Everyone has a Weak spot (9 page)

BOOK: Everyone has a Weak spot
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He was pretty sure she was up. She had opened the glass panel at the top of her corner window that allowed airflow. He could hear little noises now and then.

War couldn't fight it any more. He needed her. He needed to be inside of her right now, sooner if it could be arranged. He wouldn't let his werewolf out but he needed—NEEDED—to mate with his woman.

He let himself in at the bottom of her stairs and locked the door after himself. He would have to see about that lock soon. He let himself in the studio door and locked that, too.

As he moved into Lorelei's apartment, he scraped one shoe off and then the other, barely slowing down. His socks followed in the same fashion. Thirty seconds later, he stood in front of her as her head came through the top of her large tee shirt.

When she let out an “Oh” of surprise, he moved his lips over hers and kissed her deeply. He stroked her tongue with his own, enjoying the feel of her soft mouth under his.

Of their own accord, her arms moved up his chest to his shoulders. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt while he drank from her pliant lips. He urged her backward until her thighs bumped the edge of the bed.

War fastened his intent blue gaze on her green eyes and reached for her arms. Taking her hands, he moved them to his heavy belt so she could unfasten it. Still holding her hands, he guided them to the button and zipper on his pants. He held her hands in his, watching her face as, together, they pushed his pants and boxers off of his hips. Naked, he wrapped his arms around her and guided her on to the bed.

* * * *

Still dressed in her nightshirt, Lorelei sat on his lap with his arms around her. Neither said a word but carefully watched the other's eyes. He had to know how nervous she was.

She'd let him know that she had never been with a man, but she wanted him. She wanted this, too. She shouldn't, she knew she shouldn't, but this was the man she wanted. If she was captured, she'd imagine that every man they forced on her was this man.

He lowered his mouth to hers again and began to nibble on her lips. He nipped her lower lip, then her upper lip, and then smoothed his tongue across them.

With a growl, he plunged his tongue into her mouth and moved it hungrily over hers. He explored every inch of her mouth as she clung to him, overwhelmed.

He rolled and pressed her shoulders against the bed never breaking their kiss. He tugged at the hem of her large tee shirt and pulled it up so that he could find her naked breasts with his hands.

He pulled the shirt over her head and lowered his mouth to her nipple. He swirled his tongue all around it and sucked her entire small breast into his mouth.

Lorelei had never felt anything like this. She moaned and called out his name, “Please, Warrick, please!"

“Please what,
” he demanded.

“I don't know!” she cried. He was creating feelings in her that she hadn't known existed. He moved his mouth to her other breast and sucked it in completely. One of his large hands covered her other breast, while his free hand moved down her ribs to her flat tummy and rested on her hip.

As she tossed and turned, his hand moved to trace the elastic at her hip and thigh. He moved his fingers lightly over her panties, teasing her sex. She could feel her body sending hot moisture down between her legs.

Slowly he began to trail his tongue down the path his hand had traveled. He licked and kissed over her ribs, around her belly button and down. Suddenly he froze.

He gripped her narrow hips in his large hands and stared at her flat abdomen. He arched an eyebrow and looked up at her. He looked down again and back up at her. She was taking deep breaths when she realized what had garnered his attention. She was already pink with arousal but now she was rosy with embarrassment.

He stared at the likeness of a narrow-eyed duck wearing a purple double-breasted coat, purple cape, purple mask and purple fedora that was drawn on her panties. He traced the outline of the duck with his finger. She had risen to her elbows to look at him. With his eyebrow still wickedly arched, his lips began to twitch. He moved his tracing finger to a point just below the duck and above her mons. He began to move his finger back and forth over the words printed there.

“Let's get—
?” he read and asked at the same time, still fighting to control his smile.

She expelled a deep sigh and dropped to her back against the mattress. “Whenever there's trouble,” she intoned, “you call DW."

He lowered his laughing face to her abdomen and slowly began to ease the panties over her hips.

“Those are truly words for you to live by,
” he chuckled as he kissed the parts of her tummy and hips newly uncovered. “We gonna talk more about that later. Much later."

He drew the panties off of her hips and down her legs. His lips and tongue followed their sinful path. He separated the tangle of burnished curls between her legs and began tracing her labia with his tongue. He tasted her, drawing his tongue along her outer lips until her juices flowed into his mouth.

She whimpered and bucked her hips beneath him. He drew her clit into his mouth, sucking on the engorged nub. She cried out, parting her legs wider and he lowered his mouth and slid his tongue down her cleft. She clutched his hair and cried out his name tossing her head on the pillow. He inserted one finger into her tight passage and she experienced her second ever in-person orgasm.

Slowly he eased himself back up her body, still keeping his finger moving inside of her. He kissed her mouth over and over while he replaced his finger with the head of his cock. Lorelei whimpered, unsure of this new, fuller feeling and knowing there would be pain.

“Shhh, baby, it's all right. It may hurt for a second but I'll make it feel
trés, trés bon,"
he soothed. “Trust me,
I'll take care of you."

He began to rub her sensitive nub while moving the head of his cock in and out of her passage just a little deeper each time, until she was moaning. Her body was creaming, and she writhed under him.

All at once, he thrust into her, a long, deep stroke that left him gasping for breath. A growl rumbled from him while a scream ripped through her. He caught it with his mouth. A few tears of pain dripped out of her eyes, and he kissed them away as he began to pump slowly in and out of her.

Lorelei thought she would die of the pain when he plunged into her. She could barely catch her breath. Then he started to move, and she knew she would die. She wouldn't die of pain, the pleasure was killing her.

She was inundated with the new sensations he was making her feel. She moved her hands up and down his back and wrapped her legs around his thighs trying to bring him closer.

“Warrick,” she gasped, “I like this. I like it, Warrick. Keep—keep doing this.” She could barely speak, but she wanted him to know. He didn't hold back his deep growl. He snarled and closed his teeth lightly over the muscle between neck and shoulder. He licked and nipped her skin as her sheath closed around him and squeezed him tight.

She dug her heels into his rear trying to press him deeper inside her. She bit at his shoulder and tried to move with him. As her vaginal muscles began to clench, he continued to thrust into her.

Her shuddering climax triggered his. Her screams and his roars combined as he crushed her to him and pounded his semen into her. She melted against him with her face buried against his neck and her nails gripping his shoulders.

“Lorelei, sugar!
Are you okay?” She opened one eye and closed it again. She expelled a deep breath. She opened both eyes.

“Was that normal?” she asked.

He chuckled at her.

“I only know it was exquisite,” he breathed. “You have given me a priceless gift,
” he whispered, kissing her. “I treasure the gift, and the giver."

She was touched by his words. Suddenly, she felt very emotional. Try as she might, she couldn't hold back the few stray tears that escaped. War licked the tears from her eyes and snuggled her against him. Almost immediately, he was asleep. Lorelei lay awake for long hours. She dropped off to sleep just before sunup.

Chapter 12

Renaud stood looking at the beautiful lupine sitting near him. He wasn't sure what he was going to do about her, but she was turning into a real problem. He sighed heavily.

When he'd left the dance school, he'd avoided Zierra, driving into the woods near his uncle's house. Parking his truck at the end of a dirt track, he'd walked back into the woods on foot. When he returned to his truck, Zierra was waiting there for him.

She'd brought a bottle of wine, a picnic lunch, and a blanket. Saying little, he'd listened to her chatter for a while. He ate some of the food she brought since it took the edge off of listening to her never-ending narration.

He was sighing now, because she had begun to talk about their relationship. Renaud had to put a stop to that right now.

“Zierra, we are
a couple. You are
my mate, and we do
have a future. So quit planning it,” he growled.

“You don't have to be so m-mean,” she sniffed. “You know I'm in love with you."

“I know you're in love with
, Zierra,” he rolled his eyes. “You only want me because I don't fall all over you. Maybe, if you ever grow up, you could grow into my mate, but I doubt it. That's not mean, that's honest."

Renaud had decided not to pull any more punches with Zierra. There were things he admired about her, and he did care for her. No way did he want to wake up next to her for the rest of his life, though.
I don't want to think about how long the rest of my life might or might not be.

He was leaning against the side of his truck, having finished eating. Zierra had been sitting on the tailgate, but now she was walking toward him.

He looked her over thoroughly. She was wearing a tight, stretchy skirt, a cotton top that was tied at the waist and held closed by maybe one button between her breasts. She wore no stockings and her bare feet were encased in stiletto sandals.

As she pressed her body against his, his cock leaped to attention.

“Renaud, be nice to me, I really want to be with you,” she whispered into his neck. She ran her lacquered nails up and down his cotton-covered back. He pushed her away from him.

“If you want me to fuck you, little girl, you're going about it the right way. If you want anything else, put your ass in that car and leave now,” he snarled at her.

“Renaud, please...” she whispered again, looking into his face.

He kept his hands rigidly at his sides and glared at her. Watching her closely, he saw her chest rise and fall as she took a deep breath. Evidently, she'd come to some kind of decision.

As Renaud kept his steady gaze fixed on her, Zierra unbuttoned the single button between her breasts. She untied the knot at the waist and shrugged the blouse from her shoulders. Since she wasn't wearing a bra, her generous breasts bounced free. Looping both thumbs in the waist of her skirt, she began to ease it down when Renaud stopped her.

He grabbed both wrists and held her still. Leaning forward from the waist, he moved his nose in between her breasts and inhaled deeply. Satisfied, he let go of her wrists and straightened.

Zierra stood pouting for a minute. Renaud was sure that she was mad, because he'd checked to be sure that she wasn't in heat.
Too bad

she isn't going to trap me into fathering her pups. I have enough to deal with.

Apparently, Zierra decided to take what she could get. She lowered the skirt past her hips and stepped out of it. She wasn't wearing panties either. She walked up to Renaud and placed her hand on his erection, rubbing him.

“Do you want me, Renaud?” she purred.

“How do you want it, Zierra? Bent over the bed of my truck or on your knees in the dirt?"

He still didn't intend to pull any punches. If she was going to come on to him acting like a lupine whore, he wasn't going to dress it up. He was hard and hungry, and he needed to fuck. Clearly, so did she.

“Both,” she purred.

Good, no more games.
Renaud tugged her to the side of the truck and turned her to face it with her back to him.

“Hold on and don't let go,” he gritted.

He stepped up behind her and ran his hand up her thighs, cupping her bare bottom. He pulled her a few steps away from the truck and made sure her arms were braced on the tall side of the bed. He slid his had between her legs and found her wet.

Quickly, he jerked his zipper down and pushed his jeans and shorts off his hips. He brought his knob to her opening and stroked her with it once.

“This what you want?” he growled.

“Yes. Oh yes, Renaud” she groaned.

With no further preliminaries, Renaud plunged his aching cock into her waiting sheath. He buried himself to the hilt and began to thrust. Zierra began to moan, loudly.

“You like that? You like me to use you this way?"

“Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped.

Renaud continued to thrust savagely into her, reaching around to rub her clit. She screamed and began to shatter, moaning and gasping her climax. Renaud snarled a warning at her, when she would have dropped to the ground.

After a few more powerful thrusts, he emptied himself into her. He supported her a moment and then stepped away.

She turned as he reached for his boxers and jeans. “Wait,” she cried out.

“What?” he paused.

“You're still hard,” she observed.

“So?” He still hadn't pulled his clothes back up.

“Renaud? Would you...” She took a deep breath.

Renaud arched a brow at her. He wasn't going to make it easy.

“I want to do it again,” she finally told him.

“Do what again?” he looked fixedly at her. She reached out and touched his still rigid erection.

“Make...” he began to pull his pants up. “I mean, fuck. I want to ... I want you to fuck me again, Renaud."

He stood unmoving. “Since you asked so nicely,” he gave her a half smile.

“Would you take your clothes off, Renaud?” she asked. He shrugged.

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