Faith and Hope in Lancaster (The Amish of Lancaster County #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Faith and Hope in Lancaster (The Amish of Lancaster County #1)
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Thomas leaned over the table. “What brought this on? Have you met someone?” When Aaron didn’t answer, Thomas took his hand. “Look me in the eye, son. I raised you better than that.”

Aaron lifted his head and met his
’s gaze. “You know I’ve been helping Jacob’s
in the shop.” Thomas nodded. “Sometimes the customers come in with their families. One man brought his daughter. She was really pretty.”

Hannah held her breath. She wished she could plug her ears. At the same time, she was afraid to miss a single syllable.

“A couple weeks ago, she came alone, and her car broke down in the middle of the road. Jacob’s
sent me out there to take a look at the car. Katie—her name is Katie—and I started talking, and she’s really sweet and smart. She told me she went on a mission to another country to help build houses for the poor people there. She wants to be a nurse one day,” Aaron finished in a rush. He dropped his head, and Hannah could see how stiffly he held his jaw.

She remained silent. A million thoughts jumbled in her head, but she didn’t trust herself to air a single one of them. Instead, she turned a beseeching look on her husband.

As always, Thomas knew just the thing to say. “Aaron, I’m pleased that you told us this. And I understand being attracted to a nice young lady. But you must keep in mind that we’re not like the
. Our values are different. Our lives are different. They don’t mind engaging in casual behavior. For us, there is only the future. We can’t afford to court for fun. We must always hold in mind the intention of marriage.”

Aaron started to argue, but Thomas held up a placating hand. “I realize this sounds like I’m trying to force my choices on you. I’m not. Tell me, son, what do you expect of this relationship, were you to pursue one?”

Aaron stopped to think. Hannah could see the wheels turning in his head.
Please, God, help us right this
, she pleaded.

“I guess I’d like a chance to see for myself,” Aaron said, chewing his bottom lip. “I made a choice to come back and live by the
, and I still mean to do that, but there are some things I just have to decide on my own.”

Hannah could understand that. But something told her it would be better to let Thomas answer. She clutched her hands in her lap.

“That’s fair,” Thomas said. “You really are becoming a man, my son. Tell you what—why don’t you see what this Katie thinks about our way of life, and we can talk again after that.” Aaron nodded and smiled. “There’s just one thing you must keep in mind: for marriage to be an option, she must be willing to become Amish.”

Aaron frowned, and he stared off into space, but he didn’t say anything.

Hannah busied herself gathering up the breakfast dishes. She stopped in front of Aaron and kissed his forehead. She wanted to beg him not to do anything foolish, but she knew that would drive him to do just that. Aaron had always been strong-willed. It was better to trust in God and let Aaron realize the best course of action on his own.

“Aaron, one last thing before we go off to start our day,” Thomas said, putting his hand on Aaron’s shoulder. Aaron glanced up at him. “Pray about it. Always pray about it. Whatever I say, God always knows better, and He will guide you to your truth.”

Aaron rose. “I’ll do that,
,” he promised. He put on his hat and left for his day working under Jacob’s
in the shop.

Hannah and Thomas looked at each other. “Everything at once,” Hannah said helplessly, not sure whether she should laugh or cry. Maybe both. Was this the season of wayward children?

Thomas appeared equally harassed. “You couldn’t be more right, my wife.” He hugged her, stroking her cheek with one callused hand. “I worry about Aaron. He’s always been so impulsive. We must be careful not to make him feel trapped. If he feels cornered, he might do something as stupid as running off with that girl.”

“We must give him the sense that we’re not telling him what to do,” Hannah finished. “God is really testing us this year.”

She looked outside. “I hope Miriam does contact us today. My heart won’t rest until I know she’s safe.”

“Mine, either,” said Thomas, betraying a worry she rarely saw in him. “Mine, either.”

Hannah passed the morning doing her washing and tending to the garden. The routine comforted her. Even if it felt like everything was changing, some things could always be counted on. The earth provided year after year, the seasons cycled one after the other, and, she thought with a smile, chemical-free baked goods were forever in demand at the market. That was as predictable as the sun rising.

A little before noon, when the sun burned down from the bright blue sky, she stood and wiped her forehead. Whew, was it hot outside!

The sound of footsteps reminded her she needed to get a simple lunch on the table. But the footsteps turned to a run. Someone was in a hurry. Had something happened?

“Where is she?” Jacob King roared.

“Jacob!” Hannah cried. Her heart thudded in her chest. She’d known Jacob since he was born, and she’d never seen this twisted, monstrous rage on his face before. “What kind of behavior is this?”

“Where is she?” he repeated, panting from his run.

“Where is who?” Thomas asked, appearing behind him. He frowned. “I will not have you yelling at my wife, young man. If you wish to speak with us, you will do it respectfully.”

Jacob’s eyes widened in shock at the admonition, and he appeared to realize where he was and who he was speaking with. “I—I’m sorry, sir.” He couldn’t quite bring himself to meet Hannah’s eyes. “Where is Annie?” he muttered.

The lines in Thomas’s weather-beaten face deepened. “Why are you looking for Annie?”

“I heard about her plan to marry Stephen, and—”

“Mamm! Mamm!”

Everyone’s head turned to see Annie rushing toward them, her skirts bunched in one hand and her face shining. “
, Miriam just called! I was at the bishop’s house, and . . .”

Her excited stream of words trailed off as she laid eyes on Jacob. Her head tilting, she inquired, “Jacob? What are you doing here?”

Before Jacob could answer, Hannah repeated her daughter’s announcement. “Miriam called?”

Annie nodded vigorously. “Yes, and I told her I’d go find you, and she should call again in ten minutes.” She grabbed Hannah’s and Thomas’s hands. “Come,
, there’s no time to waste!”

Hannah allowed herself to be dragged along to the bishop’s house. She would find out later what was wrong with the King boy, but right now, this was far more important. “Annie girl,” she scolded as they walked, “you do realize you skipped all your chores this morning?”

Annie blushed and ducked her head. “I’m sorry,
, but I had to go visit Stephen’s parents. They’re so happy, and so am I!” She released her parents’ hands and twirled in the road. “I’m getting married!”

“I’ll let it pass today,” Hannah said, hiding her smile, “but I expect you to be downstairs tomorrow morning bright and early and ready to help me with the baking. We have market in two days, you know.”

“I know,” Annie said, grinning widely. Just then, they approached the bishop’s house. Bishop Fisher stood outside, and they heard the sound of a telephone ringing.

Normally Hannah had as little to do with telephones and other modern conveniences as she could. It was the way of the
, and there was good reason for the ban. But beyond that, Hannah’s whole world was right here. Her family, her home, her community—so what need did she have of telephones? Who would she talk to?

Today, however, she was deeply grateful for the strange object that she’d watched others use. She accepted the receiver from the bishop’s wife, who smiled sympathetically. “Miriam?”

Miriam’s voice chirped back through the receiver. “I’m here,
! I’m in New York City!”

So strange
, Hannah thought. She could hear her daughter, but her daughter wasn’t there. These devices seemed to separate rather than unite. But at least she could hear her daughter’s voice. That was something.

She settled back into her chair. “Tell me everything.”

* * *

Staring out the picture window onto the Manhattan skyline, Miriam forced joy into her voice as she talked to her
. All she really wanted to do was beg her parents to take her home. This had been a mistake.

But the Roths were watching her with big smiles, sure that she was enjoying herself as much as they were. And Miriam had let everyone in the community know in no uncertain terms that she was going to have the time of her life in New York City. So she would grin and bear this. No one needed to know how she really felt.

“This is amazing,
!” she said. That was true enough; every single thing about life in this place astounded her, from the clothes to the food to the constant barrage of advertisements. Miriam couldn’t understand how everyone didn’t faint from the constant onslaught of noise! There was nowhere to escape to, nowhere to have a moment to yourself. She had to share her tiny room with Erin, who’d insisted on sharing her stuffed animals with Miriam and putting more stickers on her face.

Well, Miriam thought, aside from the lack of privacy, that part hadn’t been so bad. And the Roths were eager to entertain her. They’d brushed off her protests about being tired and fed her Indian takeout, something they called saag paneer and chana masala. The unfamiliar spices had overloaded her tongue, making her head reel, and the food burned her mouth. At first, she hated it, but she didn’t want to be impolite, so she kept eating.

Oddly, the more she ate, the less she disliked it. She couldn’t say she loved Indian food, but she didn’t hate it, either. In fact, she was proud of herself for trying something so strange. She wasn’t sure the rest of her family could have done that.

“Miriam?” her
asked, breaking into her thoughts. Miriam realized she hadn’t said anything for a few minutes. “Are you there, my girl?”

“Oh, sorry! I was just thinking what to tell you about first.” Miriam quickly launched into a story about watching television with the Roths. They’d put on a movie, which Pamela claimed had won award after award. None of those names meant anything to Miriam, but she was entranced by the film itself. Her sister Annie had talked about movies, and Miriam had been delighted.

But unlike Annie, she didn’t want to be an actress. “
, it’s so exciting! This is where people write stories.”

“Hmm,” said Hannah. “Well, be careful, and be certain you thank your host family for everything, all right?”

“Of course not,” Miriam said.  Now she didn’t feel so homesick anymore. “They’re taking me roller-skating today! On a real ice rink! And then we’re getting ice cream.”

“That does sound wonderful,” her mother admitted. “Just . . . don’t forget your nightly prayers.”

“Of course not,” Miriam said again, feeling impatient. “
, they’re waiting for me. I’d better go, but I’ll call you again soon!”

“Wait,” said her mother. “Here’s your
. Let him hear your voice.”

“We love you, daughter,” her
said. He sounded far away, too far. “Be a good girl, okay? And let us know if you need anything.”

Miriam felt her throat choking up. Before she could cry, she agreed and pressed the E
button. She could almost hear the connection between her family and her snap.

A hand touched her arm. “Is everything okay?” Pamela asked gently. She held out a bright red mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Miriam blinked her tears away. “Yes,” she said firmly. “Weren’t you going to show me how to use the microwave?”

* * *

Annie had run off as soon as her parents took Miriam’s call. Her stomach roiled. What was Jacob doing at her house?

She had to catch him before her parents got back. She was not about to let Jacob ruin things for her.

Something told her he would still be waiting there for her. She ran faster, her heavy shoes sticking and making belching sounds in the mud.

Her house came into sight, and sure enough, there he was, cockily sitting on her porch as if someone had invited him. All he needed, she thought wryly, was a cold glass of freshly pressed lemonade. Which she was not about to give him.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” she demanded.

Jacob leaped to his feet. “I could ask you the same thing. What do you think you’re doing?”

A shiver ran through Annie at the sight of him. His bold green eyes pierced her, and though she tried to suppress the memory, she couldn’t keep from recalling the kiss they’d shared in vivid detail. His mouth had been so soft and warm, and she’d known in a way she couldn’t explain that it wasn’t just a kiss to him. It was . . . a promise?

Her lips tingled with the ghost of his mouth against them, and she couldn’t help her involuntary intake of breath. He must have heard, because his eyes dropped to her mouth, and he swallowed hard.

She dropped her gaze to her feet. This was too much. Much too much. “Jacob,” she whispered, her voice barely a whisper, “this—this is . . .”

“What are you doing?” he burst out.

Her head jerked up. “What am

“Yes,” he said, standing and taking her hands in his. “What are you doing? I have been waiting to talk to you, but you’ve been avoiding me since you returned from your

“Talk—talk to me?” Annie’s heart stuttered the same way her words were. She kept her head bowed, her eyes on their clasped hands, and tried not to think about how warm his hands were. Stephen’s palms were callused, but despite the work Jacob did with engines, his were delightfully smooth. “Why?”

“Yes.” Jacob squeezed her hands, so Annie had no choice but to look up and meet his gaze. She forgot to breathe. She’d forgotten how handsome he was, how strong—the qualities that had drawn her to him beneath the tree that day . . .

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