors: Eve Carter

BOOK: Fearless
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“That’s it.”

Soon we were riding in the back of a black, stretch limo toward the Midtown Hilton Hotel in Manhattan. That would be the first leg of the trip before heading upstate to Jesse’s hometown of Thunder Ridge.

I was out of my mind excited to see Manhattan. Despite my many years attending a New York State boarding school, I had never actually been to The Big Apple. Home of the headquarters of Vera Wang. She was, in my eyes, a fashion design god, or goddess in this case; I worshiped the fabric laden ground of the Garment District that she walked on. I had been to the Garment District in L.A. and my feet were itching to hit the pavement of the one in Manhattan, to see how they compared.

Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought that I would one day study fashion design, base the focus of my design style on Vera Wang, and be in the very part of the very
where her headquarters were located. What were the freaking odds of that happening? It was just too much of a coincidence, in my book. And it was all thanks to Jesse. It was almost like the universe had opened up and tapped me on the head with a fairy wand.

Tap. Tap. Pay attention, Niki.


I had just reached for another sip of my white wine when a waiter, in a black coat and crisp white shirt, delivered our meal to the elegant table, which was draped with white linen. My first day in Manhattan with Jesse had been amazing and this restaurant, with its cozy atmosphere and the chargrilled smell of meat in the air, was the epitome of a New York City steakhouse.

“What time is your meeting tomorrow?” I asked, over mouthwatering plates of the city’s finest cuisine. This was one of Jesse’s favorite places and I could see why he, and everyone else, had fallen in love with this cosmopolitan wonder.

Manhattan was so different from Los Angeles. It was like someone had sped up the camera of life. Everything and everyone crushed together, shoulder to shoulder, at a faster pace than I was accustomed to. I saw throngs of men and women, all dressed in suits, actually walking on the sidewalks, unlike in L.A., where everybody huddled in their cars, suffering in bumper to bumper traffic jams.

Of course, nothing beat the shopping in Manhattan. A girl could go broke very quickly here, buying shoes alone. Kat was going to love me. She had told me, in no uncertain terms, when we first moved in together that all of my shoes were to be considered ‘community property.’ It was her good luck that we shared the same shoe size. I had a feeling the pair of Dolce & Gabbana heels I just purchased, from the shoe gods of the same name, would be her favorite pair to borrow when I got back.

Throwing me a sexy smile, Jesse drew down his beer and cut into his thick Delmonico steak. “I have to get up early. My first meeting is with Laurent, my agent, at ten a.m. Then I have two meetings with team managers in the afternoon. You can sleep in, if you like. Laurent and I’ll meet up with you for lunch. You’ll like him. He’s very energetic and funny. He has the craziest accent, though. He’s originally from Switzerland and he’s a smooth talker. He’ll talk your ear off, so…you’ve been warned.” Jesse stabbed a chunk of steak with his fork and waved it in the air before popping it in his mouth.

A different side of Jesse appeared before my eyes. I had never regarded him in the light of being a professional at anything, other than charming my wet panties off of me. He seemed to be taking on the aura of a true expert in his sport. He wasn’t just all about dirt and well…bikes. I liked it.

“Laurent always closes the deal and that’s what really matters. If it wasn’t for him, I doubt I’d be where I am today. Getting on the right team means everything, in this sport, and he delivers.”

“He sounds like an amazing guy. I’m excited to meet him.” I tipped my head to the side and peered up to the ceiling. ”You know, Jesse, life is funny sometimes. How we find ourselves bumping up against the most special people, the ones who can change your life. Isn’t that really what it’s all about? If you want to be successful in business, sports, or even just in life in general, it’s all about the relationships, creating great relationships and finding those perfect partners. Let’s toast to relationships, of every kind, and the success of your career.”

“Hell, yeah!” Jesse said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

I lifted my wine to his beer and the rims of our two glasses touched, releasing a joyful clink of glass on glass, sealing the toast with an audible agreement.

Chapter 17


I was minutes away from the restaurant, on my way to meet Jesse and Laurent, contending with two shopping bags full of fabulous designer clothes slung over each arm, when I heard the familiar ding of my phone. I juggled my load, and expertly whipped my phone out of my purse. Although my arms were heavily laden with bags, I could find my cell phone with my eyes closed, if needed. I was like a soldier who is trained to assemble his gun, piece by piece, while blindfolded and hanging upside down with a bomb about to explode. I didn’t need to stop walking or even look at my purse. My fingers were calibrated to its touch.

It was a text from Jesse,
“We’re running ten minutes late. Get us a table. It’s reserved under Laurent’s name, Garcon.”

I walked into the restaurant. It was a tapas place, decorated Spanish style.

“I have reservation, a table for three. Name is Garcon,” I said to the host.

“Oh yes, Ms. Garcon. Your table is ready. Right this way.”

“My name is no—,” I attempted a response, but the host was already too far ahead of me to hear.

He pulled out a chair. “Here you are. Your waiter will be right with you. Would you like for me to store your bags while you dine, Miss?”

“No, that’s fine. I’ll just put them here.” There was enough space for the bags between my chair and the wall. I wasn’t going to let them out of sight and maybe forget them. I texted Jesse that I was already seated at the table.

“Almost there!” he replied. His excitement was contagious. I could feel it through the phone. Jesse was really in his element now, gearing up for a racing tour around Europe, hopefully with a new team. Despite all the excitement, a nasty question nagged in my subconscious, a thought I had been forcing to the nether regions, not wanting to think about it and give credence to it. What about me? What about us? Hopefully, the tour wouldn’t affect what we were building. Anyway, I didn’t want such thoughts to sour my experience here in New York. I’d cross that bridge when I came to it.

A couple of minutes later the two of them arrived, Jesse striding into the room with fearless confidence, overshadowing his agent, and everyone else in the room for that matter. I stood up to greet them. Jesse leaned over and gave me a kiss, running his hand down my back and pressing me into his lips ever so slightly. Laurent greeted me with a huge white smile that contrasted with his sun kissed skin. He looked to be in his forties, bald but sporty, and tanned.

“So, this is the beautiful girlfriend you’ve been bragging about, Jesse. You certainly weren’t exaggerating. You look stunning, darling,” Laurent said with a delightful accent.

Jesse ducked his head and smiled. “Niki, meet Laurent, my agent.”

“It is absolutely my pleasure,” Laurent said kissing both my cheeks, European style.

“Likewise,” I replied. This guy really was a smooth talking Johnny, just like Jesse described. “I have heard a lot about you.”

“All good things, I hope.” He winked at Jesse and we all sat down.

The food was amazing as was the company. Laurent was indeed hilarious. I could see why he was such a great agent. He was one of those people blessed with a knack for talking and entertaining, that ability to make witty conversation roll off his tongue with perfect timing to punctuate the humor. I imagined that if Laurent weren’t an agent, he would make a great stand-up comedian.

The last of the ice in my glass had melted into water and it was time for Jesse and Laurent to go to their first meeting of the afternoon. They had to leave post haste.

“See you later, at the hotel, baby,” Jesse murmured in my ear as we waited for their cab. Laurent was busy studying the screen of his cell phone and Jesse took a moment to slip his arms around my waist, from behind, for a stolen moment of affection. He squeezed me in his strong arms, his muscles flexing. His warm breath puffed on my ear and sent little shiver up my spine.

 “As soon as I’m done with these meetings I’ll be back to our room. I hope to find you stretched out on the bed in something black, lacy and sexy.” I closed my eyes and a smile slowly curled my lips. As I basked in the visual, the cab door flew open and Jesse peeled himself off of me to jump in the back seat with Laurent.

I walked back to the hotel to drop off my morning purchases and slip into some good walking shoes for round two. I felt exhausted. Shopping, walking and processing all the new impressions had almost worn me out. But I wanted to make the most of my first time visiting Manhattan, where the famous Garment District was located. It was one of the most notable fashion capitals; design trends created here were mirrored around the world. I took a deep breath and waited for my second wind to kick in as I headed to the elevator.

Once outside, I headed mid-west in direction, toward the Garment District. I was in awe. To think my feet were touching the same ground as the valiant women’s garment workers from 1911, to Calvin Kline, Ralph Lauren and the likes, modern designers whose very names oozed fashion. I explored shops loaded with endless bolts of fabrics, colors, and textures, milled in Italy, Switzerland and France. The sensitive nerve endings on my fingertips registered information that my eyes could not as I gently rubbed each piece between my thumb and forefinger. Some shops had reasonable prices that fit even the average person’s budget.

The place was over the top. Creative possibilities popped into my imagination like fireworks on the Fourth of July, each one producing another, “Ooo, look at that one,” or “Aaah, look at
one.” My mind whirled with ideas for flowing dresses and trendy tops. The possibilities were endless. I could buy several yards for my next project at school and really wow my teachers at FIDM.

While scouting out the best fabrics in the world, it really dawned upon me that fashion design was absolutely what I was meant to do. My dreams were solidified. The last remnants of doubt in the back of my mind had vanished. I belonged here, among all these fabrics. Diverting my plans from being a lawyer to fashion design was not the mistake that my dad made it seem. It clearly was what I wanted to do with my life. The desire to take this magnificent fabric and create amazing dresses from it was like a raging river, being held back by a faulty dam. I don’t think I could have kept it contained if I tried. Now that I had taken a few design classes and got a taste of what it felt like to let my creativity flow, the dam was about to burst. To hell with my dad and his control issues. How dare he make me doubt myself? It was my life and I would damn well do with it as I pleased. There are only a few events in a lifetime which clearly show the path one is meant to take. This was undoubtedly one of them.

Chapter 18


It was getting late and, with bags full of fabric, I hailed a cab back to the hotel. When I returned to the room, Jesse was already there, his damp hair looking like he had recently showered and changed clothes.

“Hey, baby. You are back already? I thought you had another meeting?” I asked.

He came forward and kissed me, reaching for my bags and unloading my sore arms. Fabric can be heavy, even when there’s only a few yards of it.

Testing the weight of the bags he asked, “Damn, what’d you buy, bricks?”

I chuckled, “No silly, just the most awesome, fantastic fabric for my next project. Jesse, you wouldn’t believe this place. The Garment District here beats the one in L.A., hands down. But I’ll show you later. So what’s up with your last meeting?”

“We cancelled the second meeting.” He looked at me with a serious expression.

“Why? What happened? Is everything okay?” He put the bags in the closet and walked back to face me. I met him halfway. He slipped his arms around my waist and I inhaled his fresh soapy scent. I touched his strong jaw with my fingertip and traced down its edge. I searched his blue eyes for the answer. He was playing with me. I saw it there in his eyes. And then he burst.

“Everything is freaking fantastic.” His mouth widened into a big grin. “Yamaha wants me back on their team as their lead racer. They’re sending the contract proposal next week.”

He picked me up and spun me in a circle that ended with him plopping me on my back, bouncing on the bed. I squealed a laugh as the momentum of his playful gesture caught me off guard.

“That’s amazing! Congratulations, baby. I’m so happy for you.” I said breathlessly, the mattress still giving up one last bounce.

“You know, we should celebrate. Normally I would take you out to the most expensive restaurant but really…all I want is to order everything on the room service menu and spend the night here, in bed with you. What do you say?”

“That sounds like the best idea you’ve had all week. I’m too exhausted to go out anyway.” I lay with Jesse’s firm body pressed above mine on the bed. My hair had fallen back when he flung me on the bed and my neck was exposed. He nudged my chin with his nose and I rolled my head to the side, an open invitation for his lips. With me pinned underneath him, he feathered soft kisses up my neck to my ear, gently pulling my earlobe into his mouth and sucking. A hot tingle raced through my body and I gave a pleasurable sound of confirmation.

His voice was low and alluring when he murmured in my ear, “Why don’t you take a shower while I order and meet me back on the bed wearing something sexy that I can pull off with my teeth.” His last words were punctuated with a firm thrust of his pelvis.

I imagined feeling his skin against mine, feeling his mouth on mine. I needed to taste him. I buried my fingers in his thick hair and, with both hands, pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him hard. His tongue darted in my mouth, and swirled around mine. I wanted him now; right here, right now. The ache in my throbbing loins demanded immediate attention. I didn’t know if I could wait until after dinner. Jesse pulled back from the kiss, leaving me breathless, mouth open and wanting more.

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