Fall of kNight (6 page)

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Authors: T. L. Mitchell

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Fall of kNight
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Thomas‟s bushy eyebrows rose as his gaze went from me then to Daniel. “How was the hunt?”

“We killed two. But there was something different about tonight.” Daniel began.

“They were hunting us.”

Thomas took another sip of his drink. “And?” He prompted.

“Dad, they were different than the group we defeated in the meadow. These guys were bigger and stronger than the others.”

“How so?” Thomas asked as he poured himself another glass.

“They were a little harder to kill. The one who attacked me was very strong. I took a pretty good hit tonight. It took everything I had to bring him down.”

“And the other one?” Thomas looked to me.

“I managed to kill it. It was faster than the first group we encountered.” I managed as I took a sip from my glass.

Thomas paused for a moment, considering the news. “They attacked you?” His gaze darted from me to Daniel. We both nodded.

“This, of course, means something else is happening with our werewolves.”

“Dad,” Daniel shifted beside me. “I have a feeling these were genetically enhanced.

I won‟t know for sure until I get a blood sample.”

“And what was the reason you did not take a sample tonight after you killed them?” Charlotte inquired.

Daniel turned to his mother. “Because I need a fresh sample, while the individual is still living. Once a person is dead, the tissues begin the decomposing process. Any signs I would be looking for in the blood would not be there. If I had a fresh living sample, I could tell if there is any mutation.”

“Do you need it from a human form or when it has transformed?” Thomas asked.

“I will need it in human form.”

Thomas took another sip of the cognac. “Then this is something that needs to be done immediately. You are thinking that someone has access to Dr. Miller‟s research.”

“I think it is possible, yes. But I don‟t know why.”

“Daniel,” Thomas paced back and forth again. “Dr. Miller was planning on selling this vaccine to the government. If we find out that these things have mutated, then we are in for a long ride. Our goal will be to find out who is behind this little operation.” He sighed then stopped. “However, we have bigger problems.”

Daniel‟s spine stiffened. I could feel the rush of fear run through him. He could tell from the expression on Thomas's face this was the cold blow we expected. What could be worse than the werewolf problem, I wondered.

“For starters, the Council is arriving in less than a week. There is no easy way to put this. Daniel, they want you. Leadership is what they need at this point. There seem to be some problems between the clans.”

Leadership on the Council meant order and control of the Lycan clans. The Council only chose the strongest, the most purebred. It was a high honor to be recommended, but it was an even higher honor to be chosen by the Council itself.

“Son, you are strong and you possess the qualities the Council seeks. The clans are in an uproar right now. Several clans have ignited a war against one another. The rebels, who do not want to conform to the ways of the Council, are calling themselves the Dark Wolves. They have killed many in an effort to gain control and destroy the Council. The Council fears if this civil war is not stopped in time, the increasing werewolf packs will take advantage of our weakness. They may use it to their advantage by attacking the weaker of the Lycan clans, converting them to their ways or killing them.”

“What?” Daniel leaned forward and placed his arms across his knees. “What are you talking about … Dark Wolves?”

Thomas took a breath and began again. “Dark Wolves, they have formed some type of group against the Lycan Council. We do not know where this business started.

All we know is that they are trying to take over the Council. Daniel, our very lives are at stake here.”

“Wait a minute. The Council wants to put my life in danger to save their ass? Dad!”

“No! Now YOU wait a minute!” Thomas snapped. “You are the one they have chosen to lead an army of Lycans to seek out and destroy these rebels.”

“But why? I mean have you considered it sounds a little lame that they would choose me for leadership? Are they so afraid of dying…?”

“It is not about death. It is about preserving our way of life. Each of us has a responsibility.”

Daniel huffed a breath. “Yeah okay, whatever! It appears my responsibilities have increased more than anyone else. Did you happen to mention to them I have a problem with vampires?”

“The vampires are not their first concern at this point.” Thomas calmed his voice to a normal tone.

“Yeah okay, this is really great, Dad. Julie and I are due to be married in a couple of weeks. I have to protect her from a vampire who has a hard on. And now you are telling me I have to risk my ass for a group of leaders who don‟t even have the strength to defend themselves against an attack from a small group of rebels. Not to mention we may have a larger problem to deal with concerning werewolves in our own backyard.

Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. How am I supposed to handle all of this?”

“Daniel, you will find a way,” Charlotte chimed in. “It is not about you. It is about all of us. We will try to keep an eye on Julie for you. I know the Council is not going to let you go by yourself. I am sure they will send some help.”

“Your mother is right. They are already gathering a group of volunteers who will be at your disposal. The Assembly should be here in a matter of a few days. These are the best warriors we have. Daniel, the Council would not do this unless they felt you were strong enough to handle it.” Thomas walked back to the bar and poured the last of the Cognac into his glass. “I believe in you, and so should you. You can handle this.”

“What about the Rite? You said the Rite must be performed before Julie and I are married. What happens if we don‟t find these rebels? Or take care of the werewolves? Do they expect us to put off the wedding?” Daniel roared.

“No. They are willing to make an exception on the Rite. They feel since you two have already submitted yourselves to one another without killing each other you might be safe. Life is a test Daniel; it only counts if you pass.” Thomas declared as he moved to his chair and sat down.

Daniel shifted again beside me. It didn‟t take me hearing his thoughts to know he was enraged. He clasped his hands together, but remained silent. I wasn‟t sure exactly what to do to help him. At this point, mentioning to him that I could probably take care of myself when it came to Richard was pointless. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as we all waited for him to respond.

Finally, after a few moments, Daniel raised his head and glared at his father.

“What‟s the game plan?”

Thomas turned up the glass containing the last bit of Cognac to his lips, drinking it down. He set the empty glass down, then cleared his throat.

“First things first. You say the werewolves are different in some way. We need to find out if they have been genetically altered. If so, then we need to find out who is starting this mess. Secondly, you will meet with the Assembly, and see if you can track down these Dark Wolves before they kill any more of our people. They are rebels and a threat to us. I am sure I do not need to tell you what will need to be done. Thirdly, this situation concerning Julie.” He shifted his attention to me. “We should look at this reasonably. This Richard saved her life, correct?”

I nodded. Daniel growled.

“All right.” Thomas charged. “The chances are he is not going to harm her. As much as I hate to admit it, they do seem very civilized.”

“CIVILIZED?” Daniel roared. “You expect me to just sit back and wait until he does something like…” Daniel rose to his feet. “I am not willing to take that chance!”

“Daniel, I can fend for myself. Please, I think I can handle myself against a vampire if it comes to that.” I offered in my defense.

“We do not know enough about them!” He roared louder. “I want you to stay clear of him!”

“Daniel, he might just be infatuated with Julie because she resembles his deceased wife. Please, Daniel, take another view of this matter. His view. He may be a vampire, but they do show signs of humanity. What would you do if you were in his situation?

How would you feel if it was you who lost Julie?” Charlotte pleaded with him.

“I am not going to take that chance. That is how I feel about it,” he snapped.

“Never the less, you would still be longing for her after all those years.” Charlotte‟s voice remained calm in spite of her son‟s raging temper.

“I am not going to repeat myself. Julie,” His hand softly locked around my fingers, taking my hand into his, he pressed it to his lips. He dropped down on his knees before me. The softness in his heart showed in those hazel eyes. Slowly, he pressed my hand to the side of his cheek. Closing his eyes, he rubbed it softly against the bristled skin. I watched in awe as he opened his eyes. Those incredibly beautiful hazel jewels deeply peered into mine.

“You do know you are my life, my heart and my very soul. I would die to protect you. Julie, we will make it through all of this together.” Daniel‟s expression was as true as his words.

In my heart, I knew Daniel would die for me, as I would for him. No one could ever break the bond Daniel and I had. We were in love. It was a type of love beyond human conception. To be a Lycan and in love, there was no greater feeling and no greater pain.

“Daniel, we will be fine. I‟ll be fine.” I tried to assure him. “You are my life as well.”

I paused shortly, searching his eyes. “I couldn‟t stand the thought of losing you. I will be at your side no matter what may come. Nothing, I mean nothing will tear us apart. Not even death. Where you go, I shall follow,” I promised.

Daniel turned to Thomas. The night had ended for us. His hand softly locked around my fingers. He moved me past Thomas and Charlotte. Pausing by his father‟s side, Thomas laid one hand on Daniel‟s right shoulder. Only one nod passed between father and son before we made our exit.

Once inside the car, Daniel and I remained silent. It was clear we had no other words to say about the situations we faced. As the car moved along the dark road, my eyes watched the shows of the night. The vague shadows hidden in the darkness behind the trees drew my full attention. What lurked in those dark shadows? Werewolves?

Vampires? I wondered. It may even be part of our own clan. The ones that waited patiently, looking for some sign of weakness to attack at just the right moment. I could only hope not.

Lycans were the protectors of man, the human race. At least, this is what I had been told. Who could have the strength to protect us from ourselves? If this civil war was as bad as Thomas feared, then we were all in danger. I shifted in the seat slightly, nervously contemplating our danger. Maybe the only ones who were safe were the humans.

“I think tomorrow,” Daniel broke the silence, “I am going to give Jason and Heather a call.”

Jason and Heather McLaughlin were our Lycan friends from Scotland. They were not Scottish. Actually, Jason was a purebred Irish pup. I shook my head as I reflected on our first battle together. Jason walked out onto the patio where Daniel and I had been waiting for them. He was dressed in a full Irish kilt, complete with face paint. It was all I could manage to hold back a laugh. Daniel even asked his dear friend if he was going to make us watch him sacrifice an animal, and drink its blood before the battle. Jason, stood squarely on his feet, adjusted his kilt and raised one eyebrow. With a sly grin on his face, he announced we would not have to witness such an event. However, he reminded us we might have to watch as he danced naked around the fire. I did miss them.

Heather was a petite woman, who, at no more than five-foot four, dragged me away from Daniel during that moment I dared only to remember. If it had not been for them being with us, we probably would have killed one another that night. Not in the angry way. Our passion exploded on a level beyond rage. I trembled slightly at the memory. Daniel and I had become cautious ever since, controlling our passions. We learned how to control our full desires, being satisfied for the moment with our intimacy. However, there were deep desires that still raged inside of us both.

Daniel pulled the car to the front of our house. I stepped out and walked to the front door, pausing as I waited for Daniel. He moved up beside me, and we walked into the house together. He closed the door behind us as usual and promptly locked it. It was a full night, and I was exhausted mentally and physically. All I really wanted to do was have a good night‟s sleep. I hoped that my dreams would be good ones, ones that did not include Richard.


It was Sunday morning. Our weekend mornings typically started the same.

Showering, dressing and a trip to Charlotte‟s for breakfast, the same routine as yesterday. However, this morning was a little different. Daniel called his mother and informed her that we wouldn‟t be coming over for breakfast. He wanted to stay home and work on researching Miller‟s project, looking for any clues that might lead to his speculations concerning the werewolves.

Despite my lack of skill in the kitchen, I managed to pull together a satisfactory breakfast for my wolf man. A steak and cheese omelet with semi burnt toast. So I wasn‟t the best when it came to toast. At least the omelet turned out pretty good even with scorched marks of its own. One would think because I owned a kitchen built for a chef, I would learn how to cook. One would think, that is.

My father was particularly fond of a well cooked meal. He was a great cook, when he wanted. I remember as a child he mentioned to me the kitchen was designed by my mother. It was my father‟s gift to her. The 64-inch large gas/electric double oven stainless steel stove, a built in total refrigerator were all complemented by a built in freezer. Everything in the large kitchen was stainless steel, something he thought would look appropriate. I suppose he was right. The black countertops over the ginger stained wood cabinetry were set apart from other kitchens. Not to mention the sage green painted walls with white tile that contained painted green fern. I think my father meant to bring the outside in to this house.

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