Everlost (The Night Watchmen Series Book 3) (17 page)

BOOK: Everlost (The Night Watchmen Series Book 3)
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“He used your ability, correct?”

I nod.

She looks back down at him. “He’s absorbed too much energy. His body had to shut down to prevent him from hurting himself.” She looks up at me again, resolution in her eyes. “Because, like his father, he wouldn’t have stopped fighting. No matter what. Not even if it meant killing himself in the process.”

I can taste the tension in the air as every eye is pinned on Evangeline and me. Everyone waiting for the go-ahead to take her out.

“What can we do to help him, Mother?” Gavin says, moving over to us. He has his hands out, telling everyone to back up. Back off.

Gasps sound all around us as one by one, the rest of the newcomers put the pieces together about who she is and why she’s here.

She looks up at Gavin, her face giving nothing away. “I can help him with my magic, but I need something from you in return,” she says, turning to stand and face the rest.

I can’t swallow what she just said. Can’t make sense of her words.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jonathon says heatedly. “You’re going to bargain with your son’s life?”

She doesn’t pay any mind to him. Doesn’t cower to the magic and power sizzling all around her, vibrating with a need to take her down. She’s only speaking to Gavin and me. “I need you to let my pack stay here. We can help you. We want to help you. But we need this in return.”

“Hell no,” Chett says, trying to push his way past Jonathon to get to her. He’s all biceps and misplaced anger, itching for a fight. “There’s no way I’m letting those butt-sniffing assholes live here.”

“Letting?” Gavin says, bowing his chest out. “Since when did you have permission to let anyone do anything here? Last I checked, you were on my turf, dipshit.”

Evangeline takes a step forward, eyes locking on Chett. “Carter, isn’t it? The Witch-hating family?”

Chett’s callous demeanor vanishes like a plume of smoke.

“The very same family that is responsible for Harper’s turn.”

His mouth opens and shuts in shock. I didn’t think the shade of white residing on Chett’s face existed. He’s shaking his head, stumbling over the thoughts crammed in his mouth, and I’m trying to figure out who she’s talking about. “I-I never… I didn’t have anything to do with that.”

“No?” Evangeline says, her eyes glowing a startling shade of yellow now. She stalks toward him like a predator, like a wolf hiding amongst the trees. “Maybe not. But even so, a Carter is a Carter, and I have no problem taking any of them out.”

“Faye,” Katie calls from next to Chett. “You’re not going to let her say this, are you?” Her eyes are asking me to back her up, but how can I when I need Evangeline to help Jaxen?

Evangeline’s eyes flick over at Katie. “This has nothing to do with you. What you know about your partner is only what he wants you to know. Keep that in mind.” Katie opens her mouth to respond, but Evangeline has already turned her focus back on Chett and says, “I could give you that benefit of the doubt if you’ll have the decency to explain to your partner the truth about all that your family has done. And if you’ll explain to Harper exactly why she was turned.”

Chett backs up even further before bumping into one of the fence posts surrounding the herb garden. “Wait… you—you know Harper?”

The smile that curves the length of Evangeline’s thin lips is almost unsettling. It’s filled with plots of revenge and secrets untold. “She’s one of my own, Carter. My pack—” She turns and her hand sweeps in the general direction of her ragtag group hidden somewhere within the forest before continuing. “—is made purely of Primevals robbed of their former lives as Watchmen and tossed to the curb like garbage. I’m asking that you look past something as petty as appearances, and remember who we were before it all was forcibly taken from us,” she says, looking directly at Weldon now, “and let us help you. Let me help my son. None of us can do this on our own.”

Her body is rigid, eyes flickering over to Jaxen’s still form every few seconds as she waits for an answer. I can almost see how desperately she wants to go to him. How hard it is for her to stand still as her fists clench at her sides, and somehow, I know deep down that this isn’t an easy thing for her… offering this kind of demand. This kind of weak bargain that is all she has left to work with.

But she’s done it anyway because she’s an alpha. She’s a leader, responsible, just like I am, and if the shoes were switched, I’d do anything and everything to protect those I loved.

I look up at Gavin, Mack, Jonathon, and everyone else as fear snakes around my limbs and constricts. Hatred and misunderstanding has poisoned their minds. Stereotypes meant to snuff out what we aren’t familiar with has grown arms and legs and decided to stand for us all, and I can’t let that happen. Not when I’ve come to know a demon who I’d trust my life with, and only just saved a freshly born vampire who I’d do anything for to help get him through this trying time.

“Okay,” Gavin says without hesitation, and relief rushes out of me.

“Gavin!” Cassie hisses. “We should think this through first. We don’t know that we can trust her.” She leans into him and says on a low voice, “She left you.”

He looks at her. “I was there for it, Cass. I think I can remember. She can help Jaxen. Need I say more?” He turns to everyone else. “This isn’t up for discussion. This is my house. My decision. If you don’t like it, leave. No one is making you stay.”

Cassie’s lips form into a scowl.

Everyone else looks caught. Like they’ve been backed into a corner they know they can’t escape.

No one can leave, and he knows this.

“I guess we don’t have much of a choice then,” Jonathon says, walking over to the others in the Rebellion. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry before. Fumes practically escape from his ears. He puts an arm around Katie, who’s staring at the grass, refusing to look in our direction.

I see the pink scar, still fresh on her face, and I suddenly feel like the world’s biggest jerk.

Evangeline smiles at Gavin, and then turns to face the woods. Her head tilts back, and a howl erupts past her lips, calling to them.

One by one, they appear, though this time, in their human forms. They make their way toward the house, some with hesitation in their steps, others with smirks.

But what stops everyone in their tracks is Sterling. He’s moving past us, hobbling down the steps two at a time. One of the women moves through the pack, running across the yard toward him.

The dark wolf.

“Ava?” Sterling says as they stop, inches away from each other.

She runs her hand down his cheek, and it’s then that I realize who she is.

His wife. The one bitten. The one he lost.




He directs like a true commander, asking everyone to help move those who aren’t capable of walking by themselves into the house. Sofas are shoved out of the way as the library is turned into a makeshift hospital ward. Cassie’s given the task to prepare the rooms for all our new guests. After Jezi grants Evangeline’s pack entry to our home, she takes to the herb garden with Evangeline, gathering what little supplies we have for the many deep healing spells needed. Evangeline assures us that what we don’t have, we can find within the forest.

I turn and find that devastation has decided to camp outside our house. The grass is tie-dyed in different shades of red. Deep maroons and bright crimsons puddle in different spots where bodies once lay, and I feel like my brain and my lungs have been packed with wool. Like a blizzard has taken up residence in my bones.

I blink, hoping that maybe my eyes are just fuzzy. Maybe I was just asleep and had this awful dream, but when my eyes open and the sounds of sorrow crawl into my ears and settle deep in my heart, I know that this is real.

Clara left her mark.

I turn back to Jaxen. Hold his hand as I overhear Gavin making a deal with Mack and Jonathon to keep the wolves as far away from everyone else as possible until an understanding can be reached and agreed upon by all parties involved. For now, they’ll stay in the small house behind the manor, which he explains was built as a guesthouse.

It seems for now, survival has overshadowed prejudice.


I look up, trying to see past the daze.

“Let’s get him inside,” Weldon says, lightly touching my shoulder.

Inside. Right.

My mind shifts gears, moving into autopilot, and then I help Weldon lift Jaxen into the air, using my volation to strengthen my grip. Footsteps and angry words have filled our once-quiet house. Cries of pain and sadness have replaced any hope for laughter, and my heart aches in my throat.

We take the stairs as quickly and quietly as we can, and then head down the hall to my room. No words are spoken between us as we lay him down as if he were made of the finest porcelain. Weldon drags a shaky hand through his hair. Stares at Jaxen for a moment with eyebrows drawn together.

“I’m going to help the others,” he says without looking at me. Fatigue has nestled in his words. I nod, and then he turns and leaves.

I watch Jaxen, unmoving, and think that my knees could be made of toothpicks. My heart could be filled with shattered glass. I find my place next to him on the bed, nearly collapsing from the heavy load this day has brought. From the overwhelming need to find some way to undo all the wrong that has happened in the last couple of hours.

Sterling. The members of the Rebellion. Jaxen. Katie…

I want to ask life why? Why there can never be peace? Why there are people in this world who want to hurt other people? Why does pain have to hurt so unbelievably much?

But I don’t, because there is no reason. No answer that would make me understand, because life just is.

I’m aware of Katie and Jezi, and many others passing through, but I don’t register what they say to me. I just hold Jaxen’s hand, waiting for his mother to return and keep her promise. Waiting for a miracle to finally exist.

The sun glares against my back midway through the window by the time Evangeline makes her way into the room. I don’t have to open my eyes to know it’s her. The energy surrounding her is powerful. Almost loud.

She takes a seat on the other side of the bed and sets a small bowl filled with steaming liquid down on the nightstand.

“What is that?” I ask, sitting up against the headboard. Feeling like air hoses have been plugged into my sides, filling and expanding my lungs with air.

“It’s a special brew that will help his mind wake.” She slides her free hand under his head, ever so carefully, and lifts, bringing the bowl to his lips. Once his lips part, she slowly tips the bowl, allowing the brew to slip through his mouth and down his throat. Little by little, his Adam’s apple begins to bob as he drinks.

When she’s confident he’s had enough, she rests his head back down on the pillow and looks up at me. Pain fills the small lines around her face. Sorrow has formed pools in her eyes. “Primevals have a special ability in them that keeps their minds intact when severe harm has been done to their bodies,” she says, her poised voice breaking the silence. “It releases like adrenaline, and it keeps others from entering their mind and tampering with things they shouldn’t be tampering with. I think this is what has happened to Jaxen and, if so, then I know he’ll be okay. This brew will expel the toxins in his bloodstream and allow him to wake.”

I squeeze Jaxen’s hand, feeling like for the first time today, I can finally breathe. “Thank you,” I say, letting out a huge sigh.

The corner of her mouth lifts. “I trust you’ll take good care of him?”

“Of course.”

“Faye, right?”

I nod.

“It’s nice to meet you.” She sets the bowl down on the table and offers a hand to me. I take it, and it’s the first time since all this commotion has begun that I’ve allowed myself to really be in the moment. This is Jaxen’s mom. The woman who gave him life. The woman who left him behind. And I’m sitting here, holding his stilled hand and her hand, really meeting her for the first time.

I never imagined our first official greeting to be under these circumstances, though I can honestly say I’ve never really imaged it at all.

I wish I had prepared myself for this moment. Prepared the right words that I could serve to her so I could feel confident that she approves of me, but life gets its entertainment in watching me trip over myself.

She inhales and lets go, palms flat against her thighs. “I’m glad he found you, Faye,” she says, and I think she really means it.

I think a flock of fluttering birds has taken up residence in my stomach. And that my mind has kidnapped my tongue.

She stands. Grabs the bowl. “Anyway, please, let me know when he wakes. I must attend the rest of the injured.”

She’s heading for the door, and I realize I haven’t said a word. Not a single thing, and my cheeks bloom roses. My ears heat up. I want to shed this skin until I’m someone else. Someone filled with words and a voice, and a reliable train of thought.

My words trample over one another as they race to be first out of my mouth. “I can help out if you need me.”

She stops and turns. Smiles a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Just like Jaxen. “There isn’t much left to do but wait. You girls did good with the protective barrier. It will hold for now. Everyone else just needs rest.”

“Okay,” I say, partly sad, but mostly relieved.

The door shuts behind her, and I turn back to him. Lean down and kiss his forehead. “Why did you have to be so brave?” I ask, knowing he won’t answer. Knowing I don’t need an answer, because it would be the same as mine.

Because Sterling needed him. Because we’re Hunters. Because we don’t leave a man behind, and because we don’t quit.

We survive.

I lay back and curl up to his side, tucking my face inside the hollow of his neck and shoulder, listening to the quiet sounds of his heart. He still smells like him… like warm, rich leather and earthy electricity, but his skin is so alarmingly cold. My insides riot against my forced strength, and the walls I’ve carefully stood upon finally crumble. The pain, sadness, and longing are too much for me to fight against.

Tears carve rivers down my cheeks as I silently weep. I cry for Jaxen. For those injured below. I cry for the wolves turned against their will and shoved to the curb, for Sterling’s bravery and strength constantly being tested. For Mack and his mistakes. For Katie and her partner who was raised by hate. For the many more who will die because of this fight. Because of Clara.

I just… I just cry.

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