False Scent (3 page)

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Authors: Ngaio Marsh

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #det_classic, #Mystery & Detective, #Police Procedural, #Police, #England, #Alleyn; Roderick (Fictitious character)

BOOK: False Scent
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It was an opening Richard had hoped for, but he found himself a little apprehensive nevertheless.

“I found it,” he said, “at the Pegasus — or rather Octavius Browne found it for me. He says it’s rare-ish.”

Her triangular smile didn’t fade. Her eyes continued to beam into his, her hands to press his hands.

“Ay, yes!” she cried gaily. “The old man in the bookshop! Believe it or not, darling, he sent me a telegram about my conception. Too sweet, but a little difficult to acknowledge.”

“He’s very donnish,” Richard said. She made a comic face at him. “He
, in fact, a don, but he found himself out of sympathy with angry young men and set up a bookshop instead.”

She propped up her tinsel picture on the dressing-table and gazed at it through half-closed eyes. “Isn’t there a daughter or something? I seem to have heard—”

“A niece,” Richard said. Maddeningly, his mouth had gone dry.

“Ought I,” she asked, “to nip downstairs and thank him? One never quite knows with that sort of person.”

Richard kissed her hand. “Octavius,” he said, “is not that sort of person, darling. Do nip down. He’ll be enchanted. And Mary—”

“What, my treasure?”

“I thought perhaps you might be terribly kind and ask them for a drink. If you find them pleasant, that is.”

She sat at her dressing-table and examined her face in the glass. “I wonder,” she said, “if I
like that new eyeshade.” She took up a heavy Venetian glass scent-spray and used it lavishly. “I hope someone gives me some really superlative scent,” she said. “This is almost gone.” She put it down. “For a drink?” she said. “When? Not today, of course.”

today, you think?”

She opened her eyes very wide. “My dear, we’d only embarrass them.”

“Well,” he murmured, “see how you feel about it.”

She turned back to the glass and said nothing. He opened his dispatch case and took out his typescript.

“I’ve brought something,” he said, “for you to read. It’s a surprise, Mary.” He laid it on the dressing-table. “There.”

She looked at the cover page. “
Husbandry in Heaven
. A play by Richard Dakers.”

“Dicky? Dicky, darling,
is all this?”

“Something I’ve kept for today,” he said and knew at once that he’d made a mistake. She gave him that special luminous gaze that meant she was deeply moved. “O Dicky!” she whispered. “For me? My

He was panic-stricken.

“But when?” she asked him, slowly shaking her head in bewilderment. “When did you
it? With all the other work? I don’t understand. I’m flabbergasted, Dicky!”

“I’ve been working on it for some time. It’s — it’s quite a different thing. Not a comedy. You may hate it.”

“Is it the great one — at last?” she whispered. “The one that we always knew would happen? And all by yourself, Dicky? Not even with poor stupid, old, loving me to listen?”

She was saying all the things he would least have chosen for her to say. It was appalling.

“For all I know,” he said, “it may be frighteningly bad. I’ve got to that state where one just can’t tell. Anyway, don’t let’s burden the great day with it.”

“You couldn’t have given me anything else that would make me half so happy.” She stroked the typescript with both eloquent, not very young hands. “I’ll shut myself away for an hour before lunch and wolf it up.”

“Mary,” he said desperately. “Don’t be so sanguine about it. It’s not your sort of play.”

“I won’t hear a word against it. You’ve written it for
, darling.”

He was hunting desperately for some way of telling her he had done nothing of the sort when she said gaily, “All right! We’ll see. I won’t tease you. What were we talking about? Your funnies in the bookshop? I’ll pop in this morning and see what I think of them, shall I? Will that do?”

Before he could answer two voices, one elderly and uncertain and the other a fluting alto, were raised outside in the passage:


Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Mary

Happy birthday to you


The door opened to admit Colonel Warrender and Mr. Bertie Saracen.

Colonel Warrender was sixty years old, a bachelor and a cousin of Charles Templeton, whom, in a leaner, better-looking way, he slightly resembled. He kept himself fit, was well dressed and wore a moustache so neatly managed that it looked as if it had been ironed on his face. His manner was pleasant and his bearing soldierly.

Mr. Bertie Saracen was also immaculate, but more adventurously so. The sleeves of his jacket were narrower and displayed a great deal of pinkish cuff. He had a Berlin-china complexion, wavy hair, blue eyes and wonderfully small hands. His air was gay and insouciant. He too was a bachelor and most understandably so.

They made a comic entrance together: Warrender good-naturedly self-conscious, Bertie Saracen revelling in his act of prima ballerina. He chasséd to right and left, holding aloft his votive offering and finally laid it at Miss Bellamy’s feet.

“God, what a fool I must look!” he exclaimed. “Take it, darling, quickly or we’ll kill the laugh.”

A spate of greetings broke out and an examination of gifts: from Warrender, who had been abroad, gloves of Grenoble, and from Bertie a miniature group of five bathing beauties and a photographer all made of balsa wood and scraps of cotton. “It’s easily the nicest present you’ll get,” he said. “And now I must enjoy a good jeer at all the others.”

He flitted about the room, making little darts at them. Warrender, a rather silent man, generally believed to entertain a long-standing and blameless adoration of Mary Bellamy, had a word with Richard, who liked him.

“Rehearsals started yet?” he asked. “Mary tells me she’s delighted with her new part.”

“Not yet. It’s the mixture as before,” Richard rejoined.

Warrender gave him a brief look, “Early days to settle into a routine, isn’t it?” he said surprisingly. “Leave that to the old hands, isn’t it?” He had a trick of ending his remarks with this colloquialism.

“I’m trying, on the side, to break out in a rash of serious writing.”

“Are you? Good. Afford to take risks, I’d have thought.”

“How pleasant,” Richard exclaimed, “to hear somebody say that!”

Warrender looked at his shoes. “Never does,” he said, “to let yourself be talked into things. Not that I know anything about it.”

Richard thought with gratitude: “That’s exactly the kind of thing I wanted to be told,” but was prevented from saying so by the entrance of Old Ninn.

Old Ninn’s real name was Miss Ethel Plumtree, but she was given the courtesy title of “Mrs.” She had been Mary Bellamy’s nurse, and from the time of his adoption by Mary and Charles, Richard’s also. Every year she emerged from retirement for a fortnight to stay with her former charge. She was small, scarlet-faced and fantastically opinionated. Her age was believed to be eighty-one. Nannies being universally accepted as character parts rather than people in their own right, Old Ninn was the subject of many of Mary Bellamy’s funniest stories. Richard sometimes wondered if she played up to her own legend. In her old age she had developed a liking for port and under its influence made great mischief among the servants and kept up a sort of guerilla warfare with Florence, with whom, nevertheless, she was on intimate terms. They were united, Miss Bellamy said, in their devotion to herself.

Wearing a cerise shawl and a bold floral print, for she adored bright colours, Old Ninn trudged across the room with the corners of her mouth turned down and laid a tissue paper parcel on the dressing-table.

“Happy birthday, m’.” she said. For so small a person she had an alarmingly deep voice.

A great fuss was made over her. Bertie Saracen attempted Mercutian badinage and called her Nurse Plumtree. She ignored him and addressed herself exclusively to Richard.

“We don’t see much of you these days,” she said, and by the sour look she gave him, proclaimed her affection.

“I’ve been busy, Ninn.”

“Still making up your plays, by all accounts.”

“That’s it.”

“You always were a fanciful boy. Easy to see, you’ve never grown out of it.”

Mary Bellamy had unwrapped the parcel and disclosed a knitted bed-jacket of sensible design. Her thanks were effusive, but Old Ninn cut them short.

“Four-ply,” she said. “You require warmth when you’re getting on in years and the sooner you face the fact the more comfortable you’ll find yourself. Good morning, sir,” Ninn added, catching sight of Warrender. “I dare say you’ll bear me out. Well, I won’t keep you.”

With perfect composure she trudged away, leaving a complete silence behind her.

“Out of this world!” Bertie said with a shrillish laugh. “Darling Mary, here I am
with decorative fervour.
are we to tuck up our sleeves and lay all our plots and plans?”

“Now, darling, if you’re ready. Dicky, treasure, will you and Maurice be able to amuse yourselves? We’ll scream if we want any help. Come along, Bertie.”

She linked her arm in his. He sniffed ecstatically. “You smell,” he said, “like all, but
, of King Solomon’s wives
concubines. In spring.
En avant

They went downstairs. Warrender and Richard were left together in a room that still retained the flavour of her personality, as inescapably potent as the all-pervasive aftermath of her scent.

It was an old established custom that she and Bertie arranged the house for her birthday party. Her drawing-room was the first on the left on the ground floor. It was a long Georgian saloon with a door into the hall and with folding doors leading into the dining-room. This, in its turn opened both into the hall and into the conservatory, which was her especial pride. Beyond the conservatory lay a small formal garden. When all the doors were open an impressive vista was obtained. Bertie himself had “done” the decor and had used a wealth of old French brocades. He had painted bunches of misty cabbage roses in the recesses above the doors and in the wall panels, and had found some really distinguished chandeliers. This year the flowers were to be all white and yellow. He settled down with great efficiency and determination to his task, borrowing one of Gracefield’s, the butler’s, aprons for the purpose. Miss Bellamy tied herself into a modish confection with a flounced bib, put on washleather gloves, and wandered happily about her conservatory, snipping off deadheads and re-arranging groups of flowerpots. She was an enthusiastic gardener. They shouted at each other from room to room, exchanging theatre shop, and breaking every now and then into stage cockney: “Whatseye, dear?” and “Coo! You wouldn’t credit it!” this mode of communication being sacred to the occasion. They enjoyed themselves enormously while from under Bertie’s clever fingers emerged bouquets of white and gold and wonderful garlands for the table. In this setting, Miss Bellamy was at her best.

They had been at it for perhaps half an hour and Bertie had retired to the flower-room when Gracefield ushered in Miss Kate Cavendish, known to her intimates as Pinky.

Pinky was younger than her famous contemporary and less distinguished. She had played supporting roles in many Bellamy successes and their personal relationship, not altogether to her satisfaction, resembled their professional one. She had an amusing face, dressed plainly and well, and possessed the gifts of honesty and direct thinking. She was, in fact, a charming woman.

“I’m in a tizzy,” she said. “High as a rocket, darling, and in a minute I’ll tell you why. Forty thousand happy returns, Mary, and may your silhouette never grow greater. Here’s my offering.”

It was a flask of a new scent by a celebrated maker and was called Formidable. “I got it smuggled over from Paris,” she said. “It’s not here yet. A lick on either lobe, I’m told, and the satellites reel in their courses.”

Miss Bellamy insisted on opening it. She dabbed the stopper on her wrists and sniffed. “Pinky,” she said solemnly, “it’s
much! Darling, it opens the
! Honestly!”

“It’s good, isn’t it?”

“Florrie shall put it into my spray. At once. Before Bertie can get at it. You know what he is.”

“Is Bertie here?” Pinky asked quickly.

“He’s in the flower-room.”


“Why? Have you fallen out with him?”

“Far from it,” Pinky said. “Only — well it’s just that I’m not really meant to let my cat out of its bag as yet and Bertie’s involved. But I really am, I fear, more than a little tiddly.”

! I thought you never touched a thing in the morning.”

“Nor I do. But this is an occasion, Mary. I’ve been drinking with the Management. Only two small ones, but on an empty turn: Bingo!”

Miss Bellamy said sharply, “
With the Management

“That gives you pause, doesn’t it?”

“And Bertie’s involved?”

Pinky laughed rather wildly and said, “If I don’t tell somebody I’ll spontaneously combust, so I’m going to tell you. Bertie can lump it, bless him, because why, after all, shouldn’t I be audibly grateful.”

Mary Bellamy looked fixedly at her friend for a moment and then said, “Grateful?”

“All right. I know I’m incoherent. Here it comes. Darling: I’m to have the lead in Bongo Dillon’s new play. At the Unicorn. Opening in September. Swear you won’t breathe it, but it’s true and it’s settled and the contract’s mine for the signing. My first lead, Mary. Oh
, I’m so happy.”

A hateful and all too-familiar jolt under the diaphragm warned Miss Bellamy that she had been upset. Simultaneously she knew that somehow or another she must run up a flag of welcome, must show a responsive warmth, must override the awful, menaced, slipping feeling, the nausea of the emotions that Pinky’s announcement had churned up.

“Sweetie-pie!” she said. “How wonderful!” It wasn’t, she reflected, much cop as an expression of delighted congratulation from an old chum, but Pinky was too excited to pay any attention. She went prancing on about the merits of her contract, the glories of the role, the nice behaviour of the Management (Miss Bellamy’s Management, as she sickeningly noted), and the feeling that at last this was going to be It. All this gave Miss Bellamy a breather. She began to make fairly appropriate responses. Presently when Pinky drew breath, she was able to say with the right touch of down-to-earth honesty:

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