Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance) (2 page)

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Authors: Hargrove,A.M.,Laine,Terri E.

BOOK: Fastball (Wilde Players Dirty Romance)
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The man turns, giving us his back. “You have twenty seconds.”

The threat is clear, and Ryder doesn’t waste time. He helps me down, and he pulls up his jeans as I race to get mine on. And then we are running. We leave out a door closer to us and furthest from the guy who caught us. Ryder reaches into his pocket and hands the security guy out front more money.

“Thanks,” Ryder says. “Can you buy us some more time?”

He’s got a fucking innocent face that makes everyone a believer. Then he adds a wink. Security guy smiles and nods, and then we are running.

Breathless from laughing so hard, we are in the elevator headed back up to the owner’s box. When our laughter dies, Ryder crowds me in a corner. I don’t fight when he kisses me. In fact, I rake my nails through his hair trying to pull him closer.

The elevator dings to signal we’ve made it to our floor. We break apart before the doors totally open, and a blond—not just anyone—is standing there looking at us.

“I was just looking for you,” she says. And her saccharin sweet voice grates on my nerves. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” Her pout belongs on the face of a five-year-old not a woman.

“Lynsey,” he begins.

Meeting her eyes, I say, “Don’t worry, honey. We aren’t anything. In fact, he’s all yours.”

I stride away with my head held high. The prickle of guilt I feel is a useless emotion. I don’t owe her anything. It was his choice to screw me. They aren’t married, so what? But I know what it’s like to be her, so that guilt still holds. But I’ve gotten my dose of Ryder. I hope that’s enough for me to move on this time.





Why the fuck did I have to bring Lynsey?
If I could punch myself in the face for doing so, I probably would have right then. But instead, I paste on a paper-thin smile and drag my leaden feet out of the elevator.

“Where’ve you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Her voice, which at one point I thought sounded cute and sexy, now reminds me of fingernails on a blackboard. And that bleached out hair. What the fuck was I ever thinking? All I want right now is that hot black-haired wild thing wrapped around me again.

“Ryder? I asked you a question.” Her bony arms wind around my neck as she shimmies her body close to mine. This used to be something that was a turn-on, but all I want to do is push her away from me.

Then she sounds like a damn Beagle as she starts to sniff. Rising to her tippy toes, she puts her nose on my neck and sniffs some more. All of a sudden that cute little pout turns into a nasty sneer. “You were with her, and I’m talking with her with her, weren’t you? That’s why you were gone so long.” Her voice has a high-pitched squeaky quality to it that is totally grating on my nerves. I need to calm her down before we walk back inside and she makes a scene, completely embarrassing Gina.

“Come on, Lynsey. Do you really think I’d do such a thing?”

She taps the toe of one of her stiletto boots as she assesses me. Who the hell wears these kinds of boots to a football game anyway? They look like they belong more on a stripper’s pole. Then she crosses her arms, one of the little moves she loves because it squishes her manmade boobs together, giving her cleavage an extra oomph. The tight V-neck sweater she wears emphasizes them even more. The first time she did this I wanted to grab her tits and squeeze them, but this time I only want to tell her to stop it. It’s not a very attractive move. It makes me think of Gina in her Oklahoma Rockets jersey and tight jeans. Now that’s what I call sexy.

“I don’t know, Ryder. Why do you smell like perfume? And Angel at that? It’s one of my favorite scents, and I’m not wearing it today.”

“I have been hugging a lot of women since I got here.” I feel like a shit, even though there is no emotional attachment to this woman. The fact is, I should never have brought her. We’ve never been anything to each other but a date, even though she’s wanted more. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, but I didn’t know Gina was going to be here. What is it with me? Can I not go anywhere alone?

She glares at me.

“Look, I want to catch the game, and I can’t do it standing out here. You coming inside or not?”

“Maybe I should just go.”

“Suit yourself.”

A huff rushes out of her. “You mean you’re gonna let me leave by myself?”

“Of course not. I’ll order an Uber for you.”

Her mouth flaps open and closed a couple of times, and then she says, “Fine. Why don’t you do that?”

I yank out my phone and tap on the Uber app, praying they come to the correct entrance of the stadium. It says they’ll be here in five minutes. I imagine they are circling the place like buzzards. They probably make a killing on game day.

“Let’s go. Your ride will be here in five.”

The walk down is in complete silence. I believe Lynsey is as done with me as I am with her. By the time we get to the doors, her ride is waiting. Now for the awkward part.

“Take care, Lynsey.”

“Like you care, Ryder.”

“What? It’s not like that.”

But isn’t it?

“I may look it, but I’m not stupid. See ya.” She holds up her hand over her shoulder as she sashays to the car, flicking her fingers, telling me goodbye.

I jog back to the box, hoping to see Fletcher in at least one play before halftime. But as I burst into the room, I see all the players moving off the field.

Everyone ambles toward the buffet or bar to refresh their food and drink. Cassidy and my twin sister, Riley, approach, so I know I’ll be on trial.

Riley’s eyes range up and down my body. I hate it when she does this. It always makes me want to squirm.

“What?” I ask her.

“Where’s Lynsey?”

“She left.”

“Left?” Riley asks.

“Yeah, she didn’t want to watch the game after all.”

It’s funny seeing both sets of brows shoot straight up in synchronized timing. I’d like to ask if they planned it, but I’m damn sure they’d punch me. Or something equally as painful.

Leave it to Riley to keep digging in. “So what? Did she like decide after she’d been here a while, and mind you this wasn’t her first game, that she didn’t like football after all?”

“Something like that,” I mumble.

“Ryder, what did you do?”

If only they knew.

They share a look, and those damn brows of theirs arch again. I wonder if they’re on some kind of team.
Synchronized brow raising team.
Maybe it’s some club only women are allowed in.

“Whatever,” Riley finally answers.

They both turn and leave. Funny. Cassidy never said a word. Only listened to our exchange. Too bad I can’t pull her aside and drill her with questions about Gina. That wouldn’t work though because it would only get back to that dark-haired vixen who’s gotten under my skin.

Speaking of, where the hell is she? I do a once-over in the room, and there are so many people in here it’s difficult to see who’s who. Looks like I’m going to have to mingle to find her.

People stop to congratulate me on the win yesterday, which was why I didn’t get here until late today. And I have to ask myself again. Why the hell did I ask Lynsey to meet me? What a huge mistake. My hand swipes through my hair as I continue my search for Gina.

“Ryder? There you are. I was wondering where you went.”

“Hey, Mom.”

“Where’s Lynsey?”

“She left. She decided she wanted to go home.”

“Well, I’m glad. I don’t really like that woman. Seems to me she only wants what you can buy her. Did you eat, honey?”

“Not yet.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me over to the food table, like I’m eight years old. I love my mother. She’s the most adorable woman in the world. She’s kind and loving, but right now I want to find that fiery little piece that nearly blew my mind a few minutes ago.

“Let me fix you a plate.” She starts piling food on so there’s no way I’m getting out of this. She stuffs it in my hands and says, “I’ll grab you a beer, sweetie.”

“Thanks, Mom. But you know I am twenty-six and I can fix my own plate.”

“I know, honey but you know how I love to take care of you.”

I scan the place for an empty seat and find one toward the corner. I turn back and say, “Mom, I’ll be over there.”

“Okay, honey, I’ll find you.”

As I walk, I check out the goodies Mom placed on my plate, and my stomach rumbles. It smells delicious, and I’m starving. Sitting down, I dig in and Mom hands me my beer and leaves with an
I’ll be back with dessert.
As I inhale my food, a sexy voice filled with sarcasm comes from over my shoulder.

“By the looks of it, someone needs to make sure you, um, eat more.” My beer spills on my lap as I nearly choke.

“Jesus, are you okay?”

After I cough and sputter a bit, I say, “Yeah, I think I’ll live. Don’t you know it’s not safe to sneak up on people while they’re eating?”

Gina gives me an eat shit look and shakes her head. Black shiny waves swing back and forth, and her scent drifts over me. My cock instantly strains against my jeans. I want to pull her down on top of me and push myself into her until she moans.
What the fuck, Ryder?

“You okay there?” she asks.

“Yeah, why?”

“You were licking your lips like you tasted something out of this world.”

“Well, I was just eating,” I say, adding, “until you about choked me.”

“Right.” She drags the word out, making it sound as though she believes me as much as she believes cows can fly.

To take my mind off of sex, I shove a huge forkful of food into my mouth. And chew. And chew. And chew. I don’t think I’m ever going to work that mouthful down, but I do. And the entire time I feel Gina’s heat behind me.

“So, where’s the blond?” she finally asks. I knew it was coming, but now it’s out in the open.

After swallowing my food, I say, “She left. Why don’t you come over here and sit next to me so I don’t have to strain my neck to talk and I won’t be concerned about choking again?”

She shrugs a shoulder and moves next to me. “Did I get you in trouble?”

“No, Gina, I got myself in trouble. I should never have brought her. It was a huge error.”

She sips on her drink. “Because of me?”

“Yes, because of you. I bring her and disappear with you.”

“Well, she didn’t have to leave because of me. I meant what I said to her. You and I aren’t anything, so it isn’t a big deal.”

This is weird. She acts like a guy. Women don’t act like this. She’s supposed to be more clingy since we just fucked a few minutes or so ago.

“Why are you acting like this?” I ask.

“Acting like what?”

Setting the food to the side, I turn to look her square in the face. “Like this. We just had sex.”

“Will you keep it down, for Christ’s sake? You want to tell the world?”

Damn, this woman is so hot when she’s angry. Two spots of color appear high on her cheekbones as her nostrils flare. Eyes like coffee make me want to dive right into them and drink them up. She’s as perfect as I’ve ever seen a woman be with her waist long shiny hair, and she’s tall—my guess is about five feet nine or ten—and that’s a huge turn-on for me alone. But the best thing is, she’s not bone thin like so many women are. She’s got curves in all the right places and knows what to do with them.

“No one is paying us a bit of attention.”

She licks her full lips—the very same ones I want wrapped around my dick—and says, “Well, they will be if you keep shouting about us having sex.”

I laugh at this. Is this the same woman who challenged me in the locker room? Now she’s afraid someone will hear about it when a few minutes ago, she didn’t give a fuck if someone caught us doing it.

“What?” she asks.

“You’re impossible.”

“How so?”

I tell her what a contradiction she is, and she actually has the courtesy to blush before she speaks again. “Well, that was different.”

“No, it wasn’t. What if I slipped my hand down your pants right here, in this room, and got you off?”

Her eyes dart around as she checks out the room. An impish look takes over her face, and she says, “Okay.”

Jesus, I was only joking, and here she is taking me seriously.

“Okay, but here’s the deal. You have to return the favor.”

She holds out her hand and says, “Deal.”

After we shake on it, she undoes her pants and covers her fly with her jersey.

“How quiet can you be?” I ask.


“Hmm. We’ll see about that.”

The bad thing about this is Gina has a gorgeous pussy, and I want to look at it, but unfortunately, I’m left with my imagination. Instead, I focus on her eyes. Using one hand for obvious reasons, my fingers spread her lips, and I begin a slow rub until she warms to me. It doesn’t take her long I’m happy to say. One finger in and she’s wiggling around in her seat.

“Be still,” I warn.

“Trying here,” she breathes heavily.

Using two fingers and my thumb, I massage her, pressing down on her pubic bone with the heel of my palm.

“Shit, that’s good,” she whispers.

“Ryder, here’s your dessert, honey.”

Fuck! My mom would have to come right now.

“Gina, honey, would you like me to get you some?”

“No, ma’am, I’m fine.” Her voice breaks as she speaks, and I have to hold back a laugh.

“Oh, dear, you’re a bit sweaty. Are you okay? You’re not getting sick, are you?”

“No, ma’am, I’m fine. These games always get me a little worked up.”

“Ryder, aren’t you going to eat your dessert?”

I’m holding the plate with one hand, and the other is in Gina’s vag.

“Yeah, I will, Mom.”

“Here,” Gina says, coming to my rescue. “I think I’ll have one bite if you don’t mind.”

She takes a bite and gives me one.

“Ryder, you let these women spoil you too much. I’m going to find your dad.”

When her back is to us, I resume my ministrations on Gina’s privates. But I go in for the money without mercy. In no time flat she’s clenching my fingers as she comes all around my hand. And she was wrong. She moans. Loud enough so she puts the plate down and clamps a hand over her mouth.

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