Exodus From Hunger (23 page)

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Authors: David Beckmann

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Chapter 3: Countries That Have Reduced Hunger and Poverty

Jeffrey Sachs,
The End of Poverty
(New York: Penguin Press, 2005), 26–50.

L. S. Stavrianos,
Global Rift
(New York: Morrow, 1981).

Eric Munoz, Salik Farooqi, Dulce Gamboa, and Emily Nohner from Bread for the World Institute’s staff helped develop these country studies.

World Bank,
World Development Indicators

Martin Ravallin, “Are There Lessons for Africa from China’s Success Against Poverty?” 2008,

U.N. Statistics Division, “U.N. Millennium Development Goals Indicators,”

Carin Zissis and Jayshree Bajoria, “China’s Environmental Crisis,” Council on Foreign Relations, 2007,
http://www.cfr.org/ publication/12608/chinas_environmental_crisis.html#1.

Ma Yan,
The Diary of Ma Yan
(New York: Harper Collins, 2005).

W. Nubin, ed.,
Sri Lanka: Current Issues and Historical Background
(New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2003), 29.

World Heath Organization, “The Safe Motherhood Initiative Reduces Maternal Deaths in Sri Lanka,”
Health: A Key to Prosperity—Success Stories in Developing Countries
http://www.who.int/inf-new/ mate1.htm.

World Bank,
World Development Indicators

United Nations Development Programme, Mozambique: National Human Development Report 2005, 2006,

World Bank,
World Development Indicators

Fabio Veras Soares, Rafael Perez Ribas, and Rafael Guerreiro Osorio, “Evaluating the Impact of Brazil’s
Bolsa Família,”
http:// www.undp-povertycentre.org/pub/IPCEvaluationNote1.pdf.
Also, Anthony Hall, “From Fome Zero to Bolsa Família,”
Journal of Latin American Studies
38, no. 4 (November 2006): 689.

David Beckmann and Emily Byers,
Building Political Will to End Hunger
, Prepared for the U.N. Millennium Project Hunger Task Force (Washington, DC: Bread for the World Institute, 2004).

S. G. Rappaport, “Change and Continuity in Attention to Poverty in Mexico” in
Changing Structure of Mexico
, ed. Laura Randall (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2006).

Santiago Levy,
Progress against Poverty: Sustaining Mexico’s Progresa-Oportunidades
(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2006), 33–80.

World Bank,
World Development Indicators

Bread for the World Institute,
Hunger Report 2009: Global Development—Charting a New Course
(Washington, DC: Bread for the World, 2008), 76.

Todd Post, “Setting a Goal to End Poverty and Hunger in the United States,” Bread for the World Institute, 2009, 6.

Cathy Newman, “June Budget 2010: Housing Benefit, Child Poverty, and Taxes,”
http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/2010/06/22/ the-budget-factchecked-housing-benefit-child-poverty-and-taxes/.

Kathleen Beegle, “The Real Costs of Indonesia’s Economic Crisis,” 2008, siteresources.worldbank.org/INTECAREGTOPMACGRO/Resources/KathleenBeegle.ppt. See also Embassy of the United States in Indonesia, “Chronology of the Crisis,”

Chapter 4: This Is God Moving in Our Time

New York: HarperCollins, 1994.

Martin Luther King, III, “Realizing the Dream in the Middle East,” speech at Peres Center for Peace, Jaffa, Israel, April 2010, quoted in The King Center for Nonviolent Social Change,
Global Nonviolence Initiative: Israel and Palestine, April 2010

I asked a diverse group of Christian theologians—Jose Irizarry, Vincent Miller, Earl Trent, Cheri Holdridge, Gary Cook, and Christine Pohl—to reflect on the claim that God is moving in history to overcome hunger and poverty. They raised questions and helped me think more clearly, but they all found this message consistent with their own thinking about God.

James L. McDonald, “Hope in a Time of Calamity,” sermon at Garden Memorial Presbyterian Church, July 27, 2008.

Taylor Branch,
Parting the Waters
(New York: Simon & Schuster), 162.

Chapter 5: Getting Serious about Poverty Would Be Good for America

See, for example, Bruce Gilley,
The Right to Rule: How States Win and Lose Legitimacy
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2009).

Duncan Green,
From Poverty to Power
(Oxford: Oxfam, 2008), 96.

Bread for the World Institute,
Hunger Report 2009: Global Development—Charting a New Course
(Washington, DC: Bread for the World, 2009), 118–20.

Center for Global Development,
Commitment to Development Index 2008

Quoted in Robert N. Bellah, “Individualism and Commitment in American Life,” February 20, 1986,

Herbert Hoover, “Rugged Individualism,” speech delivered October 22, 1928,

Bill Gates, speech at George Washington University, December 3, 2008,
http://www.gatesfoundation.org/speeches-commentary/Pages/ bill-gates-2008-george-washington-university-speech.aspx.

Salik Farooqi, a Bread for the World Institute analyst, combined data on the Islamic Conference countries with estimates for India and China to arrive at this figure.

Susan Rice, “The Threat of Global Poverty,”
National Journal
(Spring 2006): 76.

Robert J. Samuelson, “The Rich and the Rest,”
Washington Post
, April 19, 2007; Harold Meyerson, “Rise of the Have-Nots,”
Washington Post
, September 26, 2007; and Bread for the World Institute,
Hunger Report 2008: Working Harder for Working Families
(Washington, DC: Bread for the World, 2008), 3.

Chapter 6: People of Faith Can Make Congress Work

“Commencement Address to the Class of 2009,” University of Portland, May 21, 2009,

Barbara Devaney, Linda Bilheimer, and Jennifer Schore, “The Savings in Medicaid Costs for Newborns and Their Mothers Resulting from Prenatal Participation in the WIC Program,” Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, October 1991,

U.S. Agency for International Development, “Child Health: Saving Lives, Protecting Health,”
http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/ global_health/mch/ch/index.html
Also, “Two Decades of Progress: USAID’s Child Survival and Maternal Health Program,”

International Monetary Fund and International Development Association, “Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative—Statistical Update (2006),” 28,

Lauren Etter and Greg Hitt, “Farm Lobby Beats Back Assault on Subsidies,”
Wall Street Journal
, March 27, 2008,

Chapter 7: Hopeful Developments in U.S. Politics

John Nichols, “Remembering Molly Ivins,”
The Nation
, January 21, 2007.

Alliance to End Hunger, “Hunger Message Project,”
http:// www.alliancetoendhunger.org/resources/.

Tom Freedman,
American Media Coverage of Africa
(Washington, DC: Freedman Consulting, 2006).

“Letter from Bill and Melinda Gates,” 2009,

Richard Stearns,
The Hole in Our Gospel
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009), 196.

The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief,
World AIDS Day 2009: Latest PEPFAR Results
http://www.pepfar.gov/ documents/organization/133033.pdf.

Sarah Turner and David Beckmann,
How U.S. Churches and Society Are Responding to Increased Poverty
(Washington, DC: Bread for the World, January 2010).

S. Bloomfield, “Popular in Africa: Bush Has Given More Aid Than Any Other US President,”
, February 17, 2008,

Tom Freedman, Sam Gill, Sam Feder, John Bridgeland, and Meredith Copley, “The Issue of Poverty in the 2008 Campaign—A Study of Print Media,” 2008,
http://www.naktv.net/Spotlight/ SpotlightMediaStudy.pdf.

Chapter 8: A Time to Change History for Hungry People

As of March 2010. See

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “The Earned Income Tax Credit,” December 4, 2009,
http://www.cbpp.org/files/ policybasics-eitc.pdf.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report,” November 2007,
http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/ assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_spm.pdf.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, cited in InterAction, “The Other Partner: NGOs and Private Sector Funding for International Development & Relief,” February 2009, 6.

World Bank,
World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change
(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010).

Dennis Cauchon, “Tax Bills in 2009 at Lowest Level Since 1950,”
USA Today
, May 11, 2010,
http://www.usatoday.com/money/ perfi/taxes/2010-05-10-taxes_N.htm.
See also Gerald Prante, “A Closer Look at Popular USA Today Article Claiming Historically Low Taxes,” Tax Foundation Tax Policy Blog, May 11, 2010,
http:// www.taxfoundation.org/blog/show/26292.html.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?” 2009,

Chapter 10: Take a Step

Robert Putnam and David Campbell,
American Grace: How Religion Is Reshaping Our Civic and Political Lives
(forthcoming), discussed in “Congregants Make Better Citizens,”
Christian Century
, June 16, 2009, 16.

Richard Stearns,
The Hole in Our Gospel
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009), 217.

John Robbins,
The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World
(San Francisco: Conari Press, 2001).

Jeffry Odell Korgen,
My Lord and My God: Engaging Catholics in Social Ministry
(Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2006).

The Association of Americans Resident Overseas, “5.25 Million Americans (Excluding Military) Live in 160-plus Countries,”
http://aaro.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id= 6&catid=4&Itemid=6.
Also, U.S. Department of Commerce, “2008 United States Resident Travel Abroad,” 2009,
http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/ outreachpages/download_data_table/2008_US_Travel_Abroad.pdf.

New York: Nation Books, 2009.

Jacqueline L. Salmon, “Churches Retool Mission Trips,”
Washington Post
, July 5, 2008.

Richard A. Hoehn,
Up from Apathy
(Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983).


addiction, issues with, 164–65

advocacy, 151, 171, 178–79

advocacy organizations, 178

Afghanistan, war in, 148

Africa, 22, 35–37, 94, 96–103, 114–18, 129–30

agriculture, aid for developing, in

poor countries, 136

AIDS, 35, 36, 53, 121–22

Alcoholics Anonymous, 164, 165

Alliance to End Hunger, 112–13, 127

American Jewish World Service, 127

antipoverty programs, 59

assistance, balancing, with

advocacy, 171

baby bonds, 58

Bachus, Spencer, 95–99

Bangladesh, 37–40, 149, 159

Beckmann, Andrew, 114, 163–64, 174–75

Beckmann, David, 155–66

Beckmann, Janet Williams, 37, 158, 159, 163, 168

Beckmann, John, 164–65

Belmont University, 130

Berea College, 124

Berman, Howard, 143


presenting God’s movement

in history, 66–68

teaching justice toward poor

people, 68–71

, 98

Blair, Tony, 58, 116

Blank, Rebecca, 25–26

Bolsa Familia (Family Grant)

programs (Brazil), 55

Bono, 78, 98, 100, 101, 111, 114–19

Booker, Tom, 97

Borg, Marcus, 73

Borlaug, Norman, 138–39

Branch, Taylor, 79

Branson, Richard, 116

Brazil, 54–55, 60

Bread for the World, 1, 3, 171, 178, 180–82

alliance with MAZON, 127

arguing for delay in Iraq

invasion, 147–48

bipartisan approach of, 93

building early support for

WIC, 92–93

campaigning to reform U.S.

foreign assistance, 140–43

embracing Millennium

Development Goals, 32

encouraging advocacy for

charities, 111–12

growing impact of, 91–92

how to get involved, 180–82

increased outreach of, 150–51

involvement of, in shifting

U.S. policies toward

Africa, 94

Offering of Letters, 134, 181

organizing interfaith convocations, 128

personal involvement with, 108

primary issues for, 146

work on the Farm Bill, 103–5

work on Jubilee, 95–100

work on nutrition assistance

and development assistance, 100–103

Bread for the World Institute, 112, 119

Brown, Gordon, 116

Brown, Larry, 24

Buffett, Howie, 119–20

Buffett, Warren, 119

Bush, George H. W., 43

Bush, George W., 28, 31, 43, 101, 102, 105, 129

Bush, Laura, 129

Bush administration (George

W.), 11, 122, 129

Calderón, Felipe, 57

Cameron, David, 58–59

cap-and-trade system, 149

carbon tax, 149

Cargill, 112

Carmichael, Stokely, 157–58

Carr, John, 131

Carter, Jimmy, 43

Catholic Charities, 112, 169, 170

Catholic Health Association, 169

Catholic Relief Services, 169, 170

cell phones, 3, 36, 52

Cerrell, Joe, 118

charities, effectiveness of, 171

Charity Navigator, 171

child deaths, preventable, numbers of, 7

child hunger, ending, 133–35

children, effects on, of food

insecurity, 24

child survival programs, 92, 93

Child Survival Revolution, 93

Child Tax Credit, 134

China, 48–50, 60

Chissano, Joaquim, 52–54

Christ Church (Alexandria, VA), 129

Christian Churches Together

(CCT), 126

Christian Coalition, 120–21

Christianity, core message of, 185

Christian Reformed Church, 121

churches, ways to get them

involved, 169, 180–81

Church World Service, 170

citizen activism, 9

Citizens United v. Federal Elections

, 89

civil war, incidence of, by country income, 88

Clausen, Tom, 160

climate change, 140

Clinton, Bill, 43, 98, 99, 128–29, 130

Clinton, Hillary, 136, 137, 139, 143

Clinton administration, 11, 43, 95, 96–97

Clinton Foundation, 129

Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., 157

commodities lobbying, 104

community efforts, for ending

child hunger, 133–34

Concordia Seminary (St. Louis), 158–59

Confucianism, 82

Congress, influencing members

of, 109

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, 121

Corn Growers Association, 104

cultural change, 66

Daley-Harris, Shannon, 173

deficit reduction, 147

democracy, contributing to anti-poverty movements, 60

Democracy in America

(Tocqueville), 84

Democratic Party, improving

relations with religious

community, 128

developing countries

holding elections, increasing

number of, 36

progress of, toward

Millennium Development

Goals, 34

development, pursuit of, 47–48

development assistance, 33, 139–42

Diary of Ma Yan, The
(Ma), 49–50

diet, change in, 172–73

domestic hunger, growing

concern over, 129–30

domestic poverty, increasing

focus on, 129, 130

drug trade, 149–50

Drummond, Jamie, 98, 114, 117

Earned Income Tax Credit, 43, 134–35

economic growth, as means of reducing poverty, 59

economic slowdown (2008–), 5, 6

churches’ response to, 126

effects of, in the United

States, 26–27

international effects of, 26

U.S. response to, 28–29

economy, importance of, for poor

people, 146–47

Eden Revival
(Beckmann), 157

educational system, reform of, 148

Elanco, 112

elderly, programs for, 42

elections, importance of, 150, 177–78

Emerging Africa
(Radelet), 36

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 84

employment, as best way to

reduce hunger and poverty, 25

energy efficiency, 148–49

(Thurow and Kilman), 138

environmental neglect, undercutting

development, 60

Evangelical Covenant Church, 121

Evangelical Lutheran Church of

America, 169

evangelicals, 120–22

exploitative financial practices, 27

Falwell, Jerry, 120

U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

Farm Bill, 103–5, 145

Farm Bureau, 104

farm subsidies, 104–5, 144–45

Federal Income Tax Credit, 128–29

Feeding America, 112

Feed the Future, 136

Field Foundation, 42

50 Ways to Help Save the Earth
, 173

Fome Zero (Zero Hunger)

program (Brazil), 55, 60

food aid, reforming, 145

food charities, 10–11, 134

food insecurity, 23–25

food stamp program, 11.
See also

Supplemental Nutrition

Assistance Program

Ford, Gerald, 43

Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 143

Fox, Vicente, 57

free markets, 84–85

Friday Morning Reflections at the

World Bank

et al.), 161

Frist, Bill, 102

Fund to Fight and Eradicate

Poverty (Brazil), 55

Gandhi, Indira, 113

Gates, Bill, 86, 111, 118–19

Gates, Melinda, 111, 118–19

Gates Foundation, 118–19

G8, 8, 31, 97–98, 116–17

Geldof, Bob, 114, 116

Gerson, Michael, 122

Getting Ready to Come Back

for the World), 175

Ghana, 51–52, 60, 61, 157

GI Bill, 41

global economy, interconnectedness

of, 28

Global Fund for AIDS, 115

global warming, 148–49


acting in history, 9, 66–68

being grounded in, 168–69

personality of, 68

presence in the movement to

overcome hunger, 75–78, 80, 82

reliance on, 183–85

gospels, 71–73


involving, in making progress

against hunger, 11–12

low opinion of, 10

grace, 78–80, 155–56

Graham, Franklin, 122

grain prices, 6, 26, 105, 136

Gramm, Phil, 99

Grant, Jim, 93

grassroots advocacy, 101

Great Society, 41–42

“green jobs,” 148

Green Revolution of Asia, 138

Group of 8.

Hall, Tony, 112–13

Harkin, Tom, 104

Haski, Pierre, 49

health care, 147, 148

healthy eating, 172–73

H-E-B, 112

Heifer International, 166

Helms, Jesse, 98, 122

Hewlett Foundation, 141

Hewson, Alison, 114

Hoehn, Dick, 182

Homestead Act, 41

Hoover, Herbert, 84–85

Howell, Barbara, 23


conditions related to, 25

costs of, in the United States, 24

effects of, 21–22

politics of, changing, 177–82

progress against, 30–31, 41–42

reducing, bipartisan initiative

for, 90

Hunger-Free Communities

Program, 134

Hunger Task Force, for U.N.

Millennium Development

Goals, 33

Hybels, Bill, 121

Hybels, Lynne, 121

idol worship, 69–70, 82

immigration, 149

Inácio da Silva, Luis (Lula), 54–55, 60

income gap, 34, 48, 89

individualism, 84

Indonesia, 60

Industrial Areas Foundation, 179

Industrial Revolution, 47

InterAction, 111–12

International Alliance Against

Hunger, 113

international charities, support

for, 12

international debt relief initiative, 98.
See also

international development

assistance, 101

International Fund for Agricultural

Development, 113

International Monetary Fund, 98

International Panel on Climate

Change, 140

International Rescue Committee, 170

Iraq, invasion of, 147–48

Jefferson, Karen, 45–46


concern of, toward the poor, 71–73

death and resurrection of, meaning of, 73–74, 185

feeding miracles of, 184

love of, 78–79

Jewish Council on Public

Affairs, 127

Jewish groups, advocacy among, 127

John Paul II, 95, 97

Johnson, Lyndon B., 41

Johnson-Sirleaf, Ellen, 125

Jolie, Angelina, 116

Jubilee, 94–100

justice revival, 151

Kasich, John, 9, 99

Keenan, Jeffery, 173

Kennedy administration, 143

Kerry, John, 143–44

Kilman, Roger, 138

Ki-moon, Ban, 137

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44, 76, 79–80

Kissinger, Henry, 37, 76

Korgen, Jeffry, 173

Kumpila, Pedro, 2–3, 53–54

Kumpila, Veronica, 53

Land O’Lakes, 112

Latino churches, 126–27

Leach, Jim, 97, 163

Leon, Daniel de, 127

lifestyle, matching to values, 172–73

Life Teams, 1

Live Aid, 114

Live 8, 116–17

Luck, Jo, 166

Lugar, Richard, 102–3

Inácio da Silva, Luis

Lutheran Church–Missouri

Synod, 158–59

Lutheran Services in America, 169

Lutheran World Federation, 159

Lutheran World Relief, 112, 159, 169

Luxembourg Income Study, 83–84

Malawi, 148–49, 174–75

Malaysia, progress against

poverty in, 59–60

Martingale, Joe, 106–9

Martingale, Mary, 106–7

Martinsville (VA), 27–28

Ma Yan, 49–50

MAZON, 112, 127, 128

McCain, John, 90, 130

McDonald, Jim, 77, 95

McGovern, Jim, 104–5

Meehan, Terry, 177

Meeting Jesus Again for the First

(Borg), 73

Mexico, 56–58, 60

military spending, 147

Millennium Challenge Account, 102–3

Millennium Development Goals, 7, 31–35, 51, 130, 139, 140

Mills, John Atta, 52

Miner, Dave, 1–4

minorities, conditions for, in the

United States, 41

mission trips, 175

Modernizing Foreign Assistance

Network, 140–41

Moore, Blo, 123, 125

Moore, Gyude, 122–25

morality, 81–83

Moral Majority, 120

mortgage problems, 27

Mosaic, 112

Moses, 68–69

Mother Teresa, 159

Moving Out of Poverty
(Narayan), 22–23

Moyers, Bill, 105

Mozambique, 52–54, 60, 61

Mtimbe (Mozambique), 1–5

Muller, Martin, 96, 99

Muslim groups, advocacy among, 127–28

Muslims, poverty among, 87

Mutirão, 55

Narayan, Deepa, 22

National Farmers Organization, 104

National Farmers Union, 104

National Food Security Council

(Brazil), 55

national nutrition programs, 42, 101, 133, 134

NETWORK, 169, 178

New Deal, 41

New Testament

concern for the poor in, 71–73

political aspects of, 73–75

Nielson, Trevor, 118

Nixon, Richard M., 42

Nyerere, Julius, 113

Obama administration, 141, 143

Obama, Barack, 28–29, 31, 43, 86–87, 89, 90, 109, 130–31, 133, 135–37, 139, 143

Obama, Michelle, 135

obesity, 24

Obrador, Andres, 57

ONE Campaign, 115, 119, 178

Oportunidades (Mexico), 56–57

Our Day to End Poverty
(Daley-Harris and Kennan), 173

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