Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6) (15 page)

BOOK: Falling Hard (Hidden Secrets Book 6)
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Chapter Eighteen






Being back at work has really helped with trying to forget Kristy. Well, not really forget her because I don’t want to, but to not have her on my mind twenty-four/seven. Over the past couple of months, it seemed to be one damn thing after another at work and within the family.

Carson and Colleen married out at that cabin that Shannon owns. Shannon and Jackson are set to marry this spring in the cove at Vicky and Jake’s place. Shannon had the baby two weeks ago. She’s the cutest little thing. Anabelle is fighting with weak lungs and a knot in her intestines. She undergoes surgery in a week. Sebastian finally had the section removed from his neck. It will be a long process for him still, but he’s on the right track. Jackson said he’ll have to have several skin graphing procedures to prevent scarring, but he should recover nicely. He was a bundle of nerves preforming that surgery, but he did an amazing job.

Vicky and Casey being shot was a big thing also. We are actually just now closing up the case. Apparently he was an addict, went to Vicky for help, but his repeat yo-yoing caused Vicky to let him go. In turn, he lost his contract when he failed a drug test. He blamed Vicky for his loss of his contract. Even went high to ‘kill’ her, though I have to say, he might have done it had Casey not jumped in front of that bullet.

I found out that Casey was in love with Vicky. Funny what you’ll do for love. Hell, I walked away from love to find out if I was worth a risk. Apparently, I wasn’t. It’s been two months and I’ve heard nothing. Not even a letter. Did it make my heart stop yearning for her? No. Did it make my mind stop replaying our times together? No.

Heaven help me, but I love her. Some days, I wish there was a switch to shut it off, but most days, I welcome the feeling. It was my proof that, I’m doing okay.


I jumped slightly in my seat, as I looked up into the laughing face of Keith. Keith became my partner after his transfer up here. He had that southern twang and so thick that sometimes it was hard to understand him. Especially if he was worked up about something. He was a good guy and the women officers around here really seemed to like him. He had that rugged look down, with stubble, overgrown hair, and blue eyes. According to Chelsey, my temporary partner, he’s dreamy with a capital ‘Fuck Me!’, she’d say as she fanned herself.

Chelsey was good natured and very good at her job. Blonde hair, green eye beauty queen type, but from what she says she worked really hard to keep in shape. I guess before she got on the force she was pretty big. But determined to become a cop she buckled down and lost the weight. It was because of what she went through that made her an amazing cop.

Many of the guys here have a pool going on who can land her first. I don’t see her biting. She’d made a couple passes at me, but I had to explain to her that I didn’t jerk where I work. She laughed at my analogy, but understood. Chels has been a Godsend when it comes to my whining about missing Kristy so much. She doesn’t razz me or tell the other guys. Believe me, I’m beyond grateful for that because if she did, I’d never hear the end of it.

Hell, I sit and razz Osborn for his wife sending him to work with lunches that he proceeds to throw away and gets whatever he wants. Apparently, she’s trying to get him into shape. He takes the lunches to make her happy, even though it embarrasses him. I think I’d be the same way. I’d do whatever I could to make my woman happy, even if it caused me hell at work.

“What the hell is it with you today?” Keith said, sitting on the edge of my desk looking at me.

“Sorry. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. So the Wringwald case,” I said in an attempt to steer the topic away from me.

“Yeah,” Keith said removing his ass from my desk and moved over to his. “I’ve gotten in contact with some CIs,”
that is cop lingo for Confidential Informants
, “and found that they run on a routine. The Wringers will run Duchess Parkway area everyday around seven in the evening until eleven when the pedestrians seem to die down to minimal, other than on weekends of course. Now, I’ve been told that Chain could be in the area soon. That’s the word that one of my CIs told me anyway.”

This case was a long running case. We’ve been trying to bring down the Wringers gang for years. The Wringers sprang into action out of the nowhere about twenty years ago and have been a force to be reckoned with since. Agencies all over the country have tried to catch them with something more than a slap on the wrist, but Chain was good.

Chain Wringwald was the original leader of the Wringers. From what we’ve gotten over the years, he started the gang when he was only thirteen years old. He and a bunch of misfits started small and worked up the ladder as they got older and their confidence grew.

Even as a thirteen year old, he was a force to be reckoned with. In the first year, he’d evaded arrest seven different times, injured five officers, killed three and some civilians and has an insurmountable amount of drug and solicitation charges on his record. The numbers over the years have grown considerably. Of course, none of this can stick because we have been unable to link him directly to these offenses. Throughout the law enforcement communities he’s wanted dead or alive, preferably dead. Far too many fellow brothers and sisters in arms have lost their lives because of this villainous man.

We believe that he might actually have moles inside precincts all over the country. Now this would have been such a far-fetched idea for me to accept because these are people you work with that are being killed or injured. Why would you protect the bastard that was killing them off without remorse? But it was the fact that the former Chief had been helping Alex Greene continue his torture on Kayla Williams that had me believing that moles inside a precinct were possible. Which was why I trusted no one anymore.


Again, I’m snapped out of my thoughts. My head turned in the direction of the Sergeant that called my name.


“You have a visitor.”

“A visitor?” I mumbled as I stood making sure my shirt was neat and all buttons were still buttoned.

It was required attire for all detectives to wear button up dress shirts, slacks, and jackets. Many wore ties, but I couldn’t stand them so you won’t catch me wearing them. Many of the guys couldn’t even stand wearing the jackets, which I can’t blame them there and often times you’ll find them on the backs of our chairs when we’re not out working.

As I walked around the corner and looked up at the Sergeant, there was a smirk on his face. Suddenly, I was nervous for the visitor. More so the aftermath from whomever it was. Was it Lena again? She’s been hounding me since our last time together. That was a year ago. I had to get a restraining order against her. Sad, I know, but I’ve not renewed it since I’d been in Australia. Now I’m suddenly kicking myself in the ass for it.

My breath was knocked from my lungs when my eyes met the beautiful blues I’ve been unable to forget or put out of my mind.

“Kristy?” I breathed, shocked.

I’ve lost count how many hours that I’ve thought about her in the last two months. How many nights I’ve woken from a wet dream or how many times I’ve looked at the pictures I have of her.

She looked so damn beautiful standing there with her hair half up, a white short sleeved shirt with a gray skirt. Kristy looked nervous. Maybe my shock at seeing her made her unsure of my reaction, I don’t know, but damn, I couldn’t get my feet to move at first.

After a moment, I was finally able to put one foot in front of the other. Each step I made took me closer and closer to the woman I love more than anything in this world. Standing so close to her, it took all my willpower to not pull her into my arms without hearing why she came first. I needed her to say it. I needed her to give me a sign.

“You left something behind when you left,” she finally spoke, sounding nervous.

“What?” Hoping desperately I’m sounding normal.

“My heart. I brought it back to you.”

Before I thought about where we were, I pulled her into my arms. Our lips met in a frantic kiss of lust and love. Though the words were not said they were there from both of us. It was felt in the kiss and in the way we clung to each other.

It was when clapping broke into my lust filled brain, that I remembered where I was. Pulling back slightly, I rested my head against hers. When I opened my eyes and met hers, I could see the tears falling.

“Hey,” I said cupping her face. “Why are you crying?”

“I’ve missed you so much,” she almost sobbed.

“Oh Dove,” I kissed her again, considerably shorter this time. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Lane,” the Sergeant said, forcing me to break eye contact with Kristy.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Why don’t you take off early today? You can make up the four hours over the rest of the week.”

Smiling, I nodded my head and thanked him. Hurrying, I ran back to my desk, grabbed my stuff, not listening to a word anyone was saying and ran back to my girl. Right as I approached her, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her from the building.

We had just started out into traffic when Kristy leaned over from her seat and started kissing my neck. I groaned and gripped the steering wheel tighter. Her hand moved over and started rubbing my thigh, then higher until she was running her hand up and down my straining erection.

Just as I felt I was going to explode, I pulled onto the country road that lead out to my house. Whipping the car to the side of the road, I slammed the car in park, pushed my seat all the way back and started undoing my pants. Kristy wiggled out of her underwear and climbed over, straddling my hips before I pushed her down onto my erection and I lifted my hips to meet hers. Both of us moaning loudly, Kristy tossed her head back and she lifted her shirt up and took off her bra.

My mouth immediately covers one breast as soon as it was exposed and my hand the other. She moaned my name grinding her hips into mine. Her hands worked to open my shirt. Soon I felt her touch, the touch I’ve been longing for since I left.

Breaking away from her breasts, I looked into her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much, Kristy,” I breathed right before taking her lips with mine. Kissing her deeply, my hands gripped her hips and I guided her up and down my length. Moving her quickly, I met her on her downward motion. Her hands gripped the seat on either side of my shoulders, her body began to shake.

“Oh shit, Nate. I’m cumming. Oh fuck!”

My hold tightening on her hips I thrust into her quickly and deeply until my own orgasm started pushing her over again. She continued to grind her hips into mine as we both enjoyed the aftershocks of our quickie in the car on the side of the road.

Kissing her tenderly, “Okay, we need to pull ourselves together before we get busted,” I smirked.

She blushed as she slid back over into her seat righting herself again. I tucked myself back into my pants, buttoning and zipping them back up, not caring about my shirt. Once Kristy was buckled again, I drove the rest of the way to my house.

When I finally pulled into my drive, I looked over at Kristy to see that she was asleep. A smile spread across my face. My baby was finally back with me right where she belonged. It could be time to buy a lottery ticket because I’m the luckiest son of a bitch alive right now.

Chapter Nineteen






Waking, I didn’t recognize where I was. Panic started to overtake me. Just as it was about to consume me, the door opened. I squeezed my eyes shut thinking it would be Vin. He’d finally caught me.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

My eyes flew open at the sound of Nate’s voice. I threw myself in his arms. He caught me cooing in my ear. The relief shook my body. How could I have forgotten that I’d come back to my Nate?

“I thought I was dreaming. Then when I woke and didn’t recognize where I was… I thought he got me. I thought Vin finally caught me,” I mumbled into his neck.

“He’s never laying a hand on you. You’re safe. No one’s going to hurt you.”

After a few moments, I pulled back and looked at him. My smile was so big that it hurt my face. It was really true. I reached over and pinched his arm.

“Ouch! What was that for?” He asked, pulling away to rub his arm.

“I needed to make sure this was real and I wasn’t pinching myself. That’d just be stupid,” I grinned.

Quickly jumping up on the bed to move around Nate before running off toward the door he just walked in. “I need a shower,” before stopping and turning to him. “Where is your bathroom?”

“Left and first door on the left. No master bathroom here,” he smirked.

I knew that smirk. Squealing, I ran the way he told me and into the bathroom, quickly shutting and locking the door. Reaching into the shower, I started the water up. My stomach was still upset from that damn airplane meal. There was a doctor on board that had said it could take a few days to pass. Because of that I was tempted on staying at the hotel for a few nights before coming to see Nate. But I just couldn’t be this close to him and not be with him. I just hope I don’t embarrass myself.

Climbing into the shower, I pray that the warm water will help settle my stomach. It wasn’t something I’d like Nate to see me doing. I’m sure it’ll happen eventually, especially if our future held what I dreamed about, but not this soon. No, he wasn’t seeing me like that. I shudder, my stomach rolling.

Just then arms wrapped around my waist and I screamed. He laughed into the crook of my neck as he held me tightly against him.

“Did you think I didn’t know how to unlock my own door, or that I’d seriously stay out of here knowing you’re in here wet and naked,” he kissed my neck and ran his tongue up to my ear. “Are you wet from more than just the water?”

Oh, God, this man… Turning my head so that I was looking at him over my shoulder, he growled and claimed my lips in a soul searing kiss. At the same time, he pushed my legs apart and thrust into me in one hard push.

“This is going to be quick baby. I’m sorry, but it’s been too long without you.”

“Oh shit!” I moaned as his speed picked up. I leaned over further, bracing myself against the shower wall. “You feel so damn good.”

“That’s,” he moaned, “my line.”

I started to laugh, but was quickly replaced with a long groan. His thrusts were hard, fast, and deep, it felt fucking amazing. Nate was the only one that could rock my world like this. No one has ever been able to make me cum before, let alone multiples like I have with him.

“Oh. Oh. Oh,” I moaned as my orgasm suddenly took over and shot through me at a blindly intense speed.

“Yeah, shit yeah! Squeeze my cock… Fuck!” He roared as he slammed into me one last time.

After a moment, he rested his head against my back as we both worked to catch our breaths. It was when he pulled out of me that it hit me.
Oh fuck! Not now!
Swallowing rapidly trying to stem it off, but it wouldn’t go away. Throwing my hand over my mouth, I hurried out of the shower and over to the toilet where I lost every bit of liquid in my body.

There is no way I’m going to be able to handle a few days of this. Food poisoning sucks ass! If the constant vomiting wasn’t bad enough, then I was so damn exhausted from puking all the time. Not to mention, I’m sure I’m running a fever and my sides hurt so damn bad from all this puking.

Nate’s hand started running up and down my back as he pulled my hair from my face. “Are you okay?”

“Ugh,” I groaned as I fell to the floor next to the toilet. “I have food poisoning. That’s what the doctor on the plane said. I’m going to sue that damn airline,” I grumbled. “I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want to have to deal with some sick woman. I should have stayed at the hotel until it passed.”

“You’re not some woman and I would have been pissed if you’d been here and not come to see me. I don’t like that you’re sick, but I want to take care of you. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to miss work. After all the time I’ve already taken off, they’d fire me for sure,” he’d laughed. “But if you’re okay with it, I’d like to have one of my sisters come over here and take care of you while I’m at work. That way I know you’re okay.”

“I’ll be fine Nate, really. Go to work. I’ll be here when you get back.” Looking back at the toilet and holding my stomach. “Probably right here too.”

“Are you sure?” He looked genuinely concerned.

“Yes, I’m sure.” I climbed off the floor and moved to the sink to brush my teeth.

“If it’s okay, I might have Jackson come over when I get home from work just to make sure you’re okay. He’s a doctor. Okay, he’s a plastic surgeon, but he’s the only one I’d trust with you.”

“Sure,” I said, around the toothbrush in my mouth.

Nate helped me into bed before he left for work. It was nice to have someone concerned about me, but I hated feeling helpless or having someone see me that way. Before I knew it, I was falling asleep.


Waking in what seemed like only minutes later, but was really hours later. I sat up in bed and heard Nate’s voice coming from downstairs. Remembering that Nate had said something about having Jackson over, I decided against walking down undressed. My clothes, however, were still in my hotel. So I dug through Nate’s drawers and found a pair of boxers that might fit me and a shirt.

My legs were shaking due to the little I’ve been able to eat and how much I’ve been spitting out. As I reached the bottom of the steps, Nate’s conversation registered.

“… Yeah, the doctor on the plane said it was food poisoning. But I still worry.”

“Food poisoning can be pretty nasty. When she wakes up, I’ll have a look at her. Honestly though, there isn’t much that I can do for her. I can prescribe some anti-nausea medication, but if she’s not even keeping down water, it’ll have to be a suppository…”

“I’m fine,” I said working hard to keep the blush hidden. “Nate is just paranoid. The doctor on the plane said it could be a few days.”

“Yeah, I figured.” He reached his hand out with a smile. “Jackson Williams. It’s nice to meet you Kristy. Nate’s not shut up about you since he’s come back.”

I smiled looking at Nate. “Nice to hear. It’s nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his hand.

Walking over to Nate, I kissed his cheek. “Can I make myself some toast?”

“Of course. You don’t have to ask me for anything. You are welcome to whatever you want.”

“Thank you,” I said as I walked into his kitchen.

“Keep to dry foods, Kristy. Toast, crackers, things that will absorb the excess stomach acid. If you can keep them down, I can prescribe you some anti-nausea pills if you want them.”

“That would be great. Just send me the bill,” I said without turning around.

He laughed just as there was a knock at the door. “No bill, sweetie. Not how I work. Family never gets charged.”

“But I’m not fam…” I started to say as I turned around and saw the bastard that screwed me over and has left me on the wanted list.

When he looked at me, he froze. Nate blindly introduced us, but as he was saying my name I ran at Danger and nailed him with a right hook and kicked him in the balls. I would have done more, but Nate and Jackson pulled me off him.

“That’s one hell of a greeting Danger. Seems your reputation exceeds you,” Jackson laughed.

Nate held me in his arms. “Baby, what’s wrong? You’re shaking like a leaf on a windy day.”

Pulling out of his arms, I tried to go for Danger again, but Nate stopped me. I started screaming. “I hate you! I hate you fucking asshole!”

“What the hell is going on here?”

Panting, I looked at him. “You remember me telling you that Chain sent a guy to get me to rat out Vin and that meeting. Meet the guy. He’s the guy that convinced me to do that then left me with two imbeciles that beat me, left me for dead and stole my money!” I yelled, looking at Danger.

Shock registered in his eyes right before Nate’s fist hit him in the stomach. Danger doubled over and groaned from the force of the punch. Nate reared his fist back again nailing him in the ribs. Danger audibly exhaled from the force. As he went to hit him again, Jackson wrapped his arms around Nate’s pulling him back. It wasn’t until now that I realized that Danger did nothing to defend himself or fight back.

“You have a lot of explaining to do
,” Nate hissed as he struggled in Jackson’s hold.

Nate was actually kind of scary right now. His eyes were slits of anger on his face. Even though his eyes were barely visible, you could still see the fire, the hatred burning in them. His mouth set in a hard line and his jaw clenched tightly.

My stomach rolled. It was bad timing and I willed it to go away, but of course it doesn’t listen. With my hand over my mouth, I ran upstairs. On my way up, I heard Jackson tell them to talk this out because he wasn’t stitching anyone up today and that he was going to check on me. By the time that Jackson entered the bathroom, I was leaning against the wall with my head resting against it.

“Hey, how are you doing?”

“Oh, just great. The toilet was just telling me about its day,” I sassed.

“That’s good, how’s it doing?” Jackson smirked.

“Said it’s been shitty and pissy all day.”

Jackson laughed loud and hard. “You are pretty funny. Okay, since Nate is downstairs, I need to ask you something.”

“What?” My stomach started turning.

Was he about to ask me to leave Nate alone? Did he really want his sister with Nate? Did she want to be with him? My mind was racing so fast that I almost didn’t catch his question.

“Is there a chance that you could be pregnant?”

“Uh…” I started thinking about all the time we’ve made love. The night before he left was the only time that Nate hadn’t worn a condom, I realized. Fuck, is that what this is? “Um, maybe?”

“Okay. Why don’t you come to my office tomorrow and I’ll do some blood work. Seems I should have been an OBGYN at this point,” he laughed. When I gave him a confused look he clarified, “My brother’s wife, Colleen, got sick after being abducted and I did the tests that found out she was pregnant.”

“Oh,” I said quietly, and then looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please can we keep this between us until I know for sure? I don’t want to scare Nate off if I don’t have to.”

He chuckled. “You won’t scare him off, but yes, we can keep this between us. How about I pick you up on my lunch break tomorrow and get you all squared away while Nate’s at work?”

“I’d really appreciate that. Thank you so much. You sure you don’t want paid for this?”

“I’m sure, sweetie. In the meantime, the same thing applies. Dry food and try to get as much water as you can keep down. Even if it’s a sip every half hour, it’s better than none at all.”

“Okay. I will.” Looking away and then back at him, “Do I have to go back down there?”

“No,” he laughed softly. “I’ll tell Nate you’re lying down. Get plenty of rest. It’ll help you fight the food poisoning, if it is that. If it’s the other… well you just need it.”

I nodded my head and climbed off the floor and headed into the bedroom. As I lay down, my mind was racing. Pregnant? Could I really be? The thought made me smile. All this throwing up would be worth it then. But then an image of Nate kicking me out of his life flitted before my eyes and I prayed that I wasn’t.

Soon, I was falling asleep with thoughts of our children dancing in my head.

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