Falling into the White (The Ancients Series) (26 page)

Read Falling into the White (The Ancients Series) Online

Authors: Christine M. Butler

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Fantasy, #Werewolves, #Werewolf, #magic, #new-adult

BOOK: Falling into the White (The Ancients Series)
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“Did you bond with Mikael already?”

“Oh, good lord, Asi! Seriously, my parents and Jack thought I was dead or wounded because I lost my virginity, which is a highly embarrassing topic of conversation to have with all those people named, but then you have to jump in on the action too? UGGHH!”

“Oh,” Asi was taken aback. “That’s not… I wasn’t asking about…” While it was nice to see Asriel finally stumble over his words, I was tired of the conversation already. Plus, I was a horrible liar, so if he asked me about the bonding again, I was going to end up telling him, and the cat would be out of the bag. I liked Asi a lot, and I respected how he treated my best friend, but I didn’t for a minute think this news wouldn’t make its way back to Evan.

“We had sex, Asi. I’m no longer a virgin, and everyone here found out because Jack found a beach towel we were laying on in the cave that apparently got some of my blood on it. Is that enough humiliation for one day, or what?” My voice had raised an octave, and I think I shocked Asi enough that he forgot what he was really trying to get at, but just in case he didn’t, as I was walking away, I threw the words back over my shoulder. “We’ll be bonding at the solstice still, nothing else has changed.” I took off up the stairs then, heading for my bedroom and some peace and quiet until Mikael came back. Unfortunately, when I got upstairs, I realized I wasn’t alone. Annalise was still there, reading a book on my bed.

“Hey,” Annalise said quickly when she took note of my face. “I can leave if you need me to.”

“No, it’s okay. I just need to pack a bag for later, and get changed into something suitable for the sending off.”

“I’m sorry about your friend.”


“Your friend, Tom.”

“Oh, thank you. He was a pack mate, but I didn’t know him that well.”

“He was nice to me. All of your pack mates were while they were staying with us.” It was a genuinely nice admission from her.

“Thank you, I’m glad they were well behaved.” I packed my bag as Annalise went back to reading her book, and then I sat down in the big Papasan Chair in the corner of my room. I curled up, with my large gym bag down by my feet to wait for all the guys to get back from the cave, and Mikael to get back from his house. I closed my eyes, and drifted off for a bit.

Someone was shaking me gently, “Jess,” my name was whispered into my ear by a familiar voice. “Hey, babe, you have to get up and get ready.” I opened my eyes to see Mikael right there in front of me. When I looked around I realized I was still in the Papasan Chair, Annalise was no longer in the room, and it was much darker.

“Tell me I didn’t just sleep the entire day away.”

“Well, not the entire day. You were awake this morning for a while.” He was smiling at me as he pulled me to my feet. “Lucky for you, I am here to help you get ready. Think of me as your own personal handmaiden, Princess.”

I was laughing now. “You are a very handsome handmaiden. I wonder how a princess is ever supposed to find her prince with your kind hanging about?” I teased.

Mikael growled at me, then snatched me up into the air tossing me over his shoulder, and smacking my ass once he got me settled there. “Well, I was going to be nice, but now I’m going to have to show you how princes behave.”

I bit into his shoulder blade since it was the only thing I could reach, and the growl that came from him then told me we might be a while getting ready. “Are you going to be showering with me too?” I asked when we entered the bathroom.

“As a matter of fact…” he put me down, shut the door, locked it, and then stalked me until my back was up against a wall. “I am. As your personal handmaiden, I would have simply helped if you needed it. Since it’s a prince you require, well, we do things differently. There’s a more hands on approach involved.”

My body flushed with heat. There was a dangerously delicious look in Mikael’s eyes right now, and it delighted me. I stood straighter, staring right back at him, and pulled my shirt up over my head, effortlessly. I dropped it on the floor, at his feet, eliciting another growl of desire from him. Then I stepped forward, removing any space that had been between us, and I wrapped my hand around his neck, pulling his face towards mine, so that I could kiss him. It was not the sweet kind of kiss I had grown used to. This one was full of heat, need, and desire. I wanted him, right here and now. I didn’t care who else was in the house, what they were there for, or if the world even existed outside of our bubble. Mikael did not waste any time in responding. Clothes hit the floor at an alarming rate, his, mine, and then there was nothing between us as he lifted me up, my legs wrapping naturally around his waist. In one smooth motion he was inside me, and the shock of the invasion, no matter how pleasurable, pulled a rather load raspy moan from my throat. Mikael leaned in to kiss me, as he pushed my back up against the wall for leverage. His kisses were an attempt to swallow the inadvertent moans that were coming from me with each of his thrusts. We both let the need for one another carry us away, forgetting ourselves in each other, until we both reached our climax, and started coming back down from the haze of pure lust we’d been caught up in.

That’s when reality crept back in. “Oh my God, I bet they heard everything downstairs,” I whispered as Mikael turned on the shower. His smiling face came back over to me, picked me up, and took me over to set me down gently beneath the warm running water. Then he climbed in behind me.

“I wish I could say I was sorry and mean it, but I can’t be sorry for that.” He nipped at my ear lobe. “You are just too damn…” words dissolved to that low base growl, and I pushed away before we ended up forgetting ourselves again.

“We need to clean up, dress, and get downstairs.” I reminded him as he chased me forward into the spray of water. “It will just be the two of us later, when we go home.”

Another possessive growl came from him, “I like that.”

“What? That we’ll be alone later?”

“Of course, but I was referring to the fact that you just called my place home.” I hadn’t even realized what I was saying, and before I could get embarrassed about my presumptive words, Mikael was kissing me again. Anywhere I could be alone with him was going to be home to me.

“Okay,” I said, pushing away again breathlessly. “This is not going to work. You go wait out there for a minute, while I finish up.” His bottom lip poked out in a pout, and when I shoved him further out of range, he stepped out of the shower, and stood there, arms crossed, looking none too happy. “Stop pouting. We need to get ready, and that’s not going to happen if you’re in here, naked, with me. I only have so much self-control, and you seem to have lost all of yours.”

“I get it.” He answered gruffly, and busied himself with brushing his teeth. I hadn’t seen that he had a bag of his own with him when he came in. He had been planning on getting ready with me. I quickly scrubbed myself down, washed my hair, and climbed out into the soft fluffy warmth of a towel that Mikael held out for me. “I’m going to hop in while you dry off and get dressed.”

As soon as we were both done getting ready, I opened the bathroom door to find Tessa standing there with an impatient expression on her face. “I hope there’s some hot water left in there.” She remarked while ogling Mikael like he was a prize she’d just won.

I just shrugged at her, and pushed past to get to my room and grab my bag. Annalise was sitting there on my bed looking like she was pouting. “What’s the matter Annalise?” I asked as I crossed the room to get to the bag I had packed earlier.

“She gets to get ready and go to the ceremony, but my father says I should stay here. I haven’t even transitioned yet, but he’s worried that with all the males around one will try to claim me.”

“Our pack aren’t a bunch of brutes,” I offered.

“I swear, he lets Tessa get away with everything, just because she’s so tough.” She looked at me conspiratorially and whispered. “Really, that’s why no one wants her.” I had to stifle a laugh, but Mikael didn’t bother. “Oh,” Annalise gave a surprised little yip. “I forgot we weren’t alone.”

“It’s okay,” I offered, “Mikael can keep our secrets.”

Annalise smiled at me then, and looked Mikael over once more. She didn’t do it in the way her sister did though, she was appraising him as a person, and not a piece of meat she’d like to consume. “Mikael?” Then something dawned in her expression. “Mikael De’ Lune?” He nodded at her, and she jumped up and squealed again. “Oh my God! Oh my God! You’re a prince. I didn’t know. I should have bowed or something when you came in.” Annalise was doing that cute rambling thing she seemed to do when she got nervous. Then she looked at me, and quietly asked, “should I bow?”

“Never to me, little one.” He smiled and then came over to stand beside me, with his arm around my waist. “I’m just a second son to the King, and even if I was the first, I would never require one as lovely as yourself to bow to me. It is I, who should bow to my lovely subjects!” He mock bowed before Annalise and I, which elicited giggles from her, and an overwhelming appreciation from me for the way Mikael had handled himself with her. “Now, I have it on good authority that Jessica has a treasure trove of movies in her room, and that you are going to be far more entertained here, than we will be out there.” He smiled and took my hand to lead me out. “We’ll sneak you up some snacks before we go.”

“Thank you,” she called out as we left the room.

When we came downstairs my father was shooting daggers at Mikael with his eyes. Asi and Jack were watching with extreme interest, and seemed to be bonding over my less than secret sex life. I found my mom in the crowd of people, and begged her with my eyes to intercede. She seemed rather amused, and even tossed me a thumbs up, before she grabbed my father’s arm, “I need some help in the kitchen,” she was pulling him in that direction before he could protest.

Avery Daniels decided to step in as surrogate father at that point. “It’s not my business what goes on here,” he said to Mikael, “but I’d watch your back around Jameson for a while.” He cleared his throat, clearly somewhat uncomfortable with what he was saying in front of me. “Werewolf hearing is both a blessing and curse sometimes.” That was his way of telling us everyone had heard. Jack and Asi backed it up by their sudden outburst of laughter. I was rolling my eyes at them when Ashley hit Asi in the stomach, and came over to grab me away from Mikael. “Walk with me outside a moment?” Avery asked Mikael, who obliged willingly.

Ashley pulled me over to a quiet corner and she was laughing before she could get out what she was trying to say. “I can’t imagine either of you thought that one through at all.”

“Clearly, not.” I sulked.

“Yeah, well, I was about to pull Asi out into the woods for a quickie. You guys were steaming this place up. I know my imagination was going wild. Was that the bathroom?” When I nodded, she fanned herself, “and we heard the wall getting hit, I assume that was your back?” I nodded again. “Soon! We are going to have drinks, and lots of girl chat!”

“Yes, soon. So, my dad’s pretty pissed, huh?”

“Well, if I were Mikael, I wouldn’t want to be around Jameson alone for a while.” She laughed at me again. “On the other hand, maybe your mom will calm him down. I saw that thumbs up!” We were both laughing then, and stopped only when Jack walked over to join us.

“I guess that was your not so subtle way of confirming the whole loss of virginity thing, huh, Jessie?”

“Jack, don’t make me add to the ways I’m going to hurt you.”

“Oh, you already hurt me enough. I had mental images from that performance you gave upstairs. I don’t think I will ever be able to wash them from my brain.” He mimed trying to wipe the view from his face. “I might be permanently traumatized.”

“Oh, you’re going to be permanently traumatized all right!” I launched myself at Jack, and nearly had him pinned to the floor when the door opened again. “Say you’re sorry!”

Jack was laughing hysterically, “not on your life, Jessie-poo!” He flipped me over and had control for a minute before I found a way to slip from underneath him. Once I was in control again I glared down at him, but lost it when his laughter became contagious. I joined in, then slapped him across the chest.

“You’re still an asshole, but I’m going to show mercy, this once.”

“All right, children,” Asi came over, and gave Jack a hand up as I moved off of him. “We have somewhere to be, now.” He pointed out the fact that the living room was once again full of spectators, who had been amused by our little impromptu wrestling match. Including Mikael, who was standing by the door, smiling at me. Our eyes locked, and I had to fight the impulse to go directly to him. Our bond was showing, and we were doing a really crappy job of trying to hide it. I forced myself to look away, and saw my dad glancing back and forth between Mikael and I. His demeanor changed from one of tension to something else, a settled reserve. He had figured it out. I was certain everyone else probably had to. So long as Antoine didn’t see us together, maybe we’d be okay.

Everyone was moving outside now, heading to the meeting area on the other side of our little pack township. I followed along, lost in thought, a million and one things were vying for my attention, and I had to keep shuffling them to the back burner as I focused on being part of the procession, there to send Tom off, into the great beyond. His soul would be reborn to our people one day, but only if we did our part and honored him as one worthy of coming home again.

We got to the meeting place, and listened as Jack and Andy both spoke of Tom. They had both known Tom a lot better than I had, and as I listened, I learned things about the man who ultimately sacrificed himself to the cause of freeing me of my enemy. I bowed my head, and took it all in, because this man deserved to be known by me, even if it was in his passing. Jack and Andy both did a lovely job eulogizing the man, offering him up to our remembrances, and sending him off into the great beyond. Tom had been honored with a lovely ceremony, and then everyone went to the great hall to gather, drink, and eat. There would be further talk of Tom, for those who knew him well. Most of the pack knew each other as friends and families. I was one of the few exceptions, having been kept separate for so long that when I looked around, I couldn’t see past all the strange faces. Sure, I knew everyone here in passing, but it occurred to me that I didn’t really know much about them. I swore a vow to myself then, that I would find out what was in the heart of our people, their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, so that when I took over as the white wolf ruler one day, I might be able to set a path to make those things happen.

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