Read Everything Between Us Online

Authors: Mila Ferrera

Tags: #Grad School Romance, #psychology romance, #College romance, #art, #Graduate School Romance, #New Adult College Romance, #College Sexy, #Romance, #art school, #art romance, #Contemporary romance, #mental illness romance, #Psych Romance, #New Adult Sexy, #New Adult, #New Adult Contemporary Romance, #New Adult Graduate School Romance

Everything Between Us (35 page)

BOOK: Everything Between Us
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Jude squeezes my arm. “Why didn’t you tell me this place was full of hotties?” he hisses in my ear.

I look up and see that he’s talking about a guy in one of the stalls across the room, who’s stretching a canvas over a huge frame. The muscles of his arms stand out as he uses pliers to pull the canvas tight, and his blond hair falls over his forehead as he staples the fabric into place. A tribal tattoo winds up his neck from beneath his shirt. Jude stares at him with rapt interest, and I roll my eyes. “How would Eric feel if he saw you now?”

Jude gives me this are-you-kidding look. “He’d be appreciating the view right along with me, darling. We don’t do jealous.”

“Whatever,” I mutter right as the blond guy raises his head and realizes he has an audience. He looks me up and down, and then a seductive smile brightens his face.

As the blond sets his stuff down and brushes his palms on his cargo pants, Jude lets out this little giggle. “He’s coming over here! Shall I leave you two alone?”

My eyes go wide. “No!” I say, laughing. “If you leave my side, you can forget me helping you study.”

He holds up his hands. “It was only a suggestion!”

“You moving in?” the blond guy asks as he walks toward us, his focus on me.

“What?” I ask.

He nods toward the empty stall next to his and then down at my toolbox. “Are you taking the space?”

“Oh. No. We were taking a class downstairs and came up here to take a look.”

His blue eyes flash playfully. “See anything you like?”

“Maybe,” Jude says, and his tone is so heated that the blond guy’s smile falters. But then he offers his hand.

“Daniel. I teach classes here, too. Lots of us do. A good way to help pay for the space we use.”

We introduce ourselves, and Jude and Daniel get to talking about the cost of renting the space. Jude is obviously attracted to this guy, but Daniel’s gaze keeps sliding over to me. He’s cute, but again, I’m not really … available. I wander over to one of the studios in the back of the room. There’s a spotted drop cloth on the floor and a table cluttered with oils, brushes, and jars of all sorts of oil mediums. There’s a metal canister of turpentine on the floor, along with an open toolbox containing scissors, a staple gun, a t-square, and a measuring tape. A roll of canvas and several narrow pieces of lumber are leaning against the flimsy metal wall. This particular artist is a do-it-yourself type and stretches his own canvas. Builds his own frames, too, by the look of it. There’s a stack of completed paintings against the wall, and I slip over and take a peek.

Each one feels like a punch in the chest. Many of them are dark, but not all of them. One is a close-up of a girl in profile, what someone would see if he were standing behind her shoulder, looking down. She looks so vulnerable, staring at the ground. But the way the artist has rendered her is harsh, using reds and greens to contour her face in bold smears and strokes. Somehow, it all comes together, but the impression is brutal, dangerous. I flip to the next painting, and it’s in a similar unforgiving style. Another close-up, this one a profile of a boy standing before a closed door. That’s it, a very simple composition, but it’s like the artist has peeled away the bland outer layer and exposed the raw, pulsing mess underneath. The colors are all off, sick, like there’s a wash of dread over the whole thing, making the boy’s skin pale green and sallow yellow, his eyes solid black with faint red streaks through them. I shuffle my feet. My heart thumps unsteadily. These paintings are one part accusation, one part caress. I don’t know how to understand them, but I can’t stop staring.

At the back of the studio is a huge primed canvas, five by five at least, with a thin layer of gray wash on it. The artist has begun to paint over it, thick smears of paint applied with a palette knife instead of a brush. It’s so intense that I’m drawn forward, needing to see it beneath the light. I flip on the overhead lamp and lean in, admiring the thin threads of yellow and red and purple in the blackish-blue squares of paint. And right through all that inky midnight is a deep red gash, a harsh V carved into the overwhelming darkness, revealing how artist has taken the time to build the layers, each one with a different dominant color.  It’s both inviting and repellant, despair trying to devour a hope that won’t die. It looks edible and painful and I want to touch it but am afraid I’d sink in and get lost.

“You shouldn’t really be in there.”

I gasp at the sound of Caleb’s voice and spin around. He’s leaning against the steel wall of the studio, his wolf-gray eyes on mine. “Some of these guys are really possessive about their space, but they’re okay unless you actually invade it.” He looks pointedly at the painting and then at my fingers, which are hovering only a foot from the canvas.

I yank my hand back and jam it in the pocket of my pants, then skip over a few discarded brushes and tubes of paint, joining him outside the stall. “Sorry. I was fascinated by those paintings. That one in particular.”

He grimaces as he looks at it. “Why? It’s ugly.”

I shrug. “I know, but it’s also kind of hypnotic. I love that style, the way the artist used the palette knife instead of a brush. It’s so sculptural.”

His eyes narrow as he looks me over. “Yeah, but there’s no subtlety to it.”

“Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the artist wants to push this in the viewer’s face. Maybe he wants to share that pain.”

“How do you know the artist is a guy?”

I swallow and look back at the painting. There’s a barely restrained violence to those paintings that feels very masculine to me. “I guess I don’t. That was only my first impression.”

Caleb crosses his arms over his chest. “The guy’s a hack.”

My mouth drops open. “I think he’s really talented. How can you talk about one of your colleagues like that?”

“Well, we’re pretty close,” he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I know him well.”

“What, is he your boyfriend or something?” I hope he’s not. Because if Caleb’s talking like this about someone he’s supposed to love … that’s how Alex used to talk to
. The last thing I want to do is be around a guy who thinks like that.

I’m mentally quitting Caleb’s class when he puts his hands up and laughs. “No, definitely not my boyfriend. First, I’m straight, and second, I’m single.” He’s looking at me in this funny way. “Seriously, you don’t have to defend this guy.” He waves his hand at the painting. “He’s going to chuck this and start over anyway.”

“Why?” I ask, forgetting to be mad for a moment as I look with longing at the painting.

Daniel walks up and slaps Caleb on the back. He gestures toward the canvas. “It’s lookin’ good, bro. You’re onto something.”

Caleb gives me a sidelong glance and grins, showing off his white teeth as realization strikes me between the eyes. “Nah. I think I can do better.”




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Table of Contents


Chapter One: Daniel

Chapter Two: Stella

Chapter Three: Daniel

Chapter Four: Stella

Chapter Five: Daniel

Chapter Six: Stella

Chapter Seven: Daniel

Chapter Eight: Stella

Chapter Nine: Daniel

Chapter Ten: Stella

Chapter Eleven: Daniel

Chapter Twelve: Stella

Chapter Thirteen: Daniel

Chapter Fourteen: Stella

Chapter Fifteen: Daniel

Chapter Sixteen: Stella

Chapter Seventeen: Daniel

Chapter Eighteen: Stella

Chapter Nineteen: Daniel

Chapter Twenty: Stella

Chapter Twenty-one: Daniel

Chapter Twenty-two: Stella

Chapter Twenty-three: Daniel

Chapter Twenty-four: Stella

Chapter Twenty-five: Daniel

Chapter Twenty-six: Stella

Chapter Twenty-seven: Daniel



Here’s a sneak peek at ONLY BETWEEN US, available now on Kindle!

Chapter One: Romy

BOOK: Everything Between Us
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