Everything I Have (Everything I Want #3) (9 page)

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I pause for a moment so I can clench my thighs. I’m getting turned on by how he’s watching me, then, out of nowhere, some dark haired chick steps right next to him, wearing something I would’ve probably worn if I was out drinking and wasn’t pregnant. Bitch!

He doesn’t give her any attention. His eyes are only on me, which sends my body into a flutter. Smiling back at him, I start making my way over so I can hang off him and let this whore know she’s got no chance. Frankie walks with me but stops suddenly when that bitch steps up and presses her mouth on Tristan.

“Ohmygod,” Frankie lets out under his breath.

Tristan jerks away quickly. Grabbing her shoulders, he glares down at her. I know it wasn’t his fault, but seeing shit like this still sucks, and now being pregnant, I can’t go over there and yank her away from him by her damn, stringy hair.

“Fuck this.”

I turn and walk away.

“Wait, Sophia!” Frankie calls out.

Glancing over my shoulder, Tristan tries making his way to me, but I wave him back.
Do not follow me right now, or I will bite off your fucking head.

“Want me to slap that bitch with the bad weave for you, honey?”

Frankie tosses his hair to the side with the hand that’s holding the empty plastic cup.


I’m so pissed, I need to be alone. I think I need to take a shower and cool the fuck down. I look up at Frankie when my bus comes into view.

“Go, have fun. I’m good.”

“Girl, I know that face. No, you’re-”

“Please!” I snap.

Not meaning to come off like that, I instantly stop and look up at Frankie. Shit, I’m such a bitch. Biting his lip, he grins at me before pulling me in for a quick hug.

“Okay, girl. I’ll talk to Tristy for a little bit so you have time to put your claws away.”

He winks at me before spinning around on his heel. I don’t know what good he’s going to do. Nothing will stop Tristan. I already caught a clear view of his body moving my way.

Climbing inside the bus, I pull the red latch over and lock the door. It’s pitch black in here, so when I’m done locking the door, I turn on my phone to use as light so I can see back to the bathroom. Sorry, Jared. I’m using the last of the water right now for my own shower.

Sliding open the cramped bathroom door, I press the switch on the side and a faint glow illuminates the small space. Stripping down completely, I turn the water on and hold my breath when I hop in.


It’s freezing, but the shock wakes me up a little. Eventually, the water warms. After rinsing away the rest of the conditioner and soap from my body, I climb out. My phone is going nuts on the vanity. Probably Tristan. I shrug it off. I’ll call him back when I’m all ready for bed.

Bending over, I start drying off my legs as my wet hair falls to the side of my face. Then my phone dings with a message. I peek up at it as I work the towel over my body. Frankie’s called like five times and left a couple texts. Fuck, with that water pump being so loud, I didn’t even hear him trying to call.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I reach over to pick up my phone, but just as I do, there is a loud smash against the door. I squeak as my body jumps at the forceful sound. What the…? Looking back down, I move my thumb out of the way and all I pick up is Frankie’s last text.

Frankie: OMG. I fucked up!!!!!!

“SOPHIA!” Tristan roars from outside.

Oh my God! He better fucking not have! My phone starts ringing in my hand again. Without letting it finish the first ring, I swipe my finger across.

“Frankie! You son of a bitch!”

Chapter Nine




Pressing end, the sound of Tristan’s fist slamming against the door causes me to drop my phone.

“Goddamn it, Sophia! Open the

“Oh, shit,” I whisper.

Sliding the bathroom door open, I tiptoe out and over to the sink in the kitchen area where there’s a small window. Separating the blinds with my fingers, I notice Reeve, our bus driver, come up to Tristan. Someone must have gotten a hold of him, probably hearing Tristan freak the fuck out on the bus.

Frozen, I stand there and watch as Reeve messes around with some keys.


Gripping the towel tighter to my chest, I start sprinting to my cove. Right as I slide the door open, Tristan’s voice bellows throughout the bus as he stomps in.

“Oh, no you fucking don’t!”

A screech escapes my throat as I leap into the corner of my dark room. In a flash, Tristan slams his hand against the switch on the wall, blasting the room with light. Flinching at the brightness, I hold on tighter to my towel. Tristan’s chest is moving up and down as he tries to control his temper, his knuckles bleeding from pounding the bus.

With his eyes locked on mine, he starts stepping toward me, not saying a fucking thing.

Scared as shit, I take a hesitantly step back ’til my ass bumps into my desk. Tristan remains impassive, stalking me. I tremble, my breathing becoming shallow with every fucking second he waits.

When he finally comes close to me, I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, unable to look him in the eye.
Suddenly, he drops to his knees before me. Gripping my waist, he presses his lips to my stomach. I can feel his hot breath through the towel on my abdomen.

With shaky fingers, I comb through Tristan’s thick locks, holding him still to me. My heart burns with absolute happiness. Tears spill from my eyes; trails of salty heat pool on my lips.

This can’t be fucking real!

“I love you…” Tristan breathes hoarsely against my towel, speaking more into me than actually to me.

Oh, God. He fucking loves it.

His grip tightening, my silent tears break into gentle sobs. Releasing my hands from Tristan’s soft hair, I bring them up to my face as I continue to cry. Tristan raises up, holding onto my lower abdomen with his left hand as he strokes his fingers through my soaked, tangled lengths. Pulling my neck back gently, his voice sounds pained as his lips feather over mine.


Closing my eyes tight, I run my tongue over my tear-soaked lips.

“You should’ve fucking said something.”

His deep voice cracks, causing my eyes to snap open.

Tears cloud my vision as I try to focus on Tristan’s pained face concentrating on mine; I have never seen Tristan so vulnerable. Oh, my God.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” I croak out through my tears, which I thought I had under control.

Shit! I’m so fucking scared. Tristan swiftly lifts me up, wrapping my arms around his thick neck as his grip on me tightens.

“I love you so fucking much,” he says in a hushed tone, inhaling the skin at the nape of my neck.

Then he lays a velvety kiss on me before bringing me down to the bed, setting me down at the side. The chill in the air kisses my skin now that Tristan has withdrawn the warmth of his touch. His knees hit the floor with a thud, his eyes closed tightly as he grips his skull.

Stunned, I push myself up, and over to him. I begin to rub his back, trying to comfort him.
What the fuck is going on?
It’s hurting me seeing Tristan crumbling before me.

“No more fucking lies, Sophia.
” he pleads, his voice low. I can only nod in agreement, afraid that opening my mouth will bring more tears.

Tristan lifts his arm around my back, crushing me into him. Losing my balance, my towel falls from me, my breasts brushing against his slick, strong chest. The friction on my sensitive nipples makes me wince, sharp, stinging pulls of pain spreading over them.

Tipping his chin down, Tristan breathes in hard. The sound of his low gasps over my face sends heat to pool beneath the skin that was just caressed with his breaths, spreading throughout me, leaving ripples to wash over my core.

His Adam’s apple works vigorously in his throat. He looks like he’s about to say something, but then he leans and feathers
his soft, strong lips over mine. Sliding his tongue smoothly into my mouth, I moan quietly at the feel of his tongue massaging mine slowly at first, but growing more urgent. I breathe him in so hard that my lungs feel like they will tear from trying to get more of him into me. Sighing
softly into his mouth, he groans strongly back into mine.

I’m completely naked as Tristan presses his hard, sweat-kissed chest against mine when he lifts me back up on the bed. My legs bent at the edge, Tristan works at his zipper, his lips pulled tightly into his mouth as his jaw flexes under his skin. My arms are sprawled out above my matted, damp hair, which lies underneath them. Tristan fists his cock and I try to control my deep breaths, my knees fucking rattling against each other as I watch.

I think I just whimpered. With his other hand Tristan grips my right knee, his touch on my skin feels fucking unbelievable. I lose my breath when he spreads my legs and steps into me. Dark eyes penetrate me. It’s so damn hard to keep myself still right now beneath the hunger Tristan is staring down at me with.

Using his left palm, he bends my knee back into my body while at the same time sliding the head of his cock up and down the length of me, pressing the tip a little harder when it reaches my clit.


That feels so good. Gritting his teeth, Tristan throws his head back at the same time I fall into ecstasy. Pure fucking ecstasy; every cell dancing, every nerve screaming.


My name falls off Tristan’s lips as if he were in worship.

His calloused fingers graze my stomach before trailing between my breasts until he reaches my neck. Lightly gripping it, he strokes his thumb tenderly over my bottom lip.


I can hardly say his name when he sinks inside of me. He feels so fucking good inside me. Bringing my hands up to my tender breasts, I cup them to keep them still. Every time Tristan thrusts into me causes them to throb. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he watches me hold myself, that sexy side smirk appears back on that handsome face of his.

“Fuck! Tristan!” I scream out when he reaches down and lightly pinches my clit, almost pulling out of me.

“Fuck you, Sophia,” he grits out, slamming into me a couple more times before he slows down, his hips rolling into mine.

He brings his arms up over my head, resting his forearms on the bed. His fingers grip the edge of the mattress, his biceps bulging and flexing with each thrust he gives me.

“Stop hiding from me,” he whispers, his eyes dark and pained.

Tristan thrusts hard into me again. I cry out, arching my back off the bed.

“Don’t leave me out,” he says through gritted teeth, punishing me with his cock as he slams into me.

Fuck, I love it.

My body falling, every nerve zinging, I scream as he circles himself against me. What the fuck?

“Never again.” He slumps down, pressing his chest to mine, sucking my swollen bottom lip into his mouth and tasting me before his teeth let go of it. “I mean it.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper against his mouth, his hot breath dancing across my lips.

Grinding his hips into me, he lifts my waist up off the bed and starts to pound. I fucking lose it, right then. Every depth of me floods with tingling pleasure
as heat runs to my core, fiery chills scattering across my body. Losing my breath, I come apart. Tristan wraps his arms around my back, pulling my weak body into his.

Gripping my ass firmly with one hand, he wraps his other around my back, now pounding into me even harder, holding me locked to him. Tristan loses all control, his cock slamming into me at a punishing rate. My head falls back as he starts sucking below my ear, his groans sending shivers to spread over my skin. Best fucking sound in the world, I swear.

“Tristan…” I moan, which sets him off even more.

“Ah, shit! Sophia!”

His head falls back on my arms that are wrapped around his neck. Then, heat starts spilling out of me, running down my thigh. Tristan is cumming, so I clench myself around his cock as tight as I can. He gently grips my hips and grinds me against himself.

Damn, he feels so good. Holding onto his shoulders, I try to stand, but Tristan’s arms scoop behind my knees and lift me up, making me giggle. When he lays me down, his eyes are on mine.

“I’ll be right back,” he mumbles
pushing himself off the bed.

Oh, my God.

Tristan cups himself and walks out. Holy shit... walks out! I forgot Tristan didn’t even slide the door closed when he came in. Shit, thank God all the boys are still out partying.

Tristan comes back into the room and I haven’t moved from the position he laid me in. I’m dead right now. His face is completely relaxed, but I wish he would scowl, smirk... something. I don’t know what’s going on in his head.


He hands me another bottle of water. After taking a quick drink, I hand it back to him. With his other hand he passes me a wet hand towel. Peeking up at him, I give a shy smile as I take it out of his hands.

“You know, I could’ve just taken my ass in the bathroom and done this,” I joke.

Tristan ignores me and climbs over to get comfortable. I don’t know how he can; he’s so tall he has to sleep sitting up. 

After I’m done cleaning up, I toss the towel over in the corner, trying to get it into my laundry basket. I pull the covers up over my breasts; Tristan stays on top of the blanket, naked. Turning over on my side, I use my bent arm to prop my head up.

Tristan is still looking forward, but now he has his fingers laced together, his arms crossed behind his head. With my free hand, I draw on the blanket with my finger. Looking up, I catch a glimpse of Tristan’s face, and it stops me.

“When were you going to tell me?”

His deep voice sounds pained once again. Shit. I wince on the inside at just how bad of a piece of shit I am for not coming out to him as soon as I laid eyes on the stick.

I shrug my shoulders.

“Soon. I was going to say something soon.”

I stop my finger from its trail, noticing his clenched jaw.

“I can’t believe you fucking hid this from me.”

Anger boils in the tone of his voice, but he still manages to keep his cool. Thank God.

“Tristan, I was scared, all right?”

“That’s not an excuse,” he bites back sharply.

Pinching my eyebrows together, irritation floods me.

“Fuck you, dude. I say that’s a damn good excuse.”

Tristan pushes himself up abruptly, sitting up straight, then turns toward me, despair hardened on his chiseled face.

“What if some shit happened, like the time in Minneapolis, huh?” he seethes.

That was so long ago, and nothing like that ever happened again. Why dwell on stupid, negative shit in life? Pushing my lips out to the side, I roll my eyes at him. He hates that because his eyes fall into slits, his voice low and threatening.

“Let me tell you what would fucking happen. I would lose

His voice breaks at the end. I don’t know why, but for some reason seeing Tristan so vulnerable is such a freaking turn on. Gawd, I can’t believe that thought crossed my mind at such a serious time. What in the hell is wrong with me?

“You’re not going to lose anything.”

Reaching out for him, I take his hand into mine, curling my fingers around his.
Following my lead, Tristan lies on his side and wraps his muscular arm around me, keeping me close to him. After a while, his breathing evens out. Just as I’m about two seconds away from sleep myself, a throaty chuckle rumbles from Tristan’s chest.

“You’re fucking killing me, Sophia.”

A warm blanket of emotions covers me as Tristan’s lips press against the top of my head. 





I didn’t sleep at all last night. Sophia slept nuzzled against my side all night. It was fucking incredible. With my left arm wrapped around her shoulder, keeping her close to me, I stretch my other hand back, leaning my head against it and staring up at the ceiling. The room is black, but after a while, my pupils adjust to the darkness.

Sophia’s pregnant. Holy fuck! If it were anyone else, I probably would’ve been scared shitless and pissed, but knowing that there’s a part of me growing inside her…
Blood shoots to my dick when I feel Sophia’s soft curves pressed against me.

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