Everything He Promises (6 page)

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Authors: Thalia Frost

BOOK: Everything He Promises
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The man didn't move, and I backed away from the window slowly. When I went back a few minutes later, my breath coming in shallow gulps, no one was there.

* * * *

So you're just going to hang out here?” Julie glanced at me where I sat at the kitchen table. She had Joey in hand, ready to go.

Yeah. I'll be fine.”

If you want me to skip—”

No. Don't. You and Joey have fun at the playdate.”

We will. Be back in a few hours with some lunch.” Julie grinned.

Thanks. See you then.”

Tom had left for work hours before and wouldn't be back until late. I tried to hide my jumpiness with a plastered-on smile as my cousin and little Joey left. I watched her Land Rover pull out of the driveway. An emptiness filled me, along with fear.

I padded into the large den, admiring the bookshelves. Pulling down a volume of L. M. Montgomery—Anne of Green Gables seemed nice and safe—I sat on the couch and read. The happy story kept thoughts of Rock at bay for a while.

Until someone knocked on the door.

Dammit.” I sat there, frozen.

Delivery for Ms. Rawlings.”

That would be Julie.

I bit my lip, torn. Standing quietly, I craned my neck to see the kitchen door. Just as I'd decided whoever was there had left—package be damned—the door exploded inward.

* * * *

I screamed and ran for the stairs, not stopping to think. I made it to my bedroom as the voices of a couple men came to me. Pushing the door shut, I locked it and pulled the old fashioned chain. Scrambling for my cell phone, I pressed it on, praying. To put another door between me and whoever was in the house—Lucifer was my guess, whoever that was—I ran into the adjoining bathroom. Luckily, it only had the one entrance, from my room.

I dialed 911 with shaking hands and whispered into the phone. I waited to hear voices as I did so.

We're on the way,” the dispatcher said.

Just then, the phone trilled. I gasped. It was Rock.


Lacey. I'm nearing your cousin's house. I'll be there in three minutes. You're coming with me when I get there.”

Happiness flooded me at his words even as reason warred with the sentiment.

No. You can't. Someone just broke into the house. It's not safe. Please don't come. The police are on the way.” My lip trembled. “I won't lose you, Rock. You almost died when you were shot.”

I'm coming, and no one's going to stop me.”

The phone clicked in my ear as the bedroom door opened with a crack of wood.

Come out, Lacey. We're done with games.”

The man who called himself Lucifer stood there, but it was clear to me who he was now. He didn't bother to disguise his voice. I gripped the sink, knowing he would have the bathroom door open in seconds.

John Weldon.

What I'd feared was true. My heart ached for Rock, even as it skipped in fear for my own life.

Lacey, this door won't keep me from you.” John laughed.

Why are you doing this?” I asked, hoping to stall for time. Only a minute had passed since Rock had hung up. I had no idea who else might be with John either.

You know why. I went to jail for murder. I've waited all this time, and Rock has never repaid me. I'm sick of hoping, Lacey. I decided to take what's mine. I was going to skip out of the company and fall off the map, but Rock checked his own books for once, and I knew it was over. He wouldn't stop until he found out what was going on. I couldn't have that. So, he'll die instead, and I'll keep the money I've stolen. And I'll run the company one day. I'm good at covering my tracks—usually. Money buys that ability.” He laughed, a craven sound.

You won't get away with it.” My voice shook, sounding like a squeak.

Oh but I will.” The door splintered, and I cowered in a corner, wishing I were braver. Scanning the room for a weapon, my gaze fell on a fancy pewter plunger.

It's better than nothing.

I grabbed it and waited, hoping beyond hope that Rock was on his way.

Please God. Keep him safe even if I don't make it.

Time to say your last—”

John Weldon's words were interrupted with a shot. A groan came from another man as another shot rang out.

I sank to the bathroom floor in stunned silence.

Lacey. It's me. You're safe now.  Let's go.”


I forced the door open past the bodies and ran into his arms. “Go where?”

The police are already here. We're going to talk with them and go to California.” Rock kissed my forehead, and I thought I might faint from the unreality.

You...you killed John?” I was shaking so hard I had to cling to him even tighter. I still couldn't believe he was real.

Of course. When I saw what was going on, what other choice did I have? John wouldn't have given me any other out if he'd seen me. I managed to sneak up on him.”

Sirens blared outside. I jumped.

Let's go. I'll talk you through it. I don't anticipate much hassle from them. All I have to do is turn over the books and show them what was going on—that John was stealing from me.” Rock brushed my hair back from my forehead, and I gripped his hand as we walked downstairs.

Thank you. I love you,” I whispered, surprising myself with my bravery.

I love you, too. I'm just glad I made it. Why did you leave me?” We'd reached the bottom floor.

John was going to kill you. I didn't want to, but I wasn't going to cost you your life.” Tears flowed then, and Rock stopped me, holding my hands out and looking into my eyes as he spoke, cops be damned.

Lacey, I don't know if anyone's ever truly loved me like that. Certainly John didn't. He did once, but it all got twisted up somehow. I don't know how he thought we were enemies. I believed I'd given him all I could, and there was so much more I had planned.” Rock's voice broke, and I squeezed his hand.

Don't blame yourself. You can't account for a man who's lost his mind, much as you may have loved him.” I stroked his cheek.

Excuse me, Mr. Weldon.”

Rock smiled at me shakily and turned to the policemen. “We're ready to give statements.”

* * * *

Where to?” Rock asked me, holding my hand at the kitchen table. Julie and her family were due home in a few minutes.

I don't know. I feel lost.” I sighed.

You're not lost. I found you.” He leaned forward, kissing me gently. Then the touch of his lips became something else, a scorching, demanding fire.

Rock.” I breathed his name, my voice shaky as I pulled away.

I know. Everyone will be here soon. I'll behave, I promise...for the next hour or so, anyway. Then I want to whisk you away somewhere. Name the place. Any ideas, lovely?” He gazed into my eyes, and my heart completed a slow flip.

How about California—back home? I guess it's really up to you, though. You're still my employer for the next eleven months. That is, if I didn't breach my contract.” I smiled nervously, unsure of where we stood after all of this. I loved him. He said he loved me, but what did that mean to a man like Rock?

Rock steepled his fingers, studying me. “Not so much. I took a leave of absence from the company to find you. You've probably noticed my phone isn't beeping every second.”

I grinned. “Yeah.” Excitement and nervousness warred inside me.

So, it's up to you. Where would you like to get married, Lacey Pate?”

I sat there for a beat, my mouth hanging open. Then the door burst inward.

Oh my God! I'm so glad you're okay.” Julie ran to me, wrapping me in an embrace.

I'm so, so sorry, Julie.” Tears flowed again.

Don't even think that way.”

Tom nodded at me. “We're just glad you're all right and that you trusted us enough to come here.” He gave Rock a suspicious glance.

Hey, Tom, can you take Joey to the den to play?” Julie asked.

Sure.” Tom and Joey left, the toddler chattering about policemen.

Thanks,” I said, the air thick with unsaid things.

Rock Weldon.” Rock stood in one graceful move and held his hand out to Julie.

She shook it, and I didn't miss her eyes growing larger. “Julie Rawlings. Nice to meet you. So you saved Lacey's life?”

I did, but I'm afraid it was her association with me that endangered her in the first place—and your family. My sincerest apologies for all of this.” He spread his hands.

Apology accepted. All's well that ends well.” Julie laughed nervously.

Thank you for everything.” I hugged her tightly.

What's next for you guys? Can you stay for a late dinner?”

I smiled. “No, but I appreciate the offer. It's time we got out of your hair. Let me go say goodbye to Tom and Joey.”

When I returned, Rock and Julie were deep in conversation.

Ready? Did you bring anything with you?”

I shook my head. “Not really. The clothes on my back and a few other items is about it. Let me grab my purse.”

Rock smiled, and I felt their gazes on me as I climbed the stairs.

I stopped inside the bedroom, catching my breath.

What Rock had said before Julie walked in...did he really mean it?

No way.” But my heart said differently with every nervous bump.

I wish you all the best, Lacey,” Julie said, tears in her eyes.

You too. Thanks again.” I wiped at my cheeks, wondering what Rock had said to her.

Call me, Lacey. Don't make it when you're running from some maniac either.” She laughed lightly.

I won't. I swear. Bye.”

Goodbye, Julie. Thanks again,” Rock said as he opened the door for me.

You take care of her.”

Julie's words rang in my ears. I wasn't dreaming.

We're free to leave the state.”

Before I could respond to that comment, Rob, Rock's driver, came around the side of a limousine.

How did you get here?” I asked stupidly.

Flew in as soon as I knew where Mr. Weldon was heading.” He smiled.

Thank you.” I grabbed his hand, startling him.

Of course. I love working for Mr. Weldon and his friends.”

I could see in his eyes that he meant it.

I'm the lucky one to have you, Rob.” Rock slapped him gently on the shoulder.

Tears gathered in my throat.
I love this man so much.
He's kind and sexy. The wealth is a crazy bonus.

Rob helped us into the limo, and Rock slid my hand into his. “I was serious about you having the choice of where you want to go. I was thinking a small ceremony, but if you want to fly everyone in and have it in a week or so, that's your choice, too. I just don't know if I can wait any longer than that to make you my wife. I came too close to losing you, Lacey.” He traced a circle on the inside of my palm with his thumb, and I shivered, desire running through me.

I closed my eyes, thinking about where I wanted to be with Rock. We could go anywhere in the country.

Honestly, I'd like to go back to your place and get married tomorrow—just the two of us. We can do something bigger later on.” I spoke hesitantly, still wanting to pinch myself.

My place, huh?” He gazed at me, his eyes sparkling with surprise in the darkness of the car.

Yes, because that's where this all began,” I whispered.

He pulled me into his arms then, just where I wanted to be. Rock sprinkled kisses down my neck, and I finally noticed how slowly we were driving.

To the airport, Rob. We're heading home.”

* * * *

Rock's jet was a familiar and welcome sight.

What? No Nadia?” I teased him as we boarded a little while later.

No. She's gone. I don't want anything to upset you—past or present. God knows I already have enough to atone for.” A sad note crept into his voice.

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