Read Famous (Famous #1) Online

Authors: Kahlen Aymes

Famous (Famous #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Famous (Famous #1)
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Cade, we need to talk. I miss you. I’m worried. Please respond in some way.


I read the text to Nate, and after his nod of approval, hit send.

Soon my phone vibrated, and I could feel the blood rushing to my head, pounding until my brain hurt. My face felt hot, and my hands trembled. I was afraid to read it.


I saw that you made your choice, Brooklyn. Let’s not make it harder than it is. I understand, but I’m not ready to talk. I don’t know if I ever can.


My heart lurched in my chest.

“Oh no, Nate!” My heart sped up so fast I thought it would fly right out of my chest. The heat in my face began to hurt, and my lungs constricted. “He thinks I decided I didn’t want him! How? How can he do that without talking to me?” The pain and panic was clear in my voice.

My brother seemed to be at a loss for words, and he just looked at me, in shock.


Cade, don’t do this. It’s not what you think. Let me explain. Please


I couldn’t ever remember feeling this flustered or filled with panic in my life.

Nate put a hand on my shoulder. “What’s he saying?” he asked.

“He won’t let me explain,” I said softly, my eyes welling with tears.

Not long after, my phone vibrated in my hand again.


Brook, let’s not drag it out, please. I get that for you it was only about the movie,

but it was so much more for me. I need some space to deal. Sorry.




Chapter 6

Damage Control


I started shaking so badly that Nate stood up to take a hold of me. His arms around me were the only thing keeping me from falling.
What was I going to do?

Damn David for doing this, and damn Cade for not giving me a chance to explain!

I felt angry and frustrated; the type of frustration that made tears impossible to hold back. I pulled away from my brother to frantically pace around his room. My mind was racing, my heart pounding, as I struggled to figure out what to do. Then it dawned on me.

“Nate, I have to find him. Now. He’s thinking the wrong thing and he won’t answer his freaking phone.”

“You’re going to England?” His face held a stunned expression. He followed me into my room, and watched me pull my suitcase from my closet. “Isn’t that kind of drastic?” Nate asked.

No, it was necessary.

I was so mad, but it was more than anger, I was desperate to make Cade understand the truth of what happened. I ignored my brother, and called my manager. She would book me a flight to London right away. When the call ended I pulled out my suitcase, and started packing.

“Will you tell mom and dad where I went, please?”

He looked at me as if I was crazy. “Hell, no, I won’t! Dad would kick my ass if I let you run off halfway around the world by yourself. I’m coming along. Call Jeanie back and have her get me a ticket, too.” He left the room in whirlwind. I stood frozen for a minute after he rushed out to go pack his own bags. He was amazing, and I couldn’t ask for a better brother.

On the long flight to London, I tried to sleep, but I was too jacked up. I worried over how I’d find Cade once I got there and what his reaction might be. If I called him, chances were he wouldn’t answer, so how would I find him? I bit my lip as I considered my options. Gavin could help me because he and Cade had become good friends. When we landed I called him from the customs line.

“Gavin, it’s me, Brooklyn.”

“Hey, Brook! It’s good to hear from you, how have you been?” His voice was warm.

“Not so great. I have to find Cade. I don’t want him to know that I’m in London, until he sees me here.” I spoke too fast, and couldn’t hide the desperation in my voice.

“Brook, you’re in London? Is something wrong?” His voice was laced with concern.

“I’m sorry, Gavin. I don’t have time to tell you the whole story, but to summarize, Cade thinks I was kissing David and he won’t let me explain.”

“David… your boyfriend?”

My heart sank. This is the same thing I’d face with Cade if I found him. “I was breaking up with him! Paparazzi took some pictures, Cade saw them, and now he won’t answer his phone. He texted and said he needed space.”

“I guess a lot has happened in the last few weeks, huh? Maybe that’s what he needs, love,” he said quietly.

“But… he doesn’t know the truth. You know how stubborn he can be. After I tell him, then I’ll give him all the damn space he needs, but I can’t have him thinking that I would do that.” I felt defeated. Jesus, he has to listen to me. “Not after… how we left things.” I could feel my throat start to thicken as I put a hand to my forehead. The customs line was moving and the people weaving around were watching me tear up. Eyes were anxious, and I was thanking God news about the film hadn’t hit the UK yet.

“I’m a huge mess, aren’t I?” I said in disgust.

“Because you’re in love, Brook,” Gavin said quietly.

“Is it that obvious?” I tried to joke, but my heart wasn’t in it.

“It has been for quite a while now, sweetie,” Gavin replied.

“Yeah, but I haven’t told him how I feel. It’s been a huge mistake, and I need to find him and make him understand. I can’t lose him, Gavin.” My voice was shaking, my eyes closed in pain. I was certain I sounded desperate, and I didn’t care. God, he was never really mine, but I felt like I lost him. “Please, will you help me find him?”

“I guess I can text him and ask him where he’ll be. Maybe tell him I’m coming to London and want to see him.” Gavin was a little hesitant.

“Would you? Can you say you’re already here? I don’t want to wait another twenty-four hours to get to him. I’m sorry for involving you, Gavin, I just…” I took a shaky breath. “I seriously didn’t know what else to do.”

“Are you there alone? It’s a big, scary city.”

“No, my brother came with me. He’s my best bud.” I smiled a little.

“Okay, Brook. I’ll call you back in a few minutes. Let me see what I can do.”

Soon, we were through customs and Nathan was getting the bags from the claim area. I took the time to run to the bathroom. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew I’d have to pull myself together and look somewhat normal when I went to find Cade. I didn’t want to seem shaken and worried, or worse, clingy. I had to be matter of fact, and just make him see the truth. It would work out. It had to.

I ran my hands through my hair. I looked horrible; pale with dark circles under my eyes and my hair all messy. I groaned and went to find Nate. I managed to make it through the airport without anyone recognizing me, again thankful this was London and not L.A. A couple of girls followed us out, trying to walk beside me to get a better look at my face, but I lowered my head and hid behind my hair until we got in the taxi.

My phone rang and I picked up Gavin’s call. “Hey,” I said as I answered.

“Brook, Cade said he and his friend, Daniel, are going to open mic night at a pub called Harrington’s in Hampton tonight. Do you know where that is?”

“No, but we’re taking a cab, so maybe the driver will know. I have to find a hotel where I can clean up first. Um… did he say what time they’d be there?” I asked. My heart sped up knowing that in only a few short hours, I’d see Cade.

“He said not before ten.” I looked at my watch. It was a little before six, so I had some time. In L.A. time was only 10 am. “Try to get a nap today, okay?” Gavin said in a very fatherly voice.

“I will. Thanks, Dad,” I said, and smiled into the phone. “I really appreciate your help, Gavin. You’re a life saver and a good friend.”

“I hope Cade isn’t pissed at me.” He sighed. “But I’m only doing it for his own damn good.” He laughed.

“Thanks. I’ll let you know what happens. Love you,” I said.

“You too, honey.”

I told the driver to take us to a nice hotel in Hampton, and was relieved when we finally arrived. Nathan checked us in, and helped me take my bag to my room. I was restless, and though I needed rest, I didn’t feel calm enough to nap. Nate went to his own room, and I wasn’t able to lie there staring at the ceiling for hours without going completely nuts. I bolted off of the bed and out of the hotel room to explore the city around the hotel.

There were a variety of trendy shops nearby, and I decided to spend the time buying a new outfit, and getting my hair and makeup done. If nothing else, it would boost my confidence and give me a shot of much-needed courage.

I found a little fitted, sexy, black dress, a black leather jacket with three quarter length sleeves, and some strappy heels. I wanted to look amazing. I needed to knock him flat on his ass. I smiled a secret smile to myself as it occurred to me that if things went well, we’d be together tonight. Finally.

The afternoon passed in a blur. I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror just minutes before it was time for Nathan and I to go to the club.

My hair was done in a wild style with more curls than I normally wore, and fuller. It looked like it was windblown, and sexier.

Sexy bed hair. I smiled to myself. That was my personal description of how Cade’s hair always looked. My make-up was more pronounced, smoky eyes; heavy on the liner, with darker lip gloss, and flushed cheeks. The darkness of my lashes and hair made my aqua eyes pop.

When I opened my room door for my brother, he stared at me for a few seconds. “Wow! You look great, sis! Cade doesn’t stand a chance.” Nate whistled, and then winked. Okay, that wasn’t weird at all, but I knew he was just trying to make me feel good about myself.

“Thanks, dude,” I said. “I need all the confidence I can muster.” I looked at myself critically in the mirror one last time, and tried to see myself as Cade’s would when he saw me.

The dress was low cut, showing the top swells of my breasts clearly visible above the top of the bodice. The short skirt along with the high heels made my legs look really long. I had on black hose and the fitted leather jacket pulled in at my waist, emphasizing my hourglass figure. And, the precious RJ bracelet was securely fastened around my wrist. I definitely look like a woman tonight, I thought with satisfaction.

“That’s some bracelet, sis,” he said, pointing to my wrist. “Are you sure it’s safe to wear it?”

“Well, it’s safer to wear it, than not. Tonight anyway,” I said quietly as I touched it lovingly. “Besides, I never take it off. Cade gave it to me.”

Nate lifted my hand and looked at it. “The letters are wrong, right?”

“No. It’s from the movie. It represents our characters.”

Nate raised his eyebrows as an expression of astonishment over took his features. He mouthed the word ‘wow’ but no sound came out.

I felt my stomach flutter.
Could I really be this nervous?

This is Cade. He knows me better than anyone, and he loves me. He’ll understand. I took a deep breath.

“Nate are you ready? It’s 9:45 and I want to get there, already.” I grabbed my clutch purse, and walked to the door. “I’m jumping out of my skin.” I smoothed my dress and let my hand rest on my fluttering stomach.

Harrington’s was hopping and bigger than I expected. The crowd was an eclectic mix of all ages; boisterous and loud except when someone was on stage. My eyes scanned the crowd for Cade, but I didn’t see him. My heart was in my throat. I was nervous, but my plan was to crawl onto his lap, and tell him I loved him. Just him.

Simple, right? Yeah.

We made our way to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks. I wasn’t sure what the drinking age was in London, but the bartender didn’t even hesitate to serve us. Men were looking me over, and one came up to me and put his hand on the back of my waist.

“Hey, love, can I buy you a drink?” He was attractive but I hardly noticed; my eyes kept scanning the room for Cade.

“Um… no thank you, I’m with someone.” I smiled at him, and turned to move away.

“Well, he’s a lucky bloke,” the man mumbled as I left him.

Then I saw Cade.

He was moving up to the stage getting ready to sing, and the crowd was screaming. I sat at the back of the bar, and watched as they quieted down when he began his song. He was singing a song he’d been working on during filming, and playing acoustic guitar. I’d heard him sing it before, but this time, he seemed more emotional about the song. He seemed sad. Looking at him like that, tortured artist that he was, I loved him so much I couldn’t even breathe.

Jesus, he’s beautiful.

My heart thumped in my chest as I watched, knowing that in minutes, I would go to him.

After he finished, the entire place erupted in a huge mass of applause. I was amazed that even though he was who he was, no one treated him like a celebrity. That wouldn’t happen in L.A. Cade put down his guitar on the side of the stage, and went back to a table near the front. I’d met Daniel Mayfield and his girlfriend when they made a trip to Vancouver to see Cade a few months into filming. Both guys were at the table along with a couple of other women I didn’t recognize. One of them immediately stood up to hug and kiss Cade when he made it back to the table. While he didn’t stick his tongue down her throat and yank her to him, he didn’t exactly push her away.

My heart stopped, and I felt sick to my stomach. I literally thought I would vomit.

So, this is what I get for coming all the way over here to pour out my heart?

My whole body began to tremble, as I bowed my head, trying tried to get control of my emotions.

Nate sensed me tensing up, and he’d also witnessed the scene at Cade’s table. “Brook… maybe we should just go.”

.” My head came up to look into Nate’s worried face. I shook my head. “No, I came here to confront him, and that’s what I’m going to do. He needs to at least see that I’m here.” I swallowed hard, trying desperately to clear the lump of emotion rising in my throat.

I set my drink down, and made my way through the crowd. Men were checking me out, and many were trying to speak to me, but I kept moving toward the table at the front of the room. Cade was laughing and talking to Daniel, and one of the women at the table, so he didn’t see me coming. I walked right up to his table, and stopped directly in his eye line.

I waited until he noticed me.

He stopped mid-sentence and stared at me, completely stunned.

“Brook?” He gaped at me. “What are you doing here? You look… incredible.” He started to rise when the woman to his right grabbed his arm.

BOOK: Famous (Famous #1)
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