Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)
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She hitched a breath. Her body stiffened. “You would do that?”

Marcus shrugged. “Your family is my family now, correct?”

A squeal sprang from her throat just before she launched herself toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. The action rolled him back on the blanket. Automatically, he wound his arms around her body, keeping her partially on top of him.

“Oh, Marcus. You are truly a kind hearted man.” She placed her lips against his.

Surprised, he didn’t know what to do, but just as soon as his mind recovered and he participated in the kiss, she pulled away and quickly sat up. Red blotches highlighted her cheeks and down her neck.

Chuckling, he righted himself. “If I’d known you would have reacted in such a manner, I’d have chosen a more private setting to give you such good tidings.”

She smiled and picked up the apple she’d been eating. “Forgive me for such a brazen show of affection. Your generosity surprised me, and well, I couldn’t contain myself.”

“No worries, my sweet. Feel free to express yourself like that any time you wish. You will hear no objection from me.”

“But people will talk.”

“Let them. We are married.”

She glanced around the glade, then back at him. “It’s not proper to show such affection in public. I don’t want to bring shame to your name.”

He laughed aloud. “Oh, my dear, Isabelle. You wouldn’t bring shame. If anything, you’ll make the other married men wish their wives were so open with affection.”

Once again, her face flamed. She was absolutely mesmerizing.

He cleaned up their food and walked her back to the carriage. The day slipped by quickly, this was what he wanted anyway. Soon, it would be time to take her to his bed. Just thinking about it made him anxious.

But he couldn’t push her, even if he wanted to. Once again, he must make her trust him. Hopefully her feelings about him had changed since last night, and she welcomed him into her arms. If she was reluctant in the least, he could not follow through.

He slipped his arm around her shoulders on the ride back home. She didn’t seem to mind. At least her body wasn’t stiff as it had been before. Slowly, he rubbed up and down her arm while silence stretched between them. Was she thinking about the wedding night as he?

“Isabelle, tell me something.”


“What has become of Mrs. Winters? Will she live at the house now that we are married?”

“No. She will sail back to England, I suppose. She was paid to take care of me, and I think Father held a fund for her at the bank until her job was finished.”

“Has she checked to see if it’s still there?”

“That, I don’t know. I surely hope it is, or she won’t be returning, either.”

“Check on that tomorrow, will you? If she needs funds, I’ll give her some.”

Isabelle smiled into his eyes. His heart leapt.

“Thank you, Marcus. You’re so very kind.”

He pulled her closer. “I’m trying to make up for the neglect your father has shown you.”

“Well, it’s certainly working.”

They reached the house, and he helped her out of the carriage. Once inside, he led her to the drawing room and motioned to the butler to pour him a drink.

“Would you like some sherry, my sweet?”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

She walked to the window, parted the lace curtains and looked out. When the butler finished with the drinks, Marcus carried hers to her and stood beside her at the window.

“I had a wonderful time today,” he said softly.

She turned her head and met his gaze. “As did I.”

“Tell me, now. Do you feel you know me better?”

Her cheeks darkened again. “Yes. Although now I feel as if I don’t know you at all, since all the stories I heard were false.”

He chuckled. “The man with you today is the person I am.”

“That’s good to know.” She sipped her drink.

“Is there anything you’d like to do to pass the time before we take the evening meal?”

“If it’s all right with you, I would like to go to my room and lay down. I need to rest a little.”

“Of course, my dear. You’ve had quite an eventful day.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

She handed her glass back to the butler then turned and left. Hope blossomed in Marcus’ chest. He was closer to his goal, and Isabelle was within reach.

He swallowed the rest of his drink in one gulp then handed the glass to the butler. While Isabelle rested, Marcus had other things he needed to check on.

As he walked toward his study, Gabe met him at the door. Marcus motioned for his friend to enter and close the door behind him.

“So, my lord. How was your outing with your wife?”

Marcus shook his head. “Wipe that foolish grin off your face. Nothing of the likes of what you are imaging happened today. However, I must admit, I think she’s beginning to trust me.”


“Did you get that missive delivered to her?”

Gabe nodded. “She received it, and from what I could see from where I hid, she burned it afterward.”

Marcus scratched his chin. “I wonder if she’ll come to our secret rendezvous.”

“I highly doubt it. You should have seen her face while she read it. If Hawk would have been standing in front of her, she’d have clawed his eyes out.”

“Yes, she most certainly is a passionate woman no matter what emotion she holds. However, I know she still has feelings for Hawk. I think she’ll come, and when she does, I’ll obtain the answers I seek.”

Gabe patted Marcus on the shoulder. “For your sake, I hope you’re correct.”

Marcus grinned. “Only time will tell.”

* * * *

Isabelle picked at her food during the evening meal, not really hungry, yet not wanting to leave the table. Tonight she would share her husband’s bed.

Or would she?

Marcus’ actions confused her greatly. He showed her today what a kind man he was, but even now she doubted that was his true nature. How could other people see him as a ruthless, selfish man, and yet he proved himself opposite only to her?

She lifted her glass of red wine and sipped, peeking at her husband from across the table. He had changed, wearing a bright yellow coat and vest, appearing like the dandy he didn’t want to look like earlier today. As always, the ridiculous wig she wished he would burn remained on his head.

He ate heartily, not seeming to be bothered that tonight he would take her and make her his. A wrenching pain ripped through her chest. It couldn’t happen, not when her heart still belonged to Hawk.

Bile rose to her throat and she took a longer sip of her wine. Although Hawk had branded her with his sultry kisses, she didn’t belong to him. Yet, how could she convince her heart of that?

It didn’t matter how many times she remembered how terribly he had treated her that last day, then sent her away without even saying goodbye. When she closed her eyes, his face remained in her mind. His drugging kisses would always remind her of those wonderful days she’d been blissfully happy.

Even earlier today when Marcus had taught her how to kiss, and she had responded to his instructions, pleasure coursed through her, but only because she pictured Hawk’s masked face. She had imagined it was the highwayman her body pressed against so intimately. Why did the viscount feel like Hawk? The two men were as different as night and day, yet she couldn’t stop the images from floating through her mind whenever she touched Marcus.

Silently, she groaned and rubbed her forehead. She could not give herself to her husband tonight. Not until she could rid Hawk from her thoughts.

“My dear? Are you feeling all right?”

Her husband’s voice brought her alert to her surrounding, and she snapped straight, meeting his gaze. “No need to worry. I have a small headache, is all. Due to the exciting day, I’m certain.”

“Yes, you did have an eventful day. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Her heart flipped. Why was he so kind? So considerate of her feelings? And why was she the only person to know him this way? “No. It will pass.”

His gaze dropped to her plate. “Are you not hungry? You have scarcely eaten a thing. Is the food not to your liking?”

“The meal is wonderful. I—I just don’t eat fast. That’s all.” She hurried and shoved another spoonful into her mouth.

Marcus seemed to believe her because he returned to eating. Even though she wanted to prolong the meal, she couldn’t. She would have to tell him about tonight—without telling him why. Hopefully, he wouldn’t force her into anything she didn’t want to do.

Chapter Sixteen


Marcus pushed from the table to stand. Isabelle’s heart sank. When he walked her way, her pulse beat a quick tattoo. As he reached her side, he held out his hand. She wiped her mouth on the cloth napkin, scooted away from the table and also stood, slipping her hand into his. Warm fingers wrapped around hers in comfort, but her quaky nerves wouldn’t settle.

He led her into the drawing room and waited while she settled onto the settee. “Would you like an after-dinner drink?” he asked.

“Thank you, but no. I’m quite all right.”

He grinned. “I think it will help calm your nerves.”

She sucked in a breath. “My nerves?”

He laughed and slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Isabelle, I know you’re nervous about tonight. Every new bride is frightened of the unknown on their wedding night.”

Heat flooded her face. “Well, I must admit, I’m a little jittery.”

“Then shall I suggest some brandy?”

“As you wish. Just a little.”

He nodded to the butler, who poured the drinks. He handed the glasses to Isabelle and Marcus, bowed and left the room. Isabelle clutched the glass in both her hands, afraid to release her grip.

As she sipped, his finger and thumb played with the earbob. When his skin brushed against her neck, tingles of awareness cascaded through her. He leaned closer, and his hot breath blowing across her flesh caused havoc to her senses.

“Isabelle? Would you think me a cad if I suggest retiring for bed early?”

She turned her head, not realizing he was so close, and nearly bumped her nose against his. “Oh, forgive me. I didn’t realize you were tired.”

He grinned. “I’m not.”

Embarrassment washed over her, and she could have slapped herself for saying such a foolish thing. “Oh, I see.”

“Do you?” He cupped her face. “Do you know how much I want you right now?”


He took the glass from her hands and set it on the side table, then gathered her in his arms. Stroking her shoulders, he brushed kisses on her neck. She wanted to enjoy this moment, but every time she closed her eyes, Hawk’s face appeared. Curse the scoundrel’s hide!

“Isabelle, I have enjoyed myself so much today, and the thought of making you my wife in the physical sense has been foremost on my mind.” He lifted her hand and kissed her fingertips. “The more we are together, the more I realized how much I want you. You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”

She smiled, the gesture forced. “You aren’t like most men, either.”

He placed his mouth over hers. At first, she worried his kiss would turn wild like it had the first time, but he only moved his lips softly back and forth.

“Put your arms around me, like you did before,” he mumbled.

With shaky arms, she did as he asked, linking her fingers behind his neck. He pulled her closer until her bosom pressed against his chest, leaning back against the couch’s cushion. Immediately, she felt his heartbeat knocking in a fast rhythm. Hers matched.

When his lips began pecking, she remembered his teachings and returned the kiss as he’d shown her. Growling, he deepened the kiss. He kissed so very well. Almost as good as Hawk.

Right away, the highwayman’s face came to mind. Quickly, she pulled away, knowing she couldn’t do this.

He shook his head, his arm trying to pull her close. “Don’t stop.”

“I cannot…”

Marcus broke away and stood. Looking at him through wide eyes, she breathed fast as if she’d been through a fiery tunnel. He took her hands and pulled her to her feet.

“We need to take this upstairs, to your room.”

Reality crashed around her as she looked into her husband’s eyes. This wasn’t Hawk. Her husband’s eyes were not the deep gray color shadowed in the mask as she wanted to see. His hair didn’t rest on his shoulders, making her want to thread her fingers through his thickness, and his face was not covered with facial hair that stroked her skin so softly.

Abruptly, she yanked her hand away as tears gathered in her eyes. “Forgive me, Marcus. I cannot. Not tonight. It’s still too soon.”

She moved past him, but he grabbed her arm and stopped her.

“I don’t understand.”

Tears fell freely, and she couldn’t control them this time. “Please don’t ask. Just know it’s not time for me to do this.”

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