Falling Fast (Falling Fast #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Falling Fast (Falling Fast #1)
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Just the fact that she’d been thinking about how they could make it work, even recognizing his loyalty to Cody and Rose…it was hard to fathom. But that was why he loved her.

He’d been thinking about it, too, all day. How he could have his cake and eat it, too. Could he bring the two of them to Minneapolis? Set Rose up with a job, give her a fresh start. Escaping one’s past, one’s reputation, held a huge appeal for him. Would it for her? Cody would get used to the cold. He’d probably dig the snow.

Raleigh’s chest felt light as he pulled up to the cottage, the words
Honey, I’m home
ringing through his head.
Words he’d never hoped to own.

He knocked on the door, hearing her call, “Come in! Goodness, you don’t have to knock.”

She was breathtaking in a white sundress, leaning against the back of the couch facing the door. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, pulling down the hair she’d so artfully piled on her head. “Nice dress. I’ll enjoy seeing it on you later.”

He started to untie the bow at the base of her neck, but she stilled his hand. Gave him a look that indicated he’d missed something. Or forgotten something.

“Was I supposed to bring home wine? Is it our anniversary? What?”

Her eyes were wide as she gestured toward herself. “Notice anything?”

Oh, crap. She’d done something special and he hadn’t seen it. He stepped back and took her in. Well, her hair was mussed now. A silver pendant lay just above the cleavage her dress revealed. The cotton fabric hugged her tight at the waist and flared out and fell to knee level. She wore no shoes.

“You look amazing.”

“Seriously, you don’t see it?”

“Sorry, I don’t.” He took her in, and then…“You’re not wearing makeup. And you’re wearing a sundress. No cover-up.”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “You really didn’t notice?”

“I swear, I didn’t.” He stepped close, their lower bodies pressed together. Her skin was a little redder, a bit rougher. He ran his fingers across her shoulder, down her arm. Then up to her cheek. “You’re still beautiful.”

She hopped up on her tiptoes and kissed him, sweeping her tongue into his mouth. He’d always loved her passion, the way she completely gave herself to him. It was easy to give himself back. Finally, she leaned away, giving him a coy smile. “Now, what were you saying about my dress?”

“I think it will look very nice lying right here on the back of the couch.” He’d started to untie the bow again when someone knocked at the door. He stifled the sound of irritation. “Your parents, stopping by for another surprise visit?”


But the person on the front porch was even more surprising than that: Cassidy in his sheriff’s uniform, looking at Mia. “I’d heard you were in town, meant to stop by and give you my condolences.” He raked her face with cold eyes. “Damn, is that from the crash?”

“You’re an ass.” Raleigh lunged forward, but Mia grabbed his arm and held him back.

“You’re going to hit me because I pointed out the obvious?” Cassidy said, sending rage boiling through Raleigh.

“You’re the one who did this to her!” Raleigh shouted.

“You ran into my lane. I
It was an accident.”

“You were being an arrogant punk,” Raleigh said, using Mia’s father’s word. “Don’t forget, you admitted you were trying to psyche me out. You were reckless.”

“Come on, punch me.” Cassidy pointed to his chin, taunting. “Give me another reason to run your ass in to the station.”

reason? Raleigh reined in his fury, then turned to see another squad car pull up. Hell. What was going on?

Pax launched out, but his angry expression was aimed at Cassidy. “Couldn’t wait to come out here, could you?”

“And you shouldn’t be here, ’cause you’re friends with this idjit.”

Raleigh gave his attention to Pax. “What’s going on?”

Cassidy answered. “The guys clearing George Morlen’s land went for a swim in the lake to cool off…and found a vehicle submerged in the middle. With a body in it. Well, more like a skeleton now. You need to come in for questioning.”

Raleigh’s heart felt as though it were pumping sludge through his veins. A skeleton? Near his cabin? He turned to Pax. “Am I being arrested?”

“We just want to ask you some questions, being as it was found on the same property you live on,” Pax clarified. “Routine procedure.”

“Unless you want to take a shot at me,” Cassidy said, tapping his chin again. “We can make it a lot more fun.”

“Ass,” Pax muttered, shoving his co-worker. “You can drive yourself down. I imagine that would be more comfortable.”

“I’m going with you,” Mia said as soon as the two had reached their cars.

“No, go to dinner with your parents.”

“Raleigh, I’m going with you.”

“Then you’ll have to tell them we’re canceling because I’m being questioned at the sheriff’s office. It’s easier to make an excuse for just me, like I’m working late or something. They’ll probably think I chickened out.”

“I won’t let them think that.”

“And maybe I’ll be back in time. I have nothing to tell the cops, since I don’t know anything about a car in the lake. But I want to find out more. And, of course, I want to seem cooperative.”

“Maybe you should get a lawyer.” Fear tensed her features, furrowed her eyebrows.

“If I need to.”

“You see it on those news shows, how they badger someone for hours, days even, until they confess.”

He kissed her nose. “I won’t let them do that to me. I’ll keep in touch.” He skimmed his fingers over her scarred skin. “You’re beautiful. I really didn’t see it.”

“Stop worrying about me,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

He hated leaving her, so concerned about him. So damned pretty. “Maybe I can meet you at the restaurant, worst case.”

She nodded but didn’t look hopeful. “Why does Cassidy hate you so much? I can’t imagine you doing anything that bad to him.”

“He has a bully for a dad, and he was always taking it out on the smaller kids at school. I thwarted him, because I was bigger and meaner than him. Mean to him, anyway. He resented my freedom, when his dad controlled his every move. When we started racing, he had money for better cars and equipment, but I still beat him almost every time. It made him crazy-pissed.”

She shook her head. “Typical guy who takes out his powerlessness on everyone else.” She squeezed Raleigh’s arm. “Go on. The faster you get there, the faster you’ll come back to me.”

He gave her a quick kiss and drove to the station, remembering when he’d come here after being released from the hospital, the day after coming back from Atlanta…after having his stitches redone. Every cell in his body screamed for him to turn around, run. But he hadn’t done anything wrong this time.

Sheriff Sullivan, Pax’s dad, was on the phone in the front room when Raleigh stepped in. He finished the call and crooked his finger for Raleigh to follow him into the interrogation room. The same room where he’d had to tell the man how he’d been racing. The sheriff hung up and walked into the room. “Evening, son.”

As if Raleigh would ever think of this man as a father. “Evening, sir. I hear a skeleton was found in George Morlen’s lake.” How did an innocent man look? Or, rather, what would make Raleigh look guilty?

Sullivan perched on the corner of the table, casually swinging his leg. “ ‘Bout a half mile from your cabin. Vehicle looks as though it was driven into the lake—we figure maybe a year ago or more by the decomposition of the body.”

“Accident? Suicide?”


Damn. That would have made this easier. And it wasn’t going to be easy, since the sheriff wasn’t parting with much more than that.

“Male or female?” Raleigh asked.

“Male, by the size of the femur bone. Coroner’s doing his thing now, so we’ll know more soon. I was hoping you could give us some insight. Ever had any trouble out there?”

“No, sir. Run off poachers a time or two but never had a violent altercation. Heard gunshots, but not in the last few years. Been pretty quiet out there lately.”

“Hear anything suspicious in the last year or so? A fight, maybe? Screams?”

“No, sir. Have you spoken to George?”

“Sure did.”

But Sullivan wasn’t parting with what he’d learned. Which probably wasn’t much. He asked the same questions in several different ways, but Raleigh’s answers were the same. The man wasn’t telling him something. Probably trying to trip Raleigh up. Finally, he stood. “I’ll think about if I saw or heard anything out of the norm, Sheriff. I have a dinner engagement, so unless you have more questions—”

The man waved dismissively. “Go on. But don’t wander far.”

Raleigh didn’t like the sound of that. He was glad to walk out of the station, though. He called George as he headed to his car.

“Guess you heard about the skeleton,” George said without preamble.

“Yeah. Any idea who it might be?”

“Not a clue. Probably some troublemaker getting drunk, driving too fast in the dark.”

“That hardly happened, not with all the signs. Or me being around.”

“I just hope they wrap it up soon, so the crew can get back to work.”

“Me, too.” So he could get back to his life. A life he was seriously beginning to love.

There wouldn’t be time for any pre-dinner fun, but he’d make the date with Mia and her parents. And it would be about as much fun as he’d just had with the sheriff. He was sure about that.

Chapter 13

“Admit it—dinner was awkward. Painful, even.” Mia slid her fingers down Raleigh’s arm as they walked to her convertible. “It’s okay. I could tell.”

Raleigh glanced back at the lights of the restaurant, where her parents were still having their after-dinner drink. Or five. “It was painful
awkward.” He gave her a gorgeous smile. “But worth every second if it helps the cause.”

She yanked him close and kissed him. “I love you for trying.”

“But not succeeding. I could see it in their faces. Like you said, they’re stubborn. And they’ll never see me as good enough for their little girl.”

“They’re wrong, Raleigh.” She linked her hands with his. “I think my father was relatively impressed when you told him about some of the cars you’d worked on. He might not understand the tech jargon, but he understands stats.”

“Yeah, well, figured I’d throw some numbers at him. Show him I know what I’m doing. Apparently, he’s been doing a little research on me.”

“He read some of the same articles I did.” She curled her fingers over his. “Good move, buying our dinners. You definitely earned a notch of respect on that.”

“I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him pay.”

She could see his pride bristle, just as it had when her father had instructed the server to put everything on one check. He’d chosen a particularly snooty restaurant, and high-priced to boot. “He was testing you. To see if you could hold your own. And you did.”

“I was underdressed. I’ve never been there before.”

He’d had barely enough time to shower and dress and make it there on time. The relief she’d felt when he came through the door had engulfed her. She knew how smallish towns could be, and Raleigh had already been arrested once.

Once they were in the car, Raleigh started the engine. But he didn’t put it into gear. “What Cassidy said—”

“He was just being his asshole self.”

He brushed her cheek with his finger. “But you put on makeup.”

She wrapped her hand around his. “I’m not ready to show the world my naked face. Only you.”

His mouth tightened in a line. “I wanted to punch him so bad.” Even now, he was flexing his fingers. “Thanks for holding me back.”

“We don’t need that kind of trouble. But I appreciate your defending my honor.”

He took her in, the anger dissolving. “Thank you for showing me.”

“I’d like to show you a lot more nakedness.”

Raleigh put the car in gear. “Why didn’t you say so sooner?”

She laughed as he tore out of the parking spot. She loved the rare moments when he let himself be playful. Once he was on the highway, he laced his fingers with hers.

She leaned against the headrest, taking in the blanket of stars against the dark sky. “It’s a perfect night.”

“Yes, it is.”

“You know, we never did make out in your car. I have to admit, when I saw you in the garage that first time it was a fantasy of mine.”

He gave her a sly smile. “Mine, too. But maneuvering around in the backseat isn’t as romantic as it seems. And…you were too good for that. Besides, I had a bed. Most teens who make out in cars don’t have much of a choice when it comes to privacy.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “But I’m all about helping you live out your fantasies, babe.”

She couldn’t help grinning at that. “It
an awfully nice night. With the roof off…” She shrugged. “Have any place in mind?”

“I’m sure I can come up with one.”

He took the next right and headed away from the Gulf, through a long stretch of marshland that looked like an alienscape in the moonlight. Inside, hunger and need clawed her, a pent-up tiger waiting to escape. She glanced over at him, and he lifted her hand to his mouth. Ran his tongue over the back, dipped it between her fingers.

Oh, yeah, he was feeling it, too.

Twenty minutes later, he turned into a state park, bypassed the parking lot, and took a gravel road with a sign that read

“I don’t want you to get into trouble,” she said, the scene with Cassidy still too fresh in her mind.

“One of my best clients is the park manager. But I know they don’t monitor the park at night, so no worries.”

He parked up on a knoll overlooking a field of marshes interlaced with puzzle-piece-shaped pools of water. She stepped out and breathed it in. “It’s amazing.” When he came up behind her, she turned and threw herself at him. “You’re amazing.”

Their mouths came together, their bodies crashing into each other as all that building anticipation exploded.

She pulled up his shirt and tossed it into the backseat of the car. “I wanted this to be sweet and romantic, but I can’t wait for that.”

“So you want hot and dirty?” he teased between kisses.

“Mmm, when you put it that way…yes.” She unzipped his pants, shoved them down, and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. He was slick at the top, as wet and ready as she was. As she circled his head with her thumb, he devoured her mouth, pressing closer.

“Oh, you are hot and dirty, aren’t you?” he murmured.

“And very, very horny. It’s true. You
corrupted me, Raleigh West.”

“Shame on me.”

He picked her up and laid her gently on the hood of the car. After unbuckling her sandals, he slid his hands up her thighs and hooked his fingers over her panties, and eased them down. His mouth kissed its way up her inner thigh as he lifted her skirt, and he bent her spread legs and scooted her closer.

When his hot mouth came down on her, she knew what heaven felt like. She dug her fingers into her thighs as he swiftly brought her to orgasm. So ready, so hungry. She released a breathy gasp, shuddering in pleasure. All around, crickets sang out in joyous harmony. She laughed at the idea.

“What’s so funny, darlin’?”

“Crick-crickets,” she managed, as he licked and sucked her to a second orgasm. “Crickets singing, orgasm.” Damn, she couldn’t say it right.

He chuckled. “If you say so.”

“I do.” She let out a long, soft breath. “I do.”

He ducked away for a moment, and she heard the telltale crinkle of the condom package. Before she could even catch her breath to tell him she wanted to pleasure him, too, he pulled her to the edge of the car and drove into her.

No, this was heaven. Intimately connected to Raleigh. He gripped her hips to achieve the deepest penetration, sucking her breath away. Thrusting hard and smoothly as she moved with him. And, once again, she spun completely out of control.

Yet safely in Raleigh’s arms. Reckless and safe. Crazy and sane.

He followed, and she felt him pulsing deep inside her core. He looked amazing, his head thrown back, his muscles taut as his body shuddered. When his sawing breath softened, he leaned down and kissed the valley between her breasts.

“God, you feel so good,” he whispered, making his way up her neck.

She pulled him closer. “Mmm, you, too. I’m not sure I can get enough of you, Raleigh.”

He was leaning over her, his nose touching hers. “I know I can’t get enough of you. What am I going to do when you leave?”

Minneapolis seemed so far away. Hell, it might as well be across the globe. The thought of not having Raleigh so close caved her in. “Come with me. I’m renting an apartment. You could stay for a bit, then come back here to check on Cody and Rose.”

“I wish I could. I have to finish up all the work we have on the schedule. I told Peter to accept the offer, though. We’ll see how much time we have.”

She stroked her fingers through his hair. “I want to make this work.”

“Me, too. But—”

She put her finger over his lips. “Let’s just leave it at that. We can figure out all the other stuff.”

He kissed her. “All right.”

They would make it work. She could not lose him again.

Raleigh’s ringtone lured him from sweet dreams. He stirred, blinking up into the early-morning sky. Who was calling at this hour? Was he late for work?

Mia woke, too, squinting. “Who’s that?”

“Dunno.” He gently disentangled himself from her and dug in his pants pocket for his phone. Pax’s name appeared on the screen. “Hey, bud. What’s up?”

“Where are you?”

“At Nancy’s cottage.”

“Stay put. I’m on my way.”

Raleigh stared at the phone. “Weird. Pax is coming over. Now.”

Mia pulled on her shirt, her face knitted in worry. “Something happened. Someone’s hurt.”

“Let’s not go there.” He pulled on his pants and helped her to her feet. “I’ll make some coffee.”

They went inside, changed into their clothes, and sipped coffee until someone knocked on the door. The back door. Pax stood, his arm poised to knock again.

“Come on in,” Raleigh said, eyeing the deck. “Sneaking in the back way?”

“Yeah.” Pax stepped inside, oblivious of the joking tone.


Pax shook his head, the waves of his hair sticking up. His uniform was rumpled, as though he were at the end of his shift. “I’m here unofficially.” He gave Mia a nod, then turned back to Raleigh. “They ID’d that skeleton, Raleigh. It’s your dad.”

Pax might as well have tossed a rock at his chest. Raleigh stepped back from the impact. “What?”

Mia’s hand went around his arm. “But he left town.”

“He left, all right. Dental records confirmed it. I shouldn’t be out here, but I wanted to warn you. My father, he’s gunning for you. Your dad, with whom you had a rocky relationship, found dead near your property. Remote property to boot, a good place to murder someone—and hide the body. Get a lawyer. Grace Parnell was the one who helped my brother with the rape charges. She’s good at defending innocent people.”

“Why?” Mia asked. “Why is he gunning for Raleigh?”

“ ’Cause my mama was screwing around with Hank West,” Pax stated so bluntly that it made Raleigh flinch.

“Doesn’t that give
a motive for murder?” Mia asked. “Or, at the least, make it a conflict of interest?”

“Neither of them, my daddy or my mama, is ever going to admit to it. She never has, even when I got in her face about it. ‘Sides, I think it ended when my daddy got suspicious, and that was a long time ago.” There was something in Pax’s expression, a shadow of betrayal, a shard of anger. As far as Raleigh knew, Pax had never confirmed that there had been an affair. In fact, he’d always denied the prospect even as he watched an undeniable chemistry between the two grown-ups out by the pool with a hardened gaze. “My daddy hated Hank and, by extension, Raleigh. Any West was a bad West. It didn’t help that we got into boatloads of trouble together.” Pax looked at Mia. “And, yep, it was usually my idea.”

Raleigh’s hand trembled as he reached out to shake Pax’s hand. “Thanks for the heads-up. Now, haul ass before you get into trouble.” That’s why he’d come in the back way. The sheriff’s deputies were probably on their way over now.

Pax backed toward the door. “I know you didn’t do it.”

Raleigh swallowed hard. “Thanks.”

Pax raced off the deck and disappeared from sight.

Mia’s arms came around him from behind. “Raleigh…I don’t even know what to say.”

He turned into her embrace. “I didn’t kill him.”

“I know.”

He stared at the door, where Cassidy and maybe Sheriff Sullivan would be standing before long. Eager to arrest him. An ex-con son murdering his ex-con good-for-nothing father—wrap it up neat and make it go away. Especially if it got rid of the guy the sheriff never did like hanging with his son.

Her grip tightened. “I’m scared.”

“It’ll be all right.” But his record wouldn’t help his character. Nor would the tumultuous relationship he’d had with his father, as Pax had said. There was more to that, too. More that he didn’t want to tell. Couldn’t tell. It would heap motive onto that pile.

Mia’s phone rang. “My parents.” She took the phone out of her purse and answered. “Hi…yes, he’s here…uh, yeah, sure.” She focused on him. “My parents want to come over. Father wants to apologize.”

Raleigh heard her words, but all he registered was the car doors slamming outside. The footsteps coming up the steps, boots pounding across the porch. Then someone knocking on the door. He quickly wrote down two phone numbers on one of the receipts on the kitchen island, then turned toward the door.

It was the same as when he’d walked into the police station seven years ago to turn himself in, feeling as though each foot weighed forty pounds.

Sheriff Sullivan, an I’m-just-doing-my-job expression on his face. A face nothing like Pax’s lean, angular face with its ability for empathy. Cassidy and another deputy remained out by the squad cars with flashing lights. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Hank West. You have the right to remain silent.”

“No!” Mia ran over. “You don’t have any evidence! This is ridiculous!”

Raleigh pressed the paper into her hand as the sheriff continued to read his Miranda rights. “Call Peter at the garage and Rose, let them know what’s going on. I don’t want her hearing about this through the grapevine. Or from the cops. And call Grace Parnell like someone suggested.” He wouldn’t say Pax’s name and implicate him in any way.

Mia kissed Raleigh, fear written on her face and in the way she gripped his arm. Then he turned and offered his wrists.

The sheriff nodded toward his squad car. “You can walk out.”

“He might run,” Cassidy said, clearly annoyed that his boss was allowing Raleigh that bit of dignity.

“He ain’t running. He just lawyered up.” Sullivan turned to him. “Right?”


Raleigh caught one last glimpse of Mia, who looked as though she were going to race over. She seemed to become aware of the phone in her hand, the buzzing of someone trying to get her attention. Slowly, she lifted it to her ear. If her parents wanted to apologize, they were sure going to change their minds now. They would probably tell Mia to get out of the tangled mess of his life. And rightfully so.

It was all Mia could do to stop herself from running after the cruiser. Or jumping into her own car and following. Her mind frantically flew through her options, shoving warnings at her for the more drastic ones. Like chasing down a cop car or storming the sheriff’s office.

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