Fall Guy (5 page)

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Authors: Liz Reinhardt

BOOK: Fall Guy
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That mouth coul
d do so many incredibly hot
things to me.

I take the roller
from his hand and make a W that must meet his approval, because he gives me a nod and starts on his own wall. We work in silence for a few minutes, but soon the paint on my roller is almost gone, and I need more. He made the whole thing look so damn easy, but I slop way too much paint on it again, and soon the wall that had been coated with even strokes of blue is back to being a runny mess.

I'm chasing trails of blue paint with my roller and attempting some damage control when I feel him close behind me. I go completely still and wait until he's shadowed at my back, just inches away from me.

"Can I show you?"

His voice twines in my ea
and his breath moves a piece
of my hair
that came undone from my ponytail, tickling a shiver
up and down my spine.

I nod and his arm wraps around m
e, his hand closes over
mine on the roller handle, and his
chest presses to my back. My heart
is the star jumper in a double-
dutch tournament.

"Like this.
Easy, okay?
There's no pressure. Y
ou keep
trying to press the paint into the wall. Relax and let the roller do the work. Like this."

He leads me through the process one more time, and this time I can feel the exact amount of pressure he uses and how lightly he applies the paint.

Or I should be able to feel those things.

What I really feel is the hard wall of his chest, the way his hand envelopes mine, the steady, strong thud of his heart at my back. He still has that clover smell that makes me think of spring and sex.
Sex outside, sex under the stars, sex with someone strong and confident and honest as hell.

My hand shakes under his, and when he pulls away, I make a jerky lunge to the paint tray so I can inhale the chemical smell of the paint and push back these insane thoughts about this boy and me and sex so good it's making my knees knock just imagining it.




Winch 2

I need to get
this damn room and away from this chick before I get both our asses in trouble.

But she asked me
not to make a big deal about our assignment
, and it's not like they wouldn't ask what the problem was.
And then I'd have to tell them...what? That the girl they assigned me to work with is giving me a hard-on, and I want to take her on a date then get her
in my backseat, but know damn well what a bad idea that would be?

So I kick the crackly old-as-dirt radio up a notch and paint like there's a gun to my temple and keeping the roller moving is the only way to still the trigger. The effort of staying away from her pumps so much adrenaline through me, I don't give a shit if she makes a total slop mess of her walls. I can repaint them, no problem, in a few minutes with all this excess energy.

And she is making a mess.
I’m not annoyed.

I’m turned
I’m desperate to be by her
and just as desperate to get away. So I snap a little, even though I don’t mean to.

"You're doing t
he same thing as before, and now you’re dripping paint
all over the place. Hey, why don't you
try edging
? I'll do the rolling, okay?"

I point over to the paint bucket and smaller brushes, and she curls her lip at them in a frustrated grimace, showing the sharp, white points of her teeth.

"I don't think I'll be any better at edging." She puts the roller down and heads to pick up the can.

I try to ignore how perfect the curve of her ass is as she bends to pick up the can and brush. I want her.
he realization hits me like
a fresh wave of paint fumes, making my head blur and spin.

But I have no business wanting this girl, and I'm well aware that I just can't have her, so I say what I need to say to give her a hard shove in the opposite direction
from me
before I make a huge mess when I know better.

I seriously know better

"Well, there's no way you could possibly be
." I roll my eyes at her shitty job, even though I know she's working as hard as she can.
I feel like an asshole, but I push through.
"No doubt about that."

The sharp clatter of the brush fal
ling to the floor whips me
around. Her lips are all
, maybe like she's about to cry. I feel like a
for being unnecessarily cold to her, but it's what I have to do. If I don't hold this girl at arm's length, I'll pull her so she's tight against my body, start kissing that sweet mouth, and won't be able to stop until we're both naked and panting.

No girl's made me think anything so out of control in a long time, and I roll faster to get this damn job done and get my ass
far away from the sugary smell of her as I possibly can.

I just hope she doesn't cry. I'm not good at handling tears from a girl.

But there are no tears.

"Fuck you."

The words are clear out of her mouth, and I realize now that the wobble on her lips is all about fury.

"Excuse me?"

Even if I have been a little bit of a dick,
I'm not big on being told to fuck off by anyone, especially not girls who are born and bred thinking they're better than I am.

"Maybe you got paint in your ears?" she suggests, her voice as sugar-sharp as her smell, like candy just about to burn. "I told you to fuck off."

She pops one paint-flecked hand on her hip and gives me a pursed-lip, raised-eyebrow
face that pings my irritation.

I let out a short, hard laugh, but I know damn well my
smile isn’t hiding the aggravation pumping through me

"Look, I'm not one of your prep school tutors, alright? My job isn't to tell you how perfect every damn thing you do is. You suck at painting, and I get it. I'm sure it's hard to do physical labor when you're worried about keeping your nails and hair perfect. But if this room doesn't meet spec, we do it again. Meaning
do it again, since you obviously can't. So get back to work, and try not to do such a shitty job this time."

Harsh, I know, but this girl isn't from my world, and it will all be easier if I let her see what a dick I can be
and how completely wrong we are for each other, no questions
. Next session, she'll be the one who requests we don't work together, I'll get the work done twice as fast, and I can go back to life as usual, without ridiculous thoughts of this sexy, out-of-my-league girl clogging up my brain.

That perfect mouth is hanging open, her cool blue eyes are totally round, and her breathing is so erratic, I can see her chest ris
e and fall. The urge to yank her over
to me is strong as hell, but I put a lid on it and get back to business, determined to do my job and ignore her as much as I can for the next few hours.

My ears register the whip and spatter a few seconds before my skin feels it. I reach one hand to the back of my neck, and my fingers are coated in light blue paint that's leaking in a slow line down my back and pooling at the waistband of my boxers. Paintbrush fisted in her hand, eyes hurling me a dare I can't resist, this girl is upping the stakes quick.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" My voice is soft and smooth, and I hope she
doesn't take that to mean I'm above getting her wise ass back for throwing paint at me.

"Putting you in your place.
Were you raised in a barn? Where I come from, men don't talk to women the way you just talked to me." She points at me with the paintbrush. "You know what's really hysterical? That day in court, it was your good manners that made me like you."

I can instantly tell she regrets going that far by the way she bites her bottom lip and darts her eyes to the side.

"I'm to the point, and I'm not
apologize for telling you the truth, especially when it affects how long I'll be in this hell hole. By the way, I have very good manners. But I only use them when I need them."

I pick up the roller and nonchalantly walk her way. She backs u
p one step, two. "And I only need them around
people who
earn them, not snotty spoiled brats
who expect everyone to worship at their thrones."

She holds her small hands up and her scowl deepens.


Her eyes flip to the roller in my hand, and she turns to run the few feet she can away from me. I take aim and smack the roller right against the sexy curve of her ass, leaving the entire seat coated in baby blue paint.

She whirls on one heel, eyes ethanol-flame blue, and I expect more paint flicked my way, but she smiles at me instead.

"Thank you, Winchester. You're right. I do need to cut in closer to the ceiling."

I nod and back up, finally sensing the presence of someone else in the doorway. I'm pissed I was so preoccupied with
I didn't keep my guard up.

"What's going on in here?" The female officer who checked us in narrows her eyes at me.
"Everything okay?"

She directs the question right at Evan, and she doesn't care if I catch her implication...which is 'is
messing with you?'

I can guess exactly how much those designer jeans I just ruined cost, and I'm getting ready to have my ass thrown under a speeding bus all because I let myself act like an idiot. Not that I don't deserve it. Just because I have a thing for her I don't want to own up to
doesn't mean I have to provoke her like I did. But that's the thing: this girl makes me lose control, and losin
g control isn't an option

"Everything is fine." Her smile is bright and toothy, the kind of smile that commercial producers would kill for. That smile could sell huge amounts of shampoo or toothpaste or cans of lentil soup; it's that hot.

When the officer looks directly at the paint on her ass, Evan giggles. "I sat in paint. I'm such a klutz. Luckily Winchester has been helping me out, so I'm not making a total mess of things."

There's a long couple of seconds
when I'm sure the officer is going to call our bluff, and I'll have
chewing me a new one for causing shit on my first day on site, but it doesn't happen.

"I'll be back to check on you two." The off
icer gives a jerky nod
leaves us alone.

I pick up the roller, and, for a few minutes
, there's just the sound of
her brush sliding across the wall and my roller clattering as I make giant

She didn't have to cover for me.

The music blares, and some lame summer dance song comes on. I glance over my shoulder, and she's swaying her hips from side to side, bopping her head to the tune, just chilling when she could have been pouting in a royal little temper tantrum.


She stops rocking her hips at the sound of
my voice
and turns slowly, her face gorgeous, but clear of any emotion at all. I miss the glow she got when she was about to lose it.

"I, uh, want to apologize. I lost my temper. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I deserved to get hit with paint. And I deserved to have you throw me to the wolves. I have no idea why you didn't, but thank you. I know you don't want more trouble. And I should be thinking the same way." The words choke and sputter out.

The corner of her mouth lifts in the tiniest trace of a smile. "I've got a pretty shitty temper myself. Don't worry about it. We
get through this, and I know you just want this room painted and it looks like crap, but I'm doing my best."

She shrugs her shoulder and one sleeve of her t-shirt slides down. Her shoulder is tan. He
r bra strap is red. A
nd I stop my brain from going too wild
imagining what she'd look like if I peeled that shirt off, unhooked the bra and let it slide down off of her arms.


The sound of my name pops me out of my dirty daydream.

"Winch," I say
and stick my hand out. "We've never really introduced ourselves, right? Everyone calls me Winch."

She nods and smiles, then grabs my hand and gives me a handshake that would make any hardcore CEO proud.

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