Read Fang Shway in LA Online

Authors: Casey Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Urban, #Paranormal & Urban

Fang Shway in LA (4 page)

BOOK: Fang Shway in LA
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“Word is the Russian mafia is shipping the spear to the highest bidder.”

“Thank you Uncle Dan. You’ve been a big help. I owe you.”

No one spoke, temporarily surrounded by silence, my mind shifted into overdrive. Historians believed the spear possessed mystical powers and those tales were correct. The spirits that animate the spear represent the Illuminati or Global Elite. I could see why they would want their spear back. Unfortunately, no one knew who the Illuminati or The Global Elite were. As luck would have it, Traygen seemed to read my mind.

Traygen finally broke the silence. “Lauren, the dragon elders have a five-thousand
year old history. I’ll contact Huracan and see what I can find out.”

“Thank you Traygen. I think that’s a great idea.” I heard Traygen hang up the extension.

“Lauren be careful, these men are ruthless and obtaining the spear might make them reckless. Do you believe the spear has any real power?” Uncle Dan asked.

“I know it does, what I don’t know is who has it and what their plans for it are. Uncle Dan, I’ll keep you up to speed. Bye, I owe you one,” I said as I hung up.

I had a bad feeling about this. The spear had more power combined than the Daywalker and any wizard I knew. I sure as hell didn’t want to get caught in the middle of this mess. I needed to know why the Mexicans and Russians were shooting at each other. I was equally certain that I wouldn’t like the answers to any of these questions.

“Yo. Lauren, Traygen has returned.”

Startled I jumped. I’d been lost in thought. “What did you find out?” I asked as I sat down opposite Traygen.

“The Russians have had the spear since the fall of Berlin. However, they were unaware of it until recently. The real Vienna Lance was in the hands of a wealthy antiquities collector. The Vatican and any number of potential buyers responded to a recent Internet posting about the spear. Unfortunately the collector was murdered and the spear disappeared before it could be sold.”

Sitting up straighter in my chair, I said, “It would attract a shit load of unsavory interest. But I can’t honestly imagine why a Mexican drug cartel would have an interest or the vampires either for that matter. It doesn’t make any sense. For one, a vampire wouldn’t want to get within one hundred
miles of a powerful religious relic. I suppose the drug cartel could sell it but why bother?
Drugs are more profitable. Any ideas?”

“Not yet. Why don’t we outline what we do know? Maybe it will point out something we’ve overlooked.” Traygen suggested.

I got out a piece of paper and began to outline what we knew. “We know the cartel is smuggling drugs and that they’ve convinced a wizard to assist them with the vampires. The vampires have brought in a Daywalker to protect their interests on the docks and I imagine for muscle against the wizard.”

“Lauren, it just doesn’t add up. Why would either party go to such extremes? It’s not like there is a shortage of areas to set up shop. I know the docks are harder for the authorities to patrol.
Nevertheless, the cartels usually smuggle their drugs in through the desert or fly them in below the radar. Why risk a war with the vampires or the Russians? They are only drawing attention to themselves that they don’t want. Damn it, we are missing something.”

“Traygen, as usual your logic is spot on.
Perhaps, we're not looking at this from the proper angle. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Traygen twisted the cap off his beer and threw it in the trash. Tossing back a long swig, he sighed before continuing. “I suggest we set the vampire issues aside for a minute. They have the least to lose because few people believe they even exist. The Russians are advertising the spear on the black market, they don’t want to draw the attention of the local authorities, which leaves us with the cartel. I can’t see how they gain anything either. Actually, it is in everyone’s best interest to keep low profiles.”

“I agree but time is running out. Jason gave me seventy-two
hours more or less. We just don’t have enough information. I think we need to contact the Russians.
Perhaps, we can pose as potential buyers. I know some people in the art community. I’ll call them when the sun comes up. We may as well rest while we can.”

Chapter 7


Any excuse to dress up, I called my contacts in the art world and found a handful of people with an interest and the money to bid on the spear. Calling in some favors, I got us invited to a black tie gallery opening in Santa Monica. Traygen was less than enthusiastic but I was in my element. I just love a good formal. My only challenge was how to stylishly accessorize my weapons. I couldn’t just stick my handgun or telescoping staff into my purse. It just couldn’t be done with my small elegant clutch.

Eventually, I opted to leave my staff in the car, I wasn’t happy about it but what can I say? I’m a slave to fashion. We only go around once and for me style is everything. When Traygen pulled the car around front I was wearing a black taffeta Tadashi dress and black Manolo Blahnik pumps.

Traygen let out a low whistle. “Wow, nice outfit. Seeing you look so gorgeous is almost worth wearing this getup.”

“Thanks. I picked this dress because the full shirt hides my thigh holster. Besides that getup as you call it is an Armani suit and those are Bruno Magli shoes. You’re just a troglodyte and those shoes were good enough to get O.J. acquitted. You look handsome, I’m a lucky woman.” I replied as I stopped to caress his handsome face, he was striking in his black suit and black silk shirt. The outfit made his teeth gleam and his azure eyes shine. Did I mention that he’s handsome?

“Thank you My Lady. Your dress is a head turner that contrary to what you think hides very little.”

“That just goes to show what you know. I’m wearing my bracelet and my pendant. In my purse I have potions, silver and a small mirror. Besides I picked this dress to torture you, my love.”

“Your plan worked. I’ll make everyone in the room jealous with you on my arm,” he said, as he pulled out of the driveway and headed for Santa Monica. It took us about thirty minutes to travel six miles, which is the price I accept for living on the California coast. When we arrived at the gallery Traygen gave the keys to the valet and we went inside.

“Keep your eyes open and your guard up. I’m sweeping the area for any signs of magical energy. I’m sure Ekil and his entourage will be present. He never misses a good party.”

Leaning in Traygen whispered, “If we are lucky his Daywalker will escort him.”

“I’m counting on it and if we’re really lucky the cartel boss will bring his wizard. It would be nice to get a feel for what we are dealing with. Who knows perhaps the Russians will show. I digress if I were going to try to sell a valuable artefact I’d be here to size up potential buyers. Should we get a drink and mingle?”

Traygen and I took a glass of champagne from one of the waiters and drifted around the outside of the gallery. We pretended to admire the art
while we both scanned the room to see if we recognized anyone. When we’d moved halfway around the room I felt it. Traygen grabbed my elbow signaling he also felt something, neither of us moved and then the feeling started to intensify. A chill so intense I had trouble breathing. Whatever it was it was getting closer. There were several groups of people in the area. It could have been anyone but before I could get a better look the lights went out. Traygen clutched me close and then the silence was shattered by a scream.

Lifting my head to whisper in his ear I told him to draw his gun. We held our guns tightly to our sides. We couldn’t see and I didn’t want an innocent bystander harmed. Reaching inside my dress I pulled out my pendant. I started to activate it when I felt a deep chill settling around me like a shroud. My lips were trembling, my teeth were chattering so hard that I couldn’t chant the words to bring up my shield. Someone or something knocked me to the floor and my gun spun out of my grasp.

People were crying and yelling in the dark, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. I started crawling around trying to find my gun. The chill started to subside and I could feel the power ebbing. Damn it, whatever had caused this was getting away. Then the lights came back on with a blinding flash. It took my eyes several seconds to adjust. Traygen knelt down and handed me my gun pulling me to my feet.

“I found it over by the wall. What in the hell do you suppose that was?”

“I don’t know but my guess is our wizard just made his exit. Let’s see what we can find out.” We didn’t get more than a few feet before we nearly collided with Ekil.

“Lauren, did you do this?”

“Do what? I’m trying to find out what’s going on?”

“Then you didn’t kill Farok?”

“Farok? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t kill anyone. Now if you’ll excuse me I just want to find out what happened.”

“Farok is my son and someone just killed him. It was a death curse. Only a strong wizard or sorcerer could wield a curse that strong and you are the only one I see with the ability.”

“Ekil, I am flattered that you think I am capable
but I didn’t kill anyone. It is illegal for me to perform such a curse. The World Council strictly forbids it. I didn’t know your son was even here. Now if you’ll step aside I’ll try to find out who did.”

Traygen stepped around me to stand between us. “Ekil you heard Lauren. It wasn’t us but right before the lights went out we felt a strong power.”

“Dragon I believe you would lie for Lauren. Your words mean nothing to me. You’ll both pay for my son’s life.” Ekil said as he turned and walked from the room.

“Great, just great, now we have another problem. The vamps will be gunning for us too. It’s time to get out of here. Whoever or whatever caused this is gone. I can’t feel the energy any longer.”

We had the valet bring the car around and we started for home. “I don’t know about you but I’m hungry. Do you want to get something to eat, while we talk this over? We are all dressed up. We may as well have somewhere to go.”

“Lauren, you know me, I never pass up a free meal. I’ll need you to give me directions.” Traygen said.

“Stay on the 10 until National Avenue and we’ll head over to Hollywood. I know a quiet place with good food where we can talk freely.”

The restaurant wasn’t busy and we got seated quickly. We ordered drinks and looked over the menu. Once our drinks arrived and we placed our order we started to evaluate the evening.

“Do you have any idea what that force field was? I’ve never felt anything like it.”

Traygen loosened his collar before answering. “No, my sense is whoever wielded it has juice but not much finesse. A skilled wizard would not have been so heavy-handed. I believe the plan was to kill Farok but to do so without detection. However, I don’t know why anyone would want to kill him. He isn’t big time and he wasn’t even Ekil’s oldest son.”

“I agree about the power source being strong but untrained. As for killing Farok, I don’t see the point either. Unless, whoever it was just wanted to start something with the vamps. Perhaps an attempt to frame us? They created a diversion to distract us from the real issues, whatever they are.”

“Yes, framing us would definitely create another layer for us to sift through. Lauren, maybe we’ve stumbled onto something. Whatever it is, it eludes me but maybe the killer doesn’t know that. We need to start trying to connect the dots.”

Before Traygen could expound on his theory our food arrived and we were too ravenous to continue our discussion. We ate in silence until we couldn’t stuff another morsel in. The waiter brought our check and we headed for the car. Unfortunately, we were too sated to notice we were being watched. Traygen gave the valet our stub and we waited for our car.

“I wonder what’s taking so long. It wasn’t that busy in the restaurant.”

“Patience never was one of your virtues,” Traygen teased.

“That’s easy for a hundred year old dragon to say. Anyway, here comes our car. Traygen, what the heck are you...”

Traygen grabbed me, pulling me into the nearest doorway, just before our car jumped the curb and crashed into the corner of the building. Glass shards flew everywhere and a cloud of dust billowed into the air.

“Are you all right?” Traygen gasped. He asked brushing pieces of plaster and glass from my hair.

“I’m fine, I think. Who in the hell was that and how did you know?”

“The man I gave our stub to was black. I noticed the man behind the wheel was white.”

“So? What if he was working in tandem with the other man?”

“In a Tux? I recognized him from the party.”

“Do you know which group he was with?

“No, I didn’t see him speak to anyone. I hear sirens. The police will be here soon. I’ll take a look around while you talk with the police.”

“Gee thanks you’re leaving me all alone to face the music,” I teased.

“I don’t think the police would recognize my driver’s license.”

I punched his shoulder, “You don’t have one.”

“Exactly, my love,” he said stepping into the crowd.

It took me a while to file the report and have my car towed. We called a cab to take us to a car rental agency near the airport. On the way to pick up the car Traygen described to me what he’d found.

“I found the man I gave our stub to and he’s dead. His neck was broken and he was lying behind some cars. I think whoever killed Ekil’s son also killed the valet. Then tried to run us down, which takes nerve.”

I didn’t say anything. My mind mulled over what Traygen suggested. “I’m afraid you’re right. This person or creature is smart. If we had been killed the vampires would have been blamed. A nice neat little package and it wasn’t even my birthday.”

We rode the rest of the way to the rental agency in silence. It was the only thing open at that late hour. When we got home it was well after midnight. We filled Tokem in on the night’s activities.

“For once, I’m happy I stayed behind. Formals are not my thing. I mean it is hard to find anything in my size. Also, we had visitors while you were gone.”

“Really, do tell.”

“A little after midnight, I heard voices outside. I assumed it was you two returning from the gallery. Then Xena started growling and I knew we had company. She must have scared them off because before I could get outside they were gone.”

“It was probably some of Ekil’s men looking for us. He thinks we killed his son.”

“What? He is not someone to mess with. You didn’t kill his son did you?”

“Definitely not, we didn’t even see his son at the gallery. Someone else killed him using a strong curse, one I’m forbidden to use. Ekil accused us because we were the only ones present with the ability. There was someone else there and we both felt it. A presence right before the lights went out and Farok was killed.”

“A little dramatic don’t you think? You wouldn’t tease me would you? What am I thinking of course you would.”

“Tokem, you are the only drama queen I know.”

Traygen paced quietly while I sparred with Tokem. He stopped abruptly and turned to face us. “We're being framed. Think about it. Someone wants Ekil to believe we killed his son. We know the cartel and the vamps are fighting a turf war. So they each brought in a heavy hitter, the vamps employing a Daywalker and the cartel hiring a wizard. It would take a powerful wizard to pull off tonight’s attack at the gallery. Lauren and I both felt the power. Now we need to find out who we are dealing with.”

“Yeah, like yesterday because there’s going to be a war between the two camps. In addition, someone is trying to implicate Traygen and me. I assume to get the World Council to intervene.”

Traygen slammed his palms down on my desk. “Yesmand we both know the Council won’t hesitate to remove us if they believe we acted outside the accords. We need to find the wizard. Do you have any idea where to begin?”

“Can I have your things in the unfortunate event that…?”

He didn’t finish because I tossed a pillow at him. He was too busy flitting away.

“Touchy. Touchy.”

I glared at him before I answered Traygen. “I don’t have rogue wizards on speed dial if that’s what you mean. Therefore, I suggest starting at the docks. We know the cartel is working in the area. It makes sense that their protector would be somewhere nearby. I’m going to check out something. If we can identify the spell used at the gallery it might tell us what wizard we’re looking for. If you’ll excuse me, I need to do some reading.”

Traygen stood and headed toward
the door. “I’m going to fly around the docks and see if I can detect any of the same energy. I’ll recognize the energy from the gallery if I feel it again. It had an unusual signature.”

“Wait for me,” Tokem chirped.

Traygen yelled on his way out, “We’ll be back before sunrise.”

I went to my study and started rummaging through my books and files. Unfortunately my books are not indexed, a librarian I’m not. It took me awhile to find what I was looking for. I found it in the Goetic Grimoirie. A book which catalogues all the spirits and the spirits powers, incantations, spells and talismans. A riveting read, no really.

You see there are two types of manuals on magic.
There is the Natural magic and the more ritualistic magic. I use the former, meaning I cook with all naturally ingredients. I use things like chemicals, minerals, herbs and spices, no eye of Newt for me. The ritual practitioners use more prayers, incantations and astrology.

BOOK: Fang Shway in LA
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