Falling into the White (The Ancients Series) (16 page)

Read Falling into the White (The Ancients Series) Online

Authors: Christine M. Butler

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Fantasy, #Werewolves, #Werewolf, #magic, #new-adult

BOOK: Falling into the White (The Ancients Series)
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She smiled up at me as I spoke this time. “You certainly have a way with words, girl. I am not sure what your dreams encompassed before I pulled you to me, but when you showed up here, we met for the first time since the college campus.” She put her hands down flat on top of her knees then. “As for why…” she hesitated, looked up at the waterfall, and then back across the river at me. Her crystalline eyes were finally apparent to me, as was her reddish brown hair. “There are people moving forward, plotting things, readying to make sure you do not come into your full power. Now that you have chosen, it is imperative to keep you safe until you are mated. Even then… you must be wary.”

“Listen, I’m not sure why you’re suddenly acting as my fairy godmother, or whatever, but I’m not rushing into mating with anyone. The last time I attempted to do that, well, it wouldn’t have ended up being a good thing if I had gone through with it.”

“It certainly wouldn’t have. I see the red wolf counseled you well.”

“Actually, she did not. She allowed me the freedom of choice.”

“Either way, you ended up making the correct decision.”

“How do you know that?” I asked her. “I mean, we haven’t even told anyone.”

“I have my ways of knowing things, Jessica. Just as I know you must still be cautious. There are plans in motion that threaten your existence.”

“But you won’t tell me what those plans are?”

“I don’t know everything.” She was smiling again. “I only know that there are forces aligning to move against you.” She looked at me, and moved her head conspiratorially closer like she was going to tell me a secret, even though a large stream separated us. “Between you and me, I only knew that you made a choice because you have been marked again, and this time by a different wolf. I didn’t think that would happen without your consent a second time, since you knew what to expect.” She winked at me, and then looked back off into the waterfall again. “I must be going soon. It takes,” she breathed a deep sigh, and actually looked as though she were shaking a bit. “It takes a great deal of strength to hold this realm open for a conversation.” The witch started fading around the edges. “Be aware of those around you, some are not your friends. Dear child, I am pulling for you to win!”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I yelled out to the woman, but she had faded away into nothing more than a shadowy figure before she was gone altogether. The blackness overtook me once more as the forest around me faded away. I had a moment to briefly wonder if I was going crazy or not, and then I was waking up to an incessant buzzing.

My phone was ringing and the vibration on the bedside table was adding to the buzzing sensation. I sat up, sweating, and looked around to be sure I was alone. The dreams, visions, whatever they were, had spooked me. I reached for my phone, just before it vibrated itself off the table.

“Hello?” I questioned groggily. There was no one on the other end anymore, so I tossed it beside me on my bed, flipped over onto my back, and stared at the ceiling for a minute before my phone began to ring again. “Hello?” At least my voice wasn’t as grainy this time when I answered.


“Yes,” I answered, unable to place the caller’s voice at first so I pulled the phone away from my head for a minute, and looked at the call listing. It was Mikael.

“I had a really weird dream. Are you okay?”

“Your dream didn’t involve a bunch of women and wolves shifting in and out of each other and a witch did it?”

“Um, no,” he answered, puzzled.

“Okay, well, then I probably win! What made you call me? It’s only 4am.”

“I dreamt that you were gone. That… well, never mind. You’re fine, so it’s okay. I just needed to hear your voice to be sure, because it was so real.”

“I’m fine, but I think I should really talk to you about my own dreams. I’m pretty sure they weren’t your normal run of the mill kind. You want to come over for breakfast later? We can swap dream stories, and eat.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice. Your parents hate me though. Do they know yet? About Evan or what you’ve decided?”

“No, they don’t. They were both out last night when I got in. I haven’t seen anyone to talk to them yet.”

“Oh boy. Would it seem cowardly of me if I said we should go to Starbucks instead, then?” He laughed, so I knew he was joking.

“Mikael De’ Lune!” I huffed his name into the phone. “You can’t possibly be afraid of my dad.”

“No, it’s not him. Your mom, on the other hand, I never want to be on her bad side.”

We both laughed, but he wasn’t lying. He really didn’t want to be on my mom’s bad side. She had a power, that she rarely used, but would bring a full blown Alpha to his knees if she decided it was necessary. “Yeah, you probably should be afraid of her. I promise, no family drama though. Just come on over. I’m pretty sure my mom was already expecting this after our talk the other day, anyway.”

“Oh really?” His voice was laden with curiosity. “So, you were already telling her how amazing I am, and how you couldn’t keep your hands, or your lips, off of me, huh?”

I shook my head, happy that he couldn’t see me smiling like a goofball right now. “You sure are full of yourself, Mikael.”

“I think you secretly like that about me.”

“Whatever. I’m going to go take a shower, since I’ll never get back to sleep now. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“See, you even need a cold shower, just from hearing my voice. I’m that good.”

He had me laughing with that comment. “Funny, I never said anything about cold water!” I hung up before he could keep going, but I heard him laughing in the background as I did. He was right, his cockiness was part of the attraction. Damn it, but a little bit of bad boy went a long way toward getting my hormones revved up into full gear.





By the time I got showered, dressed, and made my way downstairs, coffee was already brewing and my dad was sitting there with one of his books about the American Wild West. “Good morning,” I called out to him as I passed by to grab a mug out of the cabinet.

“Morning, Jess.” He never looked up from his book as he spoke. I was mid-pour with my coffee cup when he asked, “so, you had a change of heart after all, huh?”

I stopped what I was doing, set the mug down on the counter, put the coffee carafe back in its slot, and turned to face my dad. I nodded my head, “you can smell it still, huh?”

“Strong. It’s like a busted bottle of cologne got dumped all over you. He wasn’t taking any chances that you were going to change your mind, apparently.”

“Dad,” I sat down in the chair across the table from him. “It’s complicated.”

“You think I don’t know that, Jess? Of course it’s complicated. You know what else?” He put his book down, and really looked at me for the first time this morning. “I’m not blind. I’ve been watching, and waiting to see how this little song and dance played out. To be honest, had you stuck by Evan, I would have been disappointed. I am disappointed that he promised to treat you well, and failed so miserably.” My dad took a sip of his coffee, looking over the rim of the cup at me the whole time. “I know we all got off to a rough start with Mikael, but he certainly stepped up, and treated you well. Plus, you know, I overheard you talking to your mom the other day.” He at least looked slightly embarrassed by his admission. “I only care that whoever you choose to be with in life treats you right, Jess. Honestly, it’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

I certainly hadn’t been expecting that little speech from my father, but I was so thankful that he made it. I over to him and threw my arms around him, hugging tightly. He was a little surprised, but then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me right back. “I love you, dad.”

“Love you too, Jessie.”

I walked back over to the counter where I had left my mug, and finished filling it. When I turned back around to go sit in my seat, I noticed dad had already picked his book up again. “Dad,” he didn’t hesitate in dropping the book back to the table. “Have you guys found Zach yet?”

“Not yet, Jess. I don’t want you to worry yourself about that kid though. We’ll find him, and in the meantime, you know he’s no match for you, and certainly not one for Mikael either.”

“I know, it’s just that, I had this dream. It seemed like the line of white wolves was telling me to be weary of my enemies.” I was fidgeting with my coffee cup, and my father stopped moving all together to stare at me.

“What do you mean the line of white wolves?” I explained my dream to him, at least the part that took place in the cave, and he seemed to be taking it all into consideration as if it were more than just a dream.

“Do you think it was real? I mean, I know the white wolf is supposed to get visions sometimes, according to lore, but do you think that’s what this was?”

“Sounds like it, Jess. Even if it was just your subconscious worrying, we’re going to take it seriously. We’ve never stopped looking for Zach. Another pack, not far from here, ousted him from their lands not long ago. The trail went cold by the time we sent our people to retrieve him, almost like it was removed somehow. It was odd. So, yeah, I’m going to take your dream very seriously. It’s possible that Zach found someone to help him out. We’re looking into it though. Avery Daniels is the pack leader over there. He and my dad worked well together before. He’s turning over every stone. They don’t like it any more than we do that one of our problems is loose and under the radar in their territory. Especially when they have unclaimed females running around in their pack.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize all that had been going on. I swear this mess with Evan and Mikael had my head so screwed up lately...”

“Jess, this isn’t something you need to worry about. The pack is handling it. You’ve had enough happening in your life to take on this burden too. Besides, the last thing I want to do is involve you in anything happening with Zach. I want to keep you as far from him as possible.” A knock at the door cut off any further talk about Zach for the moment. I thought it was going to be Mikael, but I was mistaken.

My mom came back to the kitchen, after answering the door, with somewhat bleary-eyed Jack in tow. “Hey there, Jessie! How’ve you been?” That was Jack, he could look worse for the wear one moment, and then perk right up, as if you were the sole reason he was alive. He came over and snapped me up into a huge bear hug. It was Jack’s signature greeting, and I wasn’t even sure he was aware that everyone expected a big bear hug from him as a greeting now. Well, everyone except my dad, because Jack felt weird hugging the pack leader like that. Jack took a deep breath before he put me down, sniffing my hair, and the side of my neck. “Uh oh, what’s been going on? You smell like…” He stepped back and looked at me differently then, his eyes going a little hard. “No way, Jess! No freaking way! He attacked my sister!” Jack’s voice was raising with his temper. “Seriously, he turned my sister. She could have died!”

“Jack, please, just listen…” I begged him. Jack may have been Ashley’s brother by blood, but I had thought of him as a brother for years too.

“You want me to listen? Seriously? You want to explain why you smell like you’re getting serious with the guy I should kill for attacking my sister?”

“JACK!” I yelled at him then, “Ashley forgave him. Hell, she wanted me to choose him over Evan.”

“Why the hell would she want that?”

“For one thing, because Evan was cheating on me!”

“WHAT?” Anger flashed even hotter across Jack’s face presenting itself with a palpable reddening. I could see the resemblance to Ashley in him then.

My dad didn’t miss what I said, he chimed in too, “What do you mean, he was cheating?”

I sighed, and sat back down, losing my steam and my fight. “There was this woman named Clarissa. Apparently she and Evan had a thing before, years ago, but Antoine, being the perpetual douche that he is, paired her with Mikael. Mikael didn’t want her, and denied the pairing, but Evan had already left town, so he never knew. Yesterday, I caught them together, twice. He admitted something went on, but I didn’t want the play by play, so that’s all I can tell you.”

“I’m sorry, Jessie!” Jack’s tone softened. “But really? Does it have to be Mikael? I’m sure there are plenty of other wolves out there who would give their eye-teeth to be with you!”

“Jack, I like him. He’s been very good to me through all this. While Evan’s been a complete dick, Mikael has gone out of his way to make sure I was okay. That included staying away from me, and not pushing things when I was trying to fight Antoine’s decree in the beginning. I know you’re always going to be pissed about Ashley, but I think maybe hearing what she has to say on the subject would be good for you.”

My father cut in then, “Agreed, and I’m going to table your talk for another time.” My father looked at Jack then. “We need to get down to a little business, Jack, and this is not what I called you here for.”

“Yes, sir.” Jack said to my father, and then walked around him to take the seat to his left.

“Avery sent word that his men have lost the trail again. We have worked out an agreement for a few from our pack to go and work in concert with his people to find Zach.”

“I’m surprised they’re being so accommodating.”

“They have unmated females in their pack. I’m sure they’d rather get rid of Zach’s presence as soon as possible. The females there are stressed out. They’ve all heard tales of what happened to Jessica at the hands of Marcus, and they know that Zach played a part in it. It’s a legitimate concern on their parts.” My father looked over his shoulder at me then. “Jess had a vision last night, warning her of Zach’s impending return. When she brushed it off, the warning grew stern with her, and explained that Zach might not be strong on his own, but that he will be strengthened through allies. We have to hope that he hasn’t already found those allies. He’s doing a fine job of hiding though, which makes me worry that we may a little late to the party on that front.”

“What sort of allies do you think we’re talking about? Will our people be walking into a trap if we go to Avery’s lands?”

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