Fairytale Love - Becca & Brian (11 page)

Read Fairytale Love - Becca & Brian Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romantic Comedy, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Fairytale Love - Becca & Brian
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Love for the girl sitting across from him welled in Brian’s chest. Becca wasn’t just beautiful. She had the biggest heart. She cared about people

“Yeah. That was Dr. Corbin’s recommendation. Which is why it looks like I’m not going to be headed back to NYU.”

This morning, Brian had talked to his parents about his plans not to go back to school. His dad had not been happy about it. His mom had looked equally relieved and sad. Brian knew that both of his parents wanted him to be able to continue his education, but under the circumstances, it just wasn’t possible. His mom understood that. His dad? Not so much. But Brian was sure that he would come around. He always did.

“Oh, Brian.” Becca looked pained as she reached across the table and covered his hand with hers.

At the soft touch of her fingers, his body became electrified with awareness. It was like the moment he’d pulled her into his arms on that dance floor, a switch had been flipped in him and now all it took was one look, one word, one touch and arousal spread through him like a wildfire.

“It’s fine.” He heard the huskiness in his voice and hoped that she would just read it as emotion, not lust, which was what it really was. After clearing his throat, Brian assured her, “There are worse things in this world than being able to take care of your family.”

He saw tears pool in Becca’s shockingly blue eyes as she slowly shook her head from side to side, breathing out in whisper of awe, “Do you have any idea how amazing you are?”

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Brian responded with the same reverence Becca had spoken with.

Turning his hand beneath hers, Brian began running his thumb up and down the soft skin below her thumb on her palm. He heard Becca suck in a short gasp as he looked into her brilliant, sapphire eyes. Something shifted in the air between the two of them as they sat staring at each other across the table. The dark, black circles that sat in the middle of her ocean-blue irises, dilated as her lips parted.

“Brian,” her voice came softly, nervously. She looked as if she were trying to find the courage to speak.

His heart thumped heavily in his chest as he waited for her to find the right words. Before that happened, his phone buzzed loudly in his pocket. He would’ve ignored it, but his dad was getting a checkup this morning, so Brian needed to make sure that this call wasn’t something that needed his attention.

Reluctantly, he pulled his hand from Becca’s grasp and retrieved his phone. He didn’t recognize the number. Since his mom’s phone was always dying because she never remembered to charge it, it wasn’t unheard of for her to use a stranger’s phone or call directly from the hospital.

“I should get this,” he explained to Becca. “It might be my mom.”

She nodded as he put the phone to his ear.


“Yes, is this Brian? Brian Scott?” a female voice he didn’t recognize asked.


“Brian, this is Sabrina Denton, producer on
Fairytale Love
. I’m calling to let you know that you’ve been chosen as a cast member. I’m emailing you the details and contract now. I’ll need you to return them to me by midnight, Eastern Standard Time tonight.”

With everything going on in his head about him and Becca and also his family, he’d totally forgotten about the reality show. His life was not in a place where he could take off for a month, and even though it was for TV, and not real, his heart was not in a place where he could ‘date’ someone. Not with the feelings he had for Becca.

“Thank you so much for the opportunity. Unfortunately, my circumstances have changed and I won’t be able to—”

The producer on the other end of the phone interrupted him, not seeming at all surprised by his reluctance. “It’s twenty thousand dollars guaranteed. Five hundred thousand for the couple that wins the show, five hundred thousand for the couple if they agree to shoot a spinoff, and if they make it an entire year and the ratings support it, then a bonus five hundred thousand per person. That’s a chance at a million dollars and a guaranteed twenty thousand.”

The waitress showed up and delivered their food, but he barely noticed. As he stared into the blue pools of Becca’s gorgeous eyes, everything inside of him was screaming to hang up the phone and tell her how he felt about her. That he loved her. Not just as a friend. That he was madly in love with her and he wanted to be with her. That it didn’t matter if she didn’t return his feelings—she was the love of his life and he
to tell her.

If it were just him, that’s exactly what Brian would do. But it wasn’t just him. In the situation his parents had found themselves in, there was no way Brian could be selfish enough to turn down that kind of money. Twenty thousand dollars would go a long way in helping with tuition. Not to mention the chance at a

Brian felt like he was caught between a love rock and a financial hard place. But he knew what he had to do.

“All right. Go ahead and email the details,” Brian said. He heard the uncertainty in his own voice.

Apparently, Sabrina subscribed to the ‘stop while you’re ahead’ sales philosophy because after a clipped, “Sounds good,” the line disconnected and she was gone.

Brian felt numb as he put the phone back in his pocket.

“Everything okay?” Becca asked sweetly.

“Yeah.” Brian looked down at his plate filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and even though just minutes ago he’d been starving, he had absolutely no appetite whatsoever now. Raking his fingers through his hair, he let out a breath as he leaned back against the booth. Then, looking up at his best friend, the girl he was ready to pledge his unwavering, undying love for, he explained, “I got the show. I’m going to be on
Fairytale Love

* * *

Becca’s heart ached like it was breaking from the inside out. She knew that she should be happy for her friend. But…she wasn’t.

Brian let out a frustrated breath as he sat up straighter and placed his elbows on the table. When his eyes met hers, she felt his stare all the way to the tips of her toes, with a special emphasis between her legs.

The energy between them crackled with electricity. Becca felt herself holding her breath. She wasn’t doing it on purpose. Her non-breathing status was purely an involuntary response to Brian’s golden eyes locked with hers.

She could see that something was going on behind the amber-colored windows to his soul. He was battling with something, and her instincts were telling her that it was something big. But no matter how badly the little voice inside of her head was screaming at her to speak, to say something, anything, all she could do was sit, breath held, and wait.

“I don’t want to do this, the show. But I can’t turn down the money,” Brian explained in an apologetic, tortured tone.

Becca finally took a breath. She wasn’t sure exactly what she had expected him to say. But it hadn’t been that. Definitely not that.

Feeling like the worst friend, the worst person, in the world for not being excited for her friend, she pasted the best fake smile she could muster on her face. “Are you kidding me? This is so exciting!”

Brian stared at her, and she knew that he could see right through her Suzy-smiles-a-lot persona.

“So where does it shoot? How long will you be gone? Did they say what prince they cast you as? Do you know if you’re Phillip?” Becca rapid-fired questions at Brian. She had a tendency to do that when she was upset or nervous.

Thinking about whatever girl would be lucky enough to be Brian’s ‘princess,’ she heard Watts from
Some Kind of Wonderful
in her head, saying, “
Break his heart, I’ll break your face.”
She would, too. Whoever it was better be good to him.

Brian shook his head slightly as if he were coming out of a fog. “You know, what. I didn’t even ask. But Sabrina, the producer, said that she would be emailing me the details and contracts.”

“That’s great,” Becca enthused brightly. Only after her response had left her lips did she realize that he hadn’t said anything that needed that level of support. An ‘oh, okay’ would have been sufficient. She needed to pull it together and be Brian’s
. “So, if you win, does that mean you’ll get to go back to school?”

Brian let out a forced laugh as he said, “Yeah,
I win. That’s a big if, but the producer said that the couple who wins gets five hundred thousand dollars then an additional five hundred large if they agree to do a follow-up spinoff, and then, if that goes well and they make it a full year, they get another five hundred thousand each.”

?” Becca heard herself repeat as she gulped over a large knot that had formed instantly in her throat at Brian’s words. He could potentially be with his ‘princess’ for a
Of course, that made sense.

Logically, Becca knew that the financial incentive made perfect sense. The show would want the publicity of having the success story of the relationship working out. Becca tried to quiet the voice inside of her head that was screaming, “
No, don’t go
Please don’t go find the love of your life on a reality show!

Brian’s mouth pulled up in a half smile as he looked at Becca with so much emotion that it almost caused her to get choked up. It also held the panic that was bubbling up inside of her at bay.

“What?” she asked.

A lot of times, he got that look on his face when he thought she was doing something cute, but she was abso-freaking-lutely sure that she was not doing anything that could possibly be classified as even remotely ‘cute’ at the moment.

Brian’s hands once again covered hers and his thumb brushed along the sensitized skin of her palm right below her thumb. His featherlight touch sent a shooting sensation straight to her lady parts. She had never studied reflexology, but there had to be something to it, because holy hot sauce, it was like there was a direct line from her palm to the apex at her thighs.

“Anyone else would have asked about the money. But not you. You ask about the time commitment,” Brian said, his tone indicating that he thought that was a good thing. Endearing, even.

Becca decided that she was going to have to assume that’s how he meant it, because at this moment, all of the cells in her body were currently rising up in revolt against her very firm command of ‘no swooning.’ She was smack-dab in the middle of one of the biggest swoon moments in her life from a brush of Brian’s thumb. So she had no brain cells to spare to try to come up with a follow-up question.

She felt a buzzing against her hip, and the thought, briefly, flashed in her mind that it was weird that the sensation Brian’s caress was causing had migrated from between her legs. It wasn’t until Brian pointed out that Becca’s phone was ringing that she realized that it was not arousal but someone calling her.

“Oh, right.” She pulled her hand away from him and pulled out her phone.

Her mom had wanted her to stop by this morning to go through some pictures she’d found up in the attic. She’d agreed to go over there before Brian had called and said that he needed to talk to her and asked her to go to breakfast.

Thinking it was her mom checking to see where she was, Becca answered distractedly, “Hi.”

“Hi, I’m looking for Becca Sloan.” A deep, unfamiliar voice spoke with authority.

“This is she.” Becca wished she would have checked the caller ID instead of just assuming that it had been her mom calling. She had no idea who this was.

“This is Gavin Halloway, a producer with
Fairytale Love

“Hi,” Becca said, not sure why the producer would be calling her phone unless they were looking for Brian. Or maybe they were looking for information on Brian. They always used each other as references. She figured that must be it.

“You have been chosen as a cast member on
Fairytale Love
,” Gavin said in an almost comical-style announcer voice.

Becca wasn’t sure if this was a joke or not. “Are you serious?”

She looked up at Brian, who still seemed as if he was having a serious internal battle raging inside of him as he stared down at the full plate of breakfast food. He wasn’t eating; which meant he was

Brian had had to grow up
too fast. He’d had more responsibilities, before he had been legally allowed to drive, than most adults. The weight of the world had been on his shoulders then, and sadly, still was.

Becca hated seeing him like that. Every instinct inside of her just wanted to take all the stress and worry away from him. She used to just want to distract him by watching movies, playing board games, and hanging out. Now, she still wanted to distract him, but the methods she wanted to use weren’t nearly as innocent.

“Am I serious? Of course I’m serious. I’ve already emailed you the contract and your call sheet.”

“Call sheet?” Becca repeated as her mind began spinning like a pinwheel. She didn’t have any idea what this Gavin was talking about. Her audition had been a fluke. She did
want to be on a reality show.

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