Fallen Star (39 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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He choked and dropped.

Fallon feinted a kick at the other and he dodged. She took the opening and spun out of range, gaining more space to use both her blades.

Two more men came at her.

Fallon gasped. “Three? Three, against one?”

The older Skeldhi in the red sash smiled. “Are you saying you yield?”

Fallon bared her teeth at him. “I don’t yield that easy.”

Sobehk chuckled on the far side.
That’s certainly the truth.


Chapter Thirty-Four


Fallon surveyed her three attackers and the older Skeldhi, smiling from the sidelines. She’d had enough. “Fuck this shit ...” She snarled and lunged at the one closest to her. She caught him in the bend of his arm, slicing deep.

Blood spattered the black marble floor.

His sword went spinning out of his hand. He bit out a foul expletive and jumped back.

She did a quick check on the two left. Neither one wore gloves.
. She lunged, blade extended, for the one to her right, then twisted and slashed at the one on her left trying to close in on her. She nicked his unprotected wrist.

He choked and his sword went spinning. More blood hit the floor. He backed away.

Fallon smiled grimly at the man before her. “Just you and me. Care to dance?”

The older Skeldhi rushed her from behind.

Fallon ducked and dodged his blade.
Oh, like I didn’t see that coming a mile away.

A blade lashed toward her face.

Fallon dodged it, but only barely. She turned sharply, spinning low on the floor, blades out, forcing the young man to jump or get his ankle sliced open.

The older Skeldhi had two swords, both long. And he was grinning.

Fallon frowned in concentration. The old guy was good. She’d need all her concentration to get him. That meant getting rid of the other one fast. She whirled and backflipped to gain distance, then dropped into a deep crouch to get under the younger man’s swinging blade and behind him. A sharp slice to the back of his knee dropped him.

Fallon spun away and lunged straight for the older guy. She had dexterity on him, but not by much and he was really practiced. With swords. She didn’t stand chance against him using a sword.

He grinned.

Fallon closed in at top speed and tossed her blades to either side.

He brought both blades forward but not quite close enough.

She twisted sideways, dodging both fully extended blades, and caught his left wrist in her right hand. She punched the side of his left elbow hard then dropped into a low crouch to get out of the way of his other blade.

He shouted as he released his blade. His kick took her in the left side. He was definitely not smiling anymore.

Fallon grunted with the impact and dropped to her hands, swinging her left foot hard. She caught the outside of his knee on her left side with the top of her foot.

He grunted but didn’t go down. His blade stabbed downward.

Fallon rolled onto her back, moving just enough to avoid the sword point aiming for her face, while getting close enough to punch him hard in the kneecap of the knee she’d just kicked.

There was a wet pop.

“Son of a fucking bitch!” His shout was crystal clear and in unaccented Imperial. He fell heavily to his side, grabbing for his knee with his right hand, his sword still out in his left.

Fallon rolled out of the way and came up in a low crouch, ready to go after him again if she needed to. She shook her hand. His damned knee had been armored and her hand hurt like holy burning fury.

“Hold!” Sobehk’s voice echoed with force.

Fallon froze.

Sobehk approached the kneeling and panting older Skeldhi. “
Loran? Are you all right?”

The older man sat up, sheathed his blade, and grabbed his knee with both hands. He nodded and winced. “Yeah, fine.”

I guess it’s over.
Fallon straightened up from her fighting crouch, shivering hard. It was more a reaction from the speed of the fight than anything else. Her dexterity augmentations taxed the hell out of her muscles.

It’s over.
Khan winked at Fallon from behind Sobehk.
Good fight.
He left Sobehk’s side to collect his fallen swords.

Two gray-robed Skeldhi medics came trotting from the small crowd that had gathered. They dropped to one knee on either side of the older Skeldhi. One tugged at his leg armor, peeling the shin greave and the boot back to get to the wounded and swelling knee. The other unbuckled the arm armor on his other side.

Loran grimaced under the medic’s hands. “Mother Night! That
of yours is worth her weight in fucking gold!”

Sobehk smiled. “I’m glad you approve,

One of the medics looked up. “The knee is dislocated, but not broken.”

The other medic poked at the elbow she’d punched. “Heavy bruising, some strain. You’ll have full use of it tomorrow.”

“Oh, is that all?” Loran rolled his eyes, then focused on Sobehk. “Name your price and I’ll pay it. Screw the

Sobehk smiled. “And if I asked you to empty your account,

Loran wiped at his face and grinned. “I’d do it and gladly,
Sobehk. She’d make every credit back in the pit within a few weeks.”

The pit?
Fallon blinked.
What pit?

Sobehk grimaced. “There’s a tiny little hitch in that plan,

Loran frowned. “What?”

Sobehk shrugged. “She doesn’t like to kill.”

Loran’s mouth fell open. “You’re joking.”

“Afraid not.” Sobehk tucked his hands behind him. “She only fights when cornered. She’s very good at running away and better at hiding.”

Khan came to Fallon’s side.
You’re shaking
. His sword was back in his sheath. He slid her sword back into her sheath.
Are you wounded?
He lifted her chin and peered into her eyes.

Fallon smiled at the worry plainly visible in his copper gaze.
Nope, just an augmentation reaction from the fight. It’ll stop in a bit.

looked over at Fallon. “You’re saying that she’s non-aggressive?”

Sobehk chuckled. “Oh, she’s quite aggressive,
. Unfortunately she is absolutely uncompetitive. She’d make a terrible gladiator.”

Fallon started.

Blood-sports are big business on the Imperial rim.
Khan stepped behind her, his hands passing over her arms and down her flanks, obviously looking for cuts she might have missed.
Many of the less stable
find great satisfaction as cold-blooded killers.

Fallon flinched and her gut twisted.
Not me.

Of course not.
Khan stepped in front of her.
You prefer to hang onto control rather than wallow in blood madness.

Loran looked up at Sobehk. “I guess she’s better off as a bodyguard.” He sighed. “Pity, she would have a brilliant career ...”

“Brilliant but short.” Sobehk sighed dramatically. “It’s possible she’d allow herself to die rather than kill for money.”

The two medics levered Loran up onto his one good leg.

Loran groaned and scowled. “That altruistic?”

Sobehk nodded sadly. “Afraid so.”

Khan looked into Fallon’s eyes.

My head’s fine.
Fallon opened and closed her fist, wincing.
But my whole hand hurts from punching his knee.

I’ll bet.
Khan smiled fleetingly.
Let me see.

Fallon gave him her hand. Dark splotches spread from her main three knuckles.
Shit ...
Bruises this fast normally meant a bone was broken or fractured.

You’re a
not a human.
Khan’s fingers felt cool as he explored her hand.
Just bruising, nothing broken.
He turned to look at Sobehk. “No sign of

Loran’s mouth fell open. “She did that cold?”

Khan curled his lip. “I would think that would have been obvious,
. You’re alive.”

Loran raised his brow at Khan.

Shit ...
Khan bowed respectfully and turned back to Fallon.

Loran eyed Sobehk. “Your
suffers from an overdose of attitude,
Sobehk. Apparently that’s where your
is getting it. He needs to be disciplined.”

Sobehk glared at Khan. “My apologies,

Khan’s eyes widened.
His mouth tightened.
I’ll show
discipline ...

Fallon grinned at Khan.
Temper, temper,
You’re supposed to be a respectful subordinate, remember?

Khan raised his brow.
Sobehk’s right. You
need a beating

Fallon chuckled.

Loran gripped the two medics holding him upright around the shoulders and grinned. “Apology accepted.” He nodded toward Fallon. “I award the steel and the blade. Congratulations on a fine
Sobehk. I hope you find a satisfactory home for her.”

Sobehk’s smile faded. “I certainly hope so,
.” He bowed.

The two medics turned Loran toward the door.

Khan patted Fallon on the shoulder.
There, you have official permission to carry a sword.
He grinned.
And wear clothing.

Fallon stared at him.
I needed permission to wear clothing?

Loran stopped the medics and turned to face Sobehk. “You know, I may buy her anyway,
.” He grinned. “She’d make a hell of a sparring partner, and I bet her bed-sport is phenomenal.”

Sobehk smiled. “Absolutely,
. She’s very satisfactory at both.”

Fallon scowled at Sobehk.

Sobehk glanced her way and smiled. “If you will excuse us, we’re headed for some much needed rest.”

Loran waved his hand. “And me as well. Good night,

Sobehk bowed again. “A swift recovery to you.” He marched over to Fallon’s side and glared at Khan.
Khan, your mouth ...! Are you trying to spill your identity?

Khan rolled his eyes.
. Mahfeht’syr
Loran has no idea what or who I am.

Sobehk growled.
Just get us to that damned suite so I can bitch at you out loud!

Khan grinned and started walking.
I think you’re doing just fine with thought.

Sobehk released a snarl. Mahfeht’syr
Loran is right. You
need a beating.

Fallon shot a cheeky grin at Khan.

Sobehk grabbed Fallon’s braid and yanked her to his side.
Don’t get all cocky,
What in flaming Chaos were you thinking, diving at him without your swords? I almost had a stroke!

Fallon winced as she was hauled sideways down the aisle.
What? I knew what I was doing!

Sobehk tugged on her braid.
Suicidal idiot!

Fallon gasped and grabbed for his wrists.
It wasn’t suicidal, damn it! It worked!

Sobehk released her.
That’s it! I’m beating the both of you!

Khan snorted.

You think I won’t?
Sobehk smiled grimly.

* * * * *

A pair of etched glass doors opened to reveal a softly lit hallway carpeted in midnight blue, with slate blue walls and an arched ceiling with frosted glass globes shedding amber light. There was a deep-blue door on the right, a matching door on the left, and another pair of doors made of heavily smoked glass at the hall’s far end.

Khan moved forward in a determined stride and shoved open the double doors of glass to softly lit night. The sound of crickets bloomed sharp and sweet.

Fallon felt a cool breeze scented strongly with green. “Oh ...”

Khan turned and held out his hand to Fallon. “Come.”

She shivered, then bolted. She stopped at the edge of the door. Small lights lined the base of an enclosing wall two meters high. The contained space was not as large as the main enclave hall she’d just been in, but it was still big enough to support ... She stopped to count. Eight ... There were eight trees and they towered impossibly high, all around. There were smaller bushes with spots of color ... Were those flowers?

The wind whispered and the air rustled with thousands of living green leaves. Everything moved, even the ground. The ground? The entire floor was covered in a carpet nearly as high as the top of her foot. It moved under the breeze.

Khan smiled. “Well? Go on.”

“But the floor is ... moving.”

“Grass.” Sobehk chuckled behind her. “It’s just grass.”

Grass was a plant. “It’s alive?” It was shocking. It was terrifying. “All of it?”

Khan rolled his eyes. “Yes, it’s all alive.”

Fallon jerked back. “I shouldn’t step on it if it’s alive ...”

Sobehk didn’t bother hiding his chuckles. “It’s supposed to be stepped on. That’s what it’s for!”

Khan groaned. “Great Mother -- she’s afraid of hurting the grass!”

Sobehk snorted. “She’ll get over it.”

Fallon felt a hard shove between her shoulder blades and was propelled forward out into the enclosed garden. The grass bent and gave under her foot. The scent of green sharpened. She froze. She was standing on living things.

Sobehk and Khan walked out behind her. They wandered about, examining the various bushes and flowers, tromping heavily and carelessly all over the grass.

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