Fallen Star (4 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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Another memory, this one of her short skirt up around her hips as she lay back on the top of the bar table with him above her. The full, heavy, hot length of his cock had pressed against the juncture of her spread thighs. Only his slick leather pants and the thin silk of her panties had come between them as she moaned under his mouth. His fingers under the silk working her trembling wet flesh toward the flashpoint of climax ...

For a brief instant she acknowledged that some dark and twisted part of her wanted him to take her. Take her hard, and relieve the ache that had started three days ago and never really left.

Fallon shook the images from her mind and sucked in a breath in an attempt to control her runaway libido. “Fine, whatever. Are you going to beat me now or what?”

“Beat you?” Sobehk laughed, and it was not a pretty sound. He set his elbow beside her on the saddle of the glider and leaned over her to peer down at her. “I’m going to do something far worse.” Dark innuendo purred in his husky voice.

Hard muscle pressed against her bare back. He wasn’t wearing his armor. He didn’t seem to be wearing his pants, either. She could feel the hot length of his cock pressed against her exposed butt. Her body jolted with interested heat.
Blood and Fate, what is wrong with me?

“Worse?” She turned her head and looked up, utterly terrified, painfully excited, and seriously pissed off, all at the same time. “Like ... what?” What could be worse than a beating?

His blue eyes burned with heat and his smile was pure masculine hunger. “I’m going to get you good and hot, and then ...” His thumb stroked the seam that divided her cheeks. “I’m gonna split your ass with my dick. And make damn sure you like it.” His palm closed on her ass and squeezed.

Fallon’s breath left in a rush.
Okay, that’s worse.
In spite of the skittering of fear that danced up her spine, a flash of heat speared through her and her body clenched wetly. “I really don’t see how I’m going to like having your cock crammed in my ass.”

“Oh, you will.” He smiled, baring long teeth. “I’m very good.” He swept a hand down her bare back and turned to watch the progress of his fingers. His finger slid deep into the seam of her butt, then circled the tight rose of her anus. “And then I’ll spend the next whole cycle jammed up your ass or down your throat.”

A whole cycle of thirty days ...?
Fallon clenched her hands into fists and shook with a rage that boiled from out of nowhere. “You can’t just
me, you bastard! That’s kidnapping!”

“It’s not kidnapping --” Sobehk’s voice held both humor and a hard edge. “-- if the person in question is legal property.”

Fallon felt every thought in her head grind to a complete halt. “What?”


Chapter Three


“Property ...?” Fallon shook her head, trembling in the tight bindings that held her over the saddle of the glider. That didn’t make sense. Ice water rushed through her veins, dowsing the heat of her temper. She couldn’t be indentured; her debts weren’t that high. “But how ...?”

“I’m a Skeldhi
, an enforcer, remember?” Leaning over her, his broad chest against her sweating back and his elbows pressing into the saddle on either side of her body, Sobehk held her gaze steadily. “This station is one of the places your Imperium gave us free rein to pick up strays. I filed an inquiry of intent on you three days ago. No one challenged the claim. You, my ferocious little feral, were an unwanted stray open for collection.” He tossed a derisive glance around the rusting steel alley. “Considering the conditions of this vermin-run station and your likelihood of ending up in a mining pit, you could definitely use the rescue.”

Fallon couldn’t process what he was saying. It sounded too much like fantasy to be believable. “All this for taking your glider?”

“Actually, no.” Sobehk chuckled. “I originally planned to spank a harsh lesson into your ass and then fuck you senseless. But when you slipped out of my hands the third time in a row, I realized that you’d make a damned fine
upuaht rehkyt.
” He pushed up from her back to stand behind her.

Fallon snorted. He was staring at her ass again. “I got away from you a lot more than three times.”

“And every escape made me determined to catch your sweet ass that much more.” His hands dropped heavily onto her hips. “After the last stunt you pulled to get the cuff off, I’m betting you go Prime.” He cupped her ass in both hands and squeezed.

What the fuck was he babbling about now? Fallon writhed under his hands and clenched her teeth, fighting the overwhelming desire to press down and rub her aching clit against the saddle.

His finger slid down the seam of her ass, over the tight rose of her anus, and then brushed against the plump outer lips of her cunt.

Her entire body went rigid with eager hunger. She bit her lips to keep from moaning. “Mother of Fate ...”

“Feeling sensitive?” His fingers swept down the inside of her spread thighs.

She shivered and fought to think straight. “Sobehk, I have no interest in being anyone’s slave!”

“You’ll change your mind.” He slid two fingers into her cunt.

She gasped and pulled against the cables that held her. A chill sweat broke out all over her body, making the seat she was strapped across slick under her belly.

“Oh, yeah, you’re nice and wet.” He pulled his fingers back out and chuckled. “I think you’re just about ready for your fuck.”

She bit back a moan. She was dying for a fuck, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

He swept his other hand down her damp spine. “Ah, you’ve begun to sweat. Looks like the first dose has finally taken effect. About time, too; I’m hard enough to pierce metal.”

“Dose?” Fallon stilled. Had the bastard drugged her? “Dose of what?”

“You’ve been injected with the first of four courses to genetically alter you into a Skeldhi-human hybrid, also known as a
. The lust you’re feeling is part of the process. You’ll get the second course as soon as I get you back.”

Fallon’s mouth fell open. “You’re

“That’s right.”

“You fucking bastard!”

“It’s your own damned fault. I was planning to wait, but because of that stunt in the tunnel, there’s a real possibility of you being in danger of infection.
are designed to be resistant to most diseases and recover very quickly from physical damage. Once I get my load of cum in you, my DNA will boost your immune system.”

“You can’t!” Fallon twisted on the saddle, but there was no possible escape. “You can’t alter me!”

“Really? Who’s gonna stop me?” He pressed an oily, slick finger against the tight rose of her anus. “Push out.”

Her mind focused on the immediate threat of his finger. “What are you doing?”

“I’m greasing your ass for my dick. Push out, or this is going to hurt a lot more than it needs to.”

She cringed. She couldn’t stop him; he was really going to fuck her up the ass. She pushed out. His finger slid past the ring of her anus. The invasion felt impossibly large ... and darkly exciting. A small whimper of mortification escaped her.

“Mmm, you’re awfully tight.” He pushed deep. “No getting around it, it’s gonna hurt when I shove my dick in this tight hole.” He pulled back, then pushed deep again, wriggling his finger around the interior of her ass. “I’m guessing that this’ll be your first ass-reaming. Am I right?”

Fallon pulled on the cables that bound her as heat curled in her bowels and pulsed in her clit. There was nothing she could do to escape. She was his to take any way he chose. “I fucking hate you!”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’ Not that it will stop you from cumming.” He swept his thumb against her clit.

Ferocious heat gripped her core in a tight fist of need. The breath exploded from her lungs.

His chuckle made her skin crawl. “Oh, yeah, you’re just about there.” He knelt, rocking the gilder. A warm puff of air caressed her most private flesh.

She pulled away instinctively, but she was too securely tied.
What now?
Something warm and wet stroked the intimate folds of her core. She choked.

“Mmm, nice flavor.” His hands dug into her butt, parting the cheeks to give him better access to her vulnerable flesh. He pressed his entire heated mouth to her and sucked noisily.

Vicious delight speared straight through her. She exhaled with a helpless moan, and her hands opened wide in shock.

He licked and lapped, stroking and nibbling the tender flesh with slow, drugging skill and obvious delight.

Ferocious tremors of raw pleasure scorched her with each touch of his tongue, drawing her into a tight knot of mindless lust. He was really, really good. Despite the fact that she couldn’t stand him, the bastard’s talented mouth was driving her to the explosion point fast. He was going to make her cum, and cum screaming.

And there wasn’t a damned thing she could do about it.

Fire burned up her spine and seared the back of her skull, then centered in her jaw. Pressure built. Suddenly her mouth filled. She spat, and blood spattered on the pavement. A small white something lay in the pool. It looked like a tooth. She shouted in surprise.

Sobehk’s mouth stopped. He rose up from behind her and leaned over her back. “What?” He looked down at the blood on the pavement and chuckled. “Hot damn, you’re losing your teeth.”

Fear raised every hair on her body. “My teeth?” Abruptly, pain slammed through her skull, and her mouth filled. She was forced to spit again. Another tooth hit the pavement and gleamed in its small pool of blood. “Blood and Hell!” Her voice was tight with shock.

“Relax.” Sobehk swept a hand down her hip. “It’s just your fangs.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “Fangs?”

“Just keep spitting; if we’re real lucky, you’ll get uppers

“Lucky?” He was out of his mind! “I’m losing my teeth!”

“You’re not losing them; you’re getting new ones. It’s part of the change.” He stroked her back. “You’ll be fine.”

Fallon shook her head in frustration and fear. “Sobehk! What the fuck have you done to me?”

“Will you relax?” Sobehk straightened and dropped back down to his knees behind her. “This is nothing. Wait ’til you see what happens once you have an ass full of cum.” His mouth covered her slick, intimate flesh, and his tongue began its torturous licking.

She shuddered under the insistent onslaught of burning delight. Another wave of heat, lust, and painful pleasure ripped through her. She screamed. Another tooth hit the pavement in a spatter of blood. “Oh, Maker,” she moaned.

“Did you just lose another one?”

She shuddered. “Yes.”

“Good, one more to go.”

“You asshole!”

“Be nice!” His hand cracked hard on her sweat-slick ass.

The strike blazed across her butt-cheek. She yelped and choked on a mouthful of blood. One more tooth hit the pavement. “Fuck ...”

“That makes four, right?”

She closed her eyes and moaned. “Yes.”

“Good, then you should be done.” His hands explored her butt with possessive delight. “I knew you’d get fangs -- you were too aggressive not to -- but all four? Oh, yeah, you’re gonna go Prime on me; I can feel it.”

Fallon panted on the glider’s saddle. She had no clue what he was talking about. and she didn’t care. She stared at the four teeth on the pavement and knew for a fact that she didn’t want to play this game anymore. “Sobehk, let me go.”

“What?” He laughed. “It’s far too late for that.” He leaned forward and attacked her vulnerable flesh with renewed dedication.

She writhed on the glider’s saddle, unable to escape his mouth, unable to escape the coiling tension in her belly, unable to do anything more than submit to his erotic assault on her vulnerable flesh. Small, needy sounds escaped her lips.

“Damn, kitten, you are putting out a lot of cream.” He lapped in earnest, wriggling his tongue into her core. He pressed two fingers deep into her and curled, brushing her inner flesh with delicacy and skill.

Her body gripped his fingers ravenously. Ruthless carnal greed became paramount, and desperation for release stole every thought in her head. Helpless, needy sounds tumbled from her lips.

“You’re good and hot now.” He chuckled, a warm vibration that sent gentle shockwaves through her as his tongue danced against her flesh. Deep within her, his fingers flicked.

A sharp bolt of erotic delight jolted her. Her body bucked hard enough to rock the glider. Climax rose and coiled unbearably tight. Her breath caught as she teetered on the edge.

His lips closed on her clit, and he attacked the tiny, swollen nub with his tongue.

She exploded, release slamming through her in a furious torrent of molten ecstasy. Her gasping cries echoed in the alley.

Sobehk released her clit with a satisfied sigh. “That’s my kitten. Now you’re ready to fuck.” He pulled his fingers from her hungry core and grabbed either edge of the glider’s saddle. The glider rocked as he stepped up on the running board and stood between her thighs.

Fallon panted for breath. She could barely think past the shudders wracking her body.
Bloody Fate ...
She didn’t think she’d ever cum that hard in her life.

He leaned over her back. “I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to stretching your ass.”

She sucked in a sharp breath as fear washed the heat from her body. Temper followed with blinding speed. “Why don’t you shove it up your own ass?”

“Oh, you’re just begging for a beating, aren’t you? Don’t worry; I’ll get to that, too.” His body came down on top of hers, hot, heavy, and brutally exciting. His rigid cock pressed against the seam of her cheeks.

Everything in her focused on the hard cock branding her ass. In spite of the climax that had just torn the shouts from her throat, her body still hungered, and it hungered for a cock to fill it. Her cheeks heated as she realized that if she hadn’t been tied, she would have spread her thighs for him, eagerly. Her body wanted to be fucked that badly.

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