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Authors: Carly Phillips

Fated (4 page)

BOOK: Fated
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All Kate had to do was agree to give them a chance and hope her heart was strong enough for whatever came next. Meeting his gaze, she lifted onto her tiptoes and kissed his lips. He let her take the lead and she pressed harder against him, her fingers threading through his hair and, keeping him right where she wanted him, she deepened the kiss.

Her tongue slid sensuously against his and his control broke. With a groan, he backed her up to the nearest wall, his entire body bracketing hers, his breathing ragged and rough.

“What you do to me,” he muttered, cupping her chin in his hand.

Don't break my heart
, Kate whispered in her own mind, knowing she was in over her head with this man. Then, too far gone to listen to reason, she grabbed the waistband on his shirt and pulled it over his head, stripping him so she could feel his bare skin.

At last.

He let her hands roam in silence and she tested his hair-roughened chest, his hard abs and stomach, before heading upward again, her palms settling on his nipples, her fingertips running up and down over the tight tips.

He let out a painful sound that told her exactly how affected he was, how much he wanted her.

For Kate, it was hard to keep the past away, to fight the notion that a guy could get into sex and it didn't mean anything more, but she'd started this, taken a deep breath and let herself dive in—and now they were here.

“You still with me?” Nick asked, his gruff voice bringing her back to the present.

She managed a smile. “Yeah.”

“Bedroom?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Thank God,” he muttered and took her off guard, sweeping her off her feet.

Literally into his arms.

She locked her hands behind his neck and held on as he carried her to his bedroom and laid her down on his big, gorgeous sleigh bed.

“I've waited a long time for this,” he murmured and began to slowly undress her, peeling off her clothing piece by piece, skirt tossed, blouse following, thigh-highs rolled slowly down her legs, his fingertips trailing along her skin at a leisurely seductive pace.

She remained in a not-so-sexy bra and pair of underwear she'd chosen in the dark this morning, and she silently promised she'd kill Faith for not dropping a hint of some sort to warn her she might want to fancy things up a bit. But when Nick's eyes glazed and he groaned his approval, Kate forgot all about what she was wearing, her sole concentration on the moisture in her panties and the painful way her nipples rasped against lace.

She studied his gorgeous chest, the slim tapering of hair that ran into his dark jeans and asked, “Aren't you going to join me?”

“As soon as I can stop staring, yeah.”

He grinned and her heart turned over. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them over his muscular thighs, taking his boxer briefs along with them.

A wave of female appreciation along with sheer desire swept over her. This man had her in his bed and wanted her fiercely. She desired him just as much.


“Hmm?” she asked, never taking her gaze from the impressive erection that stood proudly against his stomach.

“I have condoms in the nightstand but I haven't been with a woman in over six months. I've been too busy working on the house. And I swear to you I'm clean. I want to feel you. All of you and only you.”

Sweet heaven. Her stomach fluttered and she felt the yearning between her legs.

“So the only question is—” Nick's voice trailed off.

“I'm on the pill,” she said, for the first time grateful she had problems with her monthly cycle and pain. Kate might not trust love, but she believed Nick was a decent guy who wouldn't deliberately mislead her about something so important. “And I'm also safe.”

He dropped onto the bed, his long, lean, muscular body easing down as he surrounded her in heat. Grasping her face, he kissed her long and hard. Faster and deeper. Devouring her as if he'd been waiting a lifetime for this one moment. Heaven knew she felt the same way. She trembled in his arms, arching her back and pressing his raging hard-on against her belly.

He reached back and unhooked her bra, which she quickly shimmied off. Her panties came next and then she found heaven, skin to skin, feeling all of Nick against her.

He kissed the tip of her nose, moved to her neck, her collarbone, sliding down to her breasts, teasing her with nips of his teeth and loving licks of his tongue until finally he drew one distended nipple into his mouth. Kate groaned out loud, not caring how loud she was or what she sounded like, focused only on the intense pleasure he managed to provide with his mouth. Over and over he lapped at her breast until she was tender, her hips shifting restlessly, and she didn't think she could take anymore. She wanted only for him to fill the aching emptiness between her thighs. But he switched to the other breast, bringing it the same pleasure, arousing her impossibly more.

“Nick.” She cried out his name, thrusting her hips upward in a not-so-silent plea.

“Right here,” he promised, cupping her damp heat with his palm.

Her pelvis jerked against him. “Oh God, I need—”

“This?” He slid one finger inside her and a teasing wave crested and ebbed.

“More.” Of him, of everything.

She writhed in need and he pressed his palm against exactly the right spot, rotating his hand in hard, endless circles that culminated with the thrust of his finger inside her once more, and Kate shattered. Her climax hit and she came hard, Nick not letting up on the pressure or the movement until he'd wrung every last bit of pleasure out of her body.

When she opened her eyes, Nick was over her, his erection poised at her entrance. “That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,” he said, his dark eyes reflecting the seriousness of his comment. “And now I want to see it again.”

She was about to tell him that wasn't possible but he thrust inside her, cutting off all words and any rational thought. She could only feel, and he was beautifully thick and full, and she felt him everywhere and not just physically, either.

Kate knew sex.

She'd had her share over the years, it feeling good but never meaning much. Right now, her emotions were involved and a lump rose to her throat. She'd known better than to do this. She'd avoided him for so long. And when Nick shuddered and stilled above her, his eyes glittering, she realized how young and naive she'd been all those years ago when she'd thought she was in love.

Oh God, she was in trouble but it was too late to stop it now.

Never breaking eye contact, Nick began to move inside her and the intense feelings and sensations grew. Her body responded to his and suddenly another orgasm seemed not only possible but likely, especially with the way he was staring at her with every thrust.

It was intense, and hot, and meaningful but it was also an explosion of her senses and she closed her eyes, her sole focus the mini contractions already wracking her body again with every bump of his thick length inside her.

“Open your eyes,” Nick said and Kate suddenly found herself staring back as he thrust harder. “Keep looking.”

Suddenly he wasn't just arousing her with smooth thrusts, he was pounding into her, owning her, taking everything she had and giving back so much more. His jaw was tight, his gaze hot, and he never stopped watching her.

She rose higher, higher, and higher still. “Nick, God, I'm going to—”

“Come, Kate.” He pulled out and pumped into her once, twice, and suddenly everything inside her and outside her collided, exploded and she screamed his name. Her release began and seemed to never end, the contractions rippling over and over. He let go seconds after her, groaning hard and calling her name as he came.


Nick woke up to the unusual feeling of a soft, warm female in his arms. Unusual because not only had he been going through a dry spell these last six months but because even before then he'd gotten into the habit of not spending the night with a woman.

He'd learned early on what behavior led to expectations and problems and what didn't. So to say having Kate in his bed was a big moment was an understatement in more ways than one. Last night she'd blown. His. Mind.

It was still dark out, the sun not yet having risen, no sunlight coming through the skylights. Without thinking, he began another slow seduction, wanting to experience more of what she'd so willingly given last night. He woke her with lazy kisses on her neck and soon she was squirming her backside against his aching groin until he was going crazy with need.

He rolled her over and immediately poised himself at her entrance, finding her already slick and ready for him. As he slid into her wet sheath, a low groan escaped from his throat and an accompanying shudder shook her smaller frame.

“Heaven,” he muttered.

She arched against him, pulling him deeper. Her eyes were still hazy and sleepy but she was clearly enjoying too. Nick wasn't just enjoying. He was completely lost in her.

He'd brought her here to prove he wanted her, to show her what they could share together if she gave them a chance. He'd learned something too. To hell with Faith or any other woman he'd had in his past or who he came across in his future.

Kate was it for him.

He moved inside her, feeling the ripple and clench of her inner walls gripping him tight and his eyes nearly crossed in his head. She bent her knees and he thrust hard, as deep as he could get, wanting to get as close as physically possible. She already owned his heart.

“Nick,” she groaned. “Oh Nick.”

He clenched his teeth and let himself go, bringing them up and over the edge together, coming so damned hard he thought maybe his brain exploded too. He collapsed on top of her, caught his breath for a few minutes before rolling to the side, pulling her into his arms.

“I told you we'd be explosive,” he murmured against her skin. And his last thought before falling back to sleep was that they might need more time as a couple, but he couldn't feel any more for her if he tried.

When he woke up again, his bed was empty and Kate was gone.

“Shit, shit,
!” He threw the covers off of him, pulled on his jeans, leaving them unbuttoned as he went in search of Kate.

How far could she have gotten without a car? The silent house and no sign of her clothes on the floor in the bedroom provided an answer, but he checked the rest of the house anyway. The bathroom was empty, so was the kitchen.

How had he missed the sound of an engine pulling into the driveway? Easy. Sleeping beside Kate had lulled him into a false sense of security and now, the morning after, he recognized his mistake in not talking things through with her before he took her to bed.

Did he go talk to her immediately or give her time to think? Nick was at a loss, so he opted for a shower before dealing with the stubborn woman who'd snuck out of his bed.

* * *

Faith might have picked Kate up from Nick's, but she wasn't happy with Kate and they hadn't spoken during the ride home. Kate wasn't happy with herself at the moment but she hadn't been able to help prevent the full-blown panic attack that sent her running from Nick's bed.

Faith stopped the car in front of the garden apartment where Kate lived. “Thanks,” Kate said and tried to open the car door but it wouldn't open.

Kate tried to unlock the door herself but the safety locks were engaged. “Would you please let me out?”

“Not until we talk.”

Kate set her jaw and turned in her seat. “I just need some time alone, so I can think. I'm not ready to talk about it yet.” Not when last night was so fresh—and beautiful in her mind.

Which is exactly why she'd run, because she couldn't let herself believe in the magic of what she and Nick had shared. The pain of what awaited her on the other side was too big and scary.

Faith blew out a breath of air. “If I'd run from Ethan instead of embracing the scary, would I be as happy as I am today?”

Kate shook her head. “That's not the same thing. Ethan always loved you, even when he didn't know it.” He'd even told Tess as much.

“Whether or not that's true is irrelevant.” Faith braced her arms on the steering wheel. “What's important is that when I came back here, nothing in life was going my way, remember?”

Kate nodded, unable to dispute that statement.

“And if I'd let my past dictate my future, I'd never have opened my heart to Ethan because I'd have been sure he'd hurt me as badly as my ex-husband had. Right?”

Again, Kate forced herself to nod.

“So now explain to me why, when a man goes so far as to have you kidnapped to get you to his house, wines you, dines you, and then I'm guessing makes mad, passionate love to you—why my educated, usually smart and savvy friend would convince herself he doesn't mean it?” Faith's voice rose along with her obvious frustration.

Kate sat in silence, knowing how crazy her actions had been even before Faith had laid it all out in stark words.

“Who are you running from?” Faith asked, her voice softer now. “Is it from Nick? Or from yourself?”

Kate expelled a long breath of air and lay her forehead on the cold car window. “I woke up, warm and happy . . .” With her body aligned with Nick' and sore in all the most delicious places. She'd taken one look at his face, gorgeous even in sleep, and a swell of emotion had hit her hard.

She knew right then, she loved him. If she were really honest, she'd known it going into the night, and their time together merely reinforced the overwhelming feelings she already felt for him.

“I panicked,” she admitted to Faith. “I've never felt that way. I never thought I could feel that way. And if I let myself believe Nick felt the same and he didn't or if he ever hurt me—”

“Life is about risks,” Faith said, her hand stroking the back of Kate's hair. “You take them or you live in the state of longing you were in before last night. Was that any better than reaching for love and doing everything in your power to keep it?”

Kate raised her head and met her best friend's gaze. “When did you become so smart?”

Faith grinned. “Oh, about the time I picked you as my best friend back in third grade.”

Kate shook her head and laughed, grateful for Faith, her friendship, and her ability to talk reason in the face of Kate's craziness. “I'm not sure what I'd do without you.”

“Same here. Good thing we'll never have to find out. So what's your plan now?” Faith asked.

Kate shrugged. “Go inside, shower, pull myself together and then find a very special man and tell him that I love him.”

A bright smile lit Faith's face. “Well then. My job here is done. I can go home to my husband and hope he's still in bed.”

Kate laughed, feeling lighter than she could ever remember. Now she just had to hope she hadn't ticked off Nick so much that he wasn't willing to listen when she bared her heart and soul.

BOOK: Fated
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