Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Fate Unexpected (Earth Defender Book 1)
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Rune tugged Kylah’s shirt off. He looked down at the undergarment
that covered her breasts. He ran a finger along the edge of one material cup.
“What is this called? I’ve never seen a female wear one.”

“It’s a bra.”

“I have to say I like this Earth piece of clothing, but you’d look
better with it off.”

Kylah reached underneath her and undid it. She went to remove the
bra, but he stopped her, wanting to do it himself. He ran a caressing hand down
her arm to remove the first strap, then did the same for the second as he took
it off completely.

He gazed at her breasts. They were more than a handful, and were
tipped with pale pink nipples, which were tight little buds. Rune placed a kiss
on each one before he took one into his mouth and sucked. Kylah moaned and sank
her hands into his hair to hold him to her chest.

Rune continued to suckle her as he reached down to undo her pants.
He remembered how to work the fasteners from watching Kylah remove them last
night. He pushed them down past her hips and down her legs. She helped take
them off the rest of the way.

He released her nipple and traced a fingertip along the top of this
new-to-him undergarment. “And this? What is it called?”

“Panties or underwear.”

“It has to come off as well.”

Rune hooked a finger in the top of Kylah’s panties and pulled them
down, exposing her pussy. Once he had her underwear tossed aside, he ran a hand
from her flat stomach to between her thighs. He brushed against the opening of
her body. His fingers came away wet. His cock twitched in anticipation.

He pushed a finger inside her pussy and plunged it in and out. She
lifted her hips to match his strokes. He added a second digit as she moaned. Rune
took one of her nipples into his mouth as he continued to stimulate her.

Kylah panted as she pulled his fingers out of her and pulled away
from his mouth. She rolled and pushed him to his back. “You’ve done enough
exploring. I want a turn.”

In a few seconds, she had him stripped naked and then lay on top
him. He couldn’t hold back a moan of need. She kissed him thoroughly before
inching down his body. She left a wet trail with her lips and tongue across his
chest, then headed down to his abs. He breathed at a fast rate as he wondered
what she was up to. It didn’t take long for him to find out. She fisted his
cock at the base and dragged the flat of her tongue across the flared head.

Rune lifted his head to look at her. “Kylah? What are…” His words
trailed away as she licked him again.

She raised her gaze to his. “You’ve never had a woman suck your cock
before?” As he shook his head, she smiled. “Something else you aliens don’t do.
I think you’re going to like this.”

Kylah kept her grip on his shaft, opened her mouth and took as much
as she could handle inside, sucking hard. Rune’s eyes just about rolled back
into his head. This was unlike anything he’d felt before. He couldn’t stop
himself from thrusting his hips. She slid her lips up to the tip, which she
stroked underneath with her tongue, then sucked him back again.

In and out she took his cock. Rune couldn’t tear his gaze off Kylah.
It was the most erotic thing he’d seen or had done to him. He grew even harder.
If she did that much longer, he’d embarrass himself by going off like a
youngling after puberty had just started.

When he finally reached the point where he had to stop Kylah or
their lovemaking would be over before it began, Rune pulled away. He sat up,
captured her in his arms and brought her down onto her back. He kissed her,
pushing his tongue inside her mouth as he slowly worked his length inside her
pussy. They both moaned.

Rune thrust, pumping in and out. Kylah raised her legs to either
side of his hips as she lifted to meet each of his strokes. Her inner walls
squeezed him tight. She fit him perfectly.

Kylah’s moans increased in volume. Rune stroked faster and harder. He
was close to his climax, just tittering on the very edge of it. He fought to
keep it at bay. He needed her to come first before he found his pleasure.

Her pants soon turned to a keening moan. Kylah’s pussy clutched and
released around the length of his cock as she came. Rune lost the battle over
his orgasm and followed her. He pulsed deep inside her.

Once the last wave of pleasure faded away, Rune collapsed on top
Kylah. He supported most of his weight on his bent arms so he wouldn’t crush
her. She wrapped hers around him.

He’d been hesitant to sign on for the Earth invasion with the
Xphens, but now Rune figured it was a stroke of luck. The planet reminded him
of his home world, and he’d found a female he wanted to be his. The change in
his fate had been unexpected. He couldn’t have asked for more.

Chapter Seven


Kylah stood on the inside edge of the perimeter field with Rune
beside her. There were six turned on the opposite side. They threw themselves
against it, trying their best to get at them. Their red-eyed gazed tracked
their every move.

“I’m going to have to take them out,” she said. “If I don’t, they’ll
just end up coming back here. I’d hoped there wouldn’t be any turned. It’s so

Rune looked at her. “I can help.”

“No. You can’t move as fast as I can. I don’t want to risk you.”

“If you give me back my gun, I’ll have an advantage over them.”

“I’ll give it back, but I still think it’d be better if I do this

Rune turned and caught Kylah’s face in his hands and kissed her.
“Stop worrying. I’ve faced the turned before. I might not be good with a sword
like you, or have your strength and speed, but I’ve been a mercenary and fought
many battles before you were even born.”

Kylah looked him up and down. “Oh, come on. You expect me to believe
that,” she said with a laugh. “You look about five years older than me, and I’m
twenty-three, remember?”

“I’m not human, Kylah. I’m Dracan. I’m a hundred years old.”

“Really?” she asked with a surprised tone.

“Yes. Our lifespans are double of any Earthling’s.”

She shook her head. “I never would have guessed you were that age.
You’re way too old for me then. You’re considered a senior citizen here.” Kylah

He kissed her again until she leaned into him. “I’m not too old for
you. I’m a Dracan in my prime. You should know that by now, considering how
many times I’ve made love to you.”

Kylah had to agree with that. It’d been four days since they’d made
their camp on the mountain. And they’d made love at least three times a day.
Rune couldn’t seem to get enough of her, and she felt the same way about him.
Being in his arms with his cock buried deep inside her made her feel whole. He
was the best thing to have happened to her after the red rain.

“Very true,” she said with a smile. “I guess I need to learn about
you Dracans. Though right now isn’t the time.” Kylah nodded toward the turned,
who still bounced off the field while snarling and growling.

“Will you give me my gun so I can help?”

“Fine. You win. You can have it and take some out. I want to lead
them away from the camp before we do, though. Let’s keep the mess away from
where we live. I guess we’ll have to burn the bodies afterward. I’m not burying
them. And leaving them where they fall isn’t an option.”

“I agree.”

Kylah took off Rune’s gun belt and handed it to him, which he
strapped around his waist. She handed him the wrist control too. “You might as
well have all your things back. I have another option to make you stay at camp
besides keeping you inside the perimeter field.”

“And that would be?”

“Making love to you until you can’t move.”

Rune chuckled. “I think I prefer that.”

She unsheathed her sword and then gently slapped him on the ass with
the flat of it. “I figured you would. Now let’s get rid of these turned so we
can go hunting. I want to try out my new bow and arrows and see if I can bag us
a deer. I’m getting sick of the canned food.”

Rune drew his gun. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

“Okay. Once you drop the field, I’m going to grab you and take off
running at my speed to lure them away from the camp. They’ll follow us.”

“I know you’re stronger than me, but it’s still a bit of a blow to
my pride to have a small thing like you literally pick me up and run away with
me. I’m used to being the strong one.”

“You’ll get over it.” Kylah led Rune a little farther down the
perimeter line. “Drop the field now.”

Rune pushed the button on the wrist control to do as she said. Kylah
quickly wrapped her arm around his waist and set off at a fast run, but not too
fast that the turned wouldn’t try to follow. She smiled at the sound of them
giving chase.

She slowed and then came to a stop after they were well away from
the camp. Rune had to catch his balance as she let him go. Kylah turned and
kept her focus on where the turned would appear. She didn’t have very long to
wait for them to catch up.

Kylah closed the distance between the first turned to appear and
herself. She didn’t hesitate to stab him through the heart with her sword. As
she closed in on the second one, she heard the sound of Rune firing his alien
gun. A beam of light shot past her and hit a third turned. The woman jerked,
then was instantly turned to ash.

She put on a burst of speed and eliminated two more as he ended the
final one with a blast from his gun. Kylah looked around to make sure no more
turned were around. There weren’t any. It’d just been the six who’d ended up at
the camp.

Kylah crossed over to Rune. “You never told me your gun could do
that. Kill and make the target into ash at the same time.”

He smiled. “You never asked. I’ll take care of the ones you killed
this time, but I’ll have to watch how many times I use that setting. It uses up
a lot of power, and I have no way of recharging the cell inside. My charger is
back at the other camp with Gada.”

“Understood. Well, clean up my mess and then we’ll do some other

After Rune finished with the four turned bodies, Kylah held on to
him and ran him to their camp. She released him in front of the fire pit. He
had to catch his balance again.

“Next time, give me some warning,” Rune said with a shake of his

She shrugged. “I figured it’d be faster. I’ll get my bow and arrows,
then we can go.”

Kylah went to the tent and ducked inside. She collected her compound
bow and quiver of arrows from the corner. She hadn’t practiced with them yet,
but when she held the bow, it felt like an old friend. It was hard for her to
describe the sensation even to herself. She had the same feeling when she used
her sword.

She was about to step outside, but pulled up at the sound of Rune
speaking in his alien language. Kylah stiffened when someone answered him. Two
someones, to be exact. The first voice was laced with growls, which had her
guessing it was Gada. The second sounded more like the way Rune spoke.

She stood with her side facing the tent flap as she peeked through
the crack in the opened zipper. She’d been right. Gada was there. The male with
him was humanoid, but had a set of small horns on top his head and the tops of
his ears were pointed.

Rune slowly walked toward them, speaking calmly. Kylah wished she
understood what he said. Gada replied in the same tone, but the other guy
sounded aggressive. She didn’t like that, especially when he placed his hand on
the butt of his holstered gun.

Kylah drew an arrow out of the quiver on her back and notched it to
the bow. She watched the exchange between the three, ready to lose it if Gada
and the other one so much as made an aggressive move toward Rune. She had a
feeling the latter one could be a problem. Gada seemed to be trying to calm
down the horned alien. It didn’t look as if it worked.

The horned alien drew his gun and aimed it at Rune. Gada went to
stand between them, but the other roughly shoved him aside before he took a
threatening step toward Rune. Her temper flared to life.

Kylah pushed out of the tent, took aim and shot the arrow at the
horned alien. It landed in his throat, coming out the other side at the back of
his neck. He died as green blood gurgled out of his mouth.

Gada turned toward her as he reached for his gun. Kylah put on a
burst of speed and managed to knock him flat on his back with her straddling
him and pinning his arms to the ground before he could draw.

She met Gada’s gaze as he struggled to free himself. “I know you
understand English. Stop fighting me. I don’t want to hurt you. Rune said you
were a friend of his.”

Rune came to stand beside them. “I’d listen to her, Gada. As you can
tell by her glowing eyes, Kylah isn’t exactly your normal Earthling.”




Rune watched a swirl of emotions play through Gada’s eyes. His
friend had to know Kylah had him well and truly defeated. Gada wasn’t going
anywhere unless she let him. When her eyes glowed, she was even stronger.

He squatted until he was level with Gada and spoke to him in English
so Kylah would understand. “We have a lot to talk about, friend. I’m done with
the Xphens. I’ve found a new home with Kylah at my side. She’s the female I
want as my mate.”

Gada’s eyes widened as he met Rune’s gaze. “Your mate?” He’d replied
in English as well.

“Yes. Will you give us your word you won’t try anything and will
listen to what I have to say?”

“Yes. You have my word.”

Rune smiled. He’d known telling Gada that Kylah was his mate would
get through to his friend. “Good.” He put his hand on Kylah’s shoulder. “You
can release him now. He won’t go anywhere. His word is his bond. And calm down.
I think your glowing eyes are making him uncomfortable.”

Kylah released Gada and then stood next to Rune. She took a few deep
breaths, and the glow in her eyes receded. Gada rose to his feet, his gaze
going from Rune to Kylah and back again. Rune put his arm around her waist and
tugged her against his side.

“How did you find me?” Rune asked his friend.

“It wasn’t you that Torlak and I thought we’d find when we came

“Then who were you looking for?”

Gada nodded to Kylah. “I think it was her.”

An uneasy feeling swept through Rune. He didn’t like the sound of
that at all. “You’ll tell me everything after we get rid of Torlak’s body.”

Rune drew his gun and aimed it at Torlak, who’d been a mercenary as
well, but one who’d had no morals. He wouldn’t miss him. Before he could fire,
Kylah stopped him.

“Wait. Let me get my arrow before you turn him to ash,” she said as
she crossed over to the body. She retrieved her arrow, then came to stand at
his side once more.

One blast from his gun and Torlak was no more. After that, they all
sat at the fire pit. Rune was the first one to speak.

“All right, talk,” he said to Gada. “What do you mean you were
looking for Kylah?”

“The day after you went missing, the Xphens ordered me to stop
trying to find you and called me back to the ship. I wasn’t happy about it, but
I had no choice. Once on board, I noticed the Xphes were excited about
something. The scientists asked me a lot of questions about the area where we’d
been sent to hunt humans. I asked why I’d been ordered not to look for you, and
they said you were probably dead.”

Rune scowled. “Why did they think that? You hadn’t found my body.”

Gada shook his head. “I wondered that very thing. It wasn’t until I
was given my new assignment did I find out why they thought that way. I
overheard two of the Xphen scientists who came with Torlak and me, talking.
Apparently, unknown to any of us soldiers, the wrist controls they gave us have
a monitoring system in them. It relays our vital signs and DNA samples from our
sweat to the ships. As well as our coordinates. The scientists said you no longer
wore your wrist control, and that another did. An Earthling. The female’s DNA
was what excited them. They said something about her being the human they

“Shit,” Rune said as he tore off his wrist control. He grabbed the
closest large rock and used it to smash the piece of Xphen technology. He then
remembered what Gada had said about the two scientists. “Wait minute. Did you
say two Xphen scientists are on the planet’s surface?”

“Yes. They’re at our camp about five miles from here. Torlak and I
drove runners to this location. They’re hidden a short distance away.”

“We’re going to have to move the camp,” Kylah said.

“Yes.” Rune focused on Gada again. “When the Xphens released their
chemicals into Earth’s atmosphere, they didn’t do it just to kill or change the
humans. They did it with the hopes of creating one into a kind of super
soldier. Kylah is that one. She became sick and survived with abilities she
didn’t have before. You’ve seen her eyes, and felt her strength. She can also
move faster than any being I’ve encountered. She handles any weapon as if she’d
been born knowing how to use it. She also heals at a fast rate. I can’t let the
Xphens get their hands on her. They’ll keep her caged and experiment on her.
Will you stay with us and help me protect her?”

Gada silently stared at Rune and Kylah. After a minute, he nodded.
“I will. You know how precious we Neelean males hold our mates. I will help
protect yours. Besides, I’ve come to like this planet, and it’s not as if I
have any family to worry about. At least here I have a chance of freeing myself
from the Xphens.”

His friend reached for his wrist control, but Rune stopped him.
“Don’t take that off just yet. When are the scientists expecting you and Torlak
back at the camp?”

“They gave us two days before they’d send two more soldiers to this

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