Fear Me (27 page)

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Authors: B. B. Reid

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Fear Me
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I sat there prepared to wait for Keiran and I admitted I was happy to see him play for the first time. He was really good and I wondered if he planned to make it a profession.

I saw Anya with a few of her minions from school and another unknown girl approaching and inwardly groaned. “Sheldon, why didn’t you sit with us? Keiran and Dash told us to sit on the other side,” Anya whined.

They noticed me sitting here and turned their noses up. “Really Sheldon, you should’ve texted us so you wouldn’t have to sit with a loser,” Anya sneered.

“It appears to me that she is sitting on the side that just won,” Willow snapped. I didn’t even notice her walk up. I laughed because she was never one to sit quiet. The girl who looked like one of those high society debutantes narrowed her eyes at Willow as she took in her hair and clothes with a disgusted look on her face. I wanted to wipe it off with the bottom of my shoe to her face.

“And who are you?” she asked snottily.

“Not the one.” Willow rolled her neck, giving the girl her ‘Don’t fuck with me’ look.

“Well, I am Rosalyn Cordell. Dash’s fiancée’ and I believe you are in my seat.”

Say what now?
I quickly looked at Willow
whose face drained of color. I heard Sheldon mumble, “Oh, shit” and then Willow slowly got up and walked off leaving Rosalyn and Anya with smirks on their faces. Their cronies were cackling as my heart broke for Willow

“You should probably go with her loser. Keiran doesn’t want you and you’re sitting in
seat,” Anya stated.

I didn’t hesitate to move but not because of Anya but because I had to check on my friend. I heard Sheldon arguing with them before I pushed through the doors. I checked the girls’ locker room and immediately heard soft sobs coming from one of the stalls.

“Willow?” I called softly.

“It’s okay, Lake. I’m not crying.” She broke apart on the last word and cried harder, twisting my heart. I felt her pain and wanted to share it with her if only to take some of it away.

“Willow, please. Please open the door so that I can hold you. It’s the only way, because I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to make this right. Talk to me.”

She started coughing, from the gut wrenching sobs and then I could hear the sound of her vomiting violently. I heard her whimper then the door suddenly flew open and Willow flew past me, running out of the locker room.

“Willow!” I yelled in vain.

I noticed something colorful sitting on top of the tank and moved forward to inspect it. It was a platinum charm bracelet with amethyst stones. The only charms were angel wings and the letters ‘D’ and ‘W’. The right arm of the W was hooked around the curve of the D like lovers. It was beautiful.

I could tell it was expensive and something neither Willow or her parents could afford. I’d never seen Willow with this bracelet before and it looked too new to have been inherited.


It had to come from him. The D and W made sense along with angel wings. He called her angel once before. I pocketed the bracket intending to return it to her when I bumped into a hard body that blocked my exit.

“Where are you in a hurry to?” a familiar voice asked me. I was shoved back inside the stall as Trevor moved forward, shutting the door behind him. I immediately called for help but he clamped his sweaty hand over my mouth muffling my scream.

“I don’t think so, sweetheart. We have things to discuss and you aren’t leaving here until we do.” He pressed me against the side of the stall, trapping me. “You know, your friend is a dumb bitch. She never had a real chance with Dash – oh yes, I know,” he stated noticing my shock.

“His family may be rich but they are a bunch of low lives. They take what they want without regard for others or the law. I wonder how it feels to own that much power? Maybe, one day I’ll find out.”

I fought not to roll my eyes at him and piss him off further. The look in eyes told me he was teetering on the brink of instability.

“So tell me. You giving it up to Keiran?” My eyes narrowed at him, disgusted to which he simply shrugged.

“Of course you are. Either that or he’s taking it. He isn’t the guy everyone thinks he is, you know. But even he couldn’t stop a drug conviction from tarnishing his image. And to think of all the hard work I put into setting him up.”

I tried to talk but it came out muffled so he lifted his hand. “What’s that sweetheart?” I instantly hated the word.

“I said you’re a jealous, pathetic asshole.”

He smiled. “Of course I was jealous. The guy was stealing all the chicks and the fame. I figured if I got rid of him Keenan and Dash wouldn’t be much of a threat and I could rule the school.”

“So you framed him for status?” That had to be the dumbest crock of shit I ever heard.
Dude has issues.

“He also stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. My mom left my dad because of him.”

“Why would Keiran have anything to do with your mom leaving your dad?”

“Because he convinced her to divorce him and abandon her own family.” I heard rumors some time ago before Keiran was arrested that Trevor’s parents were getting divorced but how would Keiran be involved?

“So, why frame me?”

“I needed a fall guy. You were always going to be it even if you did help me. I have to tell you sweetheart I did not count on you denying me. It would have made my task a lot easier too. I mean, who knew you would be in love with the guy after all he did to you.”

“I’m not in love with him.”

“Oh yes, you are. After you said no, you could have just walked away but no, you even tried to warn the guy and he crushed your poor little heart right there in the cafeteria. Tsk. Tsk.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.”

“The whole school knows that Keiran wants you. Damn near craves you. Everyone except you, that is. But instead of just having you, he fucked with you. Made your life a living hell. That’s got to be the most fucked up foreplay I ever heard of.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I continued to deny. In truth, I was blown away by what Trevor was revealing and a part of me knew it was true.

“Come on. Even Anya knows Keiran wants you. She thinks you’re a threat and I have to say you are way hotter than she is. That is why she helped me.”

“Anya helped you? But she is Keiran’s girlfriend.”

“Yeah, in her head she is.”

“So what? You wanted her too?”

He shrugged. “I told her sending Keiran away for a little while was a small price to pay to make him get over you. She stole your phone and called the tip in as you. Simple. My father and I handled the rest,” he grinned.

“You’re fucked in the head, you know that?” I wanted out of that stall and away from his craziness.
Keiran should be looking for me by now.

“Careful now. You don’t want to make this worse on yourself.” Cold dread invaded my body at the look in his eyes. “Make what worse?” I asked on a shaky breath.

“Keiran humiliated me on the court today and in front of the town, the school, and my father,” he said through clenched teeth. “
What better way to make him pay than to take what he wants most? I really should have done this instead of framing him.” Without warning his lips slammed onto mine causing me to gag as I fought his grip in the confines of the stall.

“No!” I screamed when I felt his hand slide up my skirt. The other gripped my left breast roughly. I tried to bring my knee up for his balls but his legs made my immobile.

Just as I started to panic and desperation set in as I fought for what felt like my life it was over. I was left gasping for breath when Trevor was ripped away and I was gently lifted out of the stall. I looked over just in time to see a formidable looking Keiran snap Trevor’s right arm in half with a sickening crunch of broken muscle and bone. The last thing I heard was his blood-curling scream of pain.


Chapter Seventeen


A male voice was speaking somewhere close as I begin to wake up in a room that smelled like antiseptic and fresh paint. “She doesn’t seem to have suffered any injuries so when she wakes up she is free to go home. Has her parents been notified?”

“Her aunt is her guardian and is currently out of town but she has been notified and is expected back tomorrow morning.”

My eyes flew up at the mention of my aunt returning home and why. This could not be happening.

“Lake, honey, are you awake?” The voice sounded like Willow’s mother.

“Mrs. Waters?” My voice sounded groggy and my throat was dry. I looked to my right and saw her standing near the doctor. I wasn’t surprised she was here. My aunt listed her as an emergency contact because she was frequently on the road for book tours and research.

“It’s me. How do you feel?”

“Fine. Wha—what happened?” I was confused as to how I ended up in the hospital for the second time in my life…


“Keiran, did he –”

“Oh that devilishly handsome young man in the waiting room? He saved you from the guy who attacked you. Don’t you remember?”

It all came flooding back to me at once and I found myself nodding.



The locker room.

I felt sick and wished I didn’t remember at all when I thought about how his hands groped and pulled at me. I also felt guilty for assuming Keiran had done something to me.
Wait. He’s here?

“Hi Lake, I’m Dr. Landing. You suffered a pretty traumatic situation. Are you feeling any pain?”

Dr. Landing, a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair, checked me over and asked me some routine questions He then informed me that police were waiting outside to ask me questions about the attack and he would send them in if I were ready.

I didn’t want to talk to anyone but I knew it was better to just get this over with
They came in and I answered their questions and repeated the confession Trevor told me before he attacked me. After they left, the doctor told me I was free to go and left. Immediately after they departed, the door to my room pushed open and in walked Keiran. I took in his appearance and instantly noticed the bloody, broken skin of his knuckles. He looked as broken as I felt.

“Hi,” he greeted in a grim tone. He watched me with hard eyes from his place by the door.

“Hi,” I whispered. We continued to gaze at each other silently.

“I sent everyone home. Willow and her mom are still waiting. I want to take you home. Will you let me?”

“I don’t think –”

“Please,” he cut me off. His plea was nothing less than surprising. Keiran was a “take all and fuck all” type of person. He did what he wanted without permission or worry. It may have been guilty eating away at him that changed his attitude…at least for the moment, so I decided to give him something he never gave me. Mercy.

I nodded my assent and we entered the waiting room together. Willow was there as Keiran said. A flurry of emotions crossed over her face when she saw me and I knew she was on the verge of breaking down. She ran up to me and embraced me with tears streaming down her face.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.” Her small body shook with tears and I hated that she blamed herself. She was in the midst of her own emotional turmoil. She didn’t need the burden of mine as well.

“Don’t do that. No one is to blame but Trevor and his own fuckedupness. Not you and not me.” I kissed her forehead before releasing her to face her mom. “Mrs. Waters I appreciate you coming but I’m going to ride home with him if it’s okay with you.”

“Oh, um...are you sure? It’s really no problem.”

“I’m sure.” She looked like she wanted to protest further but Willow grabbed her hand to lead her out but not before glaring at Keiran in warning.

“Call me when you’re home and your aunt will be flying in tomorrow morning.” She finally departed, leaving me along with Keiran in the waiting room. He was standing directly behind me and I could feel the heat of his body radiating into me.

Not the time, Lake.
I looked over my shoulder at him to find him studying me intensely. “I’m ready,” I stated.


* * *


Monday morning finally came and I was happy for the distraction of school. Aunt Carissa arrived Sunday morning and I’ve been under her watchful eye ever since. As far as she knows I was randomly attacked in a locker room at school. She wanted to home-school me for the rest of the year and I almost let her but I didn’t want to hide anymore.

After many arguments she finally agreed to continue her tour and was set to fly back out tomorrow but she made me promise to let Mrs. Waters keep an eye on me. That meant regular check-ins.

I left for school early that morning, not wanting to run into Keiran. After we left the hospital, Keiran drove me home but once we pulled into the driveway, he received a phone call. He argued on the phone with someone before hanging up, with a furious expression. He had turned to me with regret in his eyes and told me he had to leave. I haven’t heard or seen him since.

I picked up Willow on the way to school this morning. Willow and I were able to hash everything out last night, though I still didn’t tell her about Dash using her to set me up. I just didn’t think now was the time to add to her plate considering she just found out that he has a fiancée’.

We disappeared in the library once we arrived to wait for first period to begin. I had the feeling Willow wanted to hide just as much as I did.

“Oh Willow, I almost forgot,” I said, reaching into my bag. “You left this in the locker room.”

I pulled out the lavender and platinum bracelet I found Saturday and handed it over. She just stared at longingly before a look of disgust passed over her face. She shook her head before saying, “I don’t want it. It’s meaningless.”

“Don’t ever let me hear you say that shit again, angel.”

We both looked up in surprise to see Dash and Keiran standing in front of our table wearing fierce expressions. I didn’t understand how they found us so quickly. I was more surprised that they bothered to look.

“Go away, Dash and you may take that thing with you. I’m sure your
would appreciate it. But then her name doesn’t start with a W does it?”

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