Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3) (49 page)

BOOK: Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3)
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tried to concentrate, letting her do most of the work.  Ty needed to set the
pace.  A virgin who’d almost been raped by her last “Match.”  Yeah…  Gion
wasn’t moving until she felt a hundred percent secure.

Ty wasn’t making it easy for him.

energy and her skin and her hair…

not hurting you, am I?”  She rubbed his arm, feeling the iron bands of tension.

Gion lied.  “Ty, listen, I’m older than you, and I have…”  He hesitated,
because there was really no delicate way to phrase it.  “I have a lot of people
who want me dead.  A
.  With the barriers down, there’s going to be a
risk to you.”

refuse the full Phazing for Ty’s own good, but he couldn’t.  And
now that everyone knew she was his Match, there didn’t seem much of a chance of
creating a believable distance between them, anyway.  No one would buy it. 
Even if Gion
have parted with Ty, a possibility that stood at
about zero percent on all likelihood scales, just being his Match, at all, put
her in danger.

I guess that you’ll just have to work extra hard at staying alive for me, won’t
you?”  Ty ran her fingers along the side of his neck.  “Besides, legions of
people hate me, too.  You and I need to watch out for each other.”  Ty nuzzled
his jaw.  “At least, the guest list for our Binding Ceremony will be short.”

realized that Ty had a point.  Even with Parald dead, Phases wouldn’t stop
blaming her for the Fall.  He and Ty would always be targets.  Confidence
returned to him as Ty bit down on his earlobe.  Any enemy Phases holding a
grudge were going to be real damn sorry they’d interrupted Gion, King of the
Water House’s happily-ever-after.

overrated.  So many more phone calls to return.”

chuckled at that.  “So, let’s stop talking, then.  I know that you’re trying to
make me feel comfortable and I appreciate that, but I’m going to brain you if
you don’t hurry up.”  She released more of her energy so it enflaming him.

to do this.


was just no way Gion could stop, short of sudden death or Ty flat out asking
him to leave the room.  And if she did that, he’d probably cry.  He finally had
everything that he’d ever wanted.  Ty could have
and she’d chosen
him.  This was the most important moment of his life and he wasn’t going to
ruin it.

was still hesitant to touch her thighs, so he moved slowly, giving her time. 
Ty kept her eyes on his, biting down on her lip as Gion separated her legs, so
one was on either side of him.  That put the core of her directly over him,
just touching.

energy went wild.

Ty’s head went back.  “That’s so good.”

know.”  Jesus, did he know.  “Ease down, angel.”  She’d feel safer if she was
in control.  Despite her assurances, Gion didn’t want to do anything that might
make her flashback to Parald’s attack.  He wanted everything to be perfect for
her.  “Just slide down and…”  He trailed off with a groan.

hands gripped his shoulders and she slowly lowered herself on him.  Gion expected
her to be hesitant or anxious, but she looked right at him, trusting him, as
she took him deeper and deeper… Until Gion thought he just might die from the
sensation, even though he knew she still wasn’t taking all of him.

jaws locked together, trying to hold still and let her adjust.  Trying to grab
onto the edges of his control.  Gion sucked in a sharp breath at the feel of
her and started reciting
Be the Perfect Air
in his head. 
Stupid, terrible rhymes about blindly following orders and how no single Phase
mattered.  All of it bullshit.

and when he and Ty had children, Gion would ban that stupid book from the

it also really wasn’t working to distract him, right now.

briefly squeezed his eyes shut, but then he found his attention helplessly
returning to Ty’s breasts.  Watching them bounce with her movements.

she was gorgeous.

you okay?”  He asked hoarsely.

.”  Ty’s body glided in a sensual wave.  Turquoise eyes had gone
bright with feminine triumph.  She liked this.  She
liked this. 
Thank God, he hadn’t screwed it up for her.


Ty hesitated, even as she gave a seductive hum of pleasure.  “Are

fingers tightened on her hip.  “Yeah.”  Just saying the word was agony.

energy’s getting really tight.  You can let it go, you know.”

fine.  Take your time.”

so noble.”  The woman actually grinned and then released the Water powers
completely.  The energy fell over Gion like a tidal wave of fireworks and heat
and life.  It filled him, driving his arousal higher than it had ever been,
drowning him in the purity of her powers.


Air energy slipped, almost escaping his control.  “Ty. 
.”  The
reality of her was better than any fantasy could ever be.  Clean and bright and
healing.  There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman.  Nothing, at all. 
But, he was going to snap, if she kept this up.  “You’re torturing me, now. 
It’s cruel.”

love you, too.”  She adjusted herself, gliding upward and sinking back down,
again.  “My
.  I
would have let you do this when I was

can’t hold on much longer.”

let go.”  Her tongue traced along the edge of his jaw.  “I’ll catch you.”

wanted to be gentle, but it was almost beyond him, now.  “Tell me if I scare

was experimenting like a good little scientist; learning by doing.  She leaned
back a bit and hit some magic spot that caused Gion to see stars.  “You won’t…” 
Her words stopped with a gasp as Gion took control.

flipped her around so Ty was flat on the bed.  Pillows went flying and Gion
didn’t care.  He pushed into her fully, the oxygen leaving his lungs in a
rush.  Catching Ty’s leg, he pressed it up, so he was locked inside of her as
deep as he could go.  His other hand was planted by her head, trapping her
beneath him.  It was instinctive.  Territorial.  She wasn’t going anywhere.

that she was trying.

eyes widened at the predatory move.  “Wow.”  She breathed.  Her body arched and
she made a whimpering sound.  “Oh,

Gion hadn’t been so far gone, he might have been amused by that.  As it was,
all he could process was the Air energy roaring for release and his frantic
desire for her.

on.”  Gion braced himself and released the Air energy.  All of it.  This was
the part where he was really afraid that Ty would balk.  Gion had so much
power.  It was going to frighten her when it combined with her own.

knew it.

then Gion couldn’t think of anything else, because the Phazing wiped away every
thought in his head.  Everything but Ty vanished in the incredible rush of
power.  Water and Air energies combining, building and building to form a new
whole. Something better and stronger was created.

and welcoming.

had always believed in Gaia and now he knew that he’d been correct.  Nothing
else could explain the sense of reverence he felt.  Of completion.  Of absolute
faith in something greater than himself.  His energy connected with Ty’s,
fitting with hers so there was no beginning and no end, and he wasn’t alone,
anymore.  He wasn’t worried about being good enough, or screwing up, or being
the perfect Air Phase.

that mattered was his Match




God, oh God, oh
”  Ty’s heels dug into the mattress.  “Gion,

moved inside of her, giving her everything that he had, body, heart and soul.

screamed, convulsing around him and dragging him over the edge.  Gion didn’t
want it to end, even as he surrendered to the pleasure beckoning him.  “Ty!” 
He came with a brilliant pulse of color and power, reaching a place he’d never
even dreamed existed.

of the Water House really was a miracle.

own private angel.

the mind of a scholar and soul of a seductress.

He collapsed, supporting his weight with his elbows so he didn’t crush her.

had no idea how such a small woman could wring him so totally dry and make him
so utterly content.  His forehead dropped down to hers, not wanting to break
contact even as he tried to remember how to breathe.

wicked eyes met his.  “Good news, dear.  The block is

Ty’s energy touched every piece of him, connecting them.  Gion felt a
ridiculous smile on his face.  Even in his most outrageous, four in the
morning, desperate longings, he’d never thought he’d ever be here like this
with Ty.  It was magical.  “I can’t feel my arms and legs, though, so working
tomorrow might be a problem.  And I do need to start replacing the windows…

kings are self-employed.  So much easier to clock in late.”

I have a beautiful queen in my bed every night.  And the same beautiful queen
to keep me on my toes every day.  And a new Home Depot credit card to retrofit
our palace.  It’s a dream job, really.”

so cute.”  She somehow snuggled even closer to him and Gion swallowed down
emotion.  No one but Ty would ever cuddle in his arms.  It was intimate. 
Sweet.  Only she saw him that way.  Granted, Gion wouldn’t allow anyone but Ty
to even
him in a sweet, intimate way.

call him cute.


he was absolutely charmed by her.  Ty remained pinned beneath him, but Gion was
the one captivated.  And he’d never willingly go free.  There was nowhere else in
the universe he’d rather be.

lifted his head to kiss Ty’s temple.  “I really don’t intimidate you, anymore,
do I?”

 She stretched against him in a smug, feline way.  “The next time you start
being grouchy, I can literally picture you naked.  Think about that.  Cuts way
down on your menace.”

Imagine me naked all you can.  I insist.”  And still he had to ask.  “I didn’t
scare you with my energy?  It wasn’t too much?”

told you before, I
your energy, Gion.  It’s so big and warm.”  Ty
gave a satisfied sigh.  “Phazing is nice.  You did very well for a novice.  A
solid ‘A’ for effort.”

tried my best.”  He started moving down her body, his lips skimming across her
skin.  “Clearly, I can only improve with time.”

promise to help you practice.”  Ty agreed generously.  “I think that the
obvious needs to be stated here, though.  You
didn’t screw-up
or scare me.  I don’t feel weak or second guess-y.  Together, our insecurities
are… fine.  You and I were made for each other.”

mouth curved.  “I know.”  Gion’s tongue touched the base of her throat.  She
even tasted like strawberries.  He wondered if he ever had to leave this bed.

She said, after a long moment.

His teeth grazed her shoulder.

you have something else to say to me?”

The fantasy was wrong.”  Gion infused his voice with clinical certainty. 
“There’s no way we could have done this outside on the music hall balcony. 
You’re way too loud.”

whacked his arm.  “I meant, I want some compliments, you jerk!  Or you don’t
get to hear anymore fantasies, at all.”

Alright.”  Gion explored the valley between her breasts.  “I’m glad that you’re
my Match.”



that it?”  Ty prompted when he didn’t continue.  She moved so he could find her
nipple, pressing it to his mouth.

it.”  Gion obediently kissed the pink peak and then met her gaze.  “Without
you, I’d be lost.  There’d be no moon or sun or stars in the sky.  You’re my
vision, Ty.”  He touched her hair.  “You saved me.  You gave me a home, and a
purpose, and a family.  You’re my heart and soul.  My hopes and dreams.  The
love of my life.  So, I’m
glad that you’re my Match.  That’s it. 
Simple truth.”

can you say that you’re not a poet?”  She beamed at him, her eyes growing
moist.  “You are
a good man.  I’m glad that you’re my Match, too. 
And even if you
, I would still be right here and still
in love with you.  For me, there is only you, Gion.”

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