Evergreen (Mer Tales, Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Evergreen (Mer Tales, Book 2)
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Maybe once we returned, we could have a cottage built for the new Mr. and Mrs. Helton. Then Tatchi and I could go to the local college, and work for our parents on the dock. We’d be secret mer sisters-in-law in hiding and guard the gate for Galadriel. I could already imagine the wedding now—Lucy, Tatchi, Georgia, and Galadriel, all in evergreen dresses to compliment the everblue of Tahoe. At least I could hope.

Maybe our dreams would come true after all.

Fin’s eyes softened as he touched my face. “You accompanying me to my city as my promised mate is the greatest compliment you could ever give me. Do you know that?”

“No,” I said with a bashful smile.

We looked into one another’s eyes before our lips crashed into one another’s once again. I knew I’d never get tired of his kisses.

He hugged me tight. “Happy Birthday, Ash.”

I laughed. “I guess it is. And your love is the best present ever.”

He held my hand as we walked to the edge of the dock. I curled my toes over the wood and looked down. Last time we where here, he was proposing and had to leave me. Now, we were leaving together. So ironic.

He smiled at me, warm and loving as always, as if the kiss with his uncle never happened.

“Let’s go save your kingdom, Princess.”

I smiled back. “Yes, let’s.”

We dove in together and as my green fin sprouted out from my hips, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he loved me and we’d never be apart again.

Stay tuned for the next adventure in Everlost, Book #3 of Mer Tales, coming February 2013.


I can’t believe this is my fifth published book in two years. Wow! I thank God for all His mighty blessings with everything. I also couldn’t have done this without the support network of family, friends, fellow authors, and fans—I love you all! Second, I thank my ever-patient husband, Mike. You’re my soul mate and give me the precious experience of the mer promise everyday by how you love me and our boys. Your encouragement helps me continue to trudge on. To Savannah and Darci, my second family, for your help day after day with my buddies, and listening to my craziness when I spaz on your couch. I’m so glad my kids love your family as much as I do. To the fab duo of Lisa Langdale and author Lisa Sanchez, for sticking with me. Your love for my characters and their drama is endearing. To author Kristie Cook (and Chrissi), I virtually “accost” you both with a million bazillion more hugs. Thanks for dealing with my whining and my insane deadlines. You’re both a treasure in my life. Congrats on 100K. I’m next!

To Mom and Dad, for your example of what true love is and encouraging me every step of my journey. For Jana, Ryan, Jenni, Nate, and Samantha: for the support only family can give, caring about my dreams and cheering me on. For my friends and girls in MOPS, for your friendship while I balance life, motherhood, and writing. To Donna Wright and Lori Moreland, for finding most (smile) of my mistakes and enduring those pet peeve words. To Rhonda Helton (my #1 fan) and Tracy Lanski (my birthday twin) for letting me use your last names. To Jaime and Valia for volunteering to beta and cheering me past the finish line.

To Yara from Once Upon a Twilight, for hosting my book tour and for continually promoting my work. To Jessica from Confessions of a Bookaholic, Jena at Shortie Says, and all the other book bloggers: my books wouldn’t see the light of day without your endless enthusiasm and promotion as fabulous wordsmithers, tweetaholics, booklovers, and networkers.

And to you, my dear readers, for your emails, tweets, Facebook posts, and letters. Your enthusiasm for all my books and especially this release has been amazing. I hope you enjoy Evergreen as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

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About the Author

Brenda Pandos
lives in California with her husband and two boys. She attempts to balance her busy life filled with writing, being a mother and wife, helping at her church and spending time with friends and family.


Working formerly as an I.T. Administrator, she never believed her imagination would be put to good use. After her son was diagnosed with an autism spectrum her life completely changed. Writing fantasy became something she could do at home while tending to the new needs of her children, household, and herself.


You can find out more about her writing challenges and discoveries on her blog at brendapandos.blogspot.com.



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