Fairytales (7 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Freeman

BOOK: Fairytales
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“That’s just the point, you didn’t ask, you took it upon yourself to go out and buy one on your own. A husband and wife talk about that sort of thing.”

“Oh, really? … well, the last time we talked about
that sorta thing,
I ended up livin’ in what you wanted and hatin’ myself for it.”

“You sound like you’ve been living in the ghetto. A lot of people would give their eyeteeth to have a house like this, but if it wasn’t
enough for you, well, it’s the best I could afford and then some.”

“But it’s not now.”

“Then in that case, why the hell didn’t you come to me and sit down and talk it out?”

“Because I knew what you’d say … that it was too expensive and that you had all your money tied up in stocks and bonds and property and God knows what. No, sir, Dominic, my children aren’t gonna keep on livin’ in a place like this. I’m gonna live a gracious life with all the comforts I was accustomed to when you took me from my home.”

“Okay, you can have all the comforts you’re accustomed to, since you feel I’ve deprived you so … but you can live there without me. Do you hear, Catherine, because I’m leaving. I’ve had enough of this for ten years.”

“You shouldn’t have married me! Should’ve married someone like your sister Theresa.”

“You’re absolutely right.” With that, he hurried into his clothes, grabbed a suitcase from the closet and began wildly to pack.

“And where the hell do you think you’re goin’?”

He didn’t answer, just kept on packing.

Catherine jumped out of bed and stood in front of him, “Dominic, I’m warnin’, don’t do somethin’ you’re gonna regret … I’m warnin’ you.”

“Get out of my way.”

“No, goddamn it, you aren’t gonna leave this house.”

He pushed her to one side. Suddenly, Catherine was on the floor where she had slipped and fallen. She let out a scream in pain. Dominic knelt down and picked her up, then put her on the bed, “My God, Catherine, are you alright?”

All the anger was forgotten in that moment. “No, I think … I think I’m really hurt, Dominic … I think I’m bleedin’.” She cried out, “Oh, Dominic, I don’t want to lose my baby, I couldn’t bear that.”

“It’s alright, Catherine, I’m going to call Dr. Vincente.” Dominic was shaking as he spoke to the doctor and explained there had been an accident. Dr. Vincente did not question him as to how it had occurred, but said he would be there immediately, then Dominic went back to Catherine. He pulled up a straight-backed chair, sat next to the bed and held her hand. My God, if anything happened to this child, he’d never forgive himself. How could he have been so bereft of all his senses as not to have remembered Catherine was expecting. He bit his lip as Catherine moaned.

“I’m gonna lose my baby, Dominic,” she wept.

“No, darling, everything will be alright … it will be alright. Please don’t cry, please darling.”

“I’ll just die if anythin’ happens.”

“Nothing’s going to happen. Dr. Vincente is on his way. Please try and stay calm if you can.” God, why the hell wasn’t Dr. Vincente here yet? If anything … but Dominic could not finish the thought as he heard the door bell ringing. Getting up quickly, he ran down the stairs two at a time, then followed the doctor up to where Catherine was. He remained outside pacing the floor back and forth. He turned around when he heard a small voice behind him, “Papa, is Mama sick?” Tory asked.

“Just a little, Tory, just a little.”

“You’re crying, Papa.”

Dominic picked the little boy up and held him close as the tears ran down his cheeks. Then he wiped them with his sleeve and looked at the child. He must have been out of his mind to say he could leave. No wonder Catherine had tried to hold him back. No matter what she had done, it hadn’t given him the right to walk out on her and at a time such as this … what kind of man did a thing like that? … with small children and expecting? She had faults, so did he. If only he could remember Catherine was a spirited woman that wouldn’t be controlled or bent to his will. She simply wasn’t that way and wasn’t that the very trait he had fallen in love with. Of course, she was petulant and spoiled in many ways … and of course, a great many of their problems stemmed from the fact that Catherine refused to yield, thinking that if she did, it would make her subservient.

What he wanted was for her to be a simple, understanding, loving wife who thought about his life and his welfare and his wants … and if that’s what he wanted, he should never have married Catherine. But goddamn it, wasn’t that the most selfish attitude a man could have. So, Dominic thought, the very thing I’m accusing her of is the thing I’m guilty of … thinking only of my needs. Beating himself mentally he was making all kinds of excuses in Catherine’s defense.

“Everything is alright,
mio figlio,”
Dominic said reassuringly to his son as he took the child down the long hall back to his room. When he entered, Dom was sitting up in bed.

“Is Mama alright, Papa?”

“Yes, Dom,” he answered as he tucked Tory in.

“But I heard Mama crying,” Dom answered apprehensively.

“Yes, I know. She fell down, but she’s alright now.”

The children must have heard them arguing and how frightening and insecure that can make a child, Dominic thought. Swallowing the hard lump in his throat he bent down and kissed the boy on the cheek and said, “Don’t worry, Dom. Mama’s fine. Now, go back to sleep … both of you … I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night, Papa,” they said as he closed the door softly behind him.

He sat on the Victorian red velvet settee against the wall, with his head buried in his hands, and started to cry. Why did he allow his temper to become so fever-pitched. Catherine could make him so angry at times, he really wanted to choke her … no, not really. She had so much that was good in her. There wasn’t a more loving and devoted mother, an exceptional housekeeper and it couldn’t have been easy for her in the beginning. Of course she rebelled … she wasn’t accustomed to being denied. That wasn’t her fault, it was the way she’d been brought up. He was going to accept the things about her he didn’t like and try very hard to overlook them. It wasn’t easy to control one’s impulses when he was angry. “But I’ve got to learn to deal with Catherine for the sake of the children … for the sake of our own personal tranquility … for the sake of our future. I must. Dearest God, let Catherine have this child, born healthy and whole, please, I beg you.” Suddenly in his guilt Catherine emerged in his mind with all the virtues and none of the vices.

He was startled when Dr. Vincente put his hand on Dominic’s shoulder and said, “I think everything is under control, I’ve stopped the bleeding. However, Dominic, I can’t say for sure that we’re out of the woods. We’ll know in the next few days … naturally Catherine is very upset which doesn’t help, but I’ve given her an injection for sleep … I suggest it might be more comfortable if she could have the bed to herself. Now, Dominic, get some rest, you look tired. I’ll be here early in the morning. Good night.”

“Yes. You’ll forgive me if I don’t show you out?”

“Go in to your wife, that’s more important.”

“Thank you for everything.”

“What for? Get some rest,” he said as he descended the stairs, but Dominic did not wait until the front door shut as he hurried to their room.

Entering, he heard Catherine’s voice weak and unsteady, “Dominic, please sit here till I fall asleep.”

“Yes, darling.” He seated himself once again in the chair beside the bed and held her hand.



“Your eyes are red … have you been cryin’?”


“Oh, my dear … you do love me, don’t you.”

“Very much, Catherine.”

“I don’t know why I question you at times.”

“Darling, Dr. Vincente said he’d given you something for sleep … we can talk another time.”

“No, Dominic, please, I’m really not sleepy. Dominic?”


“I’m really wicked at times, I know it … I’m impulsive and in spite of knowin’, I go right on doin’ the very thing I know is gonna make you angry. Why do I, Dom?”

“Because it hasn’t been easy for you … I know at times you feel frustrated. I’ve been so busy, trying to make a name for myself that I can understand you feeling neglected. But Catherine, I don’t know how to stop trying… I just can’t back up now at the most productive time in my life. Darling, all I can say is, I love you very much. I just wish we understood one another better. For all our sakes, especially the children’s, and become a little more tolerant of each of each.”

“I surely hope so, Dominic … I’m gonna try, I really mean I’m gonna try.”

“So am I, Catherine. Now, darling, go to sleep.” Dominic remained until Catherine fell asleep, then went downstairs and slept, uncomfortably, on the couch.

The next few days were filled with a great deal of anxiety and although Dominic was in the middle of a large negotiation, he put off whatever he could in order to stay close to Catherine’s side. After watching Catherine carefully, Dr. Vincente said to Dominic, “I don’t think we have to worry any longer. If Catherine hasn’t aborted by now, I feel almost certain she will carry the full term, but she’s going to have to be very careful and rest a great deal.”

“Thank God,” Dominic answered, sighing deeply. The worst was over.

Since Dominic had still not seen the new house, Catherine said, when she felt stronger, “Darlin’, take me for a ride.”

“I don’t think we should … yet.”

“It’s alright. I asked Dr. Vincente and he said I could.”

“Fine. Where do you want to go?”

“To show you
new house.”

“Okay, can I help you with anything?”

“Just have Anna get the children ready.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to go alone … just the two of us. It might be too much of a strain having them all come.”

“No, darlin’, I want my whole little family to share this one glorious moment. It’s a happy day, Dom … we’ve survived so much together, I think we should all share in the joy, don’t you?”

“Yes.” He smiled, kissed Catherine, holding her close, then went and gathered his brood.

The children squealed with excitement, running all over the huge house. Little Dom slid down the bannister with Tory not far behind. And the twins were outside trying to climb a large tree, while Bobby, just turned four, was in one of the bathrooms, running the water in the tub and splashing his stockinged feet. By now, he was wet to his underwear … but it was such fun. Gina Maria hung onto her father’s hand. Even at two, the devotion she had for Papa was a thing that was to last all of her life. Excitedly, Catherine led Dominic from one room to another, then they stood before the large window overlooking the blue bay and the green hills of Marin. “What do you think, Dominic?”

He was thinking he’d have to sell some of his investments in order for them to live here, but he owed her this. Smiling, he answered, “It’s magnificent, Catherine.”

“You really like it?”

“How could I help it.”



“You’re not angry anymore?”

“Oh, no, darling … no. In fact, I’m happy, now that you bought it. This is where you belong. I know it more than ever before.”

“You mean it … really mean it … not just sayin’ that to appease me?”

“No, Catherine, I mean it.”

“But you said, I belonged here … you didn’t say

“I meant we … yes,
do belong here.”

“Oh, Dominic, we’re gonna be so happy here, I just know it … feel it in my heart. It’s a place for the children to grow … for us to grow. Nobody knows better than I how important one’s heritage is and I want our children to have that … I also know you’re makin’ a lot of very important friends and I want you to be proud to bring them here. I haven’t begun to show my potential as a hostess. Dominic, you’re gonna be so proud of me. I’m gonna be what my Mama trained me for.”

Dominic looked at his wife, his eyes narrowed slightly in contemplation. Then, ever so fleetingly, the thought of Catherine’s Mama vanished. He smiled, “Catherine, just be you.”

“I’m gonna be, Dominic. I surely am gonna be me for the first time in a long time. And the kinda wife I’ve dreamed of bein’ in a house like this.” Then she walked quickly into the marble foyer where her happy voice echoed in the vast empty mansion, “Where’re my babies … Dom and Tory, get off that bannister and go look for your brothers.” When she saw Bobby soaking wet, Catherine laughed so hard, there were tears in her eyes. Then gathering them all around her, and with a grand sweeping gesture, she said, “This is
our new home
… it is indeed and this is where we’re gonna have the best time of our lives. I’m just about the luckiest woman in the world … and that’s a fact.”

From that day until her seventh month, Catherine spent almost all her time at the new house with the contractor who was remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms, complaining about the costs, and taking their good old time to do the work. And the painter quit in the middle of the job because Catherine kept after him while he spackled the walls, watching for every tiny crack, but what broke the camel’s back was she decided the colors he had applied were not the same as she had chosen. Angrily, he walked off the job.

At this point, she became irritable and terribly fatigued. Each evening, after the children were put to sleep, she would collapse exhausted on her bed and fall asleep immediately.

Dominic was away on a case and would be for a few more days. At eleven o’clock that night, Catherine began to have excruciating pains. Her breathing labored, she called Dr. Vincente on the phone and told him to please come immediately. He was there within minutes. After examining her, he said, “Catherine, I’m going to take you to the hospital.”

“No … no … I can’t go. I’m only in my seventh month; Dominic’s not here and I know I’m gonna die,” she screamed hysterically.

“Now, Catherine, listen to me,” he answered as he put his arm around her shoulders, “you’re not to think of such terrible things … many women have premature babies. You’re a healthy young woman. Now, you must be calm, everything is going to be fine, just trust me.”

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