Faith, Honor & Freedom (4 page)

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Authors: Shannon Callahan

Tags: #Fighting for Freedom#2, #Romance

BOOK: Faith, Honor & Freedom
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I’m petite, but I’ve still got curves. I’ve never been particularly self-conscious, but I’m not overly confident either. I guess I just trust that since both of my parents are beautiful people, they’ve given me enough to get by. I slather on some sheer lip gloss and head out my front door, walking over to Violet’s house where I let myself in.

“Vi?” I call out softly.

“Shh” she says, and I look over into the living room. Jack and Gavin are completely passed out in the arm chair, their mouths open just the same, with a little bit of drool dribbling down their chins. Vi has her camera out, snapping photos. She points over to the kitchen, so I follow her in.

“First off, how adorable was that? Secondly, you look hot!” she says, eyeing me from head to toe.

“I’m heading out for Angela’s birthday at Smash. Maybe I’ll find me a Jack,” I say hopefully. My mind shoots back to yesterday at Café Italia.

“What was that look for?” Vi whispers.

“What do you mean?” I ask, playing dumb. It’s a fruitless effort, though, and I know it. Vi knows me better than any other girl on the planet.

“Spill. Now,” she orders.

“Well, yesterday Hoss and I went to Café Italia, and I saw this exceedingly hot guy, just my type. Big hands, handsome face, and the best part …” I say, pausing for effect. “He’s a construction worker.”

Vi knows my obsession with men who are good with their hands. I feel my knees go weak at the thought. God, how long has it been since I’ve … it has to be close to two years now. This is the worst rut I’ve ever been in.

“Tell me you talked to him,” she says excitedly.

“Do you mean before or after Hoss harassed him and made me look like a complete idiot?”

I watch as her face falls and a look of annoyance comes over her face.

“Asshole. So that’s why he was in a sour mood last night. That is, until we let him hold Gavin. He totally melted, but who wouldn’t, right?” she says as her irritation turns into pride for her son.

“You got that right,” I laugh. I decide to fill her in on Alec, from what he was wearing to slipping me his card.

“Well, you’re going to call him, right?”

“I can’t, Vi. I mean, I’d like to, but Hoss made a total ass out of me,” I say, feeling slightly defeated.

“Correction, Hoss made an ass out of himself. He slipped you his card even after the spectacle. Wait another few days and then call him.” I know there’s no way out of it now. She’s been trying to get me hitched ever since Jack proposed. It’s been tough staying on the same page as your best friend when you’re in completely different places in your lives. We’ve made it work, though; we always do.

“I’ll think about it, all right? But I’d better get going. I have to meet Angela there in twenty.”

“Let me call you a cab,” she offers.

“That’s all right, I’m actually going to drive …” I start, before she cuts me off.

“No, you’re going to drink and have a merry time for the both of us,” she replies, running into her room, for what I’m guessing is her phone.

“He’ll be here in five,” she whispers, emerging from her room.

I pull her into a hug and have to laugh. While my five-foot three-inch stature is considered short, it’s nothing compared to Vi. In my heels, I tower over her by almost nine inches.

“Whatever, it’s the heels,” she says defensively.

“So how did Gavin sleep last night?” I ask.

“No longer than thirty minutes at a time. Yet he’s been sleeping on Jack’s chest since he got home from work hours ago. I think he likes him more,” she pouts.

“Hours? Girl, get to bed! Don’t let me stop you!”

I hear the horn beep outside.

“Ugh, he’s going to wake the baby. I’d better get going,” I say, pulling back from the hug. “Now get to bed!”

“Yeah, yeah, good luck tonight,” she says, pushing me out the door. I hear it lock behind me as I right myself.

I look up to find none other than Hoss’s truck sitting in the driveway. Anger tears through me as I realize I’ve just been set up by my best friend. I turn back around to go into Vi’s house and rip her a new one, but she’s at the window with her finger over her lips saying, “Shh.”

“Seriously!” I shout out. I start to walk past Hoss’s truck and through the neighbor’s yard when he opens his door and jumps out.

“Come on, Sunshine. I’m sorry, I am. I just want to protect you from every asshole out there,” he shouts. “Is that so wrong?”

“Ironic, since you’re the only asshole in my life right now,” I say bitterly.

“Come on, get in the truck. I don’t want to wake the baby,” he says. I glance at the time on my cell phone: 8:50. Great. I have ten minutes to get there.

“Whatever, just be quick. I’m late,” I say irritably, crossing back over and climbing, not so gracefully, into his truck.

“Lana …” he starts, as he pulls out of the driveway.

“Seriously, Hoss, give it up. Why do you even care anyway?” I ask, annoyed.

“You’re like family to me, you know that,” he says, eyes trained on the road.

“Yeah, just like a sister, I know,” I mumble, repeating the words he once told me in high school.

“What?” he asks.

“Nothing, just drop it all right. I’m not mad. I just want to go out, forget all of this, and have a good time.”

“Me too,” he says nonchalantly.

“What! No, Hoss. If you come into that club, I swear to God I will never speak to you again,” I spit out, now enraged.

“Oh, come on, Lana. I just want to have a beer.”

“No, you want to come and make sure I don’t meet anybody. For fuck’s sake, I’m twenty-eight years old. I want to meet someone Hoss, I want to fall in love, get married, and have kids. I want all of that, and if you keep scaring everyone off, I’m going to be the sixty year old cat lady while you’re still screwing your way through every woman in America,” I holler.

“That’s not fair, Lana. You know I want that for you, too. Look, I’m just stressed, all right. I’m working a hard case at work right now—another body showed up this morning—and I’m on edge. They’re all young, beautiful women, just like you. I just couldn’t live with myself if something ever happened to you,” he says.

I begin to feel sorry for him. I know how much his job can get to him, but throwing that at me, just seems to make it worse. Plus, calling me beautiful didn’t hurt.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Hoss, I really am. I’m a big girl, though. My dad was a cop, my brother was a cop, and my
best friend is a cop. I’m going to be fine. Just cut me some slack, and give me some space. Call Maya, or Renee, I really don’t care who, but let one of them help you forget everything. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, all of them. I don’t care; please just stop treating me like a child. I’m going out tonight, and you’re not coming.” His face relaxes, and I know he’s caved.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Here, just take this, and keep your phone turned on okay? Call me if you need a drive home,” he says, pulling a little can of mace out of his glove compartment. I decide to just give in and forgive him. I’d rather not have this looming over my head all night, and I know I can never stay angry with him for long.

“Thanks Hoss. Rhett would be proud,” I say without expression. I know he would be. Rhett would have been slightly less of an asshole about it, however. He pulls me in and kisses my forehead, just like Rhett and my dad have always done. It’s oddly comforting.

“Now go, have a good time, but not too good of a time!” he shouts as I step out of his truck.

I give him a wink and head into Smash, searching the tables for Angela. It doesn’t take long before I catch sight of her. She’s in a gold tiara, a strapless little black dress with a plunging neckline, and fire engine red stilettos. She is smoking hot. Her long blonde hair is shiny and sleek, cascading down past her shoulders.

“Lana!” she screeches as she catches sight of me. “Come, have a shot, we can work the calories off later!” I can tell she’s already feeling the effects of the alcohol, and look around to see the culprit. Long stemmed martini glasses with a slice of green apple litter the table. I catch a waitress walking by and order two. I want to feel exactly like she does, and quickly.


“I think I need to take her home,” Gemma yells into my ear over the loud, thumping music. “She just threw up in the bathroom.”

“Not again?” I shout back. She just nods.

“Do you need a drive home?” Gemma, Angela’s older sister, is the designated driver for tonight. I look behind me to where a gorgeous man with black hair and grey eyes is grinding into my backside. There’s no way I’m leaving.

“I think I’m good. I’ll stop by tomorrow with some greasy food to make her feel better,” I say, hoping Gemma gets the point. She does, luckily, and gives me a quick hug before turning back to retrieve her sister.

My head is foggy from the alcohol, the room is spinning slightly, the music vibrating through me, and there are soft hands roaming my body. I continue gyrating to the music and letting loose.

“Do you need another drink?” I hear him yell in my ear. I think his name might be Andrew, or maybe it’s Adam.

“Please,” I shout back. He removes his hands from my hips and moves toward the bar. I turn back to face the DJ, who has been playing all of my favorite songs tonight. I continue to dance on my own until I feel Andrew come back up behind me.

“Where’s my drink?” I ask, turning my head back around to look at him. Only it’s not him. Not at all. It’s the man from the other day at Café Italia. His name escapes me, but all the alcohol in the world couldn’t make me forget his face.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. He answers by pressing his lips to mine. The music feels good, and his lips feel incredible, so I decide to just let go for once in my life. So what if I don’t even know the guy? It’s a kiss in a crowded bar. Hoss does this all the time.

I kiss him back, feeling those rough lips move against mine. His tongue pushes against my lips, and I give him access, feeling my body loosen with every stroke of his tongue. We continue to move to the music.

He pulls back, smiling, and turns me around so I’m facing him. I notice Andrew, or Adam, coming back from the bar with our drinks. I duck down, shouting, “Let’s go,” to the man with the big hands.

We move toward the DJ and farther away from Adam, Andrew, whatever his name is. Soon enough, we get lost in the swarm of gyrating bodies, and he pulls me against him, placing his hands on my ass. I keep my hands around his neck as we dance to the beat of the music. I feel him grow hard against me, and it fuels my drunken confidence. For the first time in a long time, I feel sexy, wanted, and it feels fantastic. I grind up against him, the alcohol completely dissolving any inhibitions.

“Let’s get out of here,” he says huskily into my ear.

My eyes flash open as I consider what he’s implying. My body, in dire need of a man’s touch, takes over before rational thinking does, and before I realize it, I’m leading the way out of the club and into the back parking lot. I have a brief thought that I’m going to regret this. I’ve never had a one-night stand before. Hell, I’ve only ever slept with two people, but I push the rational part of me aside and just go for it.

He pushes me up against a sleek silver car, grabbing my ass. He forces himself against me so I can feel just how much he wants me. I reach down, and run my fingers lightly up his thigh. He pulls back.

“Get in the car. Now,” he demands. I’m incredibly turned on by his dominance so I decide to push my luck a little further. I reach up and lick up the side of his neck, pushing my breasts into him. He pulls back again.

“Get in the fucking car. Now,” he growls.

I bite my bottom lip, with what I’m hoping is a sassy smile, but who the hell knows. I’ve had too much to drink. I slip into his car as he jumps into the driver’s seat and speeds away. He reaches one hand across and places it on my knee, slowly moving it up toward my dress. My mind wanders to Hoss for a moment. Would he be more pissed that I’m not wearing my seatbelt, or that I’m going home with a guy I barely even know?

“Take off your panties,” he commands, bringing my attention back to him.

I look out the window at the traffic whizzing by and hesitate. He slaps the inside of my thigh, and I feel my nipples tighten in anticipation.

“Take off those fucking panties,” he orders.

I bite my lip again and grab the side of my thong, pulling it down past my knees.

“Off,” he growls again.

I pull them over my calves and heels nervously.

“Where am I going?” he asks.

“Seventeen Quinpool Street,” I reply.

“Good girl,” he says, rewarding me by moving his hands higher and higher until I feel his fingers make contact with my pussy.

“Holy fuck,” I cry out as I feel his fingers start to swirl. I’m amazed he can still drive, because I can’t even think straight.

I start to move myself against him, desperate for a release, but he pulls his hand away. I whimper, and he slaps my thighs again.

“Be patient,” he growls.

We pull into my driveway. “Go open the door,” he orders.

I do as he says and open the front door. I feel his hot breath against the base of my neck. He looks around the house. “Roommates?”

“None,” I say, removing my heels. I notice he’s brought a bag inside, and I wonder if he thinks he’s spending the night. At this point, I could care less.

“Take off all your clothes, let your hair down, and lay in your bed, spread out for me,” he breathes into my ear.

I nod, because it’s all I can do between the alcohol and the need to have this man between my thighs.

I walk slowly into my bedroom, stripping down along the way. I lay myself spread eagle on my bed. I have a brief moment of sanity, and think of fleeing out my back door. But my body is crying for a release and is bound to win out.

Chapter 4



I vaguely hear my front door open and a frantic “LANA!” being screamed. Alec releases his fingers from my neck, and I close my eyes, trying to find my bearings.

“Lana, where are you?” Vi screams, throwing open my door.

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