Fade to Black (11 page)

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Authors: M. Stratton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Fade to Black
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“You’re right. Isn’t that what I tell Leo
all the time? It’s better to try and fail than to not try at all?”

“Yes, it is. So take your own advice

“I will, I will. So…”

“Oh, no, this isn’t going to be good.” Dory
stood up and started to make sure the pictures on the wall were straight.

“So…” Lily glared at her and continued,
“How’s the new girlfriend? You weren’t around much, and now you have been. What

“She’s really great.”

Lily stared at her and waved a hand toward
her. “That’s it? Wow, you really need to learn how to cut back on the
descriptions. You’re a bit over the top here.”

“Shut up.”

“No, I think it’s you who is shutting up. Now

“You and I were busy with our new loves.
Then Leo was sick. She was great at giving me the space I needed to spend time
with both of you. But now that Dev is coming back into your life… maybe I’ll
see if I can get a hot date for tonight.”

“You should! Go out, we’ll be fine.”

“I know you both will be.”




looked in the mirror for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes. Her hair
was trying to escape the clip she had it held back in. Quickly fixing it, she
turned and adjusted the display of glass bottles again. She’d been through the
gallery too many times to count. When she heard a powerful engine pull up
outside, she ran to the window. As she peered out, her shoulders slumped in
disappointment. It was only a local delivery truck and sounded nothing like
Devlin’s engine. Turning around, she gasped when she saw Devlin standing there

“Miss me?”

She grinned and nodded but didn’t move any closer
to him. When he opened his arms wide for her, she took a running leap and
jumped into them. With his arms tight around her, she buried her face in his
neck, breathing in his scent. This was what she wanted. “I did.”

“I’m glad I decided to come early. Now let
me taste those lips I’ve been away from for way too long.”

“With pleasure.”
She tilted her head and was surprised by the force in which he took her lips.
The memory of them together filled her mind and she wanted him.
Wanted all of him.
She needed to get closer to him; she ran
her hand under his black shirt, feeling his skin ripple under her fingers. He
moved her backwards until she was stopped by the counter. With ease he lifted
her up so she was on the counter with him between her legs. Pulling away from
her, he leaned her backwards and kissed her stomach. As he moved up, her shirt
moved with him, exposing her skin. She shivered when his fingers found her
nipple. Gripping his shoulders, she started to squirm while wanting more. She
hooked her hand in his pants and reached in with the other, grabbing his cock
and squeezing it.

“Well, well, well, isn’t this interesting?”

Lily scooted away from Devlin and sat up.

“Here I thought you’d need some help, but I
get here and see the two of you have things well in hand.”

You could have been a few minutes later,” Lily said.

“And they,” Dory said as she pointed to the
large window and the crew arriving, “Could have also arrived earlier.” She

“Shit.” Devlin adjusted himself. “Thanks.”

“No problem.
Dory grinned and nodded at him.
“Nice to
see you again, Devlin.”

Before anyone could comment, Lily’s little
gallery was filled with people. Everyone wanted something and she was either
pushed to the background or was being asked five questions at once. Her head
was spinning and she wasn’t sure what she should do. She looked over and saw
the supporting actors talking to Devlin. Who would have thought her life would
become so different so quickly? Being this close to movie stars and one of the
biggest directors today was mind-blowing to her. This was something she never
expected to happen to her.

Before she knew it, they were yelling
‘action’ and filming. She stood there not breathing while they shot the first
scene. By the third time, she tried to breathe quietly. The next thing she knew
they were finished with the first scene and moving onto the next one. While
everyone was taking a break to set up, she went upstairs to her kitchen. She
wasn’t sure what she was feeling, as everything felt surreal. Deciding a cup of
tea would help, she started the kettle. She heard someone coming up the stairs
and pulled another cup down from the cabinet, knowing it would be either Dory
or Devlin.

“Well, I see the big reunion went well,”
Dory said.

“It did.”

“So then what’s up? You’re acting strange.”

Lily sat down at the table. “I honestly
don’t know. All of this was never anything I ever dreamed of. Meeting movie
stars and talking to them, that’s not me. I’m a beer and pizza kind of gal. I feel
like I don’t measure up.” She held her hand up to stop Dory. “I know
you don’t have to say anything. I measure up. But I have my
own little world here, most of it wrapped up in Leo, completely different than
movie making and jetting around the world. Just what in the hell would I even
say to them?”

“They’re just people too.”

“I know… I know. I don’t know what’s wrong
with me.”

“You know. You’re scared.
Scared to fall in love again, and with a famous movie star on top
of it.
Scared to let go and enjoy yourself, do something for yourself
for once. You’re scared of Leo getting too close to Devlin and getting hurt.
And I know, mama bear, which one scares you the most.”

Lily poured the hot water into their cups
as she thought about what Dory said. She knew Dory was right. Putting the
kettle back on the stove, she looked out the window and saw Leo and Devlin
running around the backyard. Seeing him allow her son to tackle him and roll
around in the grass softened her heart. Hearing her son’s laughter mix with his
deep rumble turned her to mush. She knew she was a goner and wondered why she
was even fighting it anymore.




The movie crew left as quickly as they had
come. Lily turned around in her gallery, noting how everything was back to
normal. Except for the memory of the past few hours, it was as if there was no
trace they had even been there. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure it was
real. Devlin said he’d cook tonight and had brought everything he needed. He
wouldn’t tell her what he was making, but it smelled wonderful. Turning the
lock on the front door, she turned around and raced up the stairs to where her
men waited for her.




Later that night, Lily lay wrapped in
Devlin’s arms on the couch. It felt right having him here with them. Leo had
fallen asleep on the loveseat and she had dozed off, too. She tried to keep her
eyes open to enjoy every second of their time together, not knowing how long it
would last. Finally, sleep overcame her. When Devlin lifted her, she tried to
open her eyes but couldn’t. “Leo…” was all she could say.

“Shhh… I’ve already put him to bed. Now
let’s get you in yours.”

“Miss you.”

me too.
I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Don’t want you to go.”

“Me either… me either…”

He laid her down, tucked her in, and kissed
her softly. She was asleep before he left the room.




sat there wrapped in Ashley’s arms watching a movie. She was trying to distract
herself from the plot since it was full of suspense, which always put her on
edge. She was happy Devlin was back in Lily’s life. It was amazing they both
found love at the same time. Her love life had always been turbulent. Her past
included the boys she had dated because she wasn’t sure of
she was. Then there were women, ones she should have never even talked to, let
alone gone into a relationship with. The only one who had accepted her was Lily;
she’d stood by her side since high school, picking up the pieces of her broken
heart, and helping her hold onto the little pieces which remained time and time

“Hey, babe, I’d love for Lily to meet you.
I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful she is. And she has a new boyfriend. Well,
I shouldn’t say new. That makes it sound like she dates all the time. Actually
her last boyfriend was her ex, Deke, and they met in high school.” Dory fiddled
nervously with Ashley’s bracelet. “Anyway, they’re getting serious, and so are
we. I think it’s time everyone met.” She held her breath waiting for Ashley’s
answer, as it was important to Dory.

“Sure, I’d love to meet your friend. And
you’re right, we are getting serious, it’s time. I do have to travel this next
week, maybe you can set something up for when I get back?” Ashley gave her a

“Maybe we could get together next weekend?
I’m sure I could talk Lily into making her baked chicken; it’s to die for. And
her place is bigger and you’d get to see her gallery.” Dory nodded toward the
sculpture of a woman on the fireplace mantle. “I know you liked that one she
did. She’s really good.
And nice, really nice.
I know
you’ll like her.”

“Dory, honey, calm down. It’ll be fine. Why
are you so nervous?” Ashley ran her fingers through Dory’s hair.

“Because you both mean so
much to me.
I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t
like each other.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re going to have
to worry about that. Come on, relax, you’re all tense.”

Dory laughed, “Well, this movie isn’t
helping. I feel like the boogeyman is going to pop out of the closet at any
moment now. Maybe we should take a break and get something to eat. I have some
fruit and cheese ready to go, and of course, more wine.”

“You know that actually sounds great. Come
on, I’ll race you to the kitchen.” Ashley jumped up off of the couch and they
raced to the kitchen. When they skidded to a stop and slid into the counter,
she grabbed Dory and kissed her passionately. She had a small smile on her face
when she pulled away, breathing hard.

“Wow… I can’t seem… to catch my… breath.”
Dory placed her hand over her chest and rested against the counter. “I think… I
might… need to… sit down.” Her heart was racing in her chest; it was almost too
painful. She debated if she should say anything. She hadn’t told Ashley about
her heart issues, but she’d had episodes like this one before and she always
ended up fine. Not wanting to worry her, she tried to control her breathing
while she gripped the edge of the counter.

Ashley walked to the refrigerator and
opened it, sticking her head in to see what was in there. “I’m sure you’re
fine. Let’s see what we have in here. Oh, look, you already have everything
you really know how to charm a girl. Well, you’re not
the only one.” She turned around to face Dory.

“Please… call 9-1-1… my heart… it hurts…”
Dory slid down the cabinets and her butt hit the floor hard as her fingers
clutched at her chest, the pain radiating throughout her body.

“Oh, now why would I do that? I’ve been
hoping this would happen for weeks now.”

“What?” Dory blinked at Ashley. She had to have
misheard her. Something wasn’t right; she’d misunderstood her.

“Oh, yes, please, let’s see if we can get
your poor, little, weak heart to beat even harder.” An evil smile spread across
her face. “I’ve been trying to kill you for weeks.”

Ashley laughed when Dory’s eyes became
large and her hands shook harder as she tried to grab the edge of the counter
to pull
up. Ashley reached over and slapped
Dory’s hand. “Oh, come on. And you aren’t going anywhere.” Patting her on the
side of her face, each pat harder than the one before it, her eyes glittered
with anger. “Die, you stupid bitch, just fucking die already.”

“Ashley… I… don’t under… stand.” How could
she be doing this to her? Something wasn’t right.

“Of course you don’t.” She grabbed Dory
painfully by the face, making her look directly at her. “My name isn’t Ashley,
it’s Hayden, and Devlin is mine. He’s always been mine. He always will be mine.
Now fucking die so I can get him back where he belongs.”




Hayden had done her research and knew Dory
had a weak heart. It shouldn’t take long before she was dead. Since she was
unable to kill the bitch’s son, she would have to make do with her best friend
and look for another opportunity to get to the boy. Her plan was to take
everything away from her, and then Devlin. Once Dev was back with her, he’d
come to his senses and would know they were meant for each other. Lily would be
too demanding, too needy. He’d leave her quicker than she could blink.

tried to talk a few times before any words came out, “But… I thought…”

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