Fate Interrupted 3 (4 page)

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Authors: Kaitlyn Cross

BOOK: Fate Interrupted 3
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His tongue swept
across his lips, chest still thumping. “I’m thinking my hands are tingling
. Can you unlock me?”

Her eyes thinned.
“You say the sweetest things, Dean Jacobs.”

“I’m serious,

She laughed and
kissed him on the cheek. “Oh alright, I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said, summoning
the energy to dig around in the night stand next to her. A low groan rolled
from her as she pushed things around inside the drawer. Her wine glass shook on
top, the crimson liquid vibrating as if a giant’s footsteps were fast approaching
from somewhere off in the distance.

Dean watched her
rear end bob in the air beneath the short teddy. She was giving him a good show
on purpose and it made him grin.

Her hand stopped
inside the drawer.


“I could’ve
sworn…” she said under her breath, trailing off to dig in again.

He sat up and
leaned against the padded headboard, desperate to get his heart above his
stinging hands which were now white as ghosts. “Don’t even kid around.”

“They were right

“Come on, Evy,
I’ve got an itch on the tip of my nose.”

She laughed, rattling
items around. A mini-flashlight, batteries, the remote for the ceiling fan,
lube, all slid from side to side in the drawer. She slammed it shut and crawled
over him to his side of the bed.

His mouth lunged
for her breasts as she passed over him, still just out of reach. He sank
against the headboard. “I can’t feel my hands,” he panted, exaggerating his

“I’m looking,”
she calmly replied, rifling through the other nightstand.

“What if there was
a fire right now? I’d be screwed.”

She paused to
glance over her shoulder at him. “Don’t
spray you down with a hose.”

His brow folded.
“I don’t have a hose! This is a condo.”

Evy raised her
head and sniffed at the air, eyes thinning. “You smell smoke?”

“You’re not funny.”

She shot him a mischievous
grin and returned to the drawer, butt swinging in the air, things rattling

Even though the
pain was now blooming past his elbows, more than anything he wanted set free so
he could ravage her body with his mouth and hands. Kiss her and touch her and
drink her in until he got his fill. Her bare ass danced in the air, demanding
his attention. Dean licked his lips, her sexiness reducing the pain to a
pestering gnat.

!” she cried, leaning back on her haunches. Her face
stiffened when her rear end found his stiffness. “Oh my, somebody’s ready for
round two.”

“Unlock me and
I’ll tell you

Evy dangled the
keys over him, deliberately brushing her swollen nipples across his lips. She
jumped back with a high-pitched shriek when his teeth snapped. “No biting!”

“That’s not what
you said last night.”

“Last night I
was drunk.”

The cuffs clicked
open and Dean released a pent-up breath, immediately scratching his nose and then
massaging his wrists.

“Oh, you poor
baby,” Evy purred, curling up next to him.

She screamed
when he flipped her onto her back and pinned her wrists to the mattress. She
laughed and struggled against him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Now, we’ll see
how you like it,” he said, clicking a cuff around her right wrist.

She fought him with her free hand, giggling wildly. “This was my idea!”

He used both
hands to finish cuffing her to the bed and then reach down between them. A
maniacal grin stretched his lips as he rubbed his dick around her swollen
“Your turn, gorgeous.”

Evy tipped her
head back into the pillow and moaned, loving the way he felt against her, the way
he looked at her. Her voice trembled when she spoke. “What if there’s a fire?”

“There is.” He
slid inside, warmth spilling over him. “And I’m about to put it out.”

She jerked on
the cuffs when he went in deep, rocking the headboard against the wall.




Evy flushed the
toilet and avoided the mirror while washing her hands. Her hair must look like
she had been in an EF5 tornado. And she had. She could only imagine what her
eye shadow must look like. She turned off the light and staggered back into the
bedroom, smoothing her hair and squinting with the sunlight slipping through
the windows.

“God, you’re
beautiful,” he said, dispelling her insecurities in a single bound.

She climbed back
in bed and snuggled up against him, pulling a white sheet over them. “I can
barely walk.”

He laughed and
pulled her close, kissing her on the head. She toyed with his chest hairs as
they shared a comfortable silence in the morning’s early light. Sometimes words
could only get in the way.

After a few
minutes, Dean finally spoke. “So…what was up with last night?”

“What do you

the handcuffs and stuff. That’s not usually your
modus operandi

She shrugged an
indifferent shoulder.
“Just thought it would be fun to…spice
things up a bit.
Just because we’re getting married doesn’t mean we have
to throw in the towel.”

He turned to
face her and the bed sheet slid down his chest like a wall of mountain snow. “I

“Did you like

Dean gave her a
warm smile. “I did.”



She held his
steady gaze.

“Look, if you
want me to...” He ran a hand through his dangling brown bangs, “pull the plug
on the bachelor party, I will. I’m not sold on the whole thing anyway.”

A smile traveled
across her lips in the sunshine. “I’m not worried about that, Dean, and you
know it.”
He took her cheek in his palm. “The only thing you have to worry about tonight
is me coming home smelling like a can of sardines.”

Evy scrunched
her nose up. “I may have to handcuff you to the shower tonight.”

He smiled and
planted a soft kiss on her lips before growing quiet again, running two fingers
up and down her arm. They hadn’t spent a lot of time talking about Richie but
Dean often wondered about him. Wondered how he could have squandered such an
amazing woman for one night with a stripper. Dean snorted. She must have been
one hot stripper.


He shook his

Evy sat up and
leaned on an elbow. “Now you have to tell me.”

He released a
heavy breath. “I was just thinking about what’s his name.”


Dean nodded. “I
can’t believe you almost married him.”

She sank back
into the pillow. “I’m just glad I found out who he really was beforehand.”


She sighed,
running a hand back and forth across his chest. “I can’t believe we bought a

“I know
I can’t wait to move in.”

“I’m going to
have a garden and a dog and a fire pit.” She snuggled up closer to him. “I’ll
probably never leave the house.”

Dean kissed her
on the forehead. “Anything else you want?”

Jacuzzi and four kids.”

His head snapped
around to her, his face souring. “Are you nuts?”

Evy laughed, her
finger circling his nipple.

“Do you know how
much maintenance a Jacuzzi is?”

She laughed even

They shared a
few more seconds of blissful quiet before Evy spoke again.

“You don’t
really want four kids do you?
Because I may be out after two.
Maybe even one.”

Dean’s pearly
whites glimmered when he smiled. “Whatever you want, sweet lips, you get.”

She leaned on an
elbow, her lips curling upward just before she gave him a gentle peck on the
lips. “Did you think you’d ever get married?” She paused for a moment,
reflecting on the past. “And I mean married to someone you actually

His eyebrows
furrowed as he thought about it. “Part of me could always see myself with a
family, sipping hot chocolate and playing board games by the fire. But the
other part…”

“Saw you having
a threesome with blond twins?”

His lips
flattened. “Don’t be ridiculous. They were brunettes.”

She slapped his
chest and stared hard into his eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you,” he
whispered, taking her cheek in his palm. “And I cannot wait until we are

Evy Jacobs
,” she said dreamily. “I think
I like it.”


Her fond smile
washed over him like a warm wave, a twinkle glimmering in her eyes.

“I’m so glad you
chose me,” he said, caressing her breast.

Her hand stopped
on his chest, accepting his heartbeat into her palm. It was like air. Air she
would die without. Their lips met, kissing softly at first, as her hand slid
beneath the sheet and found him hard again.




Ben unplugged
his cell phone from the charger and read a text from Shaun, who was impatiently
waiting in the limo out front. Ben slipped the phone into his inky, black jeans
and hurried into the master bath. He stopped in the doorway and opened his
mouth before slowly shutting it again. He watched Brooke brush makeup onto her
cheeks, her eyes sparkling like emeralds in the mirror. Not only did her lace
bra and panties accentuate her voluptuous curves, but they were his favorite
color as well.
She got prettier with each day
that passed and he never took it for granted.

His mind flashed
back to the tree house in her parents’ backyard. He had almost lost her back
Lost her forever.
He wondered where he would be
right now if he had. Probably still doing tats in some dumpy little studio on
the wrong side of town, shacking up with women who were just as wrong for him
as he was for them. Brooke screamed.

He backpedalled
into the bedroom, a startled look gripping his face.

“Ben!” she
gasped, clutching her chest like this might be the big one.
sneaking up on me like that!”

“Damn, Brooke,
you scared the hell out of me.”


“I just wanted
to say goodbye. Shaun’s out front.”

She tromped into
the bedroom and balled his black v-neck into her fist, pulling him close. “You’re
not going anywhere without having baby-making sex first.” Her hand found his
crotch and squeezed the tree trunk inside.

“We just did.”

“That was two
hours ago.”

He kissed her on
the lips. “When I get back, I promise.”

Her eyes tapered
into darkened slits. “If my sister has a baby before me I will be publicly
humiliated in front of the entire world.”

“I doubt it
would be that…”

Brooke pushed
him further into the spacious bedroom. The same bedroom Ben had painted three
times before Brooke finally found the illusive color she had been tirelessly

Dark ash, set
off with white furniture.

He fell back
onto the bed with a soft bounce and Brooke went to work on his oversized belt

Ben laid his head
back and laughed, trying to stop her. “
, I
have to go.”

“I’m serious,
Ben! I need more sperm.”

An image of the
two of them becoming the
three of them
skipped through his mind. It was scary but felt right. He would be the father
he never had, the kind that was always there. From soccer games on Saturday
mornings to Disney movies at the matinee, their kid would have it all. And so
would Brooke.

He pushed her off
the bed and got to his feet, a smile cutting through his three day stubble. His
warm palms found her cheeks, his voice as soft as the look in his eye. “We have
all the time in the world, and it will happen.”

She tried to smile
and set a hand on his chest. “I know it will, sweetie. I just…” She swung her
gaze around the room. It was hard to imagine them in this house without a child
to help fill it. It was too big and, besides, that was the next natural step.
Hell, they had already fenced off the backyard for the dog they couldn’t buy
until the baby came along because they wanted them to grow up together. They
wanted them to become the best of friends. But for some reason, her gut was
telling her that time was not on their side. Brooke shook it off and took a deep
breath. “I just want to…”

“Hey, hey, hey,”
he said, taking her hands in his. “You can’t force it, Brooke. There’s no rush.
We will keep trying until it happens.”

Brooke stared up
into his eyes, uncertainty wringing her features. “Let’s try the upside-down
thing again. I think that could really work.”

Ben kissed her
on the forehead. “It may take a month or a year, but it will happen. I promise
you that.”

“But what if it
doesn’t, Ben? We’ve been trying since last fall.”

“I know we have
and, regardless of what happens, we are going to have an incredible life
together and I’m thankful for that every single day.”

She dropped his comforting
gaze and responded with a shallow nod. Her eyes jerked back up to his. “Yeah, but
what about the vision you had when you were in a coma?”

Ben frowned.
“The one with Carrie Underwood in the broken elevator?”

She flattened
her lips and folded her arms across her busty chest. “You know the one I mean.
The one with two little boys and a dog named Ted.”



“I have to go,
sweet cheeks.”

“Would you

He waited for
her to finish, his eyebrows drawing together. “Would I ever what?”

“Consider adopting?
If things don’t, you know…”

His eyes softened,
her smell intoxicating his senses, heart swelling with his love for her. “I
will do whatever you decide, because that’s what I do.”

She smiled
weakly, lower lip quivering, straining to keep a tear at bay. “I love you, you
sexy man.” She leaned up on her tippy-toes and laid a wet kiss on his lips.
“More than anything in the world.”

“I love you,
too.” His eyes lowered to her bra and panties before rising to find her gaze.
“You look beautiful.”

A smile flushed
her cheeks. “Shoot, this old thing?”

He smiled as his
cell vibrated in his pocket. “We’ll fire up the baby making factory when I get
home. Wear something sexy,” he said with a wink.

“You better not
smell like fish.”

A wry smile crossed
his lips, a glimmer in his eyes. She read his mind and they spoke at the exact
same time.

“Shower sex!”

They laughed and
kissed hard before he turned for the door.

“And don’t let
Dean have sex with anyone!” Brooke said, returning to the bathroom. “Evy would
never forgive you.”

“Don’t watch
The Walking Dead
without me,” he yelled,
his black boots clopping down the hallway. “That’s the same as cheating!”

“I would never
do that to you, sugar smacks,” Brooke hollered back, brushing makeup onto her
cheeks. The front door clicked shut and locked behind him. She smirked at her
“Unless it’s
Then all bets are off.”

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