Expecting Royal Twins! (17 page)

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Authors: Melissa McClone

Tags: #Mechanics (Persons), #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Princes

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His gaze met hers. “A duty you are attached to also.”

She nodded.

“Our duty isn’t only to Vernonia. It’s to each other and our children.” Niko’s words made her heart sing. “I want you with me, Isabel. Always. I offer all that I have and all that I am. I hope that is enough.”

The choice was hers. She could take what he was offering or leave it.

Izzy stared at the man in front of her. Her heart overflowed with love. “I miss you, Niko. I let my fears and pride get in the way of us being together, but no longer. I love you. I’ve loved you since our wedding day. I’m not sure what my role is supposed to be, but I’m ready to embrace it. With your help, maybe I won’t fall flat on my butt.”

“You won’t. I won’t let you fall.”

Niko gathered her into his arms. She went willingly, eager for his touch and his warmth. He lowered his mouth to hers, reclaiming her with a slow, hot kiss.

Her heart danced, dipping and twirling as if on a ballroom floor and not a disaster zone.

“You are the only woman I want,” he said, his voice so full of love she could barely breathe. “The only one I need. I love you. I want to marry you.”

Izzy sunk into his embrace. “We’ve already married. Twice.”

“This time I want to marry you out of love, not duty or obligation. Nothing fancy. Just us.” He placed his hand over her stomach with an almost reverent touch. “And these two.”

“Yes! I’d like that very much.” Laughter spilled from her lips. “Maybe the third time we’ll get it right.”

“If not, we’ll try again until we do.” He looked her straight in the eye. “Just so you know, I’m never letting you go, Highness.”

“You can’t even if you want to, Highness.” She grinned. “In case you forgot, your bridal box, the key and you are mine.”


cradled His Royal Highness Aleksander, the future heir to the Vernonian throne, in her arms. Contentment and peace flowed through her. The baby slept with a serene expression on his beautiful face, a face that reminded Izzy of her beloved husband. She kissed her son’s tiny forehead, inhaling the baby scent she never imagined could smell so good.

Niko carefully adjusted a little blue cap on His Royal Highness Franko’s head.

Her heart overflowed at the sight of her loving husband and two healthy sons. Izzy exhaled on a sigh. Life couldn’t get much better.

This was only the beginning, but she understood what happily ever after meant. She was living the fairy tale and felt blessed by all she’d been given from Vernonia, her people and Niko.

“Franko is asleep,” Niko said quietly, as he stared lovingly at the child in his arms.

She glanced down. “So is Alek.”

Their eyes met in unspoken understanding. Between all the nursing and diapering, getting both babies to sleep at the same time was quite a coup.

Niko’s gaze clouded with concern. “The noise—”

“The pediatrician assured me that we’re high enough from the crowd that the decibel level won’t be a problem.”

“I was more worried about them waking them up.”

“They eventually will need to get used to noise and the attention,” she said.

“The boys are lucky to have such a knowledgeable princess as their mother.” Niko’s smile made her heart leap. “And I am the most fortunate man in the world to be able to call you my wife.”

She winked. “Just so you know, the feeling’s mutual, Highness.”

Desire gleamed in his eyes. “If only we didn’t have to—”

“But we do. Duty calls.” She walked toward the arched balcony doors of the Parliament building. “It’s time to introduce Vernonia to their new princes.”

Niko smiled mischievously. “You know what I’d rather do.”

He eyed her like a man lost in the desert would look at a glass of water, leaving no doubt in Izzy’s mind what he wanted to do. Even with the extra weight from the babies and breasts that leaked milk at the most inopportune times, Niko desired her. But her doctor said they needed to wait two more weeks. “It won’t be much longer.”

Niko’s gaze went to each of their sons then rested on her. “Definitely worth the wait.”

“Good answer.”

“I’m learning.”

“Yes, you are. You can swaddle and diaper like a pro now.”

“As can my father.”

Dee and Bea both wanted to take active roles in the twins’ daily lives. The castle had never been so busy. Izzy couldn’t imagine what it would be like when the boys started walking.

“What do you think of having some princesses or some more princes in the future?” Niko asked.

She pursed her lips. “I suppose you can never have too many spares.”

Niko kissed her, as she had wanted him to do. A quick brush of the lips, but it would do. For now. His blue-green eyes gazed deeply into hers. No way would she ever doubt his love for her. Not for a second.

Izzy smiled up at him. “And I know you can never have too much family.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8485-6


First North American Publication 2011

Copyright © 2011 by Melissa Martinez McClone

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