FavoriteObsession (32 page)

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Authors: Nancy Corrigan

BOOK: FavoriteObsession
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The shifter whipped his head and swung the gun. Josh leapt.
He wrapped his arms around Abby. A shot rang out. His body jerked. Another
blast followed and the world went black.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Something yanked Josh out of his regenerative sleep. He
opened his eyes. Inky mist filled his vision. What had woken him? He frowned.

Something brushed against his stomach. He glanced down.
Nothing. He pushed to his feet and surveyed the empty realm. No grass, no
swing, no Mira…yet he heard her pitiful moans and felt her hands clutched
around his waistband. Of course, she was in the human realm, not theirs. With
his cats offering their heightened senses, he pivoted on his heel and listened.
He focused on her cries and let his mind follow them home.

The scent of spring rain filled his lungs with his first
breath. The barn where he’d found Mira surrounded him. People talked in the
background but the sound of Mira’s sobbing captured his attention. He peered at
her. She lay in a fetal position next to him with her hand fisted around the
edge of his bloody jeans. His heart squeezed.

“Baby, don’t cry.”

She whipped her head up. Her eyes widened. “Josh.”

She threw herself into his arms. He held her close. “My

“Where were you?” She leaned back. “I tried to find my way
back into our realm but I couldn’t. The link was severed.”

Because he’d died and cut it.

He ran his hand over her tangled hair. “I’m sorry, baby. I
had to heal first.” Or return from the dead. Whatever description worked. “I’ll
always return to you.”

“I don’t understand. What are you? Obviously not human
anymore but you’re not a shifter either.”

He glanced over Mira’s head. Several Shifter Affairs agents
stared at him with shock. Not good. He turned his head and met Devin’s eyes.
The other male nodded and ushered the humans out.

Once gone, he looked at Mira. “I’m still human. Well,
mostly.” He shook his head. “I’m different, not a shifter, not a hybrid like
our kids will be. I’m…” He grinned and thought back to the night in the bar
that started everything. “I’m a black sheep.”

She chuckled and tightened her grip on him. “You’re my
destiny. That’s what you are.”

He nuzzled against her. “And you’re mine, kitten.”

The door flew open. Kade stormed inside. “Zoe’s fucking

Mira twisted in her arms. Her pulse kicked up. “Oh gods. It’s
my fault.”

“It’s mine, Mira, not yours. Remember I had ordered her to
witness our mating announcement.” Kade flexed his clawed hands, over and over.
“I’d thought allowing her to believe we’d mated was the best solution.
Otherwise if the Council questioned her, they’d scent her lie.”

“It’ll be okay.” The reassuring smile she wore didn’t match
the anxiety in her voice. “Josh will be able to get in touch with her.” She
glanced at him, pleading with her eyes. “Won’t you?”

“I wish I could, but Zoe…” He didn’t know how to broach the
subject of his little sister’s horrific past. Finally, he sighed and decided
the facts Kade would find out if he investigated her would have to do. “Zoe
doesn’t stay in one place. She roams the country, working odd jobs and living day
by day.”

“Excuse me?” Kade’s retracted his claws and stepped closer.

“She’s been running from her memories for years. I meant to
tell you, but…” Josh blew out a rough breath.

“What happened to her?”

“She lost the love of her life and her unborn child within
hours of each other.”

Kade cursed but Mira gasped. She covered the tattoo he’d had
inked on his arm for his nephew. “John was her son?”

Tears burned his eyes. He nodded.

She hugged him close. “I thought…I thought John was yours.”

“No, kitten. The only kids I’ll ever have are the ones we

“Oh, Josh,” she breathed and snuggled closer.

“Dammit, Josh. Tell me everything.” Kade’s agonized voiced
boomed around them.

“They were killed.”

Kade growled. “How?”

“I’m warning you, Kade, let it alone. Her family’s gone, the
murderer is in jail and Zoe wants to forget it. You push at her and you’ll
never see her again.”

Kade turned and punched a hole in the wall. He braced his
arms against the wood and hung his head. “She’s not here, Josh. I don’t think
that’ll be a problem.”

“She’ll be back.”


Josh shrugged.

Kade strode to the door. “Not good enough. I’m going to find
her and bring her home.”

“You can’t abandon the pride,” Mira said.

He stopped and whipped his head to peer at her. “No, I
can’t, but I can hire enough private investigators and stick enough shifters on
her pretty little ass that she’ll learn what it feels like to be labeled as

Kade stormed out before Josh could deliver his warning.

“He’ll alienate her.” She leaned her head back to meet his
gaze. “Won’t he?”

“Yeah, kitten, he will.”

He scooped Mira into his arms and pushed to get, but she
pressed a hand to his chest. “Josh?”

“What, love?”

“I never touched Kade. I couldn’t.”

He settled her bottom over his lap and brushed his thumb
over her cheek. “I know. You love me.”

She blinked rapidly. “I do. Gods, I love you so much.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.
I love you
too, my favorite little kitten. Always and forever.

She smiled.
Always and forever, my mate. Always and forever.



Mira stared into the full-length mirror and grinned at the
sight of her distended stomach. Her little ones didn’t have much room left, but
they still managed to squirm around at night and wake her up. She placed a hand
on her right side where her daughter’s rhythmic jerking sent ripples up Mira’s
sides. The little girl had hiccups again. The poor child always got them. Mira
ran her fingertips over the section of her belly until they eased.

She moved her hand to her lower back and pressed against the
pain there. The ache she’d suffered with for months had worsened over the past
few days. Her human doctor had told her it was a sign she was getting close to
going into labor. She had to trust her knowledge since Mira couldn’t connect
with her babes the same way she could’ve if her children had been true
shifters. As hybrids they were an anomaly, much like her bond to their father.

She turned and let her gaze roam over the body of her mate.
Josh slept on his stomach, one arm hanging off the side and the other hooked
around his pillow. A sheet covered one leg, half of his firm ass and a small
section of his back. Gorgeous. Love, lust and a deep affection filled her up.
Tears misted her eyes, happy ones. She felt truly blessed to have found Josh.

A hand at her achy back, she waddled to their bed. Today was
a day for celebrating, but sadness hung over it. Although Josh’s parents and
Ella would be attending their small wedding, Zoe wouldn’t. She hadn’t returned
to them despite Kade’s efforts to find her.

Mira sighed and bent closer to study the inked memorial to
Zoe’s son. More moisture flooded her eyes. No mother should have to bury a
child. She choked on a sob. A strong, warm hand covered her bare bottom. She
jerked back, nearly toppling over. Josh stopped her tumble with his confident,
familiar embrace.

“Sorry, kitten. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

The dream, the one she’d feared. It had been a flash of the
future, just not the one she’d expected.

She glanced into her mate’s blue eyes and smiled even as
tears rolled down her cheeks. “It’s okay. I was just thinking about Zoe.” She
scrubbed at her wet skin and huffed. “These darn hormones are making me so

He lazily traced her bottom and returned her grin. “It’s
normal, love. Don’t be embarrassed.”

He would know she was too. Her feelings radiated along their
bond yet she couldn’t feel his, another peculiarity.

“I wish she were here.”

“So do I, kitten.” Josh sighed. “I’ve contacted everyone I
can think of to keep an eye out for her. With that and all the ads I’ve placed
in the papers across the country, I’m hoping she’ll hear about our marriage and
decide to show.”

Mira nibbled on her lip. “Maybe we should postpone the
ceremony until she can join us.”

He shook his head. “No, baby. I want us to be man and wife
before our little hellions are born. I promised my gran that I wouldn’t have
kids out of wedlock.”

“We’re already mates. A slip of paper doesn’t mean

He shrugged. “Maybe not, but it’s important to my family.
Besides, I can’t wait to see you in the wedding gown Jazz designed for you.
From what I hear, she has the basement of the church turned into a mini-salon.”

A knock sounded, stopping her words. She peered over her

“Let’s go, Mira. Kade is waiting for you.” Aron’s booming
voice echoed from behind the closed door.

Josh tugged her closer. “You can’t have her yet. She’s mine
for another hour.” He winked at her. “And I want to enjoy every moment of it
before the girls steal her away to get ready for tonight.”

Aron’s annoyed grumbles faded. She faced a grinning Josh. He
urged her to climb into the bed with him. Once she was settled on her side, he
snuggled behind her and placed his palm over her belly. They lay there in
silence for a long time. There was no need for words.

Finally, Josh kissed her mate mark, sending tingles skipping
through her body. “Are you ready to become my wife?”

“Yes, Josh. I’m ready.”

“What about being a mom?”

She covered his palm. “I already am one.” Another wave of
sadness brought a fresh wave of tears to her eyes. “At least to Megan.”

Josh pressed his lips to her neck. “You are to Molly, too.
Kade said his cousin reads her all the letters you write to her. She sits and
listens to him. That tells me she understands.”

She choked back a sob. “I want her to come home.”

“Soon, love. Zach’s determined to find the scientist from
the medical facility where Molly was kept.” Josh helped her sit. “After the
babies are born, we can plan a trip to visit Molly, okay?”

“Do you think it’ll be safe?”

Josh dropped to his knees and rubbed soothing circles over
her belly. “Trust me. I won’t let you or our little ones get hurt.”

She smiled. “I do, Josh. I trust you with my heart, body and

“Same here, kitten.” He stood and offered her his hand. “Now
let’s go tie the knot.”

She placed her palm in his. Three hundred years she’d live
with the prophecy and the shame of her childhood hanging over her shoulders.
With Josh smiling down at her, she didn’t resent any of the pain she’d
suffered. She was thankful for it. It made her into the woman she was today,
one who could appreciate and treasure her one true love.

“Yes, let’s make it official. I can’t wait to be your wife.”

He tugged her into his arms. “You’re my everything, Mira.”

And he was hers. Always and forever.


About Nancy Corrigan


Nancy Corrigan has always had an active imagination. When
she finally sat down to pen her first novel, she found her sweet romance had
too much spice. After trying to tone it down and failing, she gave in and let
her characters have their way. She’s glad she did. Because isn’t the best
romance the kind with lots of amazing sex anyway?


She’s lucky enough to share her cat's home with three
wonderful children, husband, dog and snake. When not writing, she works in a
pharmaceutical lab.


Her passions beyond family and reading include music,
classic cars, tattoos and animals (all of which have found their way into her
writing in one form or another).


Nancy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
bio page



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Also by


Pride 1: Unexpected Find

Pride 2: Beautiful Mistake


Ellora’s Cave Publishing








Favorite Obsession


ISBN 9781419991646


Favorite Obsession Copyright © 2014 Nancy Corrigan


Edited by Elizabeth London

Cover design by Fiona Jayde

Cover photography by CURAphotography


Electronic book publication April 2014


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